13:48:14 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 13:48:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/02/13-xhtml-irc 13:58:49 IA_XHTML2()9:00AM has now started 13:58:56 +Roland 13:59:11 Steven has joined #xhtml 13:59:43 Tina has joined #xhtml 14:01:05 +gshults 14:01:51 +ShaneM 14:01:56 gshults has joined #xhtml 14:02:04 Steven-eee has joined #xhtml 14:02:48 yamx has joined #xhtml 14:03:27 +??P3 14:03:34 zakim, ??P3 is yamx 14:03:34 +yamx; got it 14:03:34 Zakim, list 14:03:35 I see IA_XHTML2()9:00AM, WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM, Team_W3M()8:00AM active 14:03:36 also scheduled at this time is I18N_TS()9:00AM 14:04:16 zakim, dial steven-617 14:04:16 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:04:18 +Steven 14:04:18 Zakim, this is XHTML2 14:04:18 Roland, this was already IA_XHTML2()9:00AM 14:04:19 ok, Roland; that matches IA_XHTML2()9:00AM 14:04:56 zakim, drop steven 14:04:56 Steven is being disconnected 14:04:58 -Steven 14:05:05 low tech crap 14:05:29 we were listening to answering service 14:05:36 Rich has joined #xhtml 14:06:05 +??P12 14:06:47 Zakim, ??P12 is Rich 14:06:47 +Rich; got it 14:07:55 zakim, dial steven-617 14:07:55 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:07:57 +Steven 14:08:22 Scribe: Steven 14:08:34 Meeting; XHTML2 WG Weekly Teleconference 14:08:40 Chair: Roland 14:09:01 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Feb/0006.html 14:09:20 Topic: Reviews: 14:09:30 Roland: These are done 14:09:33 Topic: FtF 14:09:42 Roland: We are still waiting for some people to register 14:09:50 -ShaneM 14:10:24 ... we'll come back to this 14:10:28 Topic: ARIA 14:10:36 +ShaneM 14:10:48 Roland: Status? Gregory had an action, but he's not here (yet) 14:11:08 Rich: In the latest ARIA spec, we have a sectiopn on host languages 14:11:22 ... so I think the namespace issue is resolved 14:12:02 http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-wai-aria-20080204/#implementation 14:12:21 ... I'm not sure what the issue is 14:12:28 ... I think it has been resolved 14:14:17 ... we have taken the parameters from XHTML2, and we think we will be in HTML5 14:14:45 Roland: You are preparing to go to Last Call, so you think you have no outstanding issues? 14:15:10 Rich: We are doing a new draft, and we are preparing to go to last call in about 6 weeks. 14:15:28 Shane: Do you mean namespaced values, or a namespaced attribute 14:15:52 Rich: They are incorporating all the values without namespaces into HTML5 14:16:06 ... the attribute will be native in the language 14:16:14 ... we have to fix it up in middleware 14:16:33 Shane: We have a role attribute in the rec track 14:16:38 ... what is the relation? 14:16:59 Rich: We have a namespaced version in Firefox 2, and without namespace in Firefox 3 14:17:20 ... (the values are not namespaced) 14:17:30 Shane: That is insane 14:18:16 Roland: So from the ARIA spec point of view you are wrapping up for last call, and there are no issues that we need to deal with? 14:18:19 Rich: No 14:18:31 Roland: OK 14:18:38 Topic: CURIE to last call 14:18:57 Roland: I'm following the process, I have talked to some chairs, and the HCG 14:19:19 Regrets: MarkB 14:20:03 Roland: The proposed dates were in the message I sent to the chairs 14:20:25 Steven: Then there is an action on me to finalise this at HCG 14:20:43 Roalnd: The dates were "starting ASAP and ending 4 weeks later" 14:21:00 Roland: I leave for Venice tomorrow, so Steven is doing this at HCG 14:21:10 s/Roal/Rola/ 14:21:28 Roland: We have received some feedback already for CURIES this week 14:22:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2008JanMar/0006.html 14:22:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2008JanMar/0007 14:23:04 Shane: This is mostly editorial 14:23:19 Steven: With a negative comment at the end of Walsh's 14:23:37 Shane, Yes, I wish he would say what the costs are, because I don't think there are any 14:23:47 ... I'll fix the editorial comments 14:24:06 ... too bad Mark isn't here 14:24:32 Shane: There is the issue of alternative prefixing mechanisms 14:24:45 ... these are to support non XML languages 14:25:07 ... the wording seems to suggest that they could be used in XML as well 14:25:24 ... (I personally object to using xmlns for Curies, but no one else seems to share this worry) 14:25:48 Roland: Maybe a note in the spec that we would like feedback on this issue? 