09:34:21 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 09:34:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-irc 09:34:33 drooks has joined #bpwg 09:34:48 zakim, who is on phone 09:34:49 I don't understand 'who is on phone', drooks 09:35:11 trackbot-ng, start telcon 09:35:13 RRSAgent, make logs public 09:35:15 Zakim, this will be BPWG 09:35:15 ok, trackbot-ng, I see MWI_BPWG(BPPRO)4:30AM already started 09:35:16 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 09:35:16 Date: 05 March 2008 09:35:59 zakim, who is here? 09:35:59 On the phone I see Dave, ??P4, ??P5 09:36:00 On IRC I see drooks, RRSAgent, Zakim, Kai, alan, francois, kemp|plex, trackbot-ng, dom 09:36:27 -??P4 09:36:35 + +0788776aaaa 09:36:45 Zakim, aaaa is Phil 09:36:46 +Phil; got it 09:36:48 zakim, ??P5 is drooks 09:36:48 +drooks; got it 09:37:21 -Phil 09:37:52 zakim, p5 is Kai 09:37:52 sorry, Kai, I do not recognize a party named 'p5' 09:37:52 zakin, drooks is really kai 09:38:06 Zakim, drooks is Kai 09:38:06 +Kai; got it 09:38:16 Zakim, Dave is drooks 09:38:16 +drooks; got it 09:38:17 +??P0 09:39:07 ScibeNick: Kai 09:39:21 Topic: Feedback from TF about the Test Document 09:39:24 PhilA has joined #bpwg 09:40:16 Dave: I like it 09:40:18 +Phil_Archer 09:40:47 Alan: Names of the BP Tests are confusing because they are the same as the BP 09:41:26 ...it makes it seem as if we are testing for compliance with BP 09:41:56 How would you suggest to change that? 09:42:15 Alan: needs to be clear and easy to see which BP they refer to 09:42:32 They have a link at each test that links to the BP. Is that not enough? 09:42:51 Alan: it's helpful but may be confusing 09:43:09 ...we try to cram too much into each test 09:43:56 q+ 09:45:17 ack ka 09:45:32 ack phil 09:46:13 Phil: There was a lot of discussion about that the BP could be improved. There is no easy answer. We should come up with the best tests we can. 09:46:57 ...we could say on top of the document that is intended to improve mobile Web 09:47:22 ....there is some disconnection between what we and the BP doc, but that is ok. 09:47:44 ...we are going a bit furhter than what BP says. We should allow ourselves to go beyond that. 09:48:10 Alan: I agree but these tests should stand on their own. 09:50:27 Kai: Originally asked for feedback on the doc 09:50:39 Kai: I still have to work in the part about the background-images 09:50:50 Kai: We've heard nothing from the rst of the group 09:51:06 PhilA: Was it discussed in Seoul? 09:51:09 kai: Not sure 09:51:59 PhilA: My guess is that one of the group needs to be sure to take part in the next telecon and ask Jo/Dan to put it on the agenda 09:52:04 ACTION: Kai to ensure that mobileOK Pro Tests doc is put on BPWG agenda 09:52:04 Created ACTION-704 - Ensure that mobileOK Pro Tests doc is put on BPWG agenda [on Kai Scheppe - due 2008-03-12]. 09:52:29 rrsagent, make logs public-visible 09:52:52 Topic: Issues and Actions 09:54:02 Issue: http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/issues/116 09:54:32 PhilA: This was last year 09:55:12 PhilA:; My belief is that this is partyially testable. Alan? 09:55:28 Alan: Yes, it's testable but not reproducible as it's open to interpretation 09:55:39 Alan: The range of devices bit is very difficult 09:55:58 Kai: It's not in the doc, was that an oversight? 09:56:10 Alan: It's easy to test it's just hard to come up with a benchmark 09:56:17 Kai: It's a matter of definition 09:56:22 Kai: What actually is TC? 09:56:47 Kai: To me, in simple terms, changing layout, the idea of what it is about shouldn't change 09:57:05 kai: If it's about shoes on a desktop, it's about shows on a mobile 09:57:26 s/shows/shoes 09:58:54 Phil: I could envision child porn being shown on a mobile but clean content on a desktop...so I see it as important. 09:59:12 ...consitency can also be based on the device making the request. 10:00:12 Kai; We have TC on 2 levels - one is the theme, and the other is on the device context 10:00:27 Kai: It comes down to the end user not being given content s/he didn't expect or want 10:00:40 action: Phil to create examples for Thematic Consistency 10:00:40 Created ACTION-705 - Create examples for Thematic Consistency [on Phil Archer - due 2008-03-12]. 10:00:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:00:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA 10:01:20 Kai: Can everyone look at the actions and set to pending please? 10:01:27 action on everyone... 10:01:36 -drooks 10:01:37 -Phil_Archer 10:01:43 -alan 10:01:45 rrsagent, generate minutes 10:01:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA 10:02:00 Chair: Kai 10:02:13 -Kai 10:02:14 MWI_BPWG(BPPRO)4:30AM has ended 10:02:16 Attendees were +0788776aaaa, Phil, Kai, drooks, alan, Phil_Archer 10:02:18 Present: Kai, Alan, Dave, Phil 10:02:46 present- aaa 10:02:49 Regrets: Dan 10:02:52 regrets+DanA 10:03:03 rrsagent, generate minutes 10:03:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA 10:03:24 RRSAgent, make logs public #bpwg 10:03:24 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make logs public #bpwg', Kai. Try /msg RRSAgent help 10:03:32 regrets- DanA 10:04:10 Meeting: MobileOK Pro Task Force 10:04:19 rrsagent, generate minutes 10:04:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-minutes.html PhilA 10:05:15 zakim, bye 10:05:15 Zakim has left #bpwg 10:05:37 rrsagent, bye 10:05:37 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-actions.rdf : 10:05:37 ACTION: Kai to ensure that mobileOK Pro Tests doc is put on BPWG agenda [1] 10:05:37 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-irc#T09-52-04 10:05:37 ACTION: Phil to create examples for Thematic Consistency [2] 10:05:37 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/03/05-bpwg-irc#T10-00-40