14:25:23 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 14:25:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/09-sweo-irc 14:25:30 zakim, this will be sweo 14:25:30 ok, ivan; I see SW_SWEO()10:00AM scheduled to start in 35 minutes 14:25:38 rrsagent, set log public 14:25:48 Meeting: SWEO Weekly Telco 14:25:53 Chair: Susie 14:26:23 Regrets: Danny, Pasquale, Kjetil 14:27:20 I'm following on IRC with a quarter of an eye, so if there is something, type my name and I will see it 14:29:10 kjetil 14:29:12 kjetil 14:29:15 kjetil 14:29:17 :-) 14:31:43 yeeees? :-) 14:40:36 bengee has joined #sweo 14:43:59 Susie has joined #sweo 14:51:58 patranja has joined #sweo 14:58:43 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 14:58:44 +Susie 14:59:42 zakim, dial ivan-voip 14:59:42 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:59:43 +Ivan 15:00:16 matthiassamwald has joined #SWEO 15:00:41 JacekK has joined #sweo 15:01:46 +??P24 15:01:58 +??P25 15:02:05 zakim, ??P25 is me 15:02:05 +JacekK; got it 15:02:05 zakim, ??P24 is matthias 15:02:06 +matthias; got it 15:02:12 +??P26 15:02:26 leobard has joined #sweo 15:02:35 hi 15:02:55 zakim, who is here? 15:02:55 On the phone I see Susie, Ivan, matthias, JacekK, ??P26 15:02:56 On IRC I see leobard, JacekK, matthiassamwald, PaulaP, Susie, bengee, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, Kjetil 15:03:02 zakim, ??P26 is Leo 15:03:02 +Leo; got it 15:03:14 +[LMU] 15:03:23 zakim, LMU is Paula 15:03:23 +Paula; got it 15:03:31 +Benji 15:03:41 Andrea has joined #sweo 15:04:13 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:04:13 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JacekK 15:04:30 scribe: JacekK 15:04:42 +Andrea 15:05:14 Matthias introduces himself 15:05:35 -Benji 15:05:38 matthiassamwald: participant of the Health and Life science IG 15:06:27 +Benji 15:06:27 matthiassamwald: recently moved to DERI Galway to work on SemWeb tech for Health and LifeSci 15:06:49 matthiassamwald: and also working for a company in Vienna (SemWeb Company) 15:07:05 http://www.semantic-web.at/ 15:07:14 hi matthias, we met at ISemantics, you were also at my birthday party in metalab.at i think 15:07:20 topic: update on information gathering task 15:07:47 yes leo, that was me. hi! 15:07:48 leobard: the service works nicely, will upload data tomorrow and announce it 15:08:07 Susie: can write a blog entry about that, too 15:08:47 Susie: have you had a chance to look at the feedback on our draft? 15:09:08 leobard: didn't see many emails, only two 15:09:27 Susie: will mention this on the CG call 15:09:49 Susie: with the current deadline, people will have around a week 15:10:13 leobard: there are a few editorial things that are open, then at the end of January we should hopefully be done 15:10:19 topic: FAQ update 15:10:41 Susie: we wanted input for the doc from GRDDL folks 15:10:51 Susie: pinged him again 15:11:00 s/him/Harry/ 15:11:40 ivan: regarding use cases and case studies, there's email activity, I'm checking a few sources 15:12:04 ivan: e.g. at Clark&Parsia, at IBM 15:12:05 +??P13 15:12:13 ivan: so we are basically waiting now 15:12:17 zakim, ??P13 is Kingsley 15:12:17 +Kingsley; got it 15:12:33 Susie: how about the BBC use case & case study? 