15:41:47 RRSAgent has joined #rif 15:41:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/02/19-rif-irc 15:41:59 zakim, this will be rif 15:41:59 ok, csma; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 19 minutes 15:42:25 Meeting: RIF telecon 19 February 2008 15:42:42 Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie 15:43:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2008Feb/0083.html 15:44:06 mdean has joined #rif 15:44:13 csma has changed the topic to: 19 February RIF telecon agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2008Feb/0083.html 15:53:48 Regrets: IgorMozetic DaveReynolds PaulVincent HassanAitKaci 15:54:45 LeoraMorgenstern has joined #rif 15:57:43 Mike, can youscribe today? The telecon is likely to be shorter than usual (or am I over-optimistic? :-) 15:58:30 SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started 15:58:37 + +1.212.781.aaaa 15:58:39 Christian, I see you got my email 15:58:48 zakim, aaaa is me 15:58:55 +LeoraMorgenstern; got it 15:59:02 I apologize that I can't do the scribing today. 15:59:09 zakim, please mute me 15:59:21 sorry, LeoraMorgenstern, muting is not permitted when only one person is present 15:59:42 :-), zakim. 15:59:53 kind of silly, really 16:00:15 +??P31 16:00:59 zakim, please mute me. 16:01:02 zakim, ??P31 is me 16:01:08 AxelPolleres has joined #rif 16:01:19 +Sandro 16:01:21 +Mike_Dean 16:01:23 LeoraMorgenstern should now be muted 16:01:27 +csma; got it 16:01:53 +Axel_Polleres 16:01:55 scribe: Mike Dean 16:01:56 josb has joined #rif 16:02:00 scribenick: mdean 16:03:11 ChrisW has joined #rif 16:03:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:03:46 On the phone I see LeoraMorgenstern (muted), csma, Mike_Dean, Sandro, Axel_Polleres (muted) 16:03:56 zakim, ibm is temporarily me 16:04:08 +[IBM] 16:04:14 +ChrisW; got it 16:04:38 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:04:46 On the phone I see LeoraMorgenstern (muted), csma, Mike_Dean, Sandro, Axel_Polleres (muted), ChrisW 16:04:58 zakim, list agenda 16:05:02 I see nothing on the agenda 16:05:24 topic: administration 16:05:32 + +49.351.463.4.aabb 16:05:35 approval of minutes deferred to next meeting 16:05:42 topic: action review 16:06:01 423 continued 16:06:07 zakim, who is in paris? 16:06:07 sorry, ChrisW, I do not recognize a party named 'paris' 16:06:16 422 continued 16:06:33 421 done 16:06:51 +??P48 16:07:08 Zakim, unmute me 16:07:08 Axel_Polleres should no longer be muted 16:07:25 420 continued, will send by tomorrow 16:07:36 419 done 16:08:32 AdrianP has joined #rif 16:08:45 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:08:45 On the phone I see LeoraMorgenstern (muted), csma, Mike_Dean, Sandro, Axel_Polleres (muted), ChrisW, +49.351.463.4.aabb, josb 16:08:46 q+ 16:08:57 Zakim, aabb is me 16:08:57 +AdrianP; got it 16:09:05 Zakim, mute me 16:09:05 AdrianP should now be muted 16:09:34 q- 16:09:43 +??P50 16:09:45 418 done, but want to generate new versions of Wiki pages 16:11:35 417 done 16:12:09 Zakim, unmute me 16:12:09 AdrianP should no longer be muted 16:12:23 416 done 16:12:25 zakim, ??p50 is Harold 16:12:25 +Harold; got it 16:12:34 Zakim, mute me 16:12:34 AdrianP should now be muted 16:12:39 415 done 16:12:56 + +43.158.801.1aacc 16:13:05 -josb 16:13:18 413 continued, needed before F2F 16:13:32 412 done 16:13:45 411 continued 16:14:03 right 16:14:10 409 done 16:14:43 406 continued 16:15:18 152 continued 16:15:25 