IRC log of rdfa on 2008-03-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:09:57 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rdfa
- 13:09:58 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:10:02 [Steven]
- zakim, list
- 13:10:02 [Zakim]
- I see Team_Global(review)8:00AM, UW_UWA()9:00AM active
- 13:10:03 [Zakim]
- also scheduled at this time is W3C_(W3F_TF)8:00AM
- 13:10:20 [Steven]
- zakim, this will be rdfa
- 13:10:20 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Steven
- 13:10:35 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 14:03:09 [Steven]
- zakim, this will be rdfa
- 14:03:09 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; I see SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM scheduled to start in 57 minutes
- 14:19:45 [Ralph]
- Ralph has joined #rdfa
- 14:42:03 [Steven]
- Steven has joined #rdfa
- 14:56:30 [ShaneM]
- ShaneM has joined #rdfa
- 14:58:12 [msporny]
- msporny has joined #rdfa
- 14:59:03 [ShaneM]
- zakim, code
- 14:59:03 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'code', ShaneM
- 14:59:09 [ShaneM]
- zakim, what is the code
- 14:59:09 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'what is the code', ShaneM
- 14:59:31 [markbirbeck]
- markbirbeck has joined #rdfa
- 14:59:31 [ShaneM]
- why oh why can I never get this stupid thing to tell me what I want?
- 14:59:34 [Ralph]
- zakim, code?
- 14:59:34 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 7332 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Ralph
- 15:00:16 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has now started
- 15:00:23 [Zakim]
- + +1.763.767.aaaa
- 15:00:25 [Zakim]
- +Ralph
- 15:00:25 [ShaneM]
- I see that now. it should be as forgiving as possible imho...
- 15:00:31 [ShaneM]
- zakim, aaa is ShaneM
- 15:00:31 [Zakim]
- sorry, ShaneM, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa'
- 15:00:48 [markbirbeck]
- will be a minute or two.
- 15:00:52 [ShaneM]
- zakim, aaaa is ShaneM
- 15:00:52 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM; got it
- 15:01:09 [Zakim]
- +??P10
- 15:01:30 [msporny]
- zakim, I am ??p10
- 15:01:30 [Zakim]
- +msporny; got it
- 15:03:08 [Ralph]
- Meeting: RDF in XHTML Task Force
- 15:03:34 [Ralph]
- -> previous 2008-03-13
- 15:04:16 [Ralph]
- Agenda:
- 15:04:32 [Zakim]
- +Ben_Adida
- 15:04:35 [benadida]
- benadida has joined #rdfa
- 15:04:43 [Ralph]
- Agenda:
- 15:06:19 [Zakim]
- + +0208761aabb
- 15:06:27 [markbirbeck]
- zakim, i am aabb
- 15:06:27 [Zakim]
- +markbirbeck; got it
- 15:07:43 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 15:07:43 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 15:07:45 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 15:08:12 [Ralph]
- Topic: Action Review
- 15:08:17 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben to update RDFa schedule to include CR [recorded in]
- 15:08:22 [Ralph]
- -- done
- 15:08:36 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Manu to enable EARL output in RDFa Test Harness [recorded in]
- 15:08:38 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 15:08:48 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in]
- 15:08:50 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 15:09:00 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben followup with Fabien on getting his RDFa GRDDL transform transferred to W3C [recorded in]
- 15:09:02 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 15:10:13 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben to respond to issue 87 [recorded in]
- 15:10:15 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 15:10:28 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Manu write a response to Christian Hoertnagl for issue 7 [recorded in]
- 15:10:31 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 15:10:45 [Ralph]
- Manu: I have a draft response
- 15:11:52 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Mark/Shane include issue 89 correction in Changes section [recorded in]
- 15:11:54 [Ralph]
- -- continues
- 15:12:14 [Ralph]
- Shane: I forgot to update the Changes section after making the other correction
- 15:12:42 [Ralph]
- Topic: Media Type / Self-Describing Web
- 15:13:02 [Ralph]
- -> The Self-Describing Web [Steven 2008-03-19]
- 15:13:08 [Ralph]
- Steven: we'd have to re-issue a spec
- 15:13:17 [Ralph]
- ... the current media type spec says we control it
- 15:13:28 [Ralph]
- ... normally media type specifications are issued via IETF as an RFC
- 15:13:36 [Ralph]
- ... so normally a new RFC is issued
- 15:13:47 [Ralph]
- ... the change would be something like "the document may include RDFa"
- 15:13:57 [Ralph]
- ... I think this is almost daft; I don't see why it's necessary
- 15:14:07 [Ralph]
- ... you can scrape loads of metadata out of existing documents
- 15:14:19 [ShaneM]
- The current media type document explicitly includes XHTML family markup languages
- 15:14:26 [Ralph]
- Ben: we haven't changed anything about the media, have we?
