17:55:30 RRSAgent has joined #owl 17:55:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-owl-irc 17:55:31 alanr has joined #owl 17:55:40 Zakim, this is SW_OWL 17:55:40 jeremy, I see SW_OWL()12:00PM in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be SW_OWL". 17:55:49 Zakim, this will be SW_OWL 17:55:49 ok, jeremy; I see SW_OWL()12:00PM scheduled to start 55 minutes ago 17:56:22 achille has joined #owl 17:56:45 SW_OWL()12:00PM has now started 17:56:49 MichaelSmith has joined #owl 17:56:52 +??P13 17:56:56 Zakim, ??P13 is me 17:56:56 +jeremy; got it 17:58:14 JeffP has joined #owl 17:58:35 bmotik has joined #owl 17:58:43 IanH has joined #owl 17:58:56 +[IBM] 17:59:02 uli has joined #owl 17:59:06 +??P16 17:59:16 +MIchaelSmith 17:59:20 Zakim, ??p16 is bmotik 17:59:20 +bmotik; got it 17:59:21 Ratnesh has joined #owl 17:59:26 +Alan 17:59:27 Zakim, mute me 17:59:28 bmotik should now be muted 17:59:36 +JeffP 17:59:38 bijan has joined #owl 17:59:42 Carsten has joined #owl 17:59:43 zakim, dial ivan-voip 17:59:43 ok, ivan; the call is being made 17:59:44 Zakim, IBM is achille 17:59:44 +Ivan 17:59:45 +achille; got it 18:00:14 +??P11 18:00:22 +??P15 18:00:30 +??P19 18:00:43 pfps has joined #owl 18:00:50 zakim, who is on the phone 18:00:52 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', pfps 18:01:04 zakim, ??P15 is me 18:01:07 +bijan; got it 18:01:13 zakim, mute me 18:01:13 zakim, who is on the call 18:01:14 bijan should now be muted 18:01:16 I don't understand 'who is on the call', alanr 18:01:21 zakim, who is here 18:01:21 alanr, you need to end that query with '?' 18:01:25 zakim, who is here? 18:01:25 On the phone I see jeremy, achille, bmotik (muted), +1.202.408.aaaa, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, ??P11, bijan (muted), ??P19 18:01:27 On IRC I see pfps, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:01:32 +Vipul_Kashyap 18:01:42 +MartinD 18:01:43 zakim, ?p11 is me 18:01:46 sorry, pfps, I do not recognize a party named '?p11' 18:01:47 zakim, ??P15 is me 18:01:50 I already had ??P15 as bijan, uli 18:01:53 zakim, ??p11 is me 18:01:54 +??P24 18:01:56 +pfps; got it 18:01:56 zakim, mute me 18:02:00 pfps should now be muted 18:02:01 Conrad has joined #owl 18:02:04 zakim, who is here? 18:02:09 zakim, ??p11 is me 18:02:09 Conrad 18:02:10 On the phone I see jeremy, achille, bmotik (muted), +1.202.408.aaaa, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps (muted), bijan (muted), ??P19 (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD, ??P24 18:02:10 Zakim, mute me 18:02:15 zakim, mute me 18:02:19 I already had ??P11 as pfps, uli 18:02:21 jeremy should now be muted 18:02:27 On IRC I see Conrad, pfps, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:02:32 MartinD should now be muted 18:02:37 ack pfps 18:02:41 zakim, who is here? 18:02:42 zakim, +1.202.408.aaaa is me 18:02:45 zakim, P24 is Ratnesh 18:02:47 q? 18:02:52 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), +1.202.408.aaaa, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), ??P19 (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), ??P24 18:02:56 bcuencag has joined #owl 18:02:57 +MichaelSmith; got it 18:02:59 sorry, Ratnesh, I do not recognize a party named 'P24' 18:03:05 +Evan_Wallace 18:03:07 +IanH 18:03:08 zakim, who is here? 18:03:11 On IRC I see Conrad, pfps, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:03:16 +??P27 18:03:20 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), ??P19 (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), ??P24, 18:03:26 zakim, ?? P24 is Ratnesh 18:03:29 ... Evan_Wallace, IanH, ??P27 18:03:36 zakim, who is here? 18:03:36 Vipul has joined #owl 18:03:39 On IRC I see bcuencag, Conrad, pfps, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, trackbot-ng, sandro, 18:03:42 ... ewallace 18:03:45 zakim, ??P19 is me 18:03:46 I don't understand '?? P24 is Ratnesh', Ratnesh 18:03:47 pfps has joined #owl 18:03:48 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), ??P19 (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), ??P24, 18:03:53 zakim, who is here? 18:03:55 ... Evan_Wallace, IanH (muted), ??P27 18:03:56 zhe has joined #owl 18:03:57 +Conrad 18:04:01 +uli; got it 18:04:05 On IRC I see pfps, Vipul, bcuencag, Conrad, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, trackbot-ng, 18:04:12 ... sandro, ewallace 18:04:14 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), uli (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), ??P24, Evan_Wallace, 18:04:17 ... IanH (muted), ??P27, +1.301.975.aaee 18:04:19 +Sandro 18:04:25 On IRC I see zhe, pfps, Vipul, bcuencag, Conrad, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, 18:04:30 ... trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:04:34 +??P30 18:04:47 zakim, who is talking? 