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Document title:
OWL 2 Web Ontology Language
RequirementsBla (Second Edition)

1 Requirements

1.1 Disjoint Union

While OWL provides means to define a set of subclasses as a disjoint and complete covering, this cannot be done concisely. This is a shortcoming given the common use of such constructs in domain models.
Use Cases
Use Case #1 Use Case #4
DisjointUnion defines a class as the union of other classes, all of which are pair-wise disjoint. It is a shorthand for owl:disjointWith statements used in combination with owl:unionOf to define a complete superclass from a set of mutually disjoint subclasses.
DisjointUnion := 'DisjointUnion' '(' { Annotation } Class ClassExpression ClassExpression { ClassExpression } ')'
Theoretical Perspective
Since DisjointUnion is simply a shorthand for several disjointWith statements in combination with unionOf, it does not change the expressiveness, semantics, or complexity of the language.
Implementation Perspective
Being syntactic sugar, it's possible to take an ontology that is OWL 1 except for DisjointUnion and preprocess it into an equivalent OWL 1 ontology without DisjointUnion. Implementations, however, may prefer to take special notices of DisjointUnion for more efficient loading reasons.

DisjointUnion(BrainHemisphere LeftHemisphere RightHemisphere ) (Ax1) A brain hemisphere is either a left hemisphere or a right hemisphere.
DisjointUnion(Lobe FrontalLobe ParietalLobe TemporalLobe OccipitalLobe LimbicLobe) (Ax2) A lobe is one of the following types: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, limbic.
DisjointUnion(Cell NucleatedCell NonNucleatedCell) (Ax3) A Cell is either a nucleated cell or a non-nucleated cell, and cannot be at the same time nucleated and non-nucleated.
DisjointUnion(CarDoor FrontDoor RearDoor TrunkDoor) (Ax4) A car can have only front doors, rear doors and a trunk door.
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