00:56:58 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 01:45:54 ShaneM has left #xhtml 01:51:47 oedipus has joined #xhtml 08:16:52 Roland_ has joined #xhtml 08:17:42 rrsagent, make minutes 08:17:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 08:19:03 Roland__ has joined #xhtml 08:20:15 Zakim, list 08:23:05 yamx has joined #xhtml 08:23:17 (Roland and Yam are here...) 08:26:16 Simone has joined #xhtml 08:26:48 (Steven had a trouble with his foot last night.... He will not be in his room, but will skype in...) 08:27:01 s/his room/this room/ 08:27:34 Chair: Roland 08:27:39 Scribe: Yam 08:27:57 rrsagent, make minutes 08:27:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland__ 08:28:15 Topic: XML Events 2 (continued from yesterday) 08:29:59 morning - hope steve's ok... 08:30:20 Hope so... 08:30:36 His ankle is improved, I heard. 08:30:38 Meeting: XHTML2 WG FtF, Venice, Italy, Day 3 08:30:53 that's good to hear 08:31:30 Present: Roland, Yam, Gregory, Simone 08:32:19 Roland: we have some issues stated in Agenda. 08:32:58 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2008-02-Venice-FtF-Agenda 08:33:27 Regrets: Tina 08:33:48 rrsagent, make minutes 08:33:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland__ 08:34:26 John's comments in http://www.w3.org/2007/08/29-xhtml-minutes.html#action02 ? 08:35:20 ScribeNick: yamx 08:37:15 Roland: I just want to know where we are about actions. 08:38:14 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 08:38:44 Roland: The first part (we clarified it in capture, target, bubble, default), we changed. So the issue is only action (Mark). 08:40:40 Roland: Resolution on Aug 29 2007 said we have to investigate part 2, in 0011 (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0011) 08:41:34 Roland: We make default as bubble, but bubble includes "bubble" and "target" phases, so it is OK with the original issue. 08:42:38 roland, are you referring to jon's point: "if the bubble phase does exclude the target phase, then it seems like you will need a way to say target+bubble. For symmetry, I'll bet you need capture+target too. The only names that come to mind right now are"ascent" (target+bubble) and "descent" (capture+target)." 08:46:12 yesterday we concluded that bubble phase includes the target phase. I am now looking to find where in the DOM 3 Events specs that is says this. 08:53:30 Roland: In DOM3 Event, on addEventListener, useCapture parameter is a boolean. 08:54:21 Roland: , which means "capture" or "target and bubbling". only one of them. 08:54:43 Section 1.6 Basic interfaces -- http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/events.html#Events-interface 08:55:36 Roland: it is not so clear, but seems implied. 08:56:17 Roland: All the changes we made deal with 0011 raised by John. 08:57:06 Present: Alessio 08:57:06 Roland: next issue is 0012 (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0012) 08:57:52 alessio has joined #xhtml 08:58:24 I think 0012 is somewhat incorrect. xml events 2 DOES specify a context. 08:58:36 see section 6. 08:58:36 rrsagent, make minutes 08:58:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland__ 09:04:01 Roland: I remembered some discussion with XForms; they added context attribute. 09:04:29 Roland: maybe it is interesting to add context attribute if necessary, but not before we fix the current draft. 09:05:29 Roland: we keep it as it is, we have to further investigate the issue (do we really need this "context" attribute) in XML Events 2. 09:06:10 Roland: We defined the context in Sectoin 6 in XML Events 2. 09:06:48 Roland: Specifying context will be added if we identify any useful use cases. 09:07:05 Roland: Add a note about this (considering in the future in action element). 09:07:09 Shane: OK. 09:07:25 Roland: 0012 is done. 09:07:55 Roland: next issue is 0013 (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0013) 09:08:13 ACTION: Shane to add text about context issue near where if and while are described with the action element in xml events 2 09:13:58 Steven-eee has joined #xhtml 09:14:25 Roland: we think that event does not traverse to more than one DOM. 09:14:40 Roland: spelled out single DOM. 09:15:47 John's note includes : Therefore, for the sake of clarity, please spell out the fact that the 09:15:48 spec does not define any bubbling behavior between two DOMs and that 09:15:48 events don't traverse more than one DOM unless a consumer of XML events 09:15:48 defines a mechanism for dispatching events in one DOM based on the 09:15:48 occurrence of events in another DOM. 09:16:31 I would have expected that a "single DOM" was assumed but it appears not to be the case. 09:17:27 simone is coming back soon 09:17:56 Roland: no harm to put a small note about single DOM, not bridging two DOMs. 09:18:04 ACTION: Shane add a note that events do not bridge two DOMs 09:18:05 We could add a note to make it clear that the capture/bubbling is within the scope of a single DOM. 09:18:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Steven-eee 09:18:46 Present: Steven 09:19:08 s/:/+/ 09:19:27 Hope you're feeling better, Steven... 