18:04:54 zakim, ??P30 is me 18:04:54 +bcuencag; got it 18:04:57 JeffP, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Alan (5%), Vipul_Kashyap (76%), Sandro (36%), ??P30 (17%) 18:05:05 I have quite a lot of static on the line. Do others have the same problem? 18:05:12 zakim, ??P24 is Ratnesh 18:05:12 +Ratnesh; got it 18:05:14 zakim, who is here? 18:05:14 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), uli (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), Ratnesh, 18:05:17 ... Evan_Wallace, IanH (muted), ??P27, +1.301.975.aaee, Sandro, bcuencag 18:05:18 On IRC I see zhe, pfps, Vipul, bcuencag, Conrad, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, 18:05:21 ... trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:05:26 i can hear well and clearly, as well... 18:05:30 zakim, mute me 18:05:30 bcuencag should now be muted 18:05:49 conrad is not recorded on the phone 18:06:03 41# 18:06:12 is the magic 18:06:27 Zakim, aaee is Conrad 18:06:27 +Conrad; got it 18:06:35 zakim, who is here? 18:06:35 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), uli (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), Ratnesh, 18:06:38 ... Evan_Wallace, IanH (muted), ??P27, Conrad, Sandro, bcuencag (muted) 18:06:40 On IRC I see zhe, pfps, Vipul, bcuencag, Conrad, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, MartinD, 18:06:42 ... trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:06:55 zakim, drop ??P27 18:06:55 ??P27 is being disconnected 18:06:57 -??P27 18:07:08 Zhe that is me been dropped 18:07:20 call back in please 18:07:27 +??P27 18:07:28 GiorgosStoilos has joined #OWL 18:07:54 Zakim, ??P27 is Deb 18:07:54 +Deb; got it 18:07:56 +??P31 18:08:05 zakim, ??p31 is zhe 18:08:05 +zhe; got it 18:08:08 +GiorgosStoilos 18:08:09 zakim, who is here? 18:08:09 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), uli (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), Ratnesh, 18:08:12 ... Evan_Wallace, IanH (muted), Conrad, Sandro, bcuencag (muted), Deb, zhe, GiorgosStoilos 18:08:15 On IRC I see GiorgosStoilos, zhe, pfps, Vipul, bcuencag, Conrad, Carsten, bijan, Ratnesh, uli, IanH, bmotik, JeffP, MichaelSmith, achille, alanr, RRSAgent, Zakim, jeremy, ivan, 18:08:17 ... MartinD, trackbot-ng, sandro, ewallace 18:08:22 a faq on how to handle Zakim would probably be useful 18:08:35 I could report on rif meeting 18:09:02 topic: ADMIN 18:09:11 http://www.w3.org/2002/01/UsingZakim 18:09:19 comments of the minutes? 18:09:30 minutes accepted 18:09:38 alanr: action items ... 18:10:03 action 4: continued 18:10:11 alanr, I could take the imports action ifyou'd like 18:10:26 ok 18:10:30 +Carsten 18:10:32 yes - I claim victory on action 18:10:36 zakim, mute me 18:10:36 sorry, Carsten, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 18:10:46 action 27 is close 18:11:15 zakim, mute me 18:11:15 sorry, Carsten, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 18:11:18 yes 18:11:20 action 29 is close 18:11:33 (I put the action number in the e-mail so the tracker tracks) 18:11:39 dlm has joined #owl 18:12:21 alanr: any furhter suggestions of the f2f agenda? 18:12:29 q? 18:12:30 Zakim, q- ??P15 18:12:31 I see ??P11, ??P19, +49.351.4.aaff on the speaker queue 18:12:31 alanr got cut off 18:12:41 q- ??P19 18:12:45 q? 18:12:48 no we don't 18:12:52 the queue doesn't update when names are correlated 18:12:54 q- ??P11 18:13:00 zakim, who is on the call? 18:13:00 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik (muted), MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan (muted), uli (muted), Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD (muted), Ratnesh, 18:13:03 ... Evan_Wallace, IanH, Conrad, Sandro, bcuencag (muted), Deb, zhe, GiorgosStoilos, +49.351.4.aaff 18:13:08 (thanks Jeremy) 18:13:13 q? 18:13:38 I think I inadvertedly added myself to the queue 18:13:42 sorry 18:13:53 Zakim, aaff is Carsten 18:13:53 +Carsten; got it 18:13:57 q- aaff 18:14:03 thanks! 