15:12:42 kidehen has joined #sweo 15:13:21 ivan: Uldis was talking to them, but zero replies in the last month 15:13:34 q+ 15:13:35 ivan: we need to ask Uldis if he has any contact 15:13:44 Susie: I will ping Uldis 15:14:34 leobard: asked Ontoprise about a case study a long time ago, but nothing much happened; but wonder if the Semantic Web Company could provide a case study 15:14:44 matthiassamwald: certainly, I'll look into that 15:14:55 Susie: make sure to look at our existing web site 15:15:04 matthiassamwald: I believe I've already seen it, yes 15:15:56 Susie: we have actions for a review 15:16:07 ivan: I'll ping the guilty about it 15:16:31 topic: Wrapping up the Brochure 15:16:35 ivan: 99.9% done 15:17:05 ivan: the fliers are at MIT right now, can be used at conferences if you contact MIT to send you some 15:17:13 ivan: also have the CD with PDF files etc. 15:17:28 ivan: one small problem with one of the files, but essentially done 15:18:03 Susie: thanks, I'm looking forward to seeing the fliers at upcoming meetings 15:18:29 topic: Business Presentation 15:18:52 Susie: Jeff is interested in being involved in this 15:19:33 Susie: he wants to write a doc on where he sees the value of the SemWeb 15:19:48 Susie: then he'll create the slides from the doc, deadline next week for a draft 15:20:00 s/draft/draft of the presentation/ 15:20:11 Susie: the document becomes quite mature, we might want to publish it 15:20:36 Susie: others also expressed interest in helping, to happen after the first draft 15:20:37 ack leobard 15:20:57 kidehen: we might drop it also in the ESW wiki 15:21:08 Susie: now it should be possible, I'll suggest that 15:21:27 topic: Update on the Community Projects 15:21:39 kidehen: we're getting closer to DBPedia 3.0 15:21:51 q+ 15:22:16 kidehen: the difference from 2.0 is the quality of relationships, user navigation 15:22:39 ivan: we'll have a meeting with XBRL people later today 15:23:18 kidehen: who are these people exactly? if anything happens, I'd be interested in it 15:23:51 kidehen: I'm frustrated in spending time on this and than finding myself on the outside when things happen 15:24:25 Susie: hopefully Ivan could give us update soon 15:25:31 Susie: moving on to other projects; I watched the video from bengee ('s group) and it was cool 15:26:08 bengee: getting support from Dan Brickley and an open social network project which will last past current SWEO 15:26:24 bengee: almost there with a plugin for WordPress 15:26:54 bengee: will be presented on a conference soon 15:27:46 Susie: will any code be available by end of January? Would be nice to add a blog entry on this 15:28:12 -JacekK 15:28:38 +[IPcaller] 15:28:52 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 15:28:52 +JacekK; got it 15:29:04 topic: Enterprise Survey 15:29:31 Susie: I'm being persistent in pinging Karen 15:29:49 ivan: karen says she needs to do a small tweak and then send it later this week to the group 15:30:04 Susie: by end of this week would be good, later we likely couldn't do it 15:30:13 topic: SWEO Next Steps 15:30:31 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/Next_Steps 15:30:33 Susie: I created the wiki page on what we've done well, not so well, what should be continued and what not 15:31:28 q+ 15:31:34 are you talking about "semantic wave"? 15:31:56 -Leo 15:32:00 Susie: it would be good to see everybody's input in the wiki 15:32:21 JacekK: I'll present what STI Intl plans to do in education and outreach 15:32:48 Susie: I'll add you on the agenda 15:33:01 ivan: STI Intl should also be involved in rechartering of SWEO 15:33:19 JacekK: we'll gladly participate in that heavily 15:33:35 bye 15:33:36 bye 15:33:36 -Kingsley 15:33:38 -Paula 15:33:38 Susie: meeting adjourned 15:33:40 -Benji 15:33:40 -Susie 15:33:42 -Andrea 15:33:45 rrsagent, where am I? 15:33:45 See http://www.w3.org/2008/01/09-sweo-irc#T15-33-45 15:33:47 -matthias 15:33:50 -Ivan 15:33:56 -JacekK 15:33:57 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 15:33:58 Attendees were Susie, Ivan, JacekK, matthias, Leo, Paula, Benji, Andrea, Kingsley 15:34:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:34:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/09-sweo-minutes.html ivan 15:35:02 bengee has left #sweo