14:25:57 Shane: Oh yes, since this is last call; I like that 14:26:22 SHane: Norm and Stuart both indicated that there ought to be an XML schema datatype for CURIEs 14:26:26 s/SH/Sh/ 14:28:45 Steven: Does he think it should be an xh:CURIE or an xsd:curie? 14:28:48 Shane: THe latter 14:28:55 s/TH/Th/ 14:29:42 Roland: Will you fix these comments beforeLC? 14:29:46 Shane: Sure 14:29:52 s/LC/ LC/ 14:30:22 Shane: The one comment I don't know how to address is that we assert that QNames are inappropriate for use in attributes 14:30:33 ... Norm doesn't find the reasons compelling 14:30:51 Roland: They are used that way regardless 14:31:37 -ShaneM 14:32:03 +ShaneM 14:32:18 Steven: THe big reason for CURIEs for me is that the value space is all URIs, while QNames have a restricted space 14:32:23 s/TH/Th/ 14:32:41 Shane: And we say that 14:32:46 Steven: Absolutely 14:32:59 Roland: THe LC will flush all these things and we can deal with them once and for all 14:33:04 s/TH/Th/ 14:33:17 Topic: RDFa Syntax 14:33:20 Roland: Status? 14:33:38 Shane: We got comments from the semweb people 14:33:50 ... that Mark needs to update the doc for 14:34:48 ... the Semweb group hasn't yet agreed to go to last call until those edits are done 14:36:04 Topic: M12N transition 14:36:56 Steven: I haven't had a response yet; maybe because of XML10; I'll ping them again 14:37:21 Topic: XHTML Basic 14:37:29 Roland: Moving to PR 14:37:56 Steven: I have a draft implementation report that I will finish and post for the FtF 14:38:03 Lachy has joined #xhtml 14:38:08 Roland: OK 14:38:20 Topic: XHTML 1.1 2e 14:38:30 Roland: There are a few actions outstanding 14:38:38 ... even though it is waiting on M12N 14:39:15 ... the first is inputmode 14:39:20 Shane: That is still to be done 14:39:44 Roland: The second is Ruby with schema additions 14:39:50 Shane: How do we do that? 14:39:56 Steven: Do we own it? 14:39:59 Shane: No 14:40:20 http://www.w3.org/TR/ruby/ 14:40:53 Steven: It's owned by I18N WG 14:41:20 http://www.w3.org/International/core/ 14:42:11 Steven: It looks like Richard Ishida is the team contact 14:42:24 Shane: It only needs an appendix with a schema 14:42:44 Steven: Addison Phillips of Yahoo is the chair 14:43:24 Shane: We already have the schema module 14:43:38 Steven: Shall I contact I18N? 14:43:50 Shane: It is pretty trivial 14:43:54 Steven: It would be a PER 14:44:01 Roland: Where is the schema module 14:44:16 s/module/module?/ 14:44:25 Schema modules are in here: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/SCHEMA/ 14:44:47 ACTION: Steven to contact I18N to PER Ruby with a schema module 14:45:23 ACTION: Steven to ping Bratt/TBL about M12N transition 14:45:53 Roland: The other issue was "Mark creates integration set example " 14:46:08 ... but since he isn't here, we'll leave that for now 14:46:16 Topic: FtF Agenda 14:46:28 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2007-02-Venice-FtF-Agenda 14:46:45 -ShaneM 14:46:52 Steven: We will be using Zakim to conference in, and this IRC channel 14:47:04 ... I will take a conference phone 14:47:20 +McCarron 14:47:51 zakim, McCarron is ShaneM 14:47:51 +ShaneM; got it 14:48:32 Steven: Is there anything around Print? 14:48:41 Roland: It is a Rec, what needs to be done? 14:48:49 Steven: A Schema when M12N is ready 14:49:09 ... and don't forget Basic implementation report on the agenda 14:49:27 Gerrie: Melinda Grant is currently unavailable, but there are some things left open 14:49:34 ... test suites, and errata 14:49:48 ... I will try and get enough information for us to deal with it 14:50:20 http://www.w3.org/2006/03/REC-xhtml-print-20060328-errata.html 14:50:35 Steven: The errata doc is currently empty 14:50:51 ... which may mean that Melinda has some errata that need to be recorded 14:51:13 ... are there any outstanding issues in the DB Shane? 