18:14:09 q- +49.351.4.aaff 18:15:00 +queue 18:15:08 yes, thanks 18:15:27 alanr: we might need to move the import and rich annotation to first day 18:15:55 Can we swap fragments and imports and RAs? 18:15:56 ... since alan won't be in day 2 18:16:25 ian: we could discuss it offline, there are other constraints 18:16:34 q? 18:16:35 Where is the draft agenda? 18:16:39 q? 18:16:41 ack dlm 18:16:42 q?http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/F2F.2007.12-Manchester/Agenda 18:16:46 q? 18:16:49 +1 18:17:16 alan: we should move the user facing part to later part of the day 18:17:26 -queue 18:17:31 q? 18:17:38 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Manchester_F2F 18:17:41 Elisa and Deborah are remote participants in UFDTF 18:18:07 topic: Teleconference 2007.12.05 ? 18:18:13 -1 18:18:14 alanr: I cannot 18:18:18 there is already a conflicting event on the 5th 18:18:19 i think jim h wants to participate in the ufdtf as well 18:18:22 -1 18:18:22 It's traditional not to have such telecons 18:18:24 which is which? 18:18:27 -1 18:18:27 -1 18:18:28 -1 on telecon on 5th 18:18:29 -1 18:18:31 -1 18:18:33 -1 18:18:48 Resolved: no telecon on Dec 5th 18:18:57 transit? I expect to be in the meeting at the Kro2! 18:19:33 Well, that still means no teleconf :-) 18:19:50 Functional Syntax and Structural Spec, Semantics, Rdf mapping 18:19:57 (for me - the issue list is in good shape for reflecting the lack of consensus) 18:19:57 Were the original proposal 18:19:58 Topic: Discussions (35 min) 18:20:02 q? 18:20:06 q+ to suggest shading ... 18:20:15 q? 18:20:18 Zakim, unmute me 18:20:18 jeremy should no longer be muted 18:20:21 ack jeremy 18:20:21 jeremy, you wanted to suggest shading ... 18:21:17 We have some issues that touch everything so "shady" per se won't work 18:21:17 jeremy: editors might want to relate part of the documents with issues in the issue list 18:21:25 E.g., Typed constructs 18:21:38 ian: we need to see whether it is practical 18:21:49 is it me or is there an echo? 18:21:55 zakim, who is talking? 18:21:55 Zakim, mute me 18:21:55 jeremy should now be muted 18:22:07 JeffP, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Alan (3%), Sandro (44%) 18:22:12 ah - echo gone! 18:22:24 +1 to sandro as an alternative 18:22:30 +1 18:22:41 how about putting the disclaimer in the document status, pointing to the issue list? 18:22:45 to my suggestion! 18:22:53 for me yes 18:23:06 q+ 18:23:06 (yes to RDF Mapping with such riders) 18:23:38 Zakim, unmute me 18:23:38 bmotik should no longer be muted 18:23:43 q? 18:23:44 the mapping between sections and issues is not particularly easy 18:23:46 alanr: should issues be written in the beginning part of the sections? 18:23:52 ack bmotik 18:23:54 q? 18:24:00 boris: some issues are more meta issues 18:24:04 A list of other issues might be good 18:24:16 alanr: we meant the specific ones 18:24:21 q+ 18:24:23 I think we're in editor's choice space 18:24:28 zakim, unmute me 18:24:28 pfps was not muted, pfps 18:24:31 some issues are minor, don't need huge highlighting 18:24:32 I agree with bijan 18:24:32 we don't have editors yet 18:24:37 Some are important and controversial 18:24:41 boris: I meant more issues are meta ones 18:24:43 And need to be highlighted 18:24:48 We don't need to insist that every issue is mentioned in some document 18:24:56 +1 to Ian 18:25:02 I agree with bijan again! 18:25:12 How about we task someone(s) to add some issue texts to a document? 18:25:19 boris: and who should do this? 18:25:21 And experiement a bit 18:25:35 alan: we could assign them to some people, including me 18:25:53 ian: which document? 