- 15:14:33 [Ralph]
- ... did we change something when adding GRDDL?
- 15:14:59 [Ralph]
- Steven: if someone uses our module in another language, are they also going to have to change their media type registration?
- 15:15:29 [Ralph]
- Ben: the main argument seems to be that HTML didn't update when GRDDL became a REC
- 15:15:41 [Ralph]
- ... the claim will be that GRDDL introduced no new attributes
- 15:16:03 [Ralph]
- Shane: our media type application/xml+xhtml is specifically meant to be extended
- 15:16:39 [msporny]
- ack Ralph
- 15:18:30 [ShaneM]
- q+
- 15:18:38 [Steven]
- 15:19:24 [Steven]
- 15:22:12 [Ralph]
- Ralph: is there enough indirection from the mime type registration to the XHTML specification at W3C such that when W3C changes XHTML definition we don't have to change the mime registration?
- 15:22:20 [Ralph]
- Shane: we don't need to do anything
- 15:22:49 [Ralph]
- Ralph: can we update an XML Schema document for XHTML?
- 15:22:53 [Ralph]
- Shane: there isn't one
- 15:22:59 [Ralph]
- ... CR hasn't been approved
- 15:23:06 [Ralph]
- Ralph: is that a process issue?
- 15:23:09 [msporny]
- +1 - in agreement with being able to create new XML documents using XHTML modules
- 15:23:26 [Ralph]
- Ben: given XHTML modularization, one can cobble together a bunch of modules into a new schema
- 15:23:52 [msporny]
- +1 for not updating existing media-type registrations.
- 15:23:53 [Ralph]
- ... that new schema does not require a new media type
- 15:24:04 [Ralph]
- Ralph: we're not being asked to change the media type, but to update the registration
- 15:24:08 [ShaneM]
- q-
- 15:24:09 [Ralph]
- Shane: Ben is exactly right
- 15:24:10 [Steven]
- "With respect to XHTML Modularization [XHTMLMOD] and the existence
- 15:24:10 [Steven]
- of XHTML based languages (referred to as XHTML family members)
- 15:24:10 [Steven]
- that are not XHTML 1.0 conformant languages, it is possible that
- 15:24:10 [Steven]
- 'application/xhtml+xml' may be used to describe some of these
- 15:24:10 [Steven]
- documents. However, it should suffice for now for the purposes of
- 15:24:11 [Steven]
- interoperability that user agents accepting
- 15:24:13 [Steven]
- 'application/xhtml+xml' content use the user agent conformance
- 15:24:15 [Steven]
- rules in [XHTML1]."
- 15:24:32 [Ralph]
- Mark: if TAG would be happy with a link to a GRDDL transform
- 15:24:38 [Ralph]
- ... isn't this apples and pears?
- 15:25:00 [ShaneM]
- I think that the issue is that the TAG wants a way to know that a document contains extractable meta data
- 15:26:58 [ShaneM]
- @version="XHTML+RDFa 1.0"
- 15:27:19 [msporny]
- Shane, is XHTML2 going to do that?
- 15:27:37 [ShaneM]
- XHTML2 is @version="XHTML2 1.0"
- 15:27:46 [ShaneM]
- XHTML+RDFa is the other.
- 15:28:10 [msporny]
- So, are you saying that we do @version="XHTML+RDFa 1.0" in the current RDFa Syntax Document?
- 15:28:26 [ShaneM]
- yes
- 15:28:49 [msporny]
- are you saying that we do that in addition to @profile and the DTD type?
- 15:28:54 [msporny]
- or in place of?
- 15:29:14 [ShaneM]
- oh I dont mind. I was just pointing out that we have this declaration mechanism too. See
- 15:32:17 [Ralph]
- Ben: do we agree the TAG is wrong on the need to update the media type?
- 15:32:17 [ShaneM]
- The declaration does not help address the real TAG issue, which is that they want to know when a resource contains triples.
- 15:32:20 [Ralph]
- Ralph: I abstain
- 15:34:41 [Ralph]
- ... what's the status of the XHTML1 Schema document?
