14:00:32 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 14:00:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-irc 14:00:38 rrsagent, make log public 14:00:46 zakim, this will be xhtml 14:00:47 ok, Steven, I see IA_XHTML2()9:00AM already started 14:00:52 zakim, who is here? 14:00:52 On the phone I see +386.8.aaaa 14:00:53 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Roland, alessio, oedipus, Steven, myakura, Lachy, krijn 14:01:03 zakim, dial steven-617 14:01:03 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:01:05 +Steven 14:01:08 yamx has joined #xhtml 14:01:30 alessio_ has joined #xhtml 14:01:39 zakim, aaaa is Roland 14:01:39 +Roland; got it 14:01:45 +??P9 14:02:11 zakim, ??P9 is ALessio 14:02:11 +ALessio; got it 14:02:21 zakim, ALessio is Alessio 14:02:21 +Alessio; got it 14:02:55 +??P14 14:03:00 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2007-02-Venice-FtF 14:03:04 zakim, ??P14 is yamx 14:03:04 +yamx; got it 14:03:38 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml 14:05:35 +Gregory_Rosmiata 14:05:51 zakim, code? 14:05:51 the conference code is 94865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), markbirbeck 14:06:02 zakim, Gregory_Rosmiata is Gregory_Rosmaita 14:06:02 +Gregory_Rosmaita; got it 14:06:09 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Jan/0015 14:06:22 Steven has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Jan/0015 14:06:28 Chair: Roland 14:06:29 + +20876aabb 14:06:36 zakim, i am aabb 14:06:36 +markbirbeck; got it 14:08:03 zakim, who is here? 14:08:03 On the phone I see Roland, Steven, Alessio, yamx, Gregory_Rosmaita, markbirbeck 14:08:05 On IRC I see markbirbeck, alessio_, yamx, RRSAgent, Zakim, Roland, oedipus, Steven, myakura, Lachy, krijn 14:08:31 scribe: Gregory 14:08:37 scribeNick: oedipus 14:09:13 +??P18 14:09:42 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 14:09:42 Gerrie Shults from HP joining 14:09:58 SP: 3 announcements: HP joining group again, 2) have at long last a wiki (only one full page) (MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki); 3) made f2f page 14:11:07 SP: third announcement -- yahoo announced last week that new mobile widget platform is based on XForms -- backs up a lot of what we've been saying -- chose so as to enable platform to be directed to as many devices possible, in the most appropriate manner -- in phase one (transitional) but second will use straight XForms 14:11:22 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/ 14:11:25 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2007-02-Venice-FtF 14:11:41 RM: Selectors API - anything to report? 14:11:42 http://mobile.yahoo.com/developers/roadmap 14:12:07 Shame that XML will never be used on the web, though. ;) 14:12:08 SP: webAPs have almost as many deliverables as we do -- at least 13 14:12:18 RM: 2 Web Apps groups going to merge 14:12:26 SP: part of review -- who will take up what 14:12:39 Regrets: Christine 14:12:42 RM: Rich not here, so perhaps postpone ARIA issue discussion 14:13:01 RM: alessio will update wiki with details for f2f -- everyone planning to attend 14:13:15 [note: everyone on call planning to attend] 14:13:30 AC: IWA Italy (host) 14:13:39 Yam: need to know for visa app 14:13:51 SP: populate wiki and let yam know 14:14:05 ACTION Alessio - add details to f2f wiki page 14:14:14 TOPIC: Modularization Transition 14:14:46 SP: sent an implementation request to RM and Shane -- in status of doc, discovered that still talks about HTML WG rather than XHTML2 WG -- needs change 14:15:03 SP: will send info to all necessary channels 14:15:15 TOPIC: CURIES to Last Call 14:15:33 RM: datatype, etc. discussion at last week's call -- any answers? 14:15:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2007Mar/0038.html 14:15:47 SP: difference btw lexical value of CURIE and its value space 14:16:19 SP: my claim is lexical value is as described in spec, value space is just URI -- think mark agreed, but shane dissented, but willing to let it pass 14:17:21 RM: one more step -- pointing out that in Qnames talk about 2 components (2 seperate parts joined together for purpose) - value space, but alos prior stage when have 2 different parts -- left with mapping to URI plus suffix 14:17:28 SP: why would we need to do that 14:17:57 RM: point raised in email, if attempting to be backwards compatible applies to us, too 14:18:12 Shane: posted to list on topic - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Jan/0011.html 14:20:05 SP: my question to mark is - is there any sense in our being backwards compatible with QNames -- problem: 2 CURIES that expand to same URI, but prefix and suffix different -- not case in QName -- if same prefix and suffix there is a one-to-one mapping; don't see value of triples 14:21:16 RM: wants us to be clearer on whatever we decide -- we're dealing with specific case of QNames, not a general use of QNames -- if make clearer and say value space final URI cannonized by whatever cannonicalization thing supposed to use to compare 2 CURIES 14:21:24 MB: happy with that if Shane is 14:21:37 Shane: think i'm happy with that -- please refer to final paragraph 14:21:52 quote: Note that, as things stand right now, a CURIE used in a document like 14:21:52 XHTML+RDFa will NOT be expanded in the DOM. If you are writing portable 14:21:52 scripts today, you will need to do that expansion yourself. I think 14:21:52 that, given Steven and Mark's arguments, you MUST do this expansion if 14:21:52 you are going to attempt to do anything with CURIEs in a portable 14:21:53 script. If, on the other hand, you are just writing a script for your 14:21:55 own content, you could easily operate on the literal values, since you 14:21:57 know what the prefixes and references mean. 14:22:11 Shane: now, scripts are effecting DOM 14:22:19 RM: crack open and convert to URIs 14:22:29 Shane: does nothing to help write script looking for roles 14:23:08 SP: script uses these parsers -- include script and API gives you the different bits; libraries for CURIES that do expansion for you -- don't query DOM to "give me this" but ask the API 14:23:33 SP: agree with last paragraph -- not automatically in DOM -- have to construct yourself or use something that constructs it for you 14:24:13 [scribe's note -- GJR mistook MB for RM) 14:24:23 RM: who will reply to tell what we will do 14:24:26 SP: candidates? 14:24:34 RM: the 3 people involved in the dialog 14:24:38 Shane: i can do it 14:24:48 ACTION: Shane to add text about expanding CURIEs into URIs in scripting. 14:24:51 SP: definitive reference for transition from IRI to what goes over wire 14:25:13 ACTION: Shane to respond to submitter of question about value space of CURIEs and their relation to the value space of qnames. 14:25:21 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt 14:25:35 RM: CURIES issue 8010 14:25:54 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JanMar/0051 14:25:58 s/for RM/for RM repeatedly 14:26:53 Shane: we've already done this eight months ago 14:27:12 RM: final one on list also done? 14:27:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007AprJun/0000 14:28:12 "When a CURIE is used in an XML grammar, and the prefix on the CURIE is omitted, then the prefix MUST be interpreted as the current default XML namespace." 14:28:42 Shane: was it our intent to remove ambiguity (he says "flexibility") and answer is a resounding YES -- i replied to norm on this 14:29:21 SP: we do mean current namespace (in reference to NormW's last comment) -- must be interpreted as if had prefix of current default XML namespace 14:29:39 Shane; draft change so can't have non-prefixed CURIES -- have to define prefix 14:29:41 http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-curie-20071126/ 14:31:07 "When CURIES are used in a non-XML host language, the host language MUST provide a mechanism for defining the mapping from the prefix to an IRI. A host language MAY provide a mechanism for defining a default prefix value. In such a host language, if the prefix is omitted from a CURIE, the default prefix value is used. The concatenation of the prefix associated with a CURIE and its reference MUST be an IRI [IRI]. The CURIE prefix '_' is reserved. For this r 14:31:51 SP: mark, you said we made more flexible 14:32:43 MB: both scenarios XML Schema uses default NS, XSLT uses none -- asking if removed that, we didn't -- if allow host language to define prefix, have SPARQL if not have RDF 14:33:40 RM: second question - addressed as well 14:34:17 s/RM: second/MB: second/ 14:34:32 "The default prefix? Do you not mean the default namespace? 