18:26:00 alanr: does not matter 18:26:19 q? 18:26:29 ack pfps 18:26:35 sandro: you still need to be familiar with the documents enough to do the job properly 18:26:58 zakim, mute me 18:26:58 pfps should now be muted 18:27:11 Yes 18:27:16 On behalf of carsten 18:27:17 ian: do we need to have such fine-grain issule list mechanism 18:27:25 +1 to grouping 18:27:27 I'm big +1 on grouping issues loosely 18:27:30 -1 to grouping 18:27:43 +1 to grouping (not all, but some should be grouped) 18:27:49 dlm, it is also hard to follow 18:27:58 we are supposed to be spending 8 hours a week on this, minimum 18:28:29 (peter's days might be longer than mine! 7.5 hrs) 18:28:42 sandro, do we want a hierartical issue list? 18:28:43 I tried this on rich annotations...addding all the issues related to annotations 18:28:47 Peter complained about this :) 18:28:57 Zakim, mute me 18:28:57 bmotik should now be muted 18:29:08 We can group issues by 'product' 18:29:08 zakim, unmute me 18:29:08 bijan should no longer be muted 18:29:22 sandro, we should take a simplified approach 18:29:34 q+ to explain a separation 18:29:46 q? 18:29:46 zakim, mute me 18:29:47 bijan should now be muted 18:29:51 Zakim, unmute me 18:29:51 jeremy should no longer be muted 18:29:53 q? 18:29:54 zakim, mute me 18:29:54 pfps was already muted, pfps 18:29:56 How about soem web pages for this 18:30:04 ian, we just started but we have 81 issues already 18:30:15 ack jeremy 18:30:15 jeremy, you wanted to explain a separation 18:30:36 Issues are a tool for the chairs 18:30:36 Zakim, unmute me 18:30:36 jeremy was not muted, jeremy 18:30:42 ha ha 18:30:46 The chairs should figure out what works for them 18:30:48 Zakim, mute me 18:30:48 jeremy should now be muted 18:31:07 Topic: Publication Schedule and First Public Working Drafts 18:31:17 jeremy: lots of small issues are easier to make progress on than a few big issues 18:31:40 alanr, a quick poll to see if the solution is acceptable by everyone 18:32:04 q+ 18:32:11 ack bijan 18:32:17 alanr: three documents: syntax, semantics and mapping to RDF 18:32:54 zakim, mute me 18:32:54 bijan should now be muted 18:33:00 q? 18:33:01 no we cannot decide to publish docs until they are ready 18:33:15 I can confirm informally the plan 18:33:17 actually, we can 18:33:17 PROPOSED: Annotate the Syntax, Semantics, and Mapping-to-RDF documents with links to all issues, as they might affect the text.... 18:33:25 we can publish subject to editorial changes 18:33:33 We can say, "We will publish these docuemnts pace soem editoral mod... 18:34:00 PROPOSED: Annotate the Syntax, Semantics, and Mapping-to-RDF documents with links to all issues, as they might affect the text, and then (give or take editorial changes) we will publish. 18:34:02 i guess i bow to pfps and bijan here, but some rider 18:34:28 +1, as long as I'm not doing the work! 18:34:28 +1 18:34:32 would prefer to say "issues" rather than all issues 18:34:32 ok 18:34:35 +1 18:34:36 +1 18:34:39 +1 18:34:40 +1 18:34:41 +1 with "issues" 18:34:41 +1 18:34:44 -1 18:34:45 +1 18:34:46 +1 18:34:48 +1 18:34:48 +1 otherwise 18:34:49 +1 18:34:57 +1 18:35:00 -0 concerned about deciding before deciding, but it seems vaguely okay. 18:35:02 Regarding my issues discussed here: 18:35:03 - I saw lots small issues before, so I was just trying to follow common practice 18:35:04 +1 18:35:05 - Several of my issues I wouldn't call "small" 18:35:06 - I can live with grouping as long as decisions are taken individually (this 18:35:08 is why I separated them) 18:35:10 +1 18:35:13 -0 This might be a lot of work 18:35:17 0 18:36:07 -0 is the slightly more negative vote than the neutral o? 18:36:17 +1 with metamodel issue included 18:36:34 -o ? 18:36:38 sandro, I don't think we should have a resolution here 18:36:41 zakim, mute me 18:36:41 pfps was already muted, pfps 18:36:48 (I find Sandro compelling, but can't say why) 18:36:54 ... but it seems that it is good enough to proceed? 18:36:58 that's an action, not a resolution 18:36:58 It's his air of mystery 18:37:16 sandro, I think people need to review how it is done 18:37:41 I think the difference between a blessing and vote is not good 18:37:44 (Personally I would like to see the post-Wiki doc before the vote) 18:37:51 So the only future discussion will be about issue links. 18:37:56 q+ to put JimH points 18:38:00 action or resolution? 18:38:05 q? 18:38:08 I'm confused now 18:38:12 zakim, unmute me 18:38:12 bijan should no longer be muted 18:38:21 q? 18:38:25 Are we to do an up or down vote later? 18:39:35 zakim, mute me 18:39:35 bijan should now be muted 18:39:39 q- 18:39:50 alanr: no resolution but general agreement to the direction 18:40:12 yes 18:40:12 The chairs appoint editors 18:40:19 ian, chairs may deligate the tasks 18:40:34 I hate the idea, but I think UManchester can mobilize some resources to this end 18:40:40 (er.. the idea of workign on it :) 18:42:12 q+ 18:42:35 I feel the discussion needs booze 18:43:19 q? 18:43:21 Zakim, unmute me 18:43:26 bmotik should no longer be muted 18:43:44 s/deligate/delegate 18:43:55 Alan, I filed the metamodel issue on Syntax at http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/issues/82. 18:44:22 thanks, conrad 18:44:34 Hmm. I think it is a fragment 18:44:49 boris, owl dl is not 100% sub-language of owl full 18:45:13 I'm looking at 5.3...what's the difference? 18:45:16 qq+ 18:45:18 q+ 18:45:19 Also, even to the extent that we believe that it is a fragment, this is a belief/conjecture and not a proven fact 18:45:20 q? 18:45:22 ack bmoik 18:45:26 ack bmotik 18:45:27 q- bmotik 18:45:35 q+ 18:45:42 to reply to Boris 18:45:44 q? 18:45:51 zakim, unmute me 18:45:51 bijan should no longer be muted 18:46:17 bijan, it seems that part of the issue what counts as compatibility 18:46:24 JeffP, the scribe convention is to scribe like "Sandro: what sandro said" not "Sandro, what sandro said" 18:46:39 thx, sandro 18:47:16 There is a strictly increasing chain of sets of entailments 18:47:18 > 18:47:19 > Simple <= RDF <= RDFS <= D- <= OWL DL <= OWL Full 18:47:21 > 18:47:22 > It was a design goal that the last strict inclusion should be an equality; see 18:47:24 > 18:47:26 > http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/webont-issues.html#I5.3-Semantic-Layering 18:47:28 > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2002Oct/0022.html 18:47:29 bijan, your idea is a stronger version of compatibility 18:47:29 > 18:47:31 > In other words (subject to the syntactic constraints of OWL DL) the 18:47:32 > entailments of OWL DL are exactly those of OWL Full. This goal 18:47:34 > slipped a little: see 18:47:35 > 18:47:37 > http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-test/byFunction#function-Thing 18:47:39 q? 18:47:40 q? 18:47:42 +1 to getting clear on a working defn of compatibility 18:47:45 ack bijan 18:47:55 OWL 1.0 18:48:37 ian: we had similar discussion in WebOnt 18:48:38 but the entailments aren't the same. 18:49:11 zakim, unmute me 18:49:11 bijan was not muted, bijan 18:49:11 THe two known exceptions are size of universe and certain entailments involving annotations 18:49:15 zakim, mute me 18:49:15 bijan should now be muted 18:49:17 ack alanr 18:49:35 alanr: I want more compatibility than what is between RDF and OWL 18:50:03 where are the new sources of "incompatability"? 18:50:04 I agree with alanr...the corner case semantic alignment is much less important than bringing in more wffs 18:50:35 q? 18:50:38 q? 18:50:53 dlm, it is a good idea to clarify compatibility 18:50:57 Zakim, unmute me 18:50:57 jeremy should no longer be muted 18:51:46 That was a goal of, e.g., adding punnings 18:52:03 I.e., to align to owl full 18:52:19 q+ 18:52:55 my understanding is that semantic-full annotations are the result of not having black triples in RDF 18:53:08 s/black/dark/ 18:53:22 s/dark/graphite/ 18:53:22 I thought we *did* implement anntotions per the spec...I would love a pointer to where this is not the case 18:53:41 there is a solution to backward compatability wrt annotations (but I don't like it) 18:53:48 q+ 18:53:52 I would love there to be a unity OWL 18:53:53 q? 18:54:07 q+ to ask how we can tell whether annotations are correctly implemented 18:54:15 ack boris 18:54:17 Zakim, mute me 18:54:17 jeremy should now be muted 18:54:20 q? 18:54:25 ack bmotik 18:55:05 boris: one design principle of OWL 1.1 is that ... 18:55:05 who are users??? 