IRC log of rif on 2008-02-05
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:41:44 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rif
- 15:41:44 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:42:00 [csma]
- zakim, this will be rif
- 15:42:00 [Zakim]
- ok, csma; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 18 minutes
- 15:42:14 [csma]
- Meeting: RIF telecon 5 February 2008
- 15:42:28 [csma]
- Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie
- 15:42:57 [csma]
- Agenda:
- 15:43:41 [csma]
- csma has changed the topic to: 5 Feb RIF telecon agenda:
- 15:44:37 [csma]
- Regrets: DaveReynolds, PaulaLaviniaPatranjan, FrançoisBry, Leora Morgenstern, PaulVincent
- 15:49:37 [mdean]
- mdean has joined #rif
- 15:56:59 [Hassan]
- Hassan has joined #rif
- 16:00:17 [Zakim]
- SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started
- 16:00:18 [Zakim]
- +??P33
- 16:00:35 [csma]
- zakim, ??P33 is me
- 16:01:04 [Zakim]
- +csma; got it
- 16:01:11 [Zakim]
- +Sandro
- 16:01:14 [josb]
- josb has joined #rif
- 16:01:41 [ChrisW]
- zakim, ibm is temporarily me
- 16:01:57 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 16:01:59 [Zakim]
- -[IBM]
- 16:02:01 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 16:02:02 [StellaMitchell]
- StellaMitchell has joined #rif
- 16:02:03 [Zakim]
- +??P42
- 16:02:12 [Zakim]
- +ChrisW; got it
- 16:02:14 [Zakim]
- -Sandro
- 16:02:17 [ChrisW]
- zakim, ??P42 is Harold
- 16:02:20 [Hassan]
- zakim, ??P42 is me
- 16:02:22 [Zakim]
- +[NRCC]
- 16:02:32 [Zakim]
- +??P53
- 16:02:43 [Harold]
- Harold has joined #rif
- 16:02:46 [Zakim]
- +Harold; got it
- 16:02:54 [Zakim]
- I already had ??P42 as Harold, Hassan
- 16:02:58 [ChrisW]
- zakim harold is hassan
- 16:03:04 [Zakim]
- +Sandro
- 16:03:30 [ChrisW]
- zakim, harold is hassan
- 16:03:33 [sandro]
- zakim, Harold is P42
- 16:03:39 [sandro]
- oops
- 16:03:40 [Zakim]
- +hassan; got it
- 16:03:50 [Zakim]
- sorry, sandro, I do not recognize a party named 'Harold'
- 16:03:57 [Harold]
- zakim, [nrcc] is me
- 16:04:04 [csma]
- zakim, ??P53 is josb
- 16:04:13 [Zakim]
- +Harold; got it
- 16:04:16 [IgorMozetic]
- IgorMozetic has joined #rif
- 16:04:19 [AxelPolleres]
- AxelPolleres has joined #rif
- 16:04:22 [ChrisW]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:04:23 [Zakim]
- +josb; got it
- 16:04:49 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see csma, ChrisW, hassan (muted), Harold, josb, Sandro
- 16:05:06 [ChrisW]
- Scribe: Harold
- 16:05:18 [ChrisW]
- zakim, because I'm stupid
- 16:05:21 [Zakim]
- +??P60
- 16:05:29 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'because I'm stupid', ChrisW
- 16:05:42 [AdrianP]
- AdrianP has joined #rif
- 16:05:44 [Zakim]
- +??P61
- 16:05:48 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 16:05:54 [StellaMitchell]
- zakim, [ibm] is temporarily me
- 16:05:55 [IgorMozetic]
- zakim, ??P61 is me
- 16:06:06 [IgorMozetic]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:06:07 [AxelPolleres]
- josb, I would refer you to elisa for such conversations, alternatively! ;-)
- 16:06:09 [ChrisW]
- PROPOSED: accept minutes of telecon January 29
- 16:06:17 [ChrisW]
- RESOLVED: accept minutes of telecon January 29
- 16:06:26 [Zakim]
- +StellaMitchell; got it
- 16:06:32 [Zakim]
- +IgorMozetic; got it
- 16:06:46 [Zakim]
- IgorMozetic should now be muted
- 16:06:56 [AdrianP]
- Zakim, mute me
- 16:07:11 [AxelPolleres]
- 408 done.
- 16:07:20 [Zakim]
- sorry, AdrianP, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
- 16:08:23 [MichaelKifer]
- MichaelKifer has joined #rif
- 16:08:26 [Harold]
- 407 on Jos: Done
- 16:08:48 [Harold]
- 402 on Sandro: Done
- 16:08:58 [Harold]
- Chris, can you enter your Continued?
- 16:09:34 [Zakim]
- + +1.631.833.aaaa
- 16:09:44 [Harold]
- 373 on Sandro: TBD by Feb 8.
- 16:09:46 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, aaa is me
- 16:09:46 [Zakim]
- sorry, MichaelKifer, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa'
- 16:09:58 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, aaaa is me
- 16:09:58 [Zakim]
- +MichaelKifer; got it
- 16:10:09 [Harold]
- 292 on Sandro: Waiting for other doc to settle done.
- 16:10:22 [Harold]
- 274 on Paula: sent regrets.
- 16:10:38 [Harold]
- 152 on Vincent: sent regrets.
- 16:11:08 [josb]
- ack me
- 16:11:11 [ChrisW]
- zakim, next item
- 16:11:11 [Zakim]
- I see nothing on the agenda
- 16:11:18 [ChrisW]
- TOPIC: Liason
- 16:11:25 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:11:25 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should now be muted
- 16:11:42 [josb]
- I will dial in again
- 16:11:44 [Harold]
- OWL:
- 16:11:51 [Zakim]
- -hassan
- 16:12:04 [csma]
- q?
- 16:12:14 [Harold]
- Peter responded to Chris' response.
- 16:12:40 [Harold]
- (Jan 29th)
- 16:13:44 [ChrisW]
- 16:13:46 [Zakim]
- +josb.a
- 16:13:50 [csma]
- 16:14:14 [Harold]
- 16:14:26 [Harold]
- Agreed on a solution.
- 16:14:34 [Harold]
- Have a draft.
- 16:14:48 [Harold]
- Will send to WG if everyone agrees.
- 16:15:01 [Harold]
- In two weeks.
- 16:15:11 [Harold]
- (all of the above by Jos)
- 16:15:44 [Harold]
- Chris: Weekend before f2f?
- 16:15:51 [AdrianP]
- Zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:15:51 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see csma, ChrisW, Harold, josb, Sandro, AxelPolleres, IgorMozetic (muted), StellaMitchell, MichaelKifer (muted), josb.aa
- 16:15:55 [Harold]
- Jos: Yes, what we'll have by then.
- 16:16:18 [Harold]
- Feb 10th.
- 16:16:56 [ChrisW]
- action: debruij2 to produce first draft of OWL proposal by Feb 17
- 16:16:56 [trackbot-ng]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - debruij2
- 16:17:03 [Harold]
- s/10/17/
- 16:17:19 [ChrisW]
- action: jdebrui2 to produce first draft of OWL proposal by Feb 17
- 16:17:19 [trackbot-ng]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - jdebrui2
- 16:17:27 [ChrisW]
- action: jdebruij2 to produce first draft of OWL proposal by Feb 17
- 16:17:27 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-409 - Produce first draft of OWL proposal by Feb 17 [on Jos de Bruijn - due 2008-02-12].
- 16:17:30 [Harold]
- 16:17:34 [csma]
- 16:17:51 [ChrisW]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:17:51 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ChrisW
- 16:18:00 [Harold]
- Christian: Plse fill out that questionnaire asap.
- 16:18:13 [Harold]
- ... also if you cant attend.
- 16:18:22 [ChrisW]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 16:18:24 [josb]
- all fine
- 16:18:33 [ChrisW]
- Regrets: DaveReynolds PaulaLaviniaPatranjan FrançoisBry LeoraMorgenstern PaulVincent
- 16:18:42 [Harold]
- TOPIC: F2F10
- 16:19:09 [Harold]
- Christian: Should start thinking where it should be in May.
- 16:19:15 [ChrisW]
- f2f10 should be hosted by someone willing to throw a party
- 16:19:39 [sandro]
- heh
- 16:19:48 [Harold]
- ... If you want to host it, put it into the wiki: When exactly, etc.
- 16:20:07 [josb]
- Axel, Igor?
- 16:20:15 [csma]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:20:15 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see csma, ChrisW, Harold, josb (muted), Sandro, AxelPolleres, IgorMozetic (muted), StellaMitchell, MichaelKifer (muted), josb.aa
- 16:20:21 [Harold]
- Axel: Can check back, yes.
- 16:20:41 [Harold]
- Christian: Preference would be in Europe, to keep balance, but not a necessity.
- 16:20:49 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, unmute me
- 16:20:49 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should no longer be muted
- 16:20:51 [AxelPolleres]
- I will check back with our admins, whether May is good/ok to host f2f.
- 16:20:51 [IgorMozetic]
- I can check for F2F10 as well
- 16:21:10 [Harold]
- Michael: How to get from the airport to hotel.s
- 16:21:27 [Harold]
- Christian: Depends on arrival time.
- 16:21:46 [Zakim]
- +Gary_Hallmark
- 16:22:05 [Harold]
- ... Place d'Italie: Public transportation.
- 16:22:24 [Harold]
- ... Cab would be about 70 EUR.
- 16:22:56 [Harold]
- ... but around noon (any rush hour) would take longer.
- 16:23:20 [Harold]
- Public transportation would take approx. 1 hour.
- 16:23:24 [ChrisW]
- action: christian to post directions to hotels
- 16:23:24 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-410 - Post directions to hotels [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2008-02-12].
- 16:23:25 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:23:25 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should now be muted
- 16:23:56 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, unmute me
- 16:23:56 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should no longer be muted
- 16:24:00 [Harold]
- TOPIC: New BLD and FLD
- 16:24:33 [AdrianP]
- Zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:24:33 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see csma, ChrisW, Harold, josb (muted), Sandro, AxelPolleres, IgorMozetic (muted), StellaMitchell, MichaelKifer, josb.aa, Gary_Hallmark
- 16:24:37 [GaryHallmark]
- GaryHallmark has joined #rif
- 16:24:47 [Harold]
- Christian: Changed link to new BLD.
- 16:24:53 [csma]
- q?
- 16:25:10 [Harold]
- MichaelK: Basically, mainly rewritten from almost scratch.
- 16:25:38 [Harold]
- FLD: Extensibility framework (50-60%)
- 16:25:48 [Harold]
- ... NAF, etc. prepared.
- 16:25:58 [Harold]
- ... Syntax and Semantics.
- 16:26:02 [Hassan]
- q?
- 16:26:17 [Harold]
- ... BLD then defined as dialect derived from this framework.
- 16:26:18 [AdrianP]
- AdrianP has joined #rif
- 16:26:41 [Harold]
- ... Syntax (1st section) starts with parameters to define the dialect.
- 16:26:47 [Hassan]
- Why am I not listed (as Hassan)?
- 16:26:51 [Harold]
- ... Rest, without ref to framework.
- 16:27:14 [Harold]
- ... Skipping 1st section, you dont need to read framework.
- 16:27:16 [Hassan]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:27:16 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see csma, ChrisW, Harold, josb (muted), Sandro, AxelPolleres, IgorMozetic (muted), StellaMitchell, MichaelKifer, josb.aa, Gary_Hallmark
- 16:27:32 [Harold]
- Semantics: how to derive BLD semantics from that of FLD.
- 16:28:04 [Harold]
- ... Save a few paragraphs.
- 16:28:05 [csma]
- q?
- 16:28:06 [AdrianP]
- Hassan, I also have problems with zakim
- 16:28:26 [Harold]
- XML still missing.
- 16:29:01 [Harold]
- Chris: Schedule? Can we freeze? For f2f.
- 16:29:09 [Harold]
- Michael: Yes, syntax.
- 16:29:18 [Harold]
- ... Semantics, by Fri.
- 16:29:49 [Harold]
- ... FLD finished, so derived Semantics of BLD.
- 16:30:01 [Harold]
- Christian: Why not include negation into BLD?
- 16:30:31 [AdrianP]
- AdrianP has joined #rif
- 16:30:49 [Harold]
- Michael: Different kinds of negation (stable, well-founded, ...), so takes time.
- 16:31:31 [Harold]
- Christian: Since BLD is not meant to be minimal, we could add one later.
- 16:31:50 [Harold]
- Chris: That's the point where dialect splits happen, so not so easy.
- 16:32:24 [MoZ]
- MoZ has joined #rif
- 16:32:33 [Harold]
- Michael: Strong negation, perhaps, but still not good to hardcode into BLD.
- 16:32:37 [AxelPolleres]
- ... different forms of negation and why they don't fit together so well.
- 16:32:49 [Harold]
- Chris: Let's get reviewers.
- 16:33:16 [Harold]
- FLD now.
- 16:33:50 [csma]
- 16:34:06 [Harold]
- Michael: All in the OLD (Moin Moin) wiki!
- 16:34:32 [Harold]
- Harold: Let's not change the tools while we are running :-)
- 16:35:40 [ChrisW]
- action: cwelty to review FLD
- 16:35:40 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-411 - Review FLD [on Christopher Welty - due 2008-02-12].
- 16:35:58 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:35:58 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ChrisW
- 16:36:02 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:02 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Harold
- 16:36:06 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:06 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Sandro
- 16:36:09 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:09 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose csma
- 16:36:12 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:12 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose josb (muted)
- 16:36:17 [AxelPolleres]
- by f2f only, I am afraid.
- 16:36:19 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:19 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose csma
- 16:36:23 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:23 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose josb.aa
- 16:36:24 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:24 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Harold
- 16:36:27 [ChrisW]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 16:36:27 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Harold
- 16:36:38 [csma]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:36:38 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see csma, ChrisW, Harold, josb (muted), Sandro, AxelPolleres, IgorMozetic (muted), StellaMitchell, MichaelKifer, josb.aa, Gary_Hallmark
- 16:36:39 [ChrisW]
- zakim, you're not helping
- 16:36:41 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'you're not helping', ChrisW
- 16:36:52 [IgorMozetic]
- ack me
- 16:37:07 [Harold]
- Jos: Will review BLD by the F2F but not before the next telecon.
- 16:37:57 [csma]
- 16:38:04 [Harold]
- Igor: Cannot promise reviewing new BLD by Tuesday, but try it by next week (Wed).
- 16:39:10 [Harold]
- Christian: wiki-tr did not work for new BLD, so disconnected it.
- 16:39:26 [Harold]
- Sandro: Format is wrong.
- 16:39:41 [Harold]
- Christian: Because of HTML?
- 16:40:40 [Harold]
- Sandro: Formatting issues could be debugged in a few minutes.
- 16:41:04 [ChrisW]
- action: igor to review bld by F2F
- 16:41:04 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-412 - Review bld by F2F [on Igor Mozetic - due 2008-02-12].
- 16:41:52 [Harold]
- Christian: Frozen versions by Fri, Feb 15.
- 16:42:07 [IgorMozetic]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:42:07 [Zakim]
- IgorMozetic should now be muted
- 16:42:08 [Harold]
- TOPIC: Lists
- 16:42:41 [Harold]
- 16:44:20 [Harold]
- Harold: Removed Pair from syntax -- it's only a semantic means now.
- 16:44:25 [IgorMozetic]
- ack me
- 16:44:46 [Harold]
- Jos: No chance to read in detail, but looks fine.
- 16:45:11 [Hassan]
- q+
- 16:45:11 [Harold]
- Igor: Had little chance to read in detail, but looks fine.
- 16:45:30 [csma]
- q?
- 16:47:21 [csma]
- ack hassan
- 16:47:30 [Hassan]
- I cannot be heard!
- 16:47:36 [Hassan]
- Who am I?
- 16:47:45 [sandro]
- zakm, unmute hassan
- 16:47:55 [Harold]
- Harold: One issue is that Seq is polyadic (can be called with 0, 1, 2, or more arguments). For that we can instantiate FLD to BLD in a way that allows on polyadic function, namele Seq.
- 16:48:14 [sandro]
- zakim, josb is RealHassan
- 16:48:14 [Zakim]
- +RealHassan; got it
- 16:48:20 [sandro]
- zakim, unmute RealHassan
- 16:48:20 [Zakim]
- RealHassan should no longer be muted
- 16:48:27 [Harold]
- s/allows on polyadic function, namele Seq./allows polyadic functions, namely Seq./
- 16:48:47 [ChrisW]
- zakim, RealHassan is Hassan
- 16:48:47 [Zakim]
- +Hassan; got it
- 16:48:49 [Harold]
- Hassan: Dont understand Ex. 3.
- 16:51:18 [josb]
- q+
- 16:51:47 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:51:47 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should now be muted
- 16:51:51 [Harold]
- ... Syntactic unific. seems to need pairs.
- 16:52:03 [Harold]
- Harold: They are in the interpretation.
- 16:52:08 [csma]
- ack josb
- 16:52:30 [Harold]
- Jos: Propose to clarify by removing mentioning of unification.
- 16:52:42 [Harold]
- Hassan: Agree.
- 16:53:58 [Harold]
- Lists can be decomposed, e.g. in conditions using explicit syntactic equality (unification) as shown in Example 3.
- 16:54:02 [Harold]
- -->
- 16:54:04 [Hassan]
- I will read the result
- 16:54:09 [Harold]
- Lists can be decomposed, e.g. in conditions using explicit equality as shown in Example 3.
- 16:54:38 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, unmute me
- 16:54:38 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should no longer be muted
- 16:54:44 [Harold]
- Sandro: wiki-tr now works properly on the new BLD.
- 16:54:52 [Harold]
- Christian: Wonderful.
- 16:55:12 [csma]
- 16:55:15 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:55:15 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should now be muted
- 16:55:22 [csma]
- q?
- 16:55:32 [Harold]
- Michael/Sandro: some garbage left, but will go away.
- 16:56:02 [Harold]
- TOPIC: Metadata
- 16:56:14 [IgorMozetic]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:56:14 [Zakim]
- IgorMozetic should now be muted
- 16:56:24 [josb]
- 16:56:30 [csma]
- 16:57:03 [Harold]
- Jos: Also want to tackle Directives.
- 16:57:42 [Harold]
- ... So call the superclass 'Annotations'
- 16:58:04 [Harold]
- ... Metadata like Author, Date, ... can be ignored.
- 16:59:12 [Harold]
- ... Directives like DaveR's import ... cannot be ignored.
- 17:00:31 [Harold]
- ... For email exchange with DaveR: Probably want structure for Metadata.
- 17:00:44 [Harold]
- ... Inspired by Turtle syntax of RDF.
- 17:02:18 [Harold]
- ... Mapping from XML to RDF.
- 17:02:32 [Harold]
- ... Shows how RDF processors could use it.
- 17:02:48 [Harold]
- Christian: In the RDF Compatibility doc.
- 17:02:49 [csma]
- q?
- 17:02:52 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, unmute me
- 17:02:52 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should no longer be muted
- 17:02:59 [Harold]
- Jos: Yes, later.
- 17:03:21 [Harold]
- Michael: What is Metadata Statement? No example of this.
- 17:03:41 [josb]
- MetadataStatement ( a dc:title "bla" )
- 17:04:07 [Harold]
- Jos: Would be Statement about arbitrary IRIs.
- 17:04:22 [Harold]
- ... A possible extension.
- 17:05:29 [Harold]
- Christian: Also a bit skeptical about arbitrary IRIs.
- 17:05:35 [sandro]
- q?
- 17:05:43 [Harold]
- Michael: Who must understand what Import means.
- 17:05:52 [Harold]
- Chris: The dialect.
- 17:05:53 [sandro]
- q+ to ask why directives are grouped with metadata
- 17:07:02 [Harold]
- Christian: Difference between Metadata and Directives.
- 17:07:05 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, mute me
- 17:07:05 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should now be muted
- 17:07:13 [csma]
- q?
- 17:07:13 [sandro]
- ack sandro
- 17:07:14 [Zakim]
- sandro, you wanted to ask why directives are grouped with metadata
- 17:07:44 [Harold]
- Sandro: Dont understand why directives are not fully part of the language?
- 17:08:23 [ChrisW]
- q+
- 17:08:27 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, unmute me
- 17:08:27 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should no longer be muted
- 17:08:31 [MichaelKifer]
- q+
- 17:08:31 [Harold]
- Jos: You dont need to change the language when you change the directives.
- 17:08:57 [Harold]
- Michael: Like include statement in C (part of preprocessor)
- 17:09:11 [Harold]
- Sandro: So we would need two processors.
- 17:09:11 [MichaelKifer]
- q-
- 17:09:20 [MichaelKifer]
- zakim, mute me
- 17:09:20 [Zakim]
- MichaelKifer should now be muted
- 17:09:48 [Harold]
- ... all directives are processed before the rules are processed.
- 17:10:01 [Harold]
- Chris: Only by analogy.
- 17:10:54 [Harold]
- Sandro: The model-theoretic semantics is not the differentiating criterion: Also part of PRD is not specified model-theoretically.
- 17:11:37 [Harold]
- ... Gray line between the language itself and its directives.
- 17:12:04 [Harold]
- ... Illegal directives should be caught by schema checker.
- 17:12:34 [Harold]
- Christian: Could be included as a piece of syntax rather than as a directive.
- 17:13:16 [Harold]
- Christian: We could say we have no directives, so things get easier.
- 17:13:17 [sandro]
- Sandro: I am comfortable with the idea that directives are style-decision -- you never need to use them, but maybe they will be the better style for some kinds of things.
- 17:13:38 [Harold]
- Jos: Then it would be harder to make extensions.
- 17:14:02 [sandro]
- Sandro: I don't think extending the syntax is hard.
- 17:14:54 [Harold]
- Chris/Christian: Agree with Sandro.
- 17:15:09 [Harold]
- Christian: Why changed presentation syntax?
- 17:15:27 [Harold]
- Jos: If we want to specify anything, it must go there.
- 17:16:21 [Harold]
- Christian: Maybe not call it 'Annotation' to avoid confusion with XML Schema Annotations.
- 17:16:39 [Harold]
- Jos: More worried with OWL Annotations.
- 17:17:00 [Harold]
- Sandro: In XML Schema all Annotations are optional.
- 17:17:15 [Harold]
- ... so confusion possible here.
- 17:17:40 [Harold]
- Jos: OK when better name can be found, but first decide about 'Directives'
- 17:18:00 [Harold]
- Christian: Strawpoll.
- 17:18:09 [ChrisW]
- Favor Two kinds?
- 17:18:15 [ChrisW]
- +1
- 17:18:21 [Hassan]
- 0
- 17:18:21 [AxelPolleres]
- 0
- 17:18:22 [josb]
- +1
- 17:18:22 [IgorMozetic]
- +1 metadata+directives
- 17:18:22 [Harold]
- +1
- 17:18:25 [MichaelKifer]
- +0
- 17:18:26 [sandro]
- -0.5
- 17:18:26 [GaryHallmark]
- why not just define the specific directives you want. the only examples I've heard are import/include
- 17:19:10 [Harold]
- Christian: Yes, Gary, it may be in the syntax of the language itself.
- 17:19:27 [ChrisW]
- Favor one kind of metadata
- 17:19:32 [GaryHallmark]
- +1
- 17:19:34 [sandro]
- +1
- 17:19:35 [AxelPolleres]
- 0
- 17:19:36 [Hassan]
- 0
- 17:19:36 [IgorMozetic]
- -0
- 17:19:37 [josb]
- 0
- 17:19:39 [Harold]
- 0
- 17:19:42 [ChrisW]
- 0
- 17:19:42 [MichaelKifer]
- -0
- 17:20:12 [Hassan]
- I need to be convinced of the need
- 17:20:20 [Harold]
- Sandro: Want to do it on a case by case basis.
- 17:20:38 [Harold]
- ... Import should be part of the language.
- 17:20:57 [Harold]
- Chris: What diff does it make?
- 17:21:06 [Harold]
- Sandro: Avoid unnecessary complication.
- 17:21:16 [Harold]
- ... Schema validation can help.
- 17:21:50 [GaryHallmark]
- are there any directives other than import?
- 17:21:54 [Harold]
- Harold: Schematron can always be used for finer-grained validation.
