20:03:48 RRSAgent has joined #core 20:03:48 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/30-core-irc 20:03:56 zakim, who's here ? 20:03:56 On the phone I see Michael_Monaghan, Richard, ??P7 20:03:57 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, DavidClarke, Mick, andrewc 20:04:03 + +44.797.368.aaaa 20:04:06 andrewc has left #core 20:04:14 zakim, P7 is Andrew 20:04:14 sorry, r12a, I do not recognize a party named 'P7' 20:04:22 zakim, who's here ? 20:04:22 On the phone I see Michael_Monaghan, Richard, ??P7, +44.797.368.aaaa 20:04:23 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, DavidClarke, Mick 20:04:28 andrewc_ has joined #core 20:04:41 zakim, ??P7 is Andrew 20:05:03 +Andrew; got it 20:05:12 fsasaki has joined #core 20:05:19 - +44.797.368.aaaa 20:05:27 zakim, who's here ? 20:05:27 On the phone I see Michael_Monaghan, Richard, Andrew 20:05:28 On IRC I see fsasaki, andrewc_, RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, DavidClarke, Mick 20:05:59 + +44.797.368.aabb 20:06:11 zakim, +44 is David 20:06:11 +David; got it 20:06:28 zakim, mute david 20:06:28 David should now be muted 20:08:03 zakim, who's here ? 20:08:03 On the phone I see Michael_Monaghan, Richard, Andrew, David (muted) 20:08:05 On IRC I see fsasaki, andrewc_, RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, DavidClarke, Mick 20:08:07 +Felix 20:08:20 zakim, who's here ? 20:08:21 On the phone I see Michael_Monaghan, Richard, Andrew, David (muted), Felix 20:08:24 On IRC I see fsasaki, andrewc_, RRSAgent, Zakim, r12a, DavidClarke, Mick 20:10:47 http://www.w3.org/International/wiki/index.php?title=Converting 20:11:23 ACTION: Andrew to move his page qa-utf8-upgrade back to wiki using 'what is encoding' as a template DONE 20:11:33 zakim, dial richard-home 20:11:33 ok, r12a; the call is being made 20:11:35 +Richard 20:11:50 fsasaki_ has joined #core 20:12:21 -Richard 20:12:44 ACTION: Richard create notes on how to use the wiki template 20:13:12 ] ACTION: Felix: send comment on "its successor" formulation to XML WG DONE 20:13:23 ACTION: Felix: send comment on "its successor" formulation to XML WG DONE 20:14:04 ACTION: Richard: to send UAX#29 comments link to list to be forwarded Friday pending no objections DONE 20:14:40 ACTION: Richard: to send UAX#29 comments link to list to be forwarded Friday pending no objections [DONE] 20:16:48 Topic: Info share 20:17:04 Felix: ITS best practices document almost ready to publish 20:17:28 ... and plans to close the WG and start an ITS-focused Interest Group 20:17:29 http://www.w3.org/International/its/techniques/its-techniques.html 20:17:45 I have a little info share. IE8 is intending to be W3 standards compliant, with a sting in the tail though. 20:17:50 Zakim, unmute david 20:17:50 David should no longer be muted 20:19:09 http://www.dragonthoughts.com/blog/2008/01/29/microsoft-finally-work-for-standards-in-ie-8/ 20:19:42 zakim, mute david 20:19:42 David should now be muted 20:21:01 Topic: What is encoding article 20:21:02 http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-what-is-encoding.en.php 20:24:05 fine by me 20:24:14 I'm happy with it being published 20:24:26 agreed to publish 20:24:51 ACTION: Richard to publish Character encoding for Beginners article 20:25:46 Topic: BCP 47 and XML Schema 20:25:47 aphillip has joined #core 20:26:21 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4850#c3 20:27:51 RRSAgent, set logs world-visible 20:27:56 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:27:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/30-core-minutes.html aphillip 20:29:05 +aphillip 20:30:42 Meeting: Internationalization Core WG 20:30:59 Chair: Addison Philips 20:31:07 I agree 20:31:36 ACTION: Felix to contact XML Schema to ask them not to close language validation issue before we've seen the wording 20:32:02 RRSAgent, make the minutes 20:32:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/30-core-minutes.html aphillip 20:32:49 Zakim, unmute david 20:32:49 David should no longer be muted 20:33:06 Zakim, mute david 20:33:06 David should now be muted 20:33:40 Topic: Canonical XML to PR 20:34:56 two things that might be a problem 20:35:08 1. removed NFC requirement for C14N XML output 20:35:51 2. reference 3986 instead of 3987 and use the term uri where we think they should mean iri 20:38:26 andrew: why was normalization removed: 20:38:39 addison: xml processors not really supporting for data; data model is a separate matter 20:39:54 addison: C14N is consistent with late normalization (current state of charmodnorm), but not consistent with our historical position 20:40:50 andrew: not a lot of data sets extant that are affected (such as Vietnamese) 20:43:40 felix: what did you propose saying? 20:44:04 addison: specifically approve of transition, calling out the issues and our positions on them 20:44:59 felix: understanding the issues as "C14N 1.1. is consistent with charmod direction not to require early normalization anymore. We are pleased to see xpath model" 20:45:42 addison: they *say* URI a lot and what we want are IRIs ... or at least LEIRIs 20:45:57 richard: need to troll the archives ont hat; should probably say something about it 20:46:06 s/ont hat/on that/ 20:47:17 addison: add normative reference to 3987 and reference IRI or LEIRI 20:48:34 felix: needs a clarification 20:48:40 richard: at least a note? 20:49:23 ACTION: Addison: contact C14N XML about IRI issue and seek resolution 20:49:57 addison: what about normalization? 20:50:07 richard: should put a note in recommending 20:50:40 ACTION: Addison: check C14N XML 1.1 for health warning on normalization and comment appropriately if there is not one 20:52:01 felix: agenda+ styling in HTML5 and dir on public list thread: needs follow up 20:53:58 Topic: Agenda for next time 20:54:06 put CSS and HTML5 first next time 20:54:41 andrewc_ has left #core 20:54:41 -Michael_Monaghan 20:54:44 -aphillip 20:54:45 bye 20:54:45 -Felix 20:54:46 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:54:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/30-core-minutes.html aphillip 20:54:50 -Andrew 20:55:00 -David 20:55:01 -Richard 20:55:02 I18N_CoreWG()3:00PM has ended 20:55:03 Attendees were Michael_Monaghan, Richard, +44.797.368.aaaa, Andrew, +44.797.368.aabb, David, Felix, aphillip 20:55:11 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:55:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/30-core-minutes.html aphillip 20:55:36 r12a has left #core 21:59:20 aphillip has left #core