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I am a PhD student at DERI/NUI, Galway. My research experience involves real-world applications in the healthcare domain. My theoretical interests cover description logics, rules, reasoning under closed vs. open world assumptions, to combine ontological reasoning with contextual reasoning (querying, search, and Enterprise/Web integration scenarios).
I was working for E.U project RIDE, which is now in last dissemination stage, and currently working on Enterprise Ireland project, PPEPR (Plug and Play Electronic Patient Records). The major focus of PPEPR is to achieve interoperability in healthcare environment by realizing semantically enabled service-oriented environment. I am a member of OASIS Semantic Execution Environment (SEE)TC.
My interest in OWL WG is around RDF(S)-OWL relations, and light-weight forms of OWL (e.g. DL Lite) to apply OWL1.1 in Semantic Web applications, and if doable within the constraints of the charter closed/open world reasoning (contextual part).