IRC log of tagmem on 2007-11-29
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:42:10 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #tagmem
- 17:42:10 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:42:12 [trackbot-ng]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 17:42:13 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #tagmem
- 17:42:15 [trackbot-ng]
- Zakim, this will be TAG
- 17:42:15 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot-ng; I see TAG_Weekly()1:00PM scheduled to start in 18 minutes
- 17:42:17 [trackbot-ng]
- Meeting: Technical Architecture Group Teleconference
- 17:42:19 [trackbot-ng]
- Date: 29 November 2007
- 17:52:37 [raman]
- raman has joined #tagmem
- 17:55:24 [Rhys]
- Rhys has joined #tagmem
- 17:57:12 [Zakim]
- TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has now started
- 17:57:19 [Zakim]
- + +014837aaaa
- 17:57:40 [Rhys]
- zakim, aaaa is Rhys
- 17:57:40 [Zakim]
- +Rhys; got it
- 17:57:51 [Noah_WashDC]
- Noah_WashDC has joined #tagmem
- 17:57:53 [Zakim]
- +Norm
- 17:58:11 [ht]
- zakim, please call ht-781
- 17:58:11 [Zakim]
- ok, ht; the call is being made
- 17:58:12 [Zakim]
- +Ht
- 17:58:30 [Zakim]
- +John_Slatin
- 17:58:50 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 17:59:09 [Noah_WashDC]
- zakim, mute John_Slatin
- 17:59:10 [Zakim]
- John_Slatin should now be muted
- 17:59:15 [Stuart]
- zakim, ?? is me
- 17:59:15 [Zakim]
- +Stuart; got it
- 17:59:29 [Noah_WashDC]
- zakim, unmute John_Slatin
- 17:59:29 [Zakim]
- John_Slatin should no longer be muted
- 17:59:29 [ht]
- zakim, John is Noah
- 17:59:30 [Zakim]
- +Noah; got it
- 17:59:42 [Noah_WashDC]
- zakim, John_Slatin is me
- 17:59:42 [Zakim]
- sorry, Noah_WashDC, I do not recognize a party named 'John_Slatin'
- 17:59:47 [Zakim]
- +Raman
- 18:03:09 [ht]
- Chair: Stuart Williams
- 18:03:18 [ht]
- Scribe: Henry S. Thompson
- 18:03:23 [ht]
- ScribeNick: ht
- 18:04:08 [ht]
- Agenda:
- 18:04:21 [ht]
- Topic: Review of agenda
- 18:04:32 [ht]
- SW: Added item 6, review request
- 18:04:50 [DanC]
- DanC has joined #tagmem
- 18:04:56 [ht]
- Item 5 wrt PW in the clear is to confirm a missing action on DO
- 18:04:56 [Zakim]
- +DanC.a
- 18:05:52 [ht]
- TVR: My plan for my action-?? is to just lightly link up Norm's blog entry on implicit namespaces and a document I wrote some years ago
- 18:06:35 [Stuart]
- 18:07:13 [DanC]
- so include "ACTION-25" in your message somewhere
- 18:07:29 [ht]
- s/action-??/ACTION-25/
- 18:07:33 [dorchard]
- dorchard has joined #tagmem
- 18:07:36 [ht]
- Topic: Minutes of last meeting
- 18:07:53 [ht]
- 18:07:55 [DanC]
- I'm at risk for 6 Dec; birthday celebration
- 18:08:01 [ht]
- SW: Approved as posted
- 18:08:08 [ht]
- Topic: Next meeting
- 18:08:32 [DanC]
- TVR regrets 6 Dec
- 18:08:34 [ht]
- SW: 6 December meeting scribe RL
- 18:08:47 [ht]
- NW: Regrets for 6 Dec
- 18:09:15 [ht]
- Topic: End of year break
- 18:09:34 [ht]
- SW: Propose last call for this year on 13 Dec, first call of new year on 10 Jan 2008
- 18:09:59 [ht]
- SW: Next f2f is 26--28 February 2008
- 18:10:23 [ht]
- RESOLVED: Last call for this year on 13 Dec, first call of new year on 10 Jan 2008
- 18:10:40 [ht]
- Topic: abbreviatedURIs-56 (ISSUE-56)
- 18:11:04 [Stuart]
- 18:11:07 [ht]
- SW: I followed up on ACTION-77
- 18:11:16 [ht]
- with
- 18:11:32 [ht]
- WG chair replied formally with
- 18:11:36 [DanC]
- agenda + Nov ftf meeting records: propose to withdraw ACTION-76
- 18:12:09 [ht]
- SW: We asked them to put some quite strong language to prevent use of CURIEs where URIs are expected
- 18:12:24 [ht]
- ... The WG chair pushed back
- 18:12:33 [ht]
- ... In the context of HTML role
- 18:12:59 [ht]
- ... But now there's a new publication elsewhere and asked us to comment on it there
- 18:13:07 [Stuart]
- s/WG chair/editor in an informal response/
- 18:13:27 [ht]
- NW: I regret the multiple publications of this document
- 18:14:10 [Norm]
- Fine. I guess I was just confused.
- 18:14:32 [ht]
- NM: Quotes from the WG's official response "This version of the document includes a normative
- 18:14:32 [ht]
- definition of CURIEs that is the source of your concerns. The section on
- 18:14:32 [ht]
- CURIEs was included as a matter of convenience and will be removed from
- 18:14:32 [ht]
- later versions of the document.
- 18:14:34 [ht]
- "
- 18:14:41 [DanC]
- +1 focus on particular attributes with a history of URI reference values
- 18:15:18 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:15:39 [ht]
- NM: Since they're now planning a separate document, the point about health warning is once again relevant
- 18:15:48 [DanC]
- (I think it's premature to factor curies out of the RDFa spec, but it's largely an editorial matter, and I'm not the editor.)
- 18:16:13 [ht]
- ... because that document is no longer in the context of a particular attribute or attributes. . .
- 18:16:55 [ht]
- SW: So we're now invited to review
- 18:18:00 [ht]
- DC: So what are the use cases?
- 18:18:30 [Noah]
- Well, what I said was, it looks like they are doing what we suggested, which is to not duplicate the normative definition of CURIEs (to the extent we're OK with there being any definition of CURIEs, which I'll put aside for a second).
- 18:18:36 [ht]
- NM: role, I think
- 18:19:20 [ht]
- DC: I think role is only in use much today in ARIA (accessible Javascript)
- 18:19:32 [DanC]
- (What I meant was: role is a technical approach, and I'm still interested to know about the use case. sounds like it's URI-based extensibility a la microformats class kludges.)
- 18:19:37 [Noah]
- We've said that if there is a normative definition of CURIE, that definition should be accompanied by a general admonition not to use CURIEs where URIs are expected. Since the XHTML Role specification in question will no longer carry a definition for CURIEs, I don't think we can ask them for the health warning.
- 18:20:01 [Noah]
- I do think we can check that none of the particular attributes (e.g. @role) that allow CURIEs also allow URI refs.
- 18:20:33 [ht]
- DC, TVR: [discussion of use of 'role' and 'class' which scribe did not keep up with]
- 18:20:48 [Stuart]
- I think they define role to expect URIorCURIE
- 18:21:09 [ht]
- DC: Role is URI-based?
- 18:21:44 [ht]
- TVR: Original spec. didn't say. WAI used it with QNames/URIs for taxonomies
- 18:22:06 [ht]
- ... there are certainly non-URI uses out there
- 18:22:11 [DanC]
- q+
- 18:22:25 [ht]
- SW: RDFa have an interest in CURIEs, so do the OWL 1.1 folks
- 18:22:29 [ht]
- ack DanC
- 18:22:29 [Stuart]
- ack DanC
- 18:22:54 [ht]
- DC: I'm interested in use cases and/or customers, not technologies. . .
- 18:23:18 [ht]
- ... Creative Commons people are waiting, NewsML were, but maybe they rolled their own
- 18:23:55 [ht]
- TVR: NewsML will proceed with or without W3C
- 18:24:27 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:24:42 [ht]
- q+ to follow up on Noah's point about health warning
- 18:25:04 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:25:30 [ht]
- DC: I was happy with their using their own abbreviation in their own language
- 18:25:35 [Stuart]
- ack ht
- 18:25:35 [Zakim]
- ht, you wanted to follow up on Noah's point about health warning
- 18:25:50 [ht]
- ... It's when they propose factoring it out and making it general that I get worried
- 18:25:53 [DanC]
- (happy, since their abbrevation mechanism is clearly grounded in real, good URIs)
- 18:26:23 [Noah]
- HT: I think I disagree with the implications of Noah's clarification above
- 18:27:22 [ht]
- HT: Since they've pulled it out, there needs to be a health warning in the place they've specced it on its own
- 18:27:39 [ht]
- NM: Right, not at the point where they spec. the role attribute
- 18:27:56 [ht]
- ... But we should check that the 'role' spec. does _not_ allow vanilla URIs
- 18:28:52 [ht]
- ACTION: Henry to review
- 18:28:52 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-80 - Review [on Henry S. Thompson - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:28:56 [Noah]
- HT: OK, we agree. A warning is needed, but with the definition of CURIEs
- 18:29:03 [ht]
- ACTION: Norm to review
- 18:29:03 [trackbot-ng]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - Norm
- 18:29:12 [ht]
- ACTION: Stuart to review
- 18:29:12 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-81 - Review [on Stuart Williams - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:29:25 [Stuart]
- trackbot-ng, status
- 18:29:36 [ht]
- ACTION: Norman to review
- 18:29:36 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-82 - Review [on Norman Walsh - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:30:12 [ht]
- Topic: binaryXML-30 (ISSUE-30)
- 18:31:08 [ht]
- SW: HST wrote a draft response [member only]
- 18:31:13 [Noah]
- Regarding EXI before I forget. Henry's draft says: The proposed EXI format is the best technology for the job;
- 18:31:23 [ht]
- ... We will return to this item when DO joins the call
- 18:31:38 [Noah]
- I wonder if it might best be "the best choice for the job".
- 18:31:50 [Noah]
- or suitable choice
- 18:32:32 [ht]
- Topic: Review Request "Access Control for Cross-site Requests"
- 18:32:42 [ht]
- 18:33:09 [ht]
- SW: We should be involved, right?
- 18:33:12 [ht]
- ... Volunteers?
- 18:33:31 [ht]
- DC: Did our concerns get captured in a test case
- 18:33:49 [ht]
- ... Security threat models perhaps not appropriate for a test. . .
- 18:33:53 [Zakim]
- +Dave_Orchard
- 18:33:59 [ht]
- SW: I think a fresh review is called for
- 18:34:14 [DanC]
- (I can't do a fresh review; I've already looked at it.)
- 18:34:27 [ht]
- ACTION: Stuart to review
- 18:34:27 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-83 - Review [on Stuart Williams - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:34:44 [ht]
- ACTION: David to review
- 18:34:44 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-84 - Review [on David Orchard - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:34:57 [ht]
- DO: DC, did you publish comments?
- 18:35:03 [DanC]
- long HTTP header field name in WD-access-control
- 18:35:12 [ht]
- SW: I sent our comments on the previous draft
- 18:35:49 [ht]
- DO: Anything else, DC?
- 18:36:06 [ht]
- DC: I think they pretty much covered the threat model issue
- 18:36:29 [ht]
- ... I was also concerned that the doc. make clear what the problem was
- 18:36:44 [ht]
- ... They added a small bit on that, I guess I'm satisfied
- 18:36:55 [ht]
- SW: We'll return to this when the reviews are done
- 18:37:12 [ht]
- Topic: Issue passwordsInTheClear-52 (ISSUE-52)
- 18:37:32 [ht]
- SW: I believe we discussed this last time and agreed that you would do another editorial pass, publish and invite comment
- 18:37:39 [ht]
- ... but there was no official action
- 18:38:55 [DanC]
- q+ to ask who from WSC has been active so far
- 18:39:23 [DanC]
- 12 Nov draft was discussed...
- 18:39:28 [ht]
- ACTION: David to produce another draft of Passwords in the Clear finding, based on comments from 15 November telcon, publish it and invite comment
- 18:39:28 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-85 - Produce another draft of Passwords in the Clear finding, based on comments from 15 November telcon, publish it and invite comment [on David Orchard - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:39:51 [Stuart]
- ack danc
- 18:39:51 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to ask who from WSC has been active so far
- 18:39:51 [ht]
- DO: Will try to do this by the end of the week
- 18:40:16 [ht]
- DC: Which people in WSC are paying attention?
- 18:40:30 [ht]
- SW: They are waiting on a draft from us/a request to comment from us
- 18:40:51 [ht]
- ... In addition to Thomas Roessler and Mez, Hal from BEA was most vocal
- 18:41:09 [ht]
- DC: What about the TPAC meeting?
- 18:41:25 [ht]
- SW: The above 3
- 18:42:08 [ht]
- DO: There was input from a number of folk, at least 5 or 6, plus Tyler Close on the phone -- I got a lot of input from the meeting minutes
- 18:42:35 [ht]
- DO: So do I get review from them first, or just publish
- 18:42:41 [ht]
- DC: Just publish
- 18:42:43 [ht]
- DO: Will do
- 18:42:47 [DanC]
- (them? us, rather, yes?)
- 18:43:04 [ht]
- Topic: #
- 18:43:04 [ht]
- *
- 18:43:04 [ht]
- # Issue binaryXML-30 (ISSUE-30)
- 18:43:23 [ht]
- DO: I'm happy with HST's packaging
- 18:43:40 [dorchard]
- more specifically, I'm very happy with HST's packaging
- 18:43:57 [ht]
- HST: I will edit to take account of NM's wording suggestion
- 18:44:19 [Noah]
- I see some extra underbar (_) chars in the version of the note that came through my email.
- 18:44:57 [Noah]
- Ah, I guess those are for emphasis, but somehow underbar doesn't do that for me. Prefer perhaps >XXXX< to emphasize XXXX
- 18:45:07 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:46:33 [ht]
- ACTION: Henry to make editorial corrections to and post that to the EXI WG on behalf of the TAG
- 18:46:33 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-86 - Make editorial corrections to and post that to the EXI WG on behalf of the TAG [on Henry S. Thompson - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:46:39 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:46:57 [ht]
- Topic: Issue namespaceDocument-8
- 18:47:00 [Noah]
- Also: "_No_ aspect of the messaging should suggest" it's not clear that the use of the word messaging here is quite unambiguous
- 18:47:18 [DanC]
- (I'm looking at the diffs .. bummed I didn't manage to look at them carefully before the meeting)
- 18:47:54 [ht]
- SW: HST has published a new draft, completing Action 65
- 18:47:56 [DanC]
- (ah... yes... 4.1 and 4.2 separate cases... I remember asking for that.)
- 18:48:10 [ht]
- ... Action 66 has been overtaken
- 18:49:54 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:50:06 [ht]
- HST: New draft is
- 18:50:27 [DanC]
- q+ to note { n:key range xsd:anyURI } and ask how xsd:anyURI relates to xsd:string (and wonder about RDF plain literals)
- 18:50:32 [ht]
- ... Mostly added a new section to embody agreement to discuss NS vs NS-DOC by cases
- 18:51:04 [Stuart]
- q?
- 18:51:13 [Stuart]
- ack DanC
- 18:51:13 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to note { n:key range xsd:anyURI } and ask how xsd:anyURI relates to xsd:string (and wonder about RDF plain literals)
- 18:51:23 [DanC]
- nature:key "";
- 18:52:32 [ht]
- DC: You changed nature:key from Object Property to Datatype Property
- 18:53:14 [ht]
- HST: Yes, decided not to include ^^ syntax. . .
- 18:53:20 [DanC]
- ACTION: Dan try examples from ns8 draft in OWL tools
- 18:53:20 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-87 - Try examples from ns8 draft in OWL tools [on Dan Connolly - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:53:20 [ht]
- DC: Yeah, understood
- 18:54:04 [ht]
- SW: Are we ready to go with this one?
- 18:54:16 [DanC]
- (what diff tool did you use? that's cool.)
- 18:54:19 [ht]
- DC: Yes, but not in a rush. . .
- 18:55:01 [Norm]
- Dom announced it somewhere, spec-prod? chairs?
- 18:55:20 [ht]
- ACTION: Norman to review
- 18:55:20 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-88 - Review [on Norman Walsh - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:55:44 [ht]
- Topic: Overdue action review
- 18:56:01 [DanC]
- q+
- 18:56:03 [Stuart]
- 18:56:07 [ht]
- SW: Need to cull these if any overtaken or need postponed
- 18:56:39 [Rhys]
- q+ to say that I'd like to claim 50 as complete
- 18:56:48 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 18:57:53 [Rhys]
- ack me
- 18:57:53 [Zakim]
- Rhys, you wanted to say that I'd like to claim 50 as complete
- 18:58:50 [DanC]
- ACTION: DanC note the old submission about logout button under passwordsInTheClear
- 18:58:50 [trackbot-ng]
- Created ACTION-89 - Note the old submission about logout button under passwordsInTheClear [on Dan Connolly - due 2007-12-06].
- 18:59:32 [Stuart]
- 19:00:19 [DanC]
- this one, I think...
- 19:00:26 [DanC]
- so put that pointer in a note and note yours closed.
- 19:00:36 [DanC]
- please
- 19:02:03 [ht]
- HST believes actually discharges action 78, marked as needs review
- 19:02:26 [ht]
- s/action 78/action 69/
- 19:02:42 [DanC]
- 78 doesn't seem to be pending review yet here
- 19:05:04 [DanC]
- 19:07:02 [DanC]
- ping issue
- 19:07:17 [ht]
- Topic: General discussion
- 19:07:28 [DanC]
- fielding 6 Nov ?
- 19:07:40 [ht]
- TVR: Anyone looking at the 'ping' attribute in HTML5 draft?
- 19:07:52 [ht]
- DO: Do we need an issue for this?
- 19:08:49 [ht]
- DC: My first reaction was negative, but I am now not so sure
- 19:09:20 [ht]
- TVR: My primary concern was that this is buried amongst so much other stuff, it's not getting the review it deserves
- 19:09:35 [ht]
- DO: I agree -- I think Roy's analysis is compelling, this is bad
- 19:10:05 [ht]
- TVR: HTML 5 discussion has gone off onto question of whether users understand GET vs POST
- 19:10:27 [ht]
- DC: So this is related to Issue 7: When to use GET vs. POST
- 19:10:43 [ht]
- ... We could reopen that for discussion of this matter
- 19:10:58 [ht]
- SW: Moved and seconded, I will reopen the issue
- 19:11:05 [ht]
- ... So, someone explain?
- 19:11:17 [ht]
- DC: I run, a newspaper website
- 19:12:01 [ht]
- ... When DO follows a link from my site to one of my advertisers, I would like Audit Bureau of Circulation to get a notification
- 19:12:15 [ht]
- ... Today this is handled by masses of complex Javascript
- 19:12:27 [ht]
- ... 'ping' is a declarative way of achieving the same thing
- 19:12:58 [ht]
- ... I need to check that this is indeed what the spec. says
- 19:13:13 [ht]
- HST: I'd like to review the materials before further discussion
- 19:13:40 [ht]
- TVR: I'd also like TAG input on my message to www-tag last week, harking back to a video example from before that
- 19:13:54 [DanC]
- Subject: Toward URL-Equality For Web Servers And Web Clients
- 19:13:54 [DanC]
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:31:32 -0800 (11:31 CST)
- 19:13:57 [Stuart]
- 19:14:31 [ht]
- SW: An agenda item for a future meeting. . .