274 continued 16:15:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:15:29 On the phone I see LeoraMorgenstern (muted), csma, Mike_Dean, Sandro, Axel_Polleres (muted), ChrisW, AdrianP (muted), Harold, josb (muted) 16:15:44 topic: liaison 16:15:50 Zakim, unmute me 16:15:50 AdrianP should no longer be muted 16:16:11 Zakim, mute me 16:16:11 AdrianP should now be muted 16:16:11 no 16:16:16 adrian has not yet talked to XBRL folks 16:16:23 nothing to report on OWL WG 16:17:30 ChrisW: OWL compatibility 2pm Thursday so Mike can call in 16:17:44 topic: issue 44 16:18:07 PROPOSED: to close issue 44 with no change to BLD (that is, keeping named arguments Uniterm in BLD). 16:18:28 csma: no objections to closing issue without changing BLD 16:18:39 ChrisW: would like to postpone 16:19:14 ... should publish a standard means of translation, e.g. alphabetical, for round-tripping 16:19:18 agree with Chris, we should publish a default strategy 16:19:45 ChrisW: resolution should make this clear 16:19:56 Zakim, unmute me 16:19:56 Axel_Polleres should no longer be muted 16:20:02 ... uncomfortable changing it on the fly 16:20:07 q+ 16:20:16 ack josb 16:20:21 ... should be quick to resolve at F2F 16:20:54 Axel: why do we need standard translation? 16:20:57 GaryHallmark has joined #rif 16:21:06 s/Axel/josb/ 16:21:41 ChrisW: want to be able to tell people precise equivalence 16:21:57 I join by IRC but have no telephone... 16:22:04 Sandro: let's you merge after translation 16:22:51 i'll add you to the attendees manually, if necessary 16:23:30 ChrisW: table until F2F 16:23:35 Gary... named uniterm and resolution 44 currently being discussed again, suggestion by chrisw to postpone decision to f2f 16:23:56 q+ 16:23:58 topic: F2F9 16:24:02 ack josb 16:24:28 josb: 2 different front pages on Wiki 16:24:50 ... couldn't find FLD on old page 16:25:15 ACTION chrisw: put banner and link on old Wiki page 16:25:32 s/link/link to new Wiki page/ 16:25:40 I'd suggest to remove all text there and ONLY have the pointer! 16:25:48 (and make the page immutable) 16:25:50 action: cwelty to clear old wiki front page 16:25:50 Created ACTION-424 - Clear old wiki front page [on Christopher Welty - due 2008-02-26]. 16:25:58 csma: 12 or 13 people 16:26:20 csma: email regarding any special food requirements - no response - will include vegetarian 16:26:38 csma: fois gras is not vegetarian - tofu version doesn't taste the same 16:26:49 csma: lunch may include fois gras 16:27:14 csma; remote attendance? 16:27:18 mdean: yes 16:27:23 :-) 16:27:26 csma: Dave Reynolds may also call in 16:28:03 csma: objectives posted on F2F9 page - finalize second public WD of BLD, etc. 16:28:11 q+ 16:28:40 ack josb 16:28:48 csma: Jeff Pan asked for session about test cases - will add at end 16:29:25 josb: does BLD require FLD publication? 16:29:46 ChrisW: BLD completely depends on FLD 16:30:23 csma: item for discussion - synchronized at least for this publication 16:30:33 josb: agenda only talks about BLD 16:30:52 ... could have some objections since this makes document harder to read 16:30:58 s/have/imagine/ 16:31:22 -Harold 16:32:22 ACTION csma modify F2F9 meeting page after meeting to include FLD 16:32:36 s/csma/csma: 16:32:53 q+ 16:32:54 ACTION csma: modify F2F9 meeting page to include FLD 16:33:29 Sandro: conventions for latest snapshot 16:33:49 ... confused about what versions people should be reading 16:33:58 ... some changes since