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XML Security Specifications Maintenance WG:

Charter Development

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The charter lists a deliverable of a draft charter for subsequent work on XML Signature and XML Encryption. This wiki page is intended for the WG to document considerations on an iterative and ongoing basis. This wiki does not record decisions agreed by the WG but rather serves as a whiteboard to collect inputs.

The WG will determine the process of creating a draft charter as part of its work.

A page for discussing potential enhancements to XML-DSig 1.0 based on user experience or other standards / technology evolution

List of enhancements

Relevant mailing Lists:

(just a place holder for the moment)

* [C14N/1.1]

* [XPath Filter 2.0]

* [Default algorithms]

* [Supported cryptographic algorithms]

* [XMLDSig Issues] - derferencing relative URI-References (fragment only/ URI="#fragement") of XML Signature <ds:Reference>s in combination with <code>xml:base</code>.

It is not clear whether such a reference is to be dereferenced according to [href=" XML Signature Reference Processing Model] as node-set-data or octet stream.

XML Signature XMLDSIG is quiet about xml:base.

* [Perfomance issues and solutions]

* [Robustness of XML digital Signatures]

From F2F

Minimalist Profile (OASIS WSS)

overhead of multiple ds:References or process at one time. Might need benchmarking.


It has been suggested (see the W3C Decryption Transform specification) that digest values should be encrypted if there is concern that their value gave away info about the associated Reference. Either the suggestion should be removed or <EncryptedData> be allowed as a child for <DigestValue>.


This is a placeholder for discussion about updating the XML Signature specification to support XQuery as a RECOMMENDED or OPTIONAL transform.

XPath 2.0

This is a placeholder for discussion about updating the XML Signature specification to support XPath 2.0 with an explicit transform identifier as XML Signature currently does for XPath 1.0

XSLT 2.0

This is a placeholder for discussion about updating the XML Signature specification to support XSLT 2.0 with an explicit transform identifier as XML Signature currently does for XSLT 1.0