13:03:29 RRSAgent has joined #xmlsec 13:03:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/22-xmlsec-irc 13:03:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:03:31 Zakim has joined #xmlsec 13:03:33 Zakim, this will be XMLSEC 13:03:33 ok, trackbot-ng; I see T&S_XMLSEC()9:00AM scheduled to start in 57 minutes 13:03:34 Meeting: XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group Teleconference 13:03:34 Date: 22 January 2008 13:04:16 Chair: tlr 13:45:13 Regrets: Frederick, Sean, Juan Carlos, Rob 13:45:18 Scribe: Hal 13:48:40 jwray has joined #xmlsec 13:51:47 tlr has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-maintwg/2008Jan/0035.html 13:52:00 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-maintwg/2008Jan/0035.html 13:55:53 pdatta has joined #xmlsec 13:58:36 brich has joined #xmlsec 13:59:08 T&S_XMLSEC()9:00AM has now started 13:59:13 zakim, call thomas-781 13:59:13 ok, tlr; the call is being made 13:59:15 + +1.512.401.aaaa 13:59:33 zakim, call thomas-781 13:59:33 ok, tlr; the call is being made 13:59:34 +Thomas 13:59:51 zakim, aaaa is brich 13:59:52 +brich; got it 14:00:19 +Hal_Lockhart 14:00:29 zakim, mute thomas 14:00:29 Thomas should now be muted 14:00:33 noise still there, I think 14:00:36 zakim, unmute me 14:00:36 sorry, tlr, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:00:40 zakim, I am thomas 14:00:41 ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas 14:00:42 zakim, unmute me 14:00:42 Thomas should no longer be muted 14:00:42 hal has joined #xmlsec 14:00:48 ScribeNick: hal 14:01:01 zakim, mute me 14:01:01 brich should now be muted 14:01:02 + +1.978.244.aabb 14:01:17 zakim, aabb is JohnWray 14:01:17 +JohnWray; got it 14:01:54 + +1.650.506.aacc 14:02:06 zakim, aacc is pdatta 14:02:06 +pdatta; got it 14:02:22 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:02:22 On the phone I see brich (muted), Thomas, Hal_Lockhart, JohnWray, pdatta 14:02:25 +Ed_Simon 14:02:56 topic: convene 14:04:06 Next meeting: 29 January, John Wray to scribe 14:04:28 EdSimon has joined #xmlsec 14:04:45 tlr: hal, news on WAF? 14:05:01 hal: dubious process in their charter in opinion of a number of us, so focused on that point 14:05:05 zakim, unmute me 14:05:05 brich should no longer be muted 14:05:16 PHB2 has joined #xmlsec 14:05:39 zakim, code? 14:05:39 the conference code is 965732 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), PHB2 14:06:16 jwray has joined #xmlsec 14:06:36 tlr: they might move quickly, recommend reviewing soon 14:06:53 jwray has joined #xmlsec 14:07:02 topic: workshop notice 14:07:26 hal: agenda for day is 1/2 page, not very mysterious 14:07:29 + +1.781.306.aadd 14:07:41 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-maintwg/2008Jan/0033.html 14:07:58 hal: they'll convene plenary, come to consensus what problems researchers should work on 14:08:03 ... planning to attend security section ... 14:08:58 zakim, aadd is phb2 14:08:58 +phb2; got it 14:09:02 topic: minutes approval 14:09:10 http://www.w3.org/2008/01/15-xmlsec-minutes.html 14:09:11 hal: there will be 4 breakouts - I plan to attend the security section 14:09:25 Back in 5 minutes... 14:09:30 RESOLUTION: minutes accepted as true record 14:09:39 Topic: charter proposal 14:09:44 klanz2 has joined #xmlsec 14:09:48 http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/wiki/charter 14:09:57 shivaram has joined #xmlsec 14:10:04 + +1.408.907.aaee 14:10:13 zakim, aaee is shivaram 14:10:14 +shivaram; got it 14:10:35 zakim, mute shivaram 14:10:35 shivaram should now be muted 14:10:48 +??P19 14:10:55 zakim, ??P19 is klanz2 14:10:55 +klanz2; got it 14:12:36 hal: would like to see deployment as superset of implementation 14:12:44 brich: it's not entirely performance of implementation 14:13:16 ... point is that the architecture should enable efficient implementation ... 14:14:01 hal: not sure the wording change says that, but liked what bruce just said 14:15:24 tony's point was that we need to ensure that efficient implementations can be done, in that the architecture and design encourage efficient implementation 14:15:28 also solution space: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-eastlake-xmldsig-uri-00#section-2.4.1 14:15:38 Minimal Canonicalization 14:16:51 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working Group's attention is in particular called to performance and efficiency for various deployments. 14:17:52 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working Group's attention is in particular called to the performance and memory efficiency of implementations. 