09:20:57 it is even better than first thing this morning Alessio, so I am optimitic 09:21:02 stic 09:21:22 Roland: looking into the second problem in 0013. 09:22:31 (the second issue is "For the second problem, I have to turn to the xforms repeat construct, and put a repeat within a repeat:) 09:22:44 s/t:)/t:") 09:22:47 Present: Roland, Yam, Allessio, Simone, Gregory, Shane 09:25:33 Present+Steven 09:26:02 Roland: we will probably solve the second issue, too. Hope John will review the latest spec to find out whether his issue is fixed. 09:26:30 Roland: we think we fiinshed all outstanding issues in XML Events 2. 09:26:51 Shane: I have a question about event attribute. 09:27:24 Shane: event attribute collection. 09:27:38 Roland: I imagine it is adequate. 09:27:51 Shane: working with new draft. 09:27:55 Roland: sounds good. 09:28:06 Roland: any more items on XML Events 2? 09:28:17 (none from participants) 09:29:00 Topic: frames (continued from yesterda) 09:29:28 Roland: suggests iframe back in XHTML2. 09:29:45 Roland: two types of containers should be clarified. 09:30:20 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:30:23 Gregory, I believe we accepted that proposal 09:30:31 to add 'implements' 09:30:39 I believe we did as well (@implements) 09:30:44 thank you steven - i just wanted to make sure before we moved on 09:30:58 my plan is to add a comment about HASFEATURE and let someone smarter figure it out. 09:31:12 that excludes me... 09:31:26 clearly ;-) 09:31:38 ;-) 09:32:04 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:33:56 (Allesio presents something on the projector.) 09:34:40 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:35:18 yes steven, I will 09:38:12 network has slowed down now that we are sahing with WAI PF meeting next door :-) 09:38:13 so, we are analyzing the question of fallback for iframes 09:38:48 because one "classical" issue is the iframe poor accessibility 09:39:32 Steven has joined #xhtml 09:41:09 many assistive technologies offer a "do not display iframe" option; for low vision users and alternate input users, it's the insane amount of scrolling 09:41:51 GJR: that's how bad the problem is -- AT vendors would rather have people suppress IFRAME than design an alternate strategy 09:43:12 Yam: Combining multiple documents is some essential one, some umbrella spec, e.g. XML Events 2. Not ifrems back in. 09:43:31 +1 to yam 09:43:56 s/ifrems/iframes/ 09:44:21 s/some umbrella/possibly some umbrella/ 09:44:22 right gregory, in fact we're only starting to explore a possibility to make an accessible object 09:44:45 unfortunately actually object is very buggy 09:45:16 but we shouldn't let our *design* be constrained by existing buggy implementations 09:45:18 for example we cannot load dynamic data, even reloading the page 09:45:24 yes, i just had that conversation in the HTML WG for the ten thousdandth time this week -- OBJECT with role over VIDEO, AUDIO, other stuff 09:45:40 if necessary we make an 'cid test' for objec to embarrass the implementors 09:45:44 I agree steven 09:45:49 me too 09:45:56 s/cid/acid/ 09:46:06 in fact that I'm starting to do yesterday :) 09:46:29 s/ing/ed 09:46:33 s/ing/ed/ 09:46:52 moving forward, into the future, ARIA politeness levels and other features will help with dynamic content accessibility 09:48:26 the goal is having a url like this: http://mypage.htm#src(f1=firstAddress,f2=secondAddress) 09:48:29 we are just starting to look at what we would need from a new "container". Some of the the desirable characteristics of IFRAME should be explored. We are not suggesting that we reintroduce IFRAME as is was previously defined. 09:48:32 -> http://www.w3.org/People/mimasa/test/object/ object test 09:48:45 yes 09:49:35 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:49:45 -> http://www.w3.org/People/mimasa/test/object/results Object test results (not up to date) 09:49:54 one characteristic we need is a separate security context 09:50:03 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:51:52 I think that data in an "iframe" should be in its own DOM really. its a separate, inset document. There should be no ability to communicate across the boundary. 09:53:07 Allesio: We have to introduce a method to load a content in a dynamic content. 09:53:16 s/dynamic content/dynamic manner/ 09:53:56 you mean other than webapi/ajax? 09:54:09 sounds like. 09:54:27 yes shane 09:54:35 and other than the src attribute we already have that a script/handler could just change? 