13:16:25 RRSAgent has joined #er 13:16:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-irc 13:16:31 Zakim has joined #er 13:16:38 zakim, this will be ert 13:16:38 ok, shadi; I see WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes 13:16:44 meeting: ERT WG 13:16:48 chair: Shadi 13:17:32 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2007Nov/0021.html 13:17:58 agenda+ Debrief from W3C Technical Plenary week 13:18:03 agenda+ updated Editor's draft for HTTP Vocabulary in RDF 13:18:15 agenda+ draft proposal for "Content-in-RDF" (working title) 13:18:26 agenda+ update on "Pointer Methods in RDF" document 13:31:05 WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM has now started 13:31:06 +Shadi 13:36:14 carlosI has joined #er 13:37:00 +Daniel 13:37:17 zakim, daniel is really Johannes 13:37:17 sorry, shadi, I do not recognize a party named 'daniel' 13:37:32 zakim, who is on the phone? 13:37:32 On the phone I see Shadi, Klaus/Johannes/Thomas 13:37:36 JohannesK has joined #er 13:37:42 zakim, klaus is really Johannes 13:37:42 +Johannes; got it 13:38:32 +Carlos_Iglesias 13:38:53 regrets: CarlosV 13:39:49 scribe: Johannes 13:39:53 scribenick: JohannesK 13:39:56 agenda? 13:40:35 zakim, take up agendum 1 13:40:35 agendum 1. "Debrief from W3C Technical Plenary week" taken up [from shadi] 13:42:18 saz: WAI EOWG overlap of mobileOK and WCAG 13:42:38 saz: we may want to ask them to review EARL 13:42:56 s/EARL/EARL Guide/ 13:43:46 saz: topics for TPAC day: HTML5, namespaces, openness, view on W3C from outside 13:44:41 jk: audio recordings from TPAC day available 13:44:54 saz: and transcriptions are being refined 13:45:44 saz: POWDER WG want to add EARL example in POWDER document 13:47:00 saz: ATAG WG - relation between authoring and evaluation, definition of manual/semiautomatic/automatic (we may want to do some minor changes here) 13:47:55 saz: ATAG - scope of authoring tool (everything is an AT) 13:48:17 action: SAZ send description and draft response on POWDER to ERT WG mailing list 13:48:49 action: SAZ send background information and notes from meeting with ATAG to ERT WG mailing list 13:50:26 saz: next TP is planned for early November 2008 in Paris; possible ERT F2F? 13:50:51 zakim, take up next 13:50:51 agendum 2. "updated Editor's draft for HTTP Vocabulary in RDF" taken up [from shadi] 13:51:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2007Oct/0015 13:51:52 saz: any comments? 13:54:09 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/HTTP/WD-HTTP-in-RDF-20070914 13:55:44 saz: needs some cleaning (saz volunteers) 13:56:12 saz: apart from that looks quite stable, examples are helpful 14:02:04 zakim, take up next 14:02:04 agendum 3. "draft proposal for "Content-in-RDF" (working title)" taken up [from shadi] 14:02:18 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2007Nov/0013 14:02:21 jk: HTTP-in-RDF has a "stable" structure using one namespace, but references resources from several files (statusCodes, headers, methods) 14:03:08 saz: Content-in-RDF is only a sceleton right now; focus on the concept 14:03:53 ci: 2.1: What is "content"? 14:04:28 ci: needs definition, culd be tricky 14:04:35 s/culd/could/ 14:05:27 ci: Pointers vocabulary has a concept of snippets, but maybe snippets better fit in Content-in-RDF 14:05:50 saz: attempts to define "content" fail miserably :-( 14:06:42 saz: real meaning depends on the context 14:06:57 saz: better use examples 14:08:22 ci: snippets in Pointers could be dropped and Content could be used instead 14:09:46 ci: could we subclass Content for DOM node uses? There was a proposal of DOM-in-RDF. 14:11:38 DOMContent Class 14:14:12 subclass of XMLContent? 14:15:38 ci: DOM is not necessarily XML 14:18:02 saz: we need to explore the idea of a DOMContent class 14:18:46 action: Johannes explore the idea of an DOMContent Class (as opposed to an DOM-in-RDF) 14:19:17 jk: it depends on use cases; what we want it to be used for, to look like 14:20:37 saz: use case: evaluation tool gets DOM from browser, can record DOM for a test result 14:21:21 saz: another use case: node with ID "bla" causes error 14:21:50 saz: we may need a lot of properties/classes 14:22:19 saz: so what is our sope, how far do we want to go? 14:22:40 ci: use cases must be restricted on Content-in-RDF 14:23:45 s/sope/scope/ 14:24:46 saz: postpone the scope discussion 14:26:48 action: SAZ send two or three use cases for DOM usage as content to the ERT WG mailing list 14:27:04 jk: I don't think it's DOMContent vs. DOM-in-RDF; maybe DOMContent is a full-