14:52:07 Shane: No, there is nothing 14:52:22 Gerrie: I will get back to Melinda 14:53:10 Topic: Role atribute module 14:53:15 s/atr/attr/ 14:53:29 Roland: Two of us sent comments 14:54:16 ... and Shane you have an action 14:54:27 Shane: I will do them when I address the comments 14:54:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Feb/0004.html 14:54:59 Rich: I think we are using the OWL things just as an example 14:55:51 Roland: We should eat our own dogfood 14:56:03 ... and have stuff at the end of our NS URI 14:56:19 Shane: I would use RDFa 14:56:43 Rich: It really helped us to do this since we could reduce our number of properties 14:56:51 ... (in ARIA) 14:56:59 ... OWL is fantastic for that 14:57:24 Steven: Do we have an OWL expert in the group? 14:58:28 Rich: As an example, when Microsoft was looking at our taxonomy, and we found some roles that were overlapping, so we could thin them down 14:58:49 ... we could also break up structural components vs widgets 14:59:24 Shane: Great. Then we should put that OWL stuff at the end of the #vocab URI 15:00:13 Roland: We should spend some time thinking about this 15:00:48 Steven: Maybe look at the ARIA stuff during the FtF 15:01:08 Roland: There are a number of groups on W3C doing this stuff 15:01:18 Topic: AOB 15:01:44 Roland: So no call next week (FtF) 15:01:54 Steven: The dial in details will be on the IRC channel 15:01:55 -ShaneM 15:01:59 -gshults 15:02:01 -yamx 15:02:02 [ADJOURN] 15:02:04 -Roland 15:02:09 -Rich 15:02:10 -Steven 15:02:13 IA_XHTML2()9:00AM has ended 15:02:15 Attendees were Roland, gshults, ShaneM, yamx, Steven, Rich 15:02:19 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/13-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:02:27 rrsagent, make log public 15:02:33 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/13-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:03:04 s/Meeting;/Meeting:/ 15:03:37 steven - help? 15:03:41 s/Shane, Yes,/Shane: Yes 15:03:55 wassup Shane? 15:04:13 w3c MarkUp folder seems to have lost its 2008 subfolder 15:04:17 woh 15:04:19 just a moment 15:05:13 It's still there on jigteam 15:05:17 , lookign further 15:06:16 hmm 15:06:31 it's there, but has an (empty?) Overview.html file 15:07:18 yep, it's empty 15:10:20 I've removed the empty Overview.html file Shane 15:10:59 it doesnt show up in my space for whatever reason 15:11:08 maybe I dont have permission for that folder? 15:11:28 Well, it's odd, because it says that it is world access 15:11:29 but worse yet there were FILES in there 15:11:37 even the folder itself 15:11:40 I mean - we havre done editors drafts this year 15:11:51 They are all there, I can see them 15:11:51 maybe its a jigedit access setting thing? 15:12:00 and I could see them a few days ago 15:12:07 hmm 15:12:31 well - at least the files aren't gone - that woudl have sucked 15:12:32 Are you looking at www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ ? or via another route? 15:12:47 I am talking about jigedit 15:13:02 http://jigedit.w3.org/smccarro/WWW/MarkUp/ is my path 15:13:27 Well, I can see them under the above URI, and under jigteam. 15:13:33 I cannot access 2008 under that folder, nor does it show up in my CVS tree for that folder. 15:13:34 Not sure if I have a jigedit 15:13:40 maybe it's a CVS problem 15:13:45 looking 15:15:18 And you're view on that space has no /2008/ ? 15:15:26 s/you're/your/ 15:15:26 yes 15:15:53 This calls for super Sysreq 15:16:22 can you contact whomeever? I wouldn't even know what to ask 15:18:01 Doing it 15:18:09 rrsagent, make minutes 15:18:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/02/13-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:47:51 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml 15:55:12 gshults has left #xhtml 16:52:09 ShaneM has left #xhtml 16:56:53 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml 17:06:39 Zakim has left #xhtml 17:12:09 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml 17:23:26 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml 17:37:09 Lachy has joined #xhtml 17:40:28 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml