13:22:04 RRSAgent has joined #tsdtf 13:22:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/12/11-tsdtf-irc 13:22:09 Zakim has joined #tsdtf 13:22:15 zakim, this will be tsd 13:22:15 ok, shadi; I see WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes 13:22:22 meeting: TSD TF 13:22:58 Vangelis has joined #tsdtf 13:23:09 chair: CarlosV, Christophe 13:23:42 Christophe has joined #tsdtf 13:25:42 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert-tsdtf/2007Dec/0011.html 13:25:57 agenda+ Announcements 13:26:06 agenda+ Reviewing test samples for current working draft 13:26:17 agenda+ Test suite ID in metadata 13:26:27 agenda+ Review of action items 13:30:46 WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM has now started 13:30:54 +Helen 13:31:09 zakim, helen is actually shadi 13:31:09 I don't understand 'helen is actually shadi', shadi 13:31:19 zakim, helen is really shadi 13:31:19 +shadi; got it 13:31:20 +Drew_LaHart 13:31:24 -shadi 13:31:25 +shadi 13:31:39 +Christophe_Strobbe 13:32:04 +Vangelis_Karkaletsis 13:32:51 Regrets: CarlosV 13:34:10 carlosI has joined #tsdtf 13:35:33 Drew has joined #tsdtf 13:35:47 Good morning all 13:36:16 Ahhh yes, good afternoon:) 13:37:17 scribe: Drew 13:37:55 zakim, take up agendum 1 13:37:55 agendum 1. "Announcements" taken up [from shadi] 13:38:38 45 new test samples uploaded 13:39:02 http://www.w3.org/2006/tsdtf/TestSampleStatusList 13:39:12 should be fewer issues during structure review due to scricter rules. 13:39:16 all new test samples are in the wiki 13:39:30 + +49.843.9.aaaa 13:39:52 previous 3 comments were from Christophe 13:40:05 Zakim, +49 is CarlosI 13:40:05 +CarlosI; got it 13:40:53 CarlosV has joined #tsdtf 13:41:16 Shadi forwarded SSH key to systems team (AJL) 13:41:48 WCAG working Group has approved Working Draft. Last Call draft expected very soon (SAZ) 13:41:52 Connecting from review meeting ;-) 13:42:35 When Last Call comes out, more focus on techniques and failures (SAZ) 13:44:56 Zakim, take up agendum 2 13:44:56 agendum 2. "Reviewing test samples for current working draft" taken up [from shadi] 13:45:28 CS: No new reviews this week. 13:46:24 CS: Fixed all the issues found by CV last week. Should be ready for another review. Many test samples with CSS and Javascript code inside HTML files. In the newest test files, these issues should not exist. 13:51:21 CS: CV raised issue of primary and complexity attibutes. They are required in TCDL2, may want to make them optional 13:53:38 s/CV/CI 13:56:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tests/usingTCDL 13:57:09 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tests/xhtml/metadata/sc1.3.1_l1_045.xml 13:57:29 13:58:22 SAZ: Is the question, is primary always "yes"? ie: is it always redundant? 13:58:35 CI: This is a compatiability issue. 13:59:02 s/compatiability/compatability 13:59:54 CI: In our use case, we should focus on the primary rule. The sample will map to one rule. 14:00:12 CS: That means the test sample needs to pass all of WCAG except the primary rule. 14:01:33 SAZ: Each test sample must link to at least one technique. One test sample could meet more than one technique or use case. A test sample can show more than one thing, so it makes sense to have a primary and a secondary. 14:02:23 CI: We decided some time ago we would focus on one WCAG requirement in each test sample. 14:02:24 CarlosV has joined #tsdtf 14:02:56 s/requirement/success criterion 14:09:58 SAZ: If you do not meet 1.4.3 you will not meet 1.4.5. Some of the SC are in direct relationship to each other. In that case, its useful to have this relationship info in the metadata as well. 14:10:00 EtnaRosso has joined #tsdtf 14:11:16 SAZ: The question that CI raises is what is the criteria for calling something primary vs secondary. 14:14:38 vk: in BenToWeb we use rules to point to different version of the WCAG documents 14:14:49 Christophe V: in BenToWeb, we also use 'primary="no"' to reference versions of the same SC in older WCAG drafts 14:15:14 Not sure what the "it must not combine several issues in one test" mean if we use several rules 14:16:24 CS: Easiest way to proceed is to make primary attribute optional. Make the default value yes, but this removes the possibility to map to several SC> 14:16:32 s/>/. 14:17:51 hi Christophe hi all 14:18:13 CI: if we allow the use of several rules, not sure what it means to combine several issues into 1 test. If we do this, we need to change the first step in the content review. 14:19:02 what is this channel about? 14:20:29 CS: We need to clarify what "issue" means. The terminology is different between the WCAG doc and the review process document. 14:21:54 Action: CI to continue discussion on the mailing list 14:22:14 s/discussion/discussion of primary and secondary attributes 14:24:03 CS: CR has uploaded test cases to the wiki 14:24:25 s/CR/RR 14:24:44 ah ok it is a "one time" channel 14:24:50 zakim, take up agendum 3 14:24:50 agendum 3. "Test suite ID in metadata" taken up [from shadi] 14:25:36 see you gui, have a nice meeting 14:25:44 EtnaRosso has left #tsdtf 14:27:43 Test Suite ID: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert-tsdtf/2007Dec/0000.html 14:27:45 s/Christophe V/VK 14:28:46 Continue this discussion on the mailing list. 14:29:28 Next meeting 8 January 2008 14:30:05 -Vangelis_Karkaletsis 14:30:07 -shadi 14:30:12 -CarlosI 14:30:25 Vangelis has left #tsdtf 14:30:25 -Christophe_Strobbe 14:31:18 no thanks, i'll do that 14:31:43 zakim, who is on the call? 14:31:43 On the phone I see Drew_LaHart 14:31:47 -Drew_LaHart 14:31:49 WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM has ended 14:31:50 Attendees were shadi, Drew_LaHart, Christophe_Strobbe, Vangelis_Karkaletsis, +49.843.9.aaaa, CarlosI 14:31:54 zakim, bye 14:31:54 Zakim has left #tsdtf 14:32:00 rrsagent, make logs world 14:32:05 rrsagent, make minutes 14:32:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/11-tsdtf-minutes.html shadi 14:32:06 rrsagent, make logs world 14:32:10 rrsagent, bye 14:32:10 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/11-tsdtf-actions.rdf : 14:32:10 ACTION: CI to continue discussion on the mailing list [1] 14:32:10 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/11-tsdtf-irc#T14-21-54