09:54:43 Rather than "no ability" I believe the author of the containing document should determine what, if any, ability it wishes to grant the "iframe". 09:54:49 test url (kindly hosted by simone): http://w3c.onofri.org/test.htm#src(f1=http://www.google.it,f2=http://www.w3.org) 09:55:33 yesterday I've tried to load dynamic content both in an object and iframe 09:57:31 object seems not to refresh its "data" attribute 09:58:15 iframe does refresh its "src" 09:58:36 Roland: Simone, what do people think iframes are bad.. ? 09:59:03 Roland: so not a problem on iframes, but issues with people's use of javascript. 09:59:46 iframes test doesn't work for me Opera, FF, IE 10:01:56 06rrsagent, make minutes01 10:02:57 rrsagent, make log public 10:03:54 maybe there are some problems with security policies, steven 10:04:18 yes 10:05:54 Roland: anyway this is a problem we have to handle 10:06:16 as per default, browsers does not load something if there are not on the same domain of master page, this is an important issue on AJAXy applications ans as I see this is resolved using a proxy (server side) 10:06:31 true 10:06:38 s/ans/and 10:07:09 rrsagent, make minutes 10:07:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 10:13:02 I think the network did drop 10:13:24 Simone has joined #xhtml 10:14:28 alessio has joined #xhtml 10:21:29 sound quality is not good enough to hear 10:24:39 (we have problems to show the loaded frames example.) 10:24:51 (Our network is very bad...) 10:25:07 (We are talking about the framework of container and needs for standardization in general.) 10:25:09 (we noticed :-) ) 10:25:12 some discussion about what aspects of "container" support we should tackle as part of XHTML 10:25:49 maybe this woks: http://w3c.onofri.org/test.xml#src(f1=http://www.google.it,f2=http://www.w3.org) 10:25:52 perhaps the container topic should be in a separate spec like we have done for XML events 10:26:25 s/wok/works/ 10:26:31 But it is OK to talk it in XHTML2 framework, we can make it a separate spec if we find it appropriate in the future. 10:27:24 for example, problem maybe the MIME type shipped by the server 10:27:37 good point. 10:28:06 now is XML and works 10:28:10 From my viewpoint, to describe logical relationships of multiple docs and to describe some screen layout info for multiple (possiblly ) indpendent applications are two different things. 10:29:57 Roland: we will have a few minutes break, and have a joint meeting with WAI. 10:30:09 Yam: do we have a meeting at WAI? 10:30:09 which channel? 10:30:20 Roland: a good question. possibly at their place. 10:30:23 the PF group is in #pf 10:30:28 probably theirs as there are more of them 10:30:35 Yam: I agree. 10:30:36 how long break? 10:30:46 Long enouhg for me to shuffel to the cafe? 10:30:58 s/shuffel/shuffle 10:31:10 till they return, so hopefully not long. estimate 5-10mins 10:47:46 WAI group joining us 10:47:52 slowly assembling 10:53:10 we will use #pf channel for this first part of joint session 10:53:18 ok 11:03:20 aaronlev has joined #xhtml 11:23:13 aaronlev has left #xhtml 12:10:22 Simone has joined #xhtml 12:40:52 myakura has joined #xhtml 12:57:53 Roland_ has joined #xhtml 13:03:23 Steven-eee has joined #xhtml 13:05:10 MichaelC_VCE has joined #xhtml 13:05:21 yamx has joined #xhtml 13:05:36 (after lunch break, we resume at #xhtml) 13:05:41 Scribe: Yam 13:05:41 Diego has joined #xhtml 13:06:51 Dimitar_Denev has joined #xhtml 13:07:30 aaronlev has joined #xhtml 13:07:58 Presence: Diego. AL, Roland, Rich, Allesso, Simone, Dimitar, Janina, Michael, 13:08:04 s/AL/Al/ 13:08:09 s/./,/ 13:08:17 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 13:08:26 s/Presence/Present/ 13:08:30 s/Michael/Michael, Yam/ 13:08:41 Present+Steven 13:08:55 s/Yam/Yam, Steven/ 13:08:55 s/Allesso/Alessio 13:09:18 alessio has joined #xhtml 13:09:32 Topic: ARIA 13:09:37 present+Gregory 13:09:54 Al: I will present the overview. 13:09:58 .. for kick-it-off. 13:10:06 rrsagent, make minutes 13:10:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 13:10:17 Al: ARIA suite is on 1st working draft. 13:10:37 Al: this is already very close to last call, with a bunch of markups.. 13:11:00 Al: engineering decision on browser behavior is close to "complete". 13:11:29 Al: New, first time to combine role and states in one document. 13:11:51 Al: the other new thing is an approach embedding ARIA markup in a host language. 13:12:28 Al: we have two approaches, friendly to HTML5, the other is friendly to XHMTL1/XHTML2. 13:12:50 Al: included role attribute is used in HTML5-friendly way. 13:13:11 Al: new writeup should be reviewed by XHTML2, is it a deal you sign up to? 13:13:27 s/XHTML2/XHTML2-WG/ 13:14:15 Al: to look for Firefox and Opera people to check its validity for them. 13:14:29 Al: missing something, raising a question about predefined role names.. 