14:18:32 q+ 14:18:41 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working 14:18:43 Group's attention is in particular called to the performance and 14:18:44 memory efficiency of implementations. 14:18:53 what is our influence on deployments? 14:19:20 deployment can only be a guideline just like architecture 14:19:45 q? 14:19:51 that's best practices isn't it? 14:19:58 ack klanz2 14:19:59 yes 14:20:55 q+ 14:21:54 new compulsory algorithms and defaults for canonicalization 14:22:06 are consindered 14:22:28 s/consindered/considered/ 14:22:56 ack klanz2 14:22:58 then qualifying "reasonable implementation" needs to be addressed 14:23:17 Specify one or more canonicalization algorithms to address the requirements agreed. At least one such algorithm should be suitable to replace Canonical XML 1.1 as a mandatory to implement canonicalization method. 14:24:35 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working Group's attention is in particular called to performance and efficiency of implementations of the XML security specifications suite, as manifested in various deployments. 14:25:09 hal: guess this might meet concern 14:25:34 brich: speaking of implementation, not efficiency of deployment 14:26:03 tlr: hard to understand distinction being made 14:26:27 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working Group's attention is in particular called to performance and efficiency as reported by implementations and deployments. 14:26:44 not sure Tony's proposed wording addresses his stated concern 14:27:58 agree with Ed's statement just now on the phone 14:28:04 brirch: not this groups job to examine existing implementations 14:28:26 zakim unmute me 14:28:35 zakim, unmute me 14:28:35 shivaram should no longer be muted 14:28:38 +q 14:28:45 s/Ed's/Bruce's/ 14:28:57 ack klanz2 14:28:58 ack klanz2 14:29:00 shivaram, you were agreeing with bruce 14:29:04 q- klanz 14:29:23 klanz2: agree word deployment doesn't add much 14:29:48 ack shivaram 14:29:50 q+ hal 14:30:26 shivaram: should not preclude efficiency of implementations 14:30:36 ... can not rtalk about deployments per se 14:30:59 ack hal 14:31:08 zakim, mute me 14:31:08 shivaram should now be muted 14:31:36 The Specification should not preclude efficient implementation. 14:31:54 hal: make it clear that we're specifying algorithms, they will be designed to be implemented efficiently, but we're not going to spend time optimizing current implementations 14:32:18 +1 14:32:27 brich: In considering ..., WG's attention is in particular called to algorithmic performance and efficiency. 14:32:48 hal: ability of algos to be implemented with good performance and memory footprint 14:33:04 We have no way to understand what kinds of deployment will exist tomorrow. So, including deployment in the same sentence as perofrmance may be problematic 14:33:41 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working Group's attention is in particular called to algorithmic and interoperable performance and efficiency potentially leading to refactored or new "MUST Implement Algorithms ". ... I don't know 14:33:41 tlr: will go to team for polishing, I am leader 14:33:58 ... is brich proposal sufficient for consensus? 14:34:00 forget the last 14:35:07 tlr: propose taking bruce's words - then polish wording 14:35:45 ok 14:36:28 In considering these use cases and requirements, the Working Group's attention is in particular alled to algorithmic performance and efficiency. 14:36:45 s/alled/called/ 14:36:53 +1 14:36:58 +1 14:37:07 PROPOSED: replace current "deployment" text with above 14:37:09 general agreement 14:37:17 RESOLUTION: replace current "deployment" text with above 14:37:42 PROPOSED: forward current status of wiki charter to Team for further processing, thereby discharging chartered deliverable 14:37:58 RESOLUTION: forward current status of wiki charter to Team for further processing, thereby discharging chartered deliverable 14:38:22 tlr: will get charter in shape for AC review 14:38:27 topic: C14N11 Implementation report and Test Case document 14:39:00 http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/interop/xmldsig/c14n11/report.html 14:40:06 tlr: C14N 1.1 should be published by Jan 29 14:40:19 Proposed Rec 14:40:37 topic: XML Signature implementation report 14:41:00 http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/interop/xmldsig/report.html 14:41:57 tlr: ibm listed as failed due to mechanical problem - not real problem 14:42:29 ... any other test cases that should be added? 14:42:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-maintwg/2008Jan/0034.html 14:43:27 diffRFC 14:43:28 diffRFC-* test cases? 14:43:52 -1 14:43:54 ... there is a question about diffRFC-* test cases - should they be included? 14:44:00 http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/interop/xmlsig-interop-doc/testcases.html#TestCases-DistinguishedName 14:44:25 q+ 14:44:28 ack klanz2 14:44:57 q- 14:45:23 RESOLUTION: diffRFC test cases not included in implementation report 14:45:58 q+ 14:46:05 defCan-2, defCan-3 14:46:06 ack klanz 14:46:06 tlr: defCan2 & defCan3 should they be included? 14:46:13 ack klanz2 14:46:41 klanz2: should mention that there have been changes, although it is optional 14:46:57 .. that it has been tested, but results are not being published 14:47:05 zakim, who is making noise? 14:47:18 tlr, listening for 13 seconds I heard sound from the following: JohnWray (4%) 14:48:20 brich: agree with konrad 14:48:36 PROPOSED: defCan2, defCan3 optional, tested, detailed results not published 14:48:55 q+ 14:49:05 ack brich 14:49:22 klanz2: my proposal was just to mention them and say some impl tested them 14:50:07 tlr: don't remember how many could do these 14:50:24 q+ 14:50:30 q- klanz 14:50:41 ack pdatta 14:50:57 pdatta: don't have templating mechanism, so no defCan tests 14:51:09 klanz2: don't want to force anyone to reveal 14:51:34 tlr: propose we leave it open and look at actual results 14:51:51 ... general direction is not to provide detail on these 14:51:55 +1 14:52:03 ACTION: thomas to propose useful language for defCan tests, no detailed results 14:52:03 Created ACTION-140 - Propose useful language for defCan tests, no detailed results [on Thomas Roessler - due 2008-01-29]. 14:52:09 no resolution on this point 14:52:10 I think the statement should be that some had a look at it, but we do not say who 14:53:00 tlr: any other test cases that should be there? 14:53:07 no response 14:53:26 tlr: prteey much done with inventory of test cases 14:53:35 topic: best practices 14:53:41 s/prteey/pretty/ 14:53:48 tlr: any news? 14:53:48 n 14:53:53 anything new? 14:53:58 no 14:54:04 topic: action item review 14:54:17 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-74 14:54:17 ACTION-74 Update Acknowledgements section in XML SIgnature 2nd edition closed 14:54:25 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-130 14:54:25 ACTION-130 Remove unused DName cases from the doc closed 14:54:34 zakim, close ACTION-139 14:54:34 I don't understand 'close ACTION-139', tlr 14:54:43 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-139 14:54:43 ACTION-139 Fix acknowledgements section closed 14:55:18 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-134 14:55:19 ACTION-134 Confirm whether implementation report for c14n11 can be made public closed 14:55:32 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-135 14:55:32 ACTION-135 Confirm whether implementation report for c14n11 can be made public closed 14:55:36 yes 14:55:44 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-136 14:55:45 ACTION-136 Confirm whether implementation report for c14n11 can be made public closed 14:55:53 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-137 14:55:53 ACTION-137 Confirm whether implementation report for c14n11 can be made public closed 14:56:11 trackbot-ng, close ACTION-138 14:56:11 ACTION-138 Send inventory for signature implementation report closed 14:56:35 topic: aob 14:56:43 q+ 14:56:46 ack klanz 14:57:24 klanz: there is an interop event to be held in March - posted to list 14:57:41 http://www.etsi.org/plugtests/XAdES/XAdES.htm 14:58:04 Registration Deadline is 15 Feb. 2008 ... 14:58:18 -pdatta 14:58:21 zakim, list participants 14:58:21 As of this point the attendees have been +1.512.401.aaaa, Thomas, brich, Hal_Lockhart, +1.978.244.aabb, JohnWray, +1.650.506.aacc, pdatta, Ed_Simon, +1.781.306.aadd, phb2, 14:58:25 ... +1.408.907.aaee, shivaram, klanz2 14:58:26 -brich 14:58:26 rrsagent, please draft minutes 14:58:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/22-xmlsec-minutes.html tlr 14:58:28 -Hal_Lockhart 14:58:30 -shivaram 14:58:31 -Ed_Simon 14:58:32 -phb2 14:58:34 -JohnWray 14:58:36 rrssagent, make record member 14:58:45 -klanz2 14:58:48 -Thomas 14:58:50 T&S_XMLSEC()9:00AM has ended 14:58:52 Attendees were +1.512.401.aaaa, Thomas, brich, Hal_Lockhart, +1.978.244.aabb, JohnWray, +1.650.506.aacc, pdatta, Ed_Simon, +1.781.306.aadd, phb2, +1.408.907.aaee, shivaram, klanz2 15:42:42 PHB2 has left #xmlsec