18:55:31 boris: annotations have no serious semantics 18:55:49 No Boris said no semantics not 'no serious semantics' 18:55:50 boris: comments are simply comments 18:55:51 ack ianh 18:56:21 Ian, in the charter we say to refine and extend OWL 18:56:26 three cases of disparity: annotations, punning, (forget third) 18:56:35 third: bnodes 18:56:54 wrong - strong disagreement 18:57:05 wrong what, jeremy? 18:57:11 q+ to defend the quality of Sean's work 18:57:28 Ian: an OWL document should be one that could be translated from the one written in abstract syntax 18:57:34 ... according to the spec 18:57:50 q? 18:57:53 ack alanr 18:57:53 alanr, you wanted to ask how we can tell whether annotations are correctly implemented 18:58:03 Yes, there is 18:58:04 There seem to be test cases 18:58:08 Sean's work was *excellent*, but it shouldn't have been *needed* 18:58:17 Zakim, unmute me 18:58:17 jeremy should no longer be muted 18:58:19 Ontology O1 does not entail O2 even if O1 and O2 are the same save for annotations. 18:58:45 jeremy, the semantics document is hard to get interpretation 18:59:06 Ian: this is completely different order 18:59:13 Does any tool implement ontology entailment? 18:59:18 Yes 18:59:18 ... the semantics document is technical 18:59:19 Pellet 18:59:28 We don't know even if it decidable 18:59:31 ... and understood by many people 18:59:32 Pellet has it commented out last time I checked 18:59:36 ? 18:59:38 No 18:59:46 Zakim, mute me 18:59:46 jeremy should now be muted 18:59:55 could do more on this 19:00:15 No need to continue now. We should have a strategy to address this issue soon. 19:00:22 Usage: java Pellet OPTIONS 19:00:22 {-if,-inputFile} Input ontology URI 19:00:22 {-is,-inputString} string A string representation of the input file 19:00:23 -cf,-conclusionsFile} Check if all the triples in this ontology is 19:00:23 entailed by the input ontology 19:00:23 {-cs,-conclusionsString} str A string representation of the conclusions fil 19:00:33 have to leave, sorry 19:00:37 -Carsten 19:00:56 Topic: Issues (35 min) 19:01:09 Topic: PROPOSAL: Base abbreviated URIs in Functional-style Syntax on CURIES not QNAMES (see Issue 14) 19:01:09 PROPOSAL: Base abbreviated URIs in Functional-style Syntax on CURIES not QNAMES (see Issue 14) 19:01:48 +1 19:01:53 +1 19:01:56 +1 issue-14 proposal 19:01:58 +1 19:02:01 HP abstain (but no desire for further discussion) 19:02:03 +1 19:02:04 +1 19:02:05 +1 19:02:05 +1 19:02:06 +1 19:02:09 0 19:02:12 0 19:02:16 0 19:02:20 0 19:02:22 0 19:02:23 q+ 19:02:27 q- 19:02:29 q? 19:02:32 ack jeremy 19:02:40 Zakim, mute me 19:02:40 jeremy should now be muted 19:03:19 q? 19:03:21 Could someone please point out the main benefit of using CURIES? 19:03:24 qck ivan 19:03:26 ack ivan 19:03:27 ivan: it seems that we could do that without too much danger 19:03:35 curies allow abbreviating all IRIs 19:03:44 qnames don't 19:03:55 The main benefit is ids like http://ex.og/id/9324 19:03:57 Resolved: Base abbreviated URIs in Functional-style Syntax on CURIES not QNAMES (see Issue 14) 19:04:08 PROPOSAL: Structural specification, XML Schema, and RDF mapping be extended to allow for multiple facet--value pairs in data ranges (see Issue 28) 19:04:16 +1 19:04:20 +1 19:04:22 +1 19:04:22 +1 19:04:23 +1 19:04:24 +1 19:04:24 +1 19:04:25 +1 19:04:27 +1 19:04:27 +1 19:04:29 +1 19:04:31 +1 19:04:34 ivan: what I said is (for the minutes) we can normatively refer to the CURIE document (http://www.w3.org/TR/curie) 19:04:37 +1 19:04:38 0 19:04:39 +1 19:04:43 0 19:04:50 +1 19:05:30 Resolved: PROPOSAL: Structural specification, XML Schema, and RDF mapping be extended to allow for multiple facet--value pairs in data ranges (see Issue 28) 19:05:46 PROPOSAL: Issue 64 be resolved as per this email 19:06:05 the email http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2007Nov/0391.html 19:06:10 object property chains in triples: confusion of list with property 19:06:24 +1 19:06:26 +1 19:06:30 +1 19:06:32 +1 19:06:32 0 19:06:33 +1 19:06:35 +1 19:06:37 +1 19:06:42 +1 19:06:44 0 19:06:45 +1 19:06:45 +1 19:06:49 0 19:06:51 0 (do not remember the detail, but no reason for discussion for me) 19:06:52 +1 19:06:55 q? 19:07:10 +1 19:07:21 Resolved: Issue 64 be resolved as per this email 19:07:32 q+ to ask about publications 19:07:36 Ratnesh1 has joined #owl 19:07:41 ack jeremy 19:07:42 Zakim, unmute me 19:07:43 jeremy, you wanted to ask about publications 19:07:46 jeremy was not muted, jeremy 19:08:16 Zakim, mute me 19:08:16 jeremy should now be muted 19:08:41 OK 19:09:07 Issue 2 revisited: RDF syntax for other "n-ary constructs"? (See [1] and thread.) 19:09:15 jeremy: do the issues resolved go into abput to be published docs 19:09:18 alan: yes 19:09:30 thx, jeremy 19:09:58 (abput?) 19:10:11 (about) 19:10:17 -Vipul_Kashyap 19:10:18 Yes 19:10:23 s/abput/about 19:10:36 q+ 19:10:40 acl peter 19:10:40 zakim, unmute me 19:10:40 pfps should no longer be muted 19:10:43 ack peter 19:10:49 Yes 19:10:56 Ratnesh3 has joined #owl 19:10:56 q+ alanr 19:11:01 ack pfps 19:11:01 q+ 19:11:03 I am against 19:11:16 against what 19:11:19 ? 19:11:23 Zakim, list attendees 19:11:23 As of this point the attendees have been jeremy, MIchaelSmith, bmotik, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, achille, bijan, Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD, pfps, Evan_Wallace, IanH, Conrad, uli, Sandro, 19:11:23 pfps: I am not conviced that it would solve the round-tripping problem (?) 19:11:24 against more vocab 19:11:27 ... bcuencag, Ratnesh, Deb, zhe, GiorgosStoilos, Carsten 19:11:27 what about the case for n=2? 19:11:32 zakim, mute me 19:11:32 pfps should now be muted 19:11:45 q? 19:11:49 With suitable annotations, we could round trip without new vocab! 19:11:58 agreed 19:11:59 against adding explicit rdf syntax for all n-ary constructs 19:12:00 zakim, who is on the phone? 19:12:00 On the phone I see jeremy (muted), achille, bmotik, MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps (muted), bijan (muted), uli (muted), MartinD (muted), Ratnesh, Evan_Wallace, IanH, Conrad, 19:12:00 ack alanr 19:12:02 ack alanr 19:12:03 ack boris 19:12:04 ... Sandro, bcuencag (muted), Deb, zhe, GiorgosStoilos 19:12:16 q? 19:12:20 ack bmotik 19:13:10 q? 19:13:11 boris, the spec should be more implementable 19:13:14 zakim, unmute me 19:13:14 bijan should no longer be muted 19:13:39 Present: Jeremy, Achille, bmotik, MichaelSmith, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, pfps, bijan, uli, MartinD, Ratnesh, Evan_Wallace, IanH, Conrad, Sandro, bcuencag, Deb, zhe, GiorgosStoilos, Vipul_Kashyap, Conrad, Carsten 19:14:25 bijan: need to make things easier 19:14:31 zakim, mute me 19:14:31 bijan should now be muted 19:15:12 Oh, I have users who really like nice serializations...that was a big deal 19:15:20 So I would like to reduce *parser* freedom 19:15:32 (sorry, illness making me think slow...) 19:15:52 IT's not just an implementator issue, but a user issue 19:16:30 Not if you use the binary constructs 19:16:58 alanr: if so, then an OWL DL ontology could become something not a proper OWL DlL ontology after some parsing 19:17:00 I think Protege4 is using some aggressive pretty printing 19:17:25 (for me this is hitting the bigger issues about what are the goals ....) 19:17:40 Yes, I guess that P4 "helps" you by turning multiple binary into an nary? 19:17:49 this is not a help 19:17:49 It may 19:17:53 but what if you are building an OWL 1.0 ontology in Protege? then you would generate OWL 1.1, not OWL 1.0, in the RDF 19:18:13 Yep...this may be a bug in the serializer 19:18:13 -Conrad 19:18:16 ...but this is about P4 and not about "what is possible/should be done" 19:18:39 but this is a tool issue 19:18:39 is this n-ary thing done by Protete using the well known design pattern for n-ary relations? 19:18:54 P4 should allow you to explicitly save as 1.0 19:19:09 It should respect how you construct 19:19:09 See numerous Microsoft tools for details 19:19:23 That's the intend of the roundtripping design 19:19:24 alanr: annotation properties would be changed too 19:19:25 But Alan, these are still P4 issues -- or are any of them due to OWL1.1? 19:20:05 Zakim, unmute me 19:20:05 jeremy should no longer be muted 19:20:12 Q+ 19:20:12 (maybe we should take this offline) 19:20:18 zakim, who is talking? 