13:14:44 Long-winded 13:15:08 Al: long-winded, (someone talking for a long time....) 13:15:24 Al: predefined role names, how you model web pages? 13:15:29 Rich has joined #xhtml 13:15:32 s/how you/how do you/ 13:15:43 -> ARIA Implementation in Host Languages http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-wai-aria-20080204/#implementation 13:15:53 Al: any outstanding issues between ARIA and XHTML2. 13:16:31 Michael: name-space friendly version; in HTML5, it is similar to role attributes: two wordings.. 13:16:43 s/name-/one is name-/ 13:16:55 s/in HTML5/the other for HTML5/ 13:18:05 Al: CURIE. 13:18:17 Al: we should talk about access element, also. 13:18:35 Al: RDFa will come out last call shortly. 13:18:49 Al: we have to raise it, anything to be constructive... 13:19:06 Al: we are sure access module and role module to be covered. 13:19:09 Topic: CUIRE 13:19:14 Roland: hopefully short... 13:19:25 s/CUIRE/CURIE/ 13:20:18 Steven-eee has joined #xhtml 13:21:59 Yam: any possible issues from ARIA? 13:22:23 Al: colon and attribute, a browser bug, a lexical issue, be an interest to ARIA. 13:22:32 Al: any issues with CURIE syntax. 13:23:27 Al: no issue. 13:23:29 s/CUIRE/CURIE/ 13:24:09 Topic: RDFa syntax 13:24:26 Al: want to make sure nothing to be talked on RDFa syntax. is that true? 13:25:08 Micheal: question. prefix part reference, similar to scheme name. any potential collision? room for clarification? 13:25:41 Shane: checking 13:25:54 Micheal: technical issue or educational issue? 13:26:15 we should address the PF's response to XHTML2 WG that RDFa didn't suffice for requested predefined role "title" in Role comments 13:27:18 Shane: describing clarification about "for-human" and "for-machine". like qname.. 13:27:32 ACTION: Shane add a note htat there is a risk that humans might perceive a CURIE as a URI. 13:27:38 s/htat/that/ 13:28:14 Al: text of URI, point of crack user, cognitive factor, anything confusing people... 13:29:20 Note that CURIEs have EXACTLY the same problem as QNames with respect to humans potentially misinterpreting them. 13:29:44 Al: RDFa is a way to inject a project as such, accessibility issue is uptake, not design of technology. We have desire for metadata, aligned to practical use. 13:30:03 Roland: OK. done. 13:30:11 Topic: Access module 13:30:34 Al: Access module replaces capability of accesskey in HTML4. 13:31:13 Al: one point, came up to argument, action has to be adaptable (personalizable). 13:31:52 Al: summary of that argument was display processing, going to element, assistive technology, before authorized action. 13:32:21 Al: in the middle of form, ... in that example.. 13:32:53 Al: other users, with requirements "just do it", not focusing detailed sequence. 13:33:29 Roland: binary selection. 13:33:46 s/selection/selection by a boolean/ 13:34:05 Al: Practically, boolean may be OK. 13:34:41 We currently have language about the key attribute that discusses how agents must be able to override: The character assigned to a key, and its relationship to a role or id attribute, are a suggestion of the author. User agents may provide mechanisms for overriding, disabling, or re-assigning keys. In such user agents, user-specified assignments must take precendence. If no key attribute is specified, the user agent SHOULD assign a key. 13:34:58 Al: like IETF, security considerations. We need accessibility considerations. Micheal, you are geneus. 13:34:58 Similar language should be in the document for the activate attribute. 13:35:27 Al: Activate or not may be appropriate. 13:36:21 Shane: user can overwrite. Good. 13:36:30 2 birds with one stone dept. -- that satisfies the UAAG requirement 13:36:34 ACTION: Shane to add language to seciton 3.1.1 of xhtml-access to require user agent override of the activate attribute setting 13:36:51 s/geneus/genius/ 13:37:02 Roland: sounds good. some consensus here. 13:37:17 Al: this is all, any other issue for moving on. 13:37:20 i think UAAG will be happy with this, too 13:37:50 Topic: Role attribute 13:38:25 Roland: second last call, when available, Shane? 13:38:42 FYI: http://www.w3.org/2008/02/19-xhtml-minutes.html#item03 13:38:56 Roland: Jan 28 is the most recent for Role attribute. 13:38:59 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-role-20080128/ 13:39:01 contains discussion of Role from yesterday 13:39:32 Al: did not understand the conventions... 13:39:49 Al: in red? deleted items? 13:40:05 Al: other issues definitions of the predefined roles. 13:40:31 Roland: available as chameleon, both are available. 13:40:50 Al: chameleon, not a practice in namespace.. 13:40:53 Al: you can. 13:41:07 Al has joined #xhtml 13:41:11 you SHOULD, i believe is the term 13:41:13 Roland: could be embedded into their namespaces. 13:41:33 Roland: there are three possibilities. 13:41:59 Al: understand from the perspectives. 