- 15:34:58 [Ralph]
- Steven: we had to combine several documents and were forced to go through Last Call again
- 15:35:05 [Ralph]
- ... we're trying to complete that Last Call
- 15:35:15 [Ralph]
- ... and discussing whether we have to have a CR
- 15:35:29 [Ralph]
- ... as XHTML modularization is a methodology
- 15:35:47 [Ralph]
- ... there's no processor to write; the processors are schema or dtd processors
- 15:36:20 [ShaneM]
- XHTML Modularization 1.1 is the spec that is held up
- 15:36:36 [Ralph]
- Ralph: so the schema document we would update to add a transform URI is held up in this process?
- 15:36:39 [Ralph]
- Steven: yes
- 15:37:21 [ShaneM]
- Note that I dont think this schema technique is valid. It would mean that EVERY xhtml document genereated triples. We don't mean that.
- 15:37:28 [ShaneM]
- s/genereated/generated/
- 15:37:33 [benadida]
- ACTION: Ben to follow up on media type discussion with Steven, Ralph, and TAG
- 15:37:47 [Ralph]
- Topic: Test Cases
- 15:38:04 [Ralph]
- Manu: we need to resolve XMLLiteral first; all the new tests depend on that
- 15:38:26 [Ralph]
- Topic: XML Literal
- 15:38:48 [Ralph]
- -> issue 97
- 15:39:20 [Ralph]
- Ben: I agree with Mark that the abstract RDF graph contains XML literals in canonical form
- 15:39:32 [Ralph]
- ... however, in practice a parser always returns some serialization of RDF
- 15:40:27 [Ralph]
- ... so even if there was a parser that always stores a canonical representation internally it is still permissible for that internal representation to be re-serialized in non-canonical form
- 15:40:30 [ShaneM]
- q+
- 15:41:09 [Ralph]
- ... so if the output of an RDF parser is _a_ valid serialization, it doesn't matter whether the canonicalization was actually done in an internal step
- 15:41:29 [Ralph]
- Mark: yes, and Ivan gave the example of an RDF serialization that uses ' instead of "
- 15:41:50 [Ralph]
- ... it's valid serialization but is it a true representation of the RDF graph?
- 15:41:55 [Ralph]
- ... moving the problem elsewhere
- 15:42:05 [Ralph]
- ... RDFa is defined in terms of RDF, not in terms of a serialization of RDF
- 15:42:29 [Ralph]
- ... we have to describe the result of _parsing_ and this is clearly defined
- 15:42:38 [Ralph]
- ... the result is a canonicalized string
- 15:42:45 [Ralph]
- Ben: only in the internal store
- 15:42:59 [Ralph]
- ... when the result is output, the canonicalization does not apply
- 15:43:23 [Ralph]
- ... the spec can say that in the abstract graph the result is canonicalized
- 15:43:27 [msporny]
- q+
- 15:43:34 [Ralph]
- Mark: but Ivan also notes that you need to preserve the namespaces
- 15:43:49 [Ralph]
- ... and preserving the namespaces is exactly what canonicalization does
- 15:44:08 [Ralph]
- ... it would be wrong to drop the namespaces from the XML output
- 15:44:18 [Ralph]
- Ben: yes, it has to be _a_ serialization, not the canonical one
- 15:45:00 [Ralph]
- Mark: at the start of the thread I said we could dump the namespaces on the toplevel element
- 15:45:03 [Ralph]
- ... and people objected
- 15:45:09 [Ralph]
- Ben: maybe there was mis-communication
- 15:45:41 [Ralph]
- Mark: the 'apex' node; the [outermost] element in the fragment
- 15:45:55 [Ralph]
- ... if there's a DIV there, we're all set
- 15:45:56 [msporny]
- q-
- 15:46:07 [Ralph]
- ... but if there's a text node then you have to scan inside it
- 15:46:36 [Ralph]
- Ben: so we agree that the only thing we need to do is put the namespaces somewhere so that the result yields the same canonicalization
- 15:46:38 [Ralph]
- Mark: yes
- 15:46:52 [Ralph]
- ... but then Ivan added that this is more than he wants to have to do in his parser
- 15:47:07 [Ralph]
- ... there's a lot of processing that has to be done
- 15:47:34 [Ralph]
- ... so I propose that either we do the analysis on the content or drop the whole idea
- 15:48:24 [Ralph]
- Shane: is there a belief that the RDF that is emitted by an RDFa compatible parser needs to be isomorphic to itself in some way?