19:20:29 Zakim, mute me 19:20:29 jeremy should now be muted 19:20:30 JeffP, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: jeremy (5%), Alan (39%) 19:20:32 q? 19:20:32 q? 19:20:32 q? 19:20:57 Ian, I think this is a tool issue rather than a language issue 19:21:43 -jeremy 19:21:43 ... tools supporting OWL 1.1 will produce OWL1.1 files by default 19:21:44 But you need to distinguish the tool issues from langauge issues 19:21:55 Please let me know when we are on topic 19:22:02 :-) 19:22:10 and I will rejoin 19:22:14 +1 for Ian's view that it is a tool issue 19:22:19 Round tripping, as boris described, should work fine. If protege does some munging in its serialization...that's different 19:22:24 rool call on issue 2? 19:22:27 roll call on issue 2 revisited? 19:22:33 -1 19:22:36 +1 to extend all n-ary constructs to n-ary 19:22:39 Issue 2 revisited: RDF syntax for other "n-ary constructs"? (See [1] and thread.) 19:22:40 Yeah, what'st he resolution? 19:22:53 did we not already do this call? 19:22:58 no proposal was in the minutes 19:23:01 +1 to either extend all n-ary constructs to n-ary or remove them from functional syntax 19:23:20 s/minutes/agenda/ 19:23:23 IanH, really? 19:23:31 Including AllDisjoint? 19:23:47 yes -- I want the various syntaxes to be properly aligned 19:23:47 AllDisjoint was solved and agreed 19:24:05 That was my understanding too, jeremy 19:24:23 IanH do you propose reopening AllDisjoint? What about AllDifferent? 19:24:25 mine too, Jeremy 19:24:29 My preference would be to extend the RDF, not emasculate the functional syntax 19:24:42 alldifferent is already in this form in 1.0 iirc 19:24:47 I don't ropose reopening AllDisjoint? What about AllDifferent? -- they are in alignment 19:24:52 yes 19:24:52 what about objectunionof, objectintersectionof? 19:25:04 Can we move this to email? 19:25:38 Ian, I would like to see some alignment between the two syntax 19:25:54 +jeremy 19:26:03 zakim, mute me 19:26:03 jeremy should now be muted 19:26:10 agree with Ivan, but can we have an action to record where we are on this 19:26:12 sire 19:26:17 zakim, unmute me 19:26:17 bijan should no longer be muted 19:26:17 :-) 19:26:24 Topic: RIF meeting 19:26:37 open to suggestions of which one might have been easier :) 19:26:47 bijan, there is a draft on compatibility between RIF and OWL 19:26:53 apologies for taking liberty with chair 19:27:04 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/SWC/OWL-Compatibility 19:27:06 ... people suggested RIF should talk to us on it 19:27:34 ... proposed a joint TF 19:27:50 ... between the two WGs 19:28:10 alanr: do we need nominate someone? 19:28:27 Sandro: we didn't remember the exact number 19:28:44 bijan, ChrisW will contact the chairs of this WG 19:29:11 zakim, mute me 19:29:13 bijan should now be muted 19:29:27 bye bye 19:29:28 -Evan_Wallace 19:29:30 bye 19:29:34 bye 19:29:35 -IanH 19:29:36 -jeremy 19:29:36 -bcuencag 19:29:37 -uli 19:29:38 bye 19:29:39 -MichaelSmith 19:29:40 bye bye, see some of you next week in Manchester 19:29:40 bye 19:29:40 -bmotik 19:29:41 -Alan 19:29:42 -GiorgosStoilos 19:29:43 -zhe 19:29:44 -MartinD 19:29:46 -bijan 19:29:48 -Sandro 19:29:50 -Ivan 19:29:52 -Deb 19:29:52 uli has left #owl 19:29:54 -achille 19:29:56 -pfps 19:29:58 dlm has left #owl 19:30:00 -Ratnesh 19:30:05 JeffP, can you hang on for 2 minutes? 19:30:08 (on IRC) 19:30:11 ok 19:30:14 -JeffP 19:30:16 SW_OWL()12:00PM has ended 19:30:18 Attendees were jeremy, MIchaelSmith, bmotik, Alan, JeffP, Ivan, achille, bijan, Vipul_Kashyap, MartinD, pfps, Evan_Wallace, IanH, Conrad, uli, Sandro, bcuencag, Ratnesh, Deb, zhe, 19:30:20 ... GiorgosStoilos, Carsten 19:30:47 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/SWC/OWL-Compatibility 19:31:00 MartinD has left #OWL 19:31:57 Thanks, Bijan! 19:32:15 np, kitchen dude 19:32:25 or scribe-helping dude right now 19:32:33 :-) 19:33:06 I was tempted to retort "What, you don't have a web browser in the kitchen? Isn't that a w3c team requriement?" 19:33:26 haha 19:34:06 Anyway, Jeff, I think http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2007.11.28/Minutes is now ready for you. 19:34:45 There are lot of [BOT] lines which can be simply deleted. If any lines are marked BOT when they should not be, or aren't when they should be, please let me know. 19:34:56 simple deleted after reading them. :) 19:35:06 ok 19:35:31 okay later! 19:35:37 bye 19:46:01 jeremy has left #owl 21:35:41 Zakim has left #owl