13:42:15 Al: SVG has problems.. 13:42:33 Al: newsML has choices, three choices. 13:43:08 Al: attributes does not obtain the namespace of element. 13:43:23 NewsML: http://www.newsml.org/ 13:43:25 q+ to ask about namespace of attribute value 13:43:39 Roland: first discussion, how you do in your namespaces. 13:44:11 Al: we don't have anything to talk about, at the moment. 13:44:22 Roland: values of role attributes, the second discussion. 13:44:47 Al: talk about the semantics of predefined values. 13:45:21 Al: Micheal how those values are understood. Al, for application semantics. 13:45:36 Roland: semantics, first to cover Al's. 13:46:23 semantics at the "grossest" level 13:46:26 yes that was shane 13:46:34 Roland: Section 3. predefined values, starting from banner. 13:47:24 Al: processing api binding layer, to me, semantics of the role attributes. need to be understood there. 13:48:03 Shane: it is great, but not in role attr spec, but in accessibility spec. 13:48:19 Roland: semantic container. 13:48:35 Al: functionally, working. 13:49:26 Al: synchronized about those approaches. 13:49:57 Roland: must be machine processible, one of them should be RDFa. yesterda discussion. 13:50:01 New version of xhtml-access with requirement for @activate override is up at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-access-20080220/ 13:50:27 Al: banner. entire front matter of web pages needed. 13:50:46 s/yesterda/yesterday 13:50:50 Note that it is formatted as a FPWG not an ED. I will fix that. 13:51:48 Al: basically same idea, but how clearly explain to humans.. 13:52:13 Micheal: need rewording. 13:52:38 Micheal: English problem (British English, American ), some sort of clarifications. 13:53:09 Al: designers with span, div, ... we have to talk to those people. 13:53:35 Al: historically, came from Rich. 13:53:44 GerrieS has joined #xhtml 13:54:14 Good morning 13:54:14 Shane: you can edit anything there. XHTML-WG has no stick to these wordings. 13:54:16 rewrite the role definitions, please!!! 13:54:56 Micheal: we can work tomorrow. 13:55:16 Skype? 13:55:37 gshults 13:55:40 Al: not much on contentinfo. needs a use case. 13:56:21 Al: role for collecting meta data. 13:56:33 Note that the xhtml 2 working group hoped to take role to last call very soon, so if you all could give us updated text this week it would be AWESOME! 13:56:45 Al: no strong problem the way handled in contentinfo. 13:57:37 Roland: definition. 13:58:41 Micheal: confused. 13:59:03 Al: context of symbol (dfn in this case). 13:59:16 Use case of definition might be having a user agent create a glossary via role that I can pick from when reading a document. 13:59:52 Al: we don't need role to reproduce dfn.. 13:59:53 al, are you talking about WAI 14:00:02 as a reuse method? 14:00:43 Al: Michel's point is how we can make future-proof. interesting point. 14:01:02 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/#defining 14:01:10 Al: host-language specific definition. 14:01:16 (it's on the HTML5 issues list for friday) 14:01:29 Roland: regend example. 14:01:38 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/#the-dfn 14:02:55 Michel: OK about Al's argument. 14:04:03 Roland: next one is main. 14:04:53 Al: main content may be multiple pages. 14:05:16 s/pages/domains/ 14:05:36 Al: four or five top stories. 14:06:42 Al: Action: Al to address grouping main content in one region as much as possible, in best practices. 14:06:51 s/Al: Action/Action/ 14:07:24 Roland: moving on navigation. 14:07:53 Al: hot keys, .. 14:09:27 Al: focus and fire. 14:10:18 Al: browsers provide hotkey to go to navigation, all blocks in somewhere,not any case, unique. 14:10:27 Al: any issues with navigation? No. 14:10:36 Roland: next, note. 14:11:34 Al: they are sections. 14:11:46 Al: main thing about note, bidirectional navigation by user agent. 14:12:16 Micheal: how you can attach note? 14:12:35 Micheal: how about inline note? 14:12:43 Al: Hmmm. 14:14:52 Shane: i want user agent to suppress the inline note. 14:15:53 Al: describing three predefined note configuration to cope with diverse user needs. 14:15:59 GJR: endnote different from footnote -- i would assign them different audio cues 14:16:11 GJR: explanatory versus reference notes 14:17:45 Roland: decribing Appendix C to Al. 14:17:53 .. Taxonomy part. 14:18:19 Al: we are OK with note. 14:18:34 Roland: next is search. 14:19:04 Roland: you can wordsmith.. 14:19:17 Al: we can wordsmith, but general idea is agreed. 14:19:22 Roland: next is secondary. 14:19:47 Al: PF should wordsmith. 14:20:17 Al: separate work. It matters how you word. 14:20:41 Al: norole. 14:20:51 Al: no role attribute. 14:21:26 Al: PF assignment for seealso. 14:22:05 Al: PF will make a status report at the end of this week, about wordsmithing these. 