- 15:48:42 [Ralph]
- ... do I need to be able to turn the triples back into RDFa in some way?
- 15:48:46 [Ralph]
- Ben: not in that way
- 15:49:11 [Ralph]
- ... if someone were to go from RDFa to RDF and then wanted to go back to RDFa, not necessarily in the same markup (presentation information will be lost)
- 15:49:19 [Ralph]
- ... it should be possible _in some way_ to do this
- 15:49:38 [Ralph]
- ... if you've parsed triples out of an RDFa document you should be able to reserialize in RDFa
- 15:51:55 [benadida]
- Ralph: I believe Ivan is right, the answer to Johannes is "yes, the xmlns should have been included in that test case."
- 15:54:11 [ShaneM]
- introduce a wrapper element with no semantics to carry the namespace declarations
- 15:54:36 [ShaneM]
- xh:wrapper xmlns:foo= xmlns:bar= ....
- 15:58:30 [Ralph]
- q+
- 15:58:48 [Ralph]
- Manu: are we going to say that we do need to preserve the namespaces?
- 15:58:52 [benadida]
- q+
- 15:59:54 [Ralph]
- Ralph: I do absolutely think we need to preserve the namespaces
- 16:00:27 [benadida]
- <div xmlns:svg="..."><span property="dc:title"><p>Title</p><svg:x>...</svg:x></span></div>
- 16:00:57 [benadida]
- ack ralph
- 16:02:36 [Ralph]
- Ben: consider the example above; the namespace is declared outside the title markup
- 16:03:00 [Ralph]
- ... if we don't follow something like the XML literal rules we might loose the svg namespace
- 16:03:06 [mhausenblas]
- mhausenblas has joined #rdfa
- 16:03:11 [Ralph]
- ... yes, it's complicated but it's the right thing
- 16:03:19 [Ralph]
- Mark: the xml literal starts with the SPAN
- 16:03:40 [Ralph]
- ... this would make it clear that there's always an apex node
- 16:03:55 [Ralph]
- ... but as Shane notes, you don't know what's going to receive your RDF data
- 16:04:13 [msporny]
- <div xmlns:svg="..." property="foo:bar"><svg:x>...</svg:x><svg:y>...</svg:y><svg:z>...</svg:z></span></div>
- 16:04:32 [Ralph]
- ... the good news is that we do have all the namespaces in our processing
- 16:04:42 [msporny]
- yep... 1 hour ago :)
- 16:05:07 [msporny]
- *nod*
- 16:05:17 [Ralph]
- Mark: the RDF Concepts spec could be read as "an XML Literal is something that could be canonicalized", not "something that _is_ canonicalized"
- 16:05:25 [Ralph]
- ... so you just have to make sure you don't loose anything
- 16:05:36 [Ralph]
- ... just somehow have to find an apex node
- 16:06:01 [msporny]
- <div xmlns:svg="..." property="foo:bar"><svg:x>...</svg:x><svg:y>...</svg:y><svg:z>...</svg:z></div>
- 16:06:06 [Ralph]
- Ben: a wild idea ... suppose there is no apex node; there's a few pseudo-apex nodes siblings
- 16:06:06 [benadida]
- foo<div />bar<span />
- 16:06:32 [Ralph]
- Ben: if it's easy enough to put the namespaces on one apex node, let's just put them on each of the sibling nodes
- 16:06:39 [Ralph]
- ... that would only leave xml:lang to deal with
- 16:06:56 [Ralph]
- ... so a warning that XMLLiterals without an apex node might cause xml:lang to be lost
- 16:07:24 [Ralph]
- Mark: taking that line of modification, could take the DIV and call it the apex node by dropping @property
- 16:07:37 [Ralph]
- Ben: asymmetry between XML literal and plain literal bothers me
- 16:07:55 [Ralph]
- s/asymm/the resulting asymm/
- 16:08:06 [Ralph]
- ... you couldn't have an apex node that is different from the actual markup
- 16:08:23 [markbirbeck]
- <svg:text property="foaf:name">Ben</svg:text>
- 16:08:33 [Ralph]
- Manu: I don't necessarily agree with the approach of using the apex node
- 16:09:13 [Ralph]
- ... when we say XML Literal, do we really mean XML Literal?
