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XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG:

External Dependencies and Coordination

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The charter lists internal (W3C) and external dependencies. The external list is stated in the charter as a "tentative list of external bodies that the Working Group should collaborate with".

The following is an expanded list of external bodies that the Working Group may collaborate with in its work:

The XML Signature specification was produced in a joint effort between W3C and the IETF. It is expected that the Proposed Edited Recommendation will be submitted for review by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) to enable publication of the Recommendation as an RFC. The Working Group will also closely coordinate with the IETFcommunity on its proposals for further work.

The OASIS Web Services Secure Exchange (WS-SX) Technical Committee is mchartered to define extensions to the OASIS Web Services Security (WSS) standards to enable trusted SOAP message exchanges involving multiple message exchanges and is a user of XML Security specifications. The OASIS Security Services Technical Committee (SSTC) uses XML Security in its work related to the creation and exchange of authentication and authorization information. Members of these committees are well informed regarding XML Security. The Working Group is expected to closely coordinate with these and other relevant OASIS TCs on its proposals for further work.

The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Security Profile (BSP) work group is chartered to profile Web Services Security (WSS) for interoperability. Web Services Security is a user of XML Signature and XML Encryption. The Working Group is expected to inform WS-I BSP on proposals for future work.

The Liberty Alliance has developed an identity web services framework (ID-WSF). This community is familiar with and uses XML Security and should be consulted in developing proposals for further work.

The following are not listed in the charter:

The ESI (Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures) TC of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) is chartered to develop standards relating "to electronic signatures and related trust infrastructures", to establish and implement a "continuing work plan in relation to electronic signatures and related trust infrastructures", and to liase with "bodies external to ETSI" in relation with the aforementioned issues. The ESI TC has developed a number of Technical Specifications (TS) in these areas. Among them it is worth to mention TS 101903: "XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES)", directly built on XML Sig, which specifies useful qualifying information for common use cases.

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