14:23:09 Al: PF recognized the Shane's shout about "we are close to last call, give us the updated text this week, then it is AWESOME". 14:24:10 Michel: don't understand CURIE , doe not provide prefix. 14:24:19 Role spec says: If the prefix is omitted from a CURIE, the default value of http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab# MUST be used. 14:25:57 Michel: OK. let me check... 14:26:04 s/chel/cheal/ 14:26:39 Micheal: it is not same in HTML. I just want to make sure. 14:26:53 s/HTML/HTML5/ 14:27:18 Micheal: do we have future harmonization? or differences. 14:28:38 Michael: three choices, do nothing, to this name space, the third, basically aria role. 14:29:09 Al: browsers do no namespace versions. 14:29:35 Al: we decided to put up with them. 14:30:32 Micheal: HTML, ARIA, we cannot use both? they will have the questions.. 14:30:56 I am certain you will get last call objections to this, fwiw. 14:31:05 Micheal: it could kill our last call... 14:31:44 I would not object to having the aria role values included in the vocab# vocabulary space 14:33:36 Micheal: this is the name space with XHTML, not html/1999. 14:33:59 Micheal: it is completely separate. so we can deal with it. Not the issue with HTML5. 14:34:12 Shane: it is vacab space. 14:34:19 s/space/name space/ 14:34:51 Roland: they defined in role attribute spec are usable without any prefix. 14:37:27 Roland: our list of predefined can be longer, in response to Michel. 14:37:39 s/chel/cheal/ 14:37:53 Shane: we can dereference by URL. 14:38:12 Shane: we start populating there. 14:39:19 Al: agreement in princeple, same way, because developing external doc is. Shane and Micheal are contact points. 14:40:10 Micheal: OK, I am happy. 14:40:27 ack me 14:40:33 Al: joint meeting is over. 14:40:37 Roland: I would like to check. 14:41:03 Yam: I think all are covered. 14:41:07 Alessio: OK. 14:41:10 Simone: OK. 14:41:46 rrsagent, make minutes 14:41:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 14:41:50 (joint meeting adjourned.) 14:42:22 break now, reconvene in 20mins in separate groups 14:44:04 simone, do you want to resume in 20 minutes? 14:48:02 I suggest Tesla - wake me up 14:48:41 either that or anything by the ramones.... 15:01:14 FYI: http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/Z3986-2005.html#Skip "skippable" structures 15:02:41 Al has joined #xhtml 15:03:29 DAISY defines 2 types of notes - "noterefS" and "annorefS" http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/Z3986-2005.html#Notes 15:06:27 zcorpan has joined #xhtml 15:07:59 zcorpan, http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-irc for the joint session 15:08:19 http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html 15:13:46 Al has joined #xhtml 15:15:16 Al has left #xhtml 15:16:49 aaronlev has joined #xhtml 15:17:57 sounds as if simone's machine is in the PF room 15:18:51 protocols and formats? 15:19:17 tasked with reviewing all specs that are accepted by w3c for accessibility issues/concerns 15:19:36 also developing ARIA (http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/) 15:20:04 Steven has joined #xhtml 15:20:06 The joint meeting was held on their turf, then? 15:20:25 i'm not quite sure -- i heard a bunch of PF voices, but they may be moving 15:20:54 steven, i'm still carrying gerrie and shane on skype -- do you want me to try you again? 15:21:00 yes please 15:22:09 sounds like you are in a zoo 15:22:16 rrsagent, make minutes 15:22:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:22:27 it's the sound of 2 WGs breaking up 15:22:42 is it all over then? 15:22:49 Isn't that hard to do? :-) 15:22:56 lol 15:23:11 i'm not sure where simone is... 15:23:32 we were going to reconvene separately after the afternoon break 15:26:20 yamx has joined #xhtml 15:26:27 restarting . . . 15:26:31 (we are back from photo-taking) 15:27:34 Diego has joined #xhtml 15:27:45 Present: Roland, Alessio, Simone, Yam, Steven. 15:27:47 lost sound 15:28:08 that's because simone dropped -- i'll call her 15:28:08 s/Steven/Steven, Shane/ 15:28:12 rrsagent, make minutes 15:28:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 15:28:19 s/Shane/Shane, Gregory./ 15:29:14 MichaelC_VCE has left #xhtml 15:29:21 gregory, I hear your screen reader 15:29:26 I assume it's yours 15:29:35 i just muted -- sorry 15:29:56 simone, you need to add gerrie now that you're host 15:30:15 ok 15:31:10 thanks we're all back on, i think 15:31:57 Present: Roland, Alessio, Simone, Yam, Steven, Shane, Gregory 15:32:16 Present: Roland, Alessio, Simone, Yam, Steven, Shane, Gregory, Gerrie 15:32:21 yamx0 has joined #xhtml 15:32:38 rrsagent, make minutes 15:32:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 15:32:59 Topic: roadmap 15:34:06 no, we can hear you, simone 15:34:06 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml-roadmap/ 15:35:12 Yes 15:35:14 the