February 12 version 16:33:58 Zakim, unmute me 16:33:58 AdrianP should no longer be muted 16:34:17 ... email responses from editors don't answer questions 16:34:56 ... color coded diffs helpful in review cycle - no need to repeat comments 16:35:13 ... need to know when to freeze 16:35:30 ... would also like to move to MediaWiki today so another round of reviews isn't needed 16:35:41 csma: Harold in Germany 16:35:48 ChrisW: Michael Kifer en route 16:35:55 csma: frozen version of OWL RDF 16:36:11 ... still have review changes to PRD - should be able to freeze tonight 16:36:36 ... or half an hour from now 16:36:58 josb: OWL RDF linked from email and old front page 16:37:07 + +49.228.372.aadd 16:37:09 ... no changes since Wiki 16:37:18 s/old/reading list on old/ 16:37:19 q- 16:37:21 zakim, aadd is Harold 16:37:21 +Harold; got it 16:37:47 Harold: some changes to FLD after freezing 16:38:00 Sandro: will make new version with color-coded diffs for FLD 16:38:08 ... but not for OWL, RDF, or PRD 16:38:34 josb: OWL RDF already on MediaWiki 16:38:47 s/OWL, /OWL/ 16:39:04 s/RDF,/RDF/ 16:39:59 Harold: can move to MediaWiki now - need to alert Michael Kifer 16:40:22 Zakim, mute me 16:40:22 AdrianP should now be muted 16:40:23 sandro: will try to do today or tomorrow and send email to Michael 16:40:49 Harold: Michael should arrive in Paris early tomorrow 16:41:14 ChrisW: hold off pending confirmation in case Michael makes edits on the plane 16:41:21 Zakim, unmute me 16:41:21 AdrianP should no longer be muted 16:41:45 ChrisW: what about converting UCR to MediaWiki 16:42:00 s/MediaWiki/MediaWiki?/ 16:42:01 let's discuss UCR durin f2f 16:42:08 ... not being maintained 16:42:41 Zakim, mute me 16:42:41 AdrianP should now be muted 16:43:04 sandro: will wait for Michael for both BLD and FLD 16:43:31 PRD is also already on the Media WIKI 16:43:44 sandro: PRD freeze in an hour or so, move later 16:44:11 topic: AOB 16:44:26 yes, 16:44:29 i think it is March 4. 16:45:34 Leora: willing scribe for March 4 16:45:54 csma: informal telecon February 26 to recap F2F9 for those not present 16:46:00 zakim, list attendees 16:46:00 As of this point the attendees have been +1.212.781.aaaa, LeoraMorgenstern, Sandro, Mike_Dean, csma, Axel_Polleres, ChrisW, +49.351.463.4.aabb, josb, AdrianP, Harold, 16:46:00 adjourned 16:46:03 ... +43.158.801.1aacc, +49.228.372.aadd 16:46:05 bye see you soon! 16:46:07 rrsagent, make logs public 16:46:07 -Harold 16:46:08 bye 16:46:12 -Axel_Polleres 16:46:13 -josb 16:46:14 -AdrianP 16:46:16 -LeoraMorgenstern 16:46:25 Regrets: IgorMozetic DaveReynolds PaulVincent HassanAitKaci 16:46:31 rrsagent, make minutes 16:46:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/19-rif-minutes.html ChrisW 16:46:58 -Mike_Dean 16:47:02 zakim, hwo is on the phone? 16:47:02 I don't understand your question, csma. 16:47:08 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:47:08 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, ChrisW 16:47:24 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:47:24 On the phone I see csma, Sandro, ChrisW 16:49:50 -Sandro 16:49:52 -ChrisW 16:49:52 -csma 16:49:53 SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended 16:49:54 Attendees were +1.212.781.aaaa, LeoraMorgenstern, Sandro, Mike_Dean, csma, Axel_Polleres, ChrisW, +49.351.463.4.aabb, josb, AdrianP, Harold, +43.158.801.1aacc, +49.228.372.aadd 16:58:14 csma has left #rif 19:19:07 Zakim has left #rif