- 17:22:17 [josb]
- Suggested directives for BLD: rif:imports, rif:requiresDataSet, rif:dataModel
- 17:22:23 [sandro]
- Sandro: I'm not opposed to directives in principle, it just seems unnecessary for the examples I'm seeing here.
- 17:22:43 [GaryHallmark]
- jos, what do the last 2 do?
- 17:22:44 [Harold]
- Christian: Next step would be to list all RIF directives of interest.
- 17:23:11 [Harold]
- Sandro: Having directives does change model theory.
- 17:23:22 [Hassan]
- why not? imports are theories...
- 17:23:39 [Harold]
- Harold: Model theory kicks in only after import.
- 17:23:55 [josb]
- ref to dataset and data model is data model of the rules
- 17:24:05 [josb]
- see
- 17:24:36 [Harold]
- Christian/Jos: If we had modules, things would be different.
- 17:25:19 [Harold]
- Jos: Then would not use directives to refer to modules, but use syntax in the language.
- 17:25:25 [Harold]
- Chris: and semantics.
- 17:25:48 [Harold]
- Christian: Was referring to datasets, not modules.
- 17:26:52 [Harold]
- Chris: Wrt model theory, you treat them (datasets?) as if they were part of the symbol space.
- 17:27:34 [Harold]
- Christian: If you want to cross-ref between datasets, how do you do that?
- 17:28:10 [Harold]
- ... If this dosent change the model theory, you cannot see it as preprocessing.
- 17:28:26 [Harold]
- Chris: Lost me here.
- 17:28:37 [Harold]
- Christian: Will make up an example.
- 17:28:58 [ChrisW]
- +1
- 17:29:01 [IgorMozetic]
- +1
- 17:29:06 [csma]
- +1
- 17:29:07 [josb]
- +1
- 17:29:10 [sandro]
- -1 don't know enough yet
- 17:29:13 [Hassan]
- 0
- 17:29:14 [Harold]
- 0
- 17:29:20 [AxelPolleres]
- +1
- 17:30:02 [ChrisW]
- previous poll about prefering Jos' metadata proposal
- 17:30:07 [GaryHallmark]
- -0.5
- 17:30:27 [Hassan]
- +1 on adjourning
- 17:30:34 [GaryHallmark]
- for interop, it would be better to import a rif document containing ground facts than to use rif:requiresDataSet
- 17:30:37 [IgorMozetic]
- +1, bye
- 17:30:40 [Zakim]
- -IgorMozetic
- 17:30:46 [Zakim]
- -Hassan
- 17:30:52 [ChrisW]
- action: Christian to write up an example of what he means regarding the metadata proposal
- 17:30:52 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-413 - Write up an example of what he means regarding the metadata proposal [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2008-02-12].
- 17:30:56 [AxelPolleres]
- actions to igor and myself to check back f2f10 options...
- 17:31:00 [Zakim]
- -MichaelKifer
- 17:31:04 [Zakim]
- -josb.aa
- 17:31:08 [Zakim]
- -StellaMitchell
- 17:31:10 [AxelPolleres]
- bye
- 17:31:14 [ChrisW]
- zakim, list attendees
- 17:31:14 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been csma, Sandro, ChrisW, hassan, Harold, AxelPolleres, StellaMitchell, IgorMozetic, +1.631.833.aaaa, MichaelKifer, Gary_Hallmark
- 17:31:20 [Zakim]
- -AxelPolleres
- 17:31:20 [ChrisW]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 17:31:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ChrisW
- 17:31:29 [Zakim]
- -Gary_Hallmark
- 17:31:46 [Zakim]
- -Harold
- 17:32:34 [Zakim]
- -Sandro
- 17:32:35 [Zakim]
- -ChrisW
- 17:32:36 [Zakim]
- -csma
- 17:32:37 [Zakim]
- SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended
- 17:32:38 [Zakim]
- Attendees were csma, Sandro, ChrisW, hassan, Harold, AxelPolleres, StellaMitchell, IgorMozetic, +1.631.833.aaaa, MichaelKifer, Gary_Hallmark
- 19:00:58 [csma]
- csma has left #rif
- 19:57:40 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #rif