TAG 15:35:15 Shane: someone raised XHTML media type? 15:35:27 hmm 15:35:32 let me try and remember 15:35:38 it might have been on their blog 15:35:41 or wiki 15:35:42 Just a moment, looking 15:36:38 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/selfDescribingDocuments#UsingRDFa 15:36:50 Note: at this time, drafts of the [RDFa] specification are available, but the media-type registration for HTML itself has not been updated to reflect RDFa. As described in TAG Finding [AuthoritativeMetadata], conventions like RDFa are normative only if provided for in the applicable specification for the media-type in which they are used. Thus, for RDFa to be fully integrated with 2 The Web's Standard Retrieval Algorithm, the HTML and/or XHTML media-type regist 15:37:09 I don't agree either 15:37:18 Yes, I agree Shane 15:37:24 I disagree with this comment fromthe TAG 15:37:49 This doc (selfdescribingdocs) is currently open for comments 15:38:05 so we should send in an official comment from the group 15:38:15 I;m willing to word it 15:38:23 I'll send a draft to the group 15:38:27 ACTION: Steven to reply to TAG that we disagree. 15:38:46 Roland: Shane, any other RDFa issues? 15:38:54 Shane: no. 15:39:38 yamx has joined #xhtml 15:39:43 Roland: let's check roadmap and call the f2f week over. 15:40:04 Roland: minor comments from WAI today. 15:40:19 Roland: do they prevent us from going to last call? 15:40:41 +1 15:40:45 Shane: completing access module. Can go to last call any time you want. 15:40:53 +1 with edits from today 15:41:10 Edits from today are http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtml-access-20080220/ 15:41:13 can we resolve to go to Last Call for ACCESS Module? 15:41:17 so I think we are ready to go. +1 from me. 15:41:28 Roland: with no objections, we go forward to access module last call. 15:41:33 +1 15:41:40 RESOLUTION: we agreed to go access module last call. 15:43:15 Roland: next one is xFrame. 15:43:52 Alessio: starting some tests, embedding XHTML2 pages.. 15:43:52 Roland: we cannot go last call Feb 2008 for xFrames, apprarently.. quite a lot things to cover. 15:43:52 Roland: how about April 2008? 15:44:23 Roland: how about June, we can do something early if we are comfortable. 15:44:40 Yam: it is too optimistic that we can make last call without f2f. 15:45:03 did we get committment from WAI fols for new Role text this week? 15:45:19 Roland: we agreed to move the last call xFrames to June 2008. No need for resolution to change the date. 15:45:33 Roland: what the date for last call XML Events 2, Shane? 15:46:05 Shane: hopefully in weeks. 15:46:13 Roland: XML Event 2 schedule as it is. 15:46:15 shane, i began to alert the masses (those most interested in Role in PFWG) 15:46:44 Roland: XHTML2, just "2008". not yet to describe any more detailed date. 15:47:18 Roland: XHTML Basic 1.1. We are waiting for transition request... Not much use about speculation of exact date. 15:47:38 Roland: RDFa syntax, last call for Feb 2008? 15:47:56 Shane: we have a last call for 4 weeks. 15:48:23 Roland: last call date is tomorrow. 2 month behind from Dec 2007. 15:48:35 Note that RDFa does NOT have a schema implementation in it. I think that is editorial but it would be really nice oif we could get M12N done.... 15:48:51 Roland: reasonable to delay all schedule for two months? 15:49:24 Shane: fine with 2 months shift. 15:49:24 Roland: how about Primer? 15:49:47 Shane: simplify more with comments. 15:50:37 LOL 15:51:12 Roland: Primer is not normative, no last call. we ignore them. 15:51:18 Roland: M12N. 15:51:27 Roland: we are optimistic? 15:51:58 sorry I was muted 15:52:09 I think we can be moderately optimistic 15:52:24 Roland: M12N is in transition request, we will just see what will happen to them. 15:52:57 I got a comment from Steve Bratt noting some problems with the spec that have now been fixed 15:53:05 Roland: role, when ready for 2nd last call, Shane? 15:53:08 I think we can have a transition call soon 15:53:22 ACTION: Shane to ensure all Role attribute module changes are complete by 28 February - including new text from WAI folks. 15:54:09 Roland: month of March, should be OK. 15:54:33 Roland: CURIE syntax. 15:54:49 Roland: just entering last call. 15:55:16 Roland: we have to see what we will receive during last call. Then, we can decide on the future of CURIE. 15:55:19 Roland: no update on the dates. 15:55:51 Roland: the request is processed, we have to fix, but now it is just to be processed. 15:55:59 Roland: done on roadmap. 15:56:18 Topic: f2f meeting plan. 15:56:37 Roland: CANN with TPAC in october. 15:56:44 Cannes 15:56:49 s/CANN/Cannes/ 15:57:08 Yam: I cannot join TPAC with overlapped OMA. Regrets. 15:57:11 Need a location still for June (is it?) 15:57:44 Roland: next f2f , June 16-18, current plannning, in U.S.A. 15:57:51 steven, weren't you going to ask google if they could host us in NYC? 15:57:57 Roland: we have to narrow down a little. options... 