- 16:09:18 [Ralph]
- ... this is asking a lot of authors
- 16:09:51 [Ralph]
- Ben: it's an XML literal, just if there's no apex node we can't carry xml:lang to the toplevel text nodes. We can carry xml:lang and namespaces to the sibling elements
- 16:10:11 [Ralph]
- Mark: this point is also made in the RDF Concepts document
- 16:10:20 [Ralph]
- ... typed literals do not have a language
- 16:10:34 [Ralph]
- ... so RDF Concepts notes you have to explicitly add an apex node to preserve xml:lang
- 16:10:51 [Ralph]
- Ben: so we just stuff xml:lang into as many toplevel elements as we can
- 16:10:58 [Ralph]
- Shane: you also have to push the default xmlns
- 16:11:17 [Ralph]
- Mark: you have to push all the currently in-scope namespace mappings, since you don't know which might be used
- 16:12:23 [Ralph]
- Manu: we're going to include the xmlns in all top-level elements of the literal?
- 16:12:25 [Ralph]
- Ben: yes
- 16:12:35 [Ralph]
- Manu: I agree with this. It's just a big pain to implement.
- 16:12:46 [ShaneM]
- q+
- 16:12:53 [Ralph]
- Mark: this can be done with string parsing; it doesn't require an XML parser
- 16:12:59 [benadida]
- ack ben
- 16:13:30 [Zakim]
- -Ralph
- 16:13:33 [benadida]
- ack shane
- 16:13:35 [Ralph]
- [Ralph departs]
- 16:14:12 [benadida]
- Shane: about this solution, let's say a child element has the xmlns declaration already. we have to check if it's there.
- 16:14:59 [benadida]
- Ben: I don't think this changes the spec
- 16:15:35 [benadida]
- ACTION: Manu to add test cases for xmlliterals with namespace preservation, including one where the xmlliteral re-declares one of the namespaces
- 16:16:46 [benadida]
- PROPOSE that we resolve "the RDFa syntax does not need any change with respect to XMLLiterals. We note that the easy way to generate a valid serialization of the XMLLiteral is to dump the namespaces and xml:lang into all top-level elements of the xml literal, including xmlns, watching out for redeclarations."
- 16:17:47 [Steven]
- +1
- 16:18:08 [benadida]
- RESOLVED the RDFa syntax does not need any change with respect to XMLLiterals. We note that the easy way to generate a valid serialization of the XMLLiteral is to dump the namespaces and xml:lang into all top-level elements of the xml literal, including xmlns, watching out for redeclarations.
- 16:18:17 [benadida]
- Note that this RESOLVES ISSUE-97
- 16:22:32 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 16:22:48 [ShaneM]
- does anyone object to @typeof?
- 16:22:54 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 16:24:46 [benadida]
- We'll discuss @typeof on the mailing list
- 16:25:54 [benadida]
- 16:25:56 [Zakim]
- -markbirbeck
- 16:25:58 [Zakim]
- -msporny
- 16:26:06 [Zakim]
- -Ben_Adida
- 16:26:08 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has ended
- 16:26:09 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.763.767.aaaa, Ralph, ShaneM, msporny, Ben_Adida, +0208761aabb, markbirbeck, Steven
- 16:47:32 [ShaneM]
- ShaneM has left #rdfa
- 18:17:53 [Ralph]
- zakim, bye
- 18:17:53 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #rdfa
- 18:18:02 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, please draft minutes
- 18:18:02 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ralph
- 18:18:46 [Ralph]
- i/about this solution/scribenick: benadida
- 18:18:50 [Ralph]
- Chair: Ben
- 18:18:58 [benadida]
- I see you!
- 18:19:00 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, please draft minutes
- 18:19:00 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ralph
- 18:19:34 [Ralph]
- i/why oh why/scribenick: ralph
- 18:19:40 [Ralph]
- Scribe: Ralph, Ben
- 18:19:41 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, please draft minutes
- 18:19:41 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ralph
- 18:20:05 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, bye
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- I see 9 open action items saved in :
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to update RDFa schedule to include CR [recorded in] [1]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Manu to enable EARL output in RDFa Test Harness [recorded in] [2]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in] [3]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben followup with Fabien on getting his RDFa GRDDL transform transferred to W3C [recorded in] [4]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to respond to issue 87 [recorded in] [5]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Manu write a response to Christian Hoertnagl for issue 7 [recorded in] [6]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Mark/Shane include issue 89 correction in Changes section [recorded in] [7]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to follow up on media type discussion with Steven, Ralph, and TAG [8]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Manu to add test cases for xmlliterals with namespace preservation, including one where the xmlliteral re-declares one of the namespaces [9]
- 18:20:05 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in