- 19:15:18 [ht]
- Topic: TAG blog
- 19:15:29 [ht]
- NM: What is status? Concerns raised, where are we?
- 19:16:09 [ht]
- TVR: Compromise -- blog wherever we like, post a pointer to it on the TAG blog
- 19:16:19 [ht]
- NM: Persistence is a problem
- 19:16:21 [ht]
- q+
- 19:16:26 [dorchard]
- q+
- 19:16:42 [ht]
- NM: There is real value to having stuff in W3C space
- 19:16:45 [Stuart]
- ack ht
- 19:16:46 [dorchard]
- q+ to support TVR. I don't intend to stop using my blog for TAG related items
- 19:16:59 [DanC]
- (I acknowledge Noah's concerns, but I'm not inspired with any specific way to improve the situation.)
- 19:17:24 [Stuart]
- ack do
- 19:17:24 [Zakim]
- dorchard, you wanted to support TVR. I don't intend to stop using my blog for TAG related items
- 19:17:58 [ht]
- HST: I have been holding off on several possible postings because of the possibility that we will move/change
- 19:18:20 [ht]
- DO: I am happy with working decentralized
- 19:18:21 [DanC]
- (I'm open to all manner of mix-and-match... TVR's is OK by me, though I acknowledge Noah's persistence concerns.)
- 19:19:07 [ht]
- NM: I don't have a problem with that, but I would also like to have something in W3C space for the commitment that that represents
- 19:19:26 [Stuart]
- q+ to ask raman, as one of the people with strong motivation for a TAG blog
- 19:20:42 [Stuart]
- ack stuart
- 19:20:42 [Zakim]
- Stuart, you wanted to ask raman, as one of the people with strong motivation for a TAG blog
- 19:20:54 [dorchard]
- I think this issue about the TAG members blogging. I've had my domain up and running for almost 12 years now, so 15-20 years more is likely.
- 19:23:07 [Stuart]
- 19:24:31 [dorchard]
- I missed the QA rebranding as well.
- 19:24:57 [dorchard]
- and it never occurred to me that QA was not Quality Assurance.
- 19:26:19 [dorchard]
- hmm.. I could add a TAG blog to if the TAG would like
- 19:28:42 [DanC]
- some specific things I can do: get "Q&A Weblog" spelled out as "Question and Answer Weblog"
- 19:30:31 [DanC]
- and look into a better link from specific items to
- 19:30:59 [DanC]
- (re openid support... that's an important feature, to me, and it seems to have been taken back out of /QA/ ... I wonder what's up with that.)
- 19:32:01 [DanC]
- ("for" or "against" isn't helpful, to me; for what we have or for something else is more helpful.)
- 19:32:47 [Zakim]
- -Rhys
- 19:33:52 [Zakim]
- -Dave_Orchard
- 19:33:53 [Zakim]
- -Norm
- 19:34:09 [DanC]
- Zakim, I hung up; why didn't you notice?
- 19:34:09 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, DanC.
- 19:34:10 [Zakim]
- -Ht
- 19:34:11 [DanC]
- Zakim, drop danc
- 19:34:11 [Zakim]
- DanC.a is being disconnected
- 19:34:13 [Zakim]
- -DanC.a
- 19:34:15 [Zakim]
- -Stuart
- 19:34:32 [Zakim]
- -Noah
- 19:34:34 [Zakim]
- TAG_Weekly()1:00PM has ended
- 19:34:35 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +014837aaaa, Rhys, Norm, Ht, John_Slatin, Stuart, Noah, Raman, DanC.a, Dave_Orchard
- 19:35:25 [ht]
- zakim, bye
- 19:35:25 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #tagmem
- 19:35:38 [ht]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 19:35:38 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ht
- 19:35:51 [DanC]
- for reference, the explicit re-branding: Quality Assurance Activity Completes Its Work, QA Becomes the Q&A Weblog
- 19:36:06 [ht]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 19:36:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ht