15:58:04 I could also host in Minneapolis 15:58:14 I vote for Shanesville 15:58:30 Roland: New York, suggested, but cannot verify. 15:58:31 if you're going to go to minneapolis, june is the right time 15:58:36 what were the dates again? 15:58:45 JUne 16-18. 15:58:48 There is an IBM in NY 15:58:52 NY State 15:58:55 s/JU/Ju 15:59:03 s/JU/Ju/ 15:59:13 aaronlev has joined #xhtml 15:59:39 I like Shane's thinking :-) 15:59:54 (we talked about Mon-Wed, or Tue-Thu). 16:00:01 Shane: no problem for hosting. 16:00:07 Cool 16:00:28 steven, the IBM watson research center in hawthorne, new york? 16:00:35 yes 16:00:35 Minneapolis - probably downtown somewhere. not out where I am. Its dead out here. 16:00:42 Roland: could you just warn where your location is, Shane? 16:00:44 We have contacts there 16:01:03 http://www.watson.ibm.com/general_info_haw.shtml 16:01:22 Shane: June 17-19, proposing. 16:01:38 There are non stops to minneapolis from london, amsterdam, and tokyo 16:02:00 well, perfect then 16:02:02 Really? 16:02:06 to Tokyo? 16:02:12 Are you sure? 16:02:18 every day in a week? 16:02:43 Roland: IBM location for alternative? 16:02:53 http://www.watson.ibm.com/general_info_haw.shtml 16:03:13 Yes, Northwest 16:04:11 I will pick a venue and set up hotel block etc in the next weeks. 16:04:14 yam, northwest is http://www.nwa.com/ 16:04:23 Roland: everyone happy with Minneapolis for June 17-19(Tue-Thu)? 16:04:34 ACTION: Shane to set up meeting location for June 17 - 19. 16:05:15 GJR thinks he might actually manage to drag his carcass to minneapolis in june 16:05:45 woh! 16:05:56 Roland: any other business? 16:06:01 hide the women, children and farm animals 16:06:13 Topic: AOB(Any other business) 16:06:21 Wiki content? 16:06:37 good point, steven - what are the guidelines/rules? 16:06:43 Well, up to us 16:06:52 there's a wiki? is it linked to the MarkUp page? 16:06:57 There are some basic pages we need to create 16:06:58 Roland: Right! 16:06:59 aaronlev has joined #xhtml 16:07:00 like About: 16:07:07 and the front page 16:07:19 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/Main_Page 16:07:33 Roland: entire content of Wiki is f2f Venice. 16:07:41 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/XHTML2:About 16:07:58 Roland: what other content? roadmap is in W3C. 16:08:18 Roland: Steven, do you have the image of what should we have? 16:08:25 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/Current_events 16:08:30 for news about state of docs 16:08:43 maybe 16:09:17 (Roland has some network problems) 16:09:28 join the club 16:10:55 Roland: we have to think about Wiki communications. 16:11:19 ACTION: Roland to include this Wiki issue in the upcoming teleconf agenda. 16:11:51 Roland: blog? 16:12:09 Roland: it is part of communications. 16:12:47 blogs spark as much heat as light... 16:13:11 Roland: any additional business? 16:13:30 I could use some time back at my day job. 16:13:31 Roland: any additional thoughts beyond communications (Wiki, blog)? 16:13:40 i'll follow up with the PF people on getting verbiage on Role for you by the weekend, shane 16:13:47 dont tease me 16:13:57 half of expertise is tease... 16:14:19 only two industries call their customers users..... 16:14:51 and have you ever noticed how the word institution is only used for things like asylums AND marriage? hmmm... 16:15:29 Alessio: start to encourge XHTML2 implementaions. 16:15:40 s/start/descriging starting/ 16:15:44 dont we need to know what XHTML 2 is first? 16:16:01 Roland: no one have anything additional. 16:16:08 no thanks for revisiting event yesterday 16:16:09 no 16:16:10 s/no one/no one in this room/ 16:16:20 dinner? 16:16:34 keep your foot elevated, steven! 16:16:46 Hell of a meeting folks! 16:16:58 Roland: finished. (after end, we will talk about dinner.) 16:17:19 I'll be late for dinner! 16:17:32 rrsagent, make minutes 16:17:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 16:18:02 (Done for this week.) 16:18:05 rrsagent, make minutes 16:18:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/20-xhtml-minutes.html Roland_ 16:18:06 Gracie left already 16:18:22 what's the deal with dinner? 16:18:36 bye all :) 16:18:42 bye 16:18:49 thanks to all who scribed -- especially yam -- great job; thanks, alessio, and thanks for the audio, simone! 16:18:50 Steven, I hope we back to hotel and then find a place near it :) 16:18:57 fab! 16:19:02 Grazie Simone 16:19:18 :) 16:20:00 oedipus has left #xhtml 16:20:32 GerrieS has left #xhtml 16:21:52 ShaneM has left #xhtml 16:27:10 Simone has joined #xhtml 16:27:20 Roland_ has left #xhtml 16:42:31 Lachy has joined #xhtml 16:48:19 Lachy_ has joined #xhtml 17:01:12 Lachy has joined #xhtml 18:45:19 ShaneM has joined #xhtml