14:34:56 MB: host language MAY is wording 14:35:20 SP: default prefix is issue 14:35:44 Shane: if a language mapping permits defaults, it will define mechanism, if not, the language will not permit it 14:36:20 SP: if language doesn't support default prefixes, production for CURIE wrong - prefix not optional 14:36:29 Shane: not really -- syntax still right 14:37:41 MB: some kind of API? here are a whole lot of mappings, here is a CURIE, please tell me what the IRI is -- host language needs means of hosting and defining the CURIE through API -- language should inhibit the format that it doesn't like and not even call the API 14:38:13 Shane: arbitrary rules for prefix mapping -- can't have generic prefix mapping anyway -- there is no default prefix that is the rule 14:39:10 RM: latest editors' draft -- slightly out-of-date compared with RDFa -- perhaps we need to reword 14:39:35 http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#s_curies 14:39:42 Shane: shouldn't be anything generic in RDFa that would cause problem unless something changed in last round of edits, which hasn't been made public 14:39:59 s/RM: latest/MB: latest 14:40:01 s/RM: latest/MB: latest/ 14:40:38 -Steven 14:40:38 MB: whether define mapping to use for default prefix and when define way for authors to override that are 2 seperate things 14:40:54 alessio has joined #xhtml 14:41:27 MB: need another draft 14:41:34 RM: objective is to issue LC draft 14:41:52 RM: can we get these cleared this week so can make decision to go to LC next week? 14:41:58 zakim, dial steven-617 14:41:58 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:41:59 +Steven 14:42:18 MB: cleared -- think specific comments resolved/answered 14:42:27 ACTION: Shane to reconcile CURIE draft with CURIE RDFa text so the processing model is consistent and the rules about default prefix processing are complete. 14:42:35 RM: draft ready for LC in time to review before next meeting 14:42:43 ACTION: Shane to produce a CURIE last call candidate for next week's call. 14:43:11 RM: done all can do today on CURIES -- any other issues? 14:43:17 [silence] 14:43:26 TOPIC: RDFa Module 14:43:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2007AprJun/0001.html 14:44:10 RM: first item from last spring 14:44:40 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2007/ED-xhtml-rdfa-20070402/ 14:44:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2007AprJun/0003.html 14:45:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/2007AprJun/0008.html 14:45:13 "Two quick points noted by the CC folks: 1) xmlns still not supported.... darn DTDs, right? What's the path to fixing the W3C validator in this regard? Does it have to be schema-based? 2) it seems the document must be served as application/xhtml+xml... but XHTML 1.1 should be servable as text/html, right? Is there a deeper issue here that I don't understand?" 14:46:11 Shane: done something really clever -- group member took collection of test cases and integrated them into a web page with ajax backend stuff that allows for easy browsing and use of tests -- try to find link for that 14:46:40 Shane: decent approach to testing -- i think; don't know how to run tests against RDF 14:46:50 MB: could use extended version of Manu's test suite locally 14:47:00 http://rdfa.digitalbazaar.com/rdfa-test-harness/ 14:47:09 Shane: issues resolving references for URIs due to SPARQL queries 14:47:22 Shene: rules for dealing with test cases? not normative part of spec 14:47:32 SP: no, not normative, but part of transition to PR 14:48:01 SP: issue CR spec with test suite -- here's CR spec, here's test suite, and then use to prove have 2 implementations 14:48:18 Shane: isn't a test suite document -- just bag of tests tell people to use 14:48:31 Shane: should draft reference drafts or part of transition announcement 14:48:39 SP: part of transition announcement 14:48:53 RM: near LC of RDFa 14:49:14 Shane: WG needs to approve LC draft once there is a document --some strange outstanding issues that need to be resolved 14:49:45 RM: none of items on list for modularization are still pertinent, but will look through 14:50:30 Shane: they are ALL closed off; implementation report, as part of most recent draft produced last week (thought would use for CR request) 14:50:32 SP: i did 14:51:04 Shane: updated M12n candidate for CR transition -- you refer to last editors' draft, but that's not what we are pushing for CR 14:51:40 Shane: only thing changed recently is "prose versus implementation" -- should add text to clarify there is a prose spec and implementations, if inconsistencies, prose wins 14:52:04 Shane: didn't agree to change MUST to SHOULD in M12n, just Role 14:52:13 RM: not my recollection 14:53:00 Shane: changed in role and considered changing in access; argued that can't change in M12n -- no one thought of implications of importing all attributes in a namespace 14:53:11 RM: think discussed in november 14:53:36 RM: relaxed constraint for Role for ARIA 14:53:40 SP: yes 14:53:51 Shane: agree we would do in role, but not in M12n 14:54:26 RM: have to change in M12n -- could be interpreted as change that could push back to LC -- will try and find pointer 14:54:32 GJR: think on second day of f2f 14:55:19 http://www.w3.org/2007/11/09-xhtml-minutes 14:55:39 Shane: not even sure where to change 14:56:00 quote: When @role appears without a namespace in another language, it is because that language has added it to its own language. Just like @class in SVG is *not* @class in HTML, but they have given it the same semantics to make it easier for people to use 14:56:22 quote: Steven: I would prefer just one, with an ENglish sentence "Rule 3.1.5 of modularization does not apply to this attribute" or somesuch 14:56:22 Roland: Good 14:56:42 [scribe's note - Roland's comment "good" from minutes 14:57:03 -??P18 14:57:07 -Alessio 14:57:08 -markbirbeck 14:57:10 rssagent, draft minutes 14:57:10 -Steven 14:57:11 -yamx 14:57:12 -Roland 14:57:29 -Gregory_Rosmaita 14:57:30 IA_XHTML2()9:00AM has ended 14:57:31 Attendees were +386.8.aaaa, Steven, Roland, Alessio, yamx, Gregory_Rosmaita, +20876aabb, markbirbeck 14:58:06 rssagent, draft minutes 14:58:18 zakim, please part 14:58:18 Zakim has left #xhtml 14:58:50 steven.... M12N says this:

Each of the attributes defined in an XHTML attribute collection 14:58:50 is available for use when 14:58:50 their corresponding module is included in an XHTML Host Language or an 14:58:50 XHTML Integration Set. In such a 14:58:50 situation, the attributes are available for use in the definition 14:58:51 of elements that are NOT 14:58:53 in the XHTML namespace when they are referenced using their 14:58:55 namespace-qualified identifier (e.g., xhtml:class). 14:58:57 The semantics of the attributes remain the same regardless of whether 14:58:59 they are referenced using their qualified identifier or not. 14:59:01 It is an error to use an XHTML namespace-qualified attribute on elements from the XHTML Namespace. 14:59:04

14:59:05 rrsagent, publish minutes 14:59:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 14:59:06 or roland. Is that where you think there should be a change? 14:59:13 rrsagent, publish minutes 14:59:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 14:59:29 Thanks Gegory! 14:59:36 Gregory 14:59:40 no problem, steven! 14:59:52 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Weekly Teleconference 14:59:55 present+ Shane_McCarron 15:00:03 present+ Mark_Birbeck 15:00:15 present- aaaa 15:00:20 rrsagent, make minutes 15:00:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:00:25 present- aabb 15:00:32 rrsagent, publish minutes 15:00:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 15:00:54 steven, are you going to push the minutes -- it's no bother to me if i do 15:01:09 As you like 15:01:18 If you volunteer :-) 15:01:32 aye, aye, cap'n! 15:01:51 present- [+386.8.aaaa] 15:02:32 steven, do you know to whom the mystery numbers belong? 15:02:40 rrsagent, publish minutes 15:02:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 15:03:02 Don't worry about it Gregory 15:03:07 Zakim getting confused 15:03:08 i think the atendees list is fille anyway 15:03:15 thank 15:03:18 er, thanks 15:03:39 rrsagent, please part 15:03:39 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-actions.rdf : 15:03:39 ACTION: Shane to add text about expanding CURIEs into URIs in scripting. [1] 15:03:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-irc#T14-24-48 15:03:39 ACTION: Shane to respond to submitter of question about value space of CURIEs and their relation to the value space of qnames. [2] 15:03:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-irc#T14-25-13 15:03:39 ACTION: Shane to reconcile CURIE draft with CURIE RDFa text so the processing model is consistent and the rules about default prefix processing are complete. [3] 15:03:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-irc#T14-42-27 15:03:39 ACTION: Shane to produce a CURIE last call candidate for next week's call. [4] 15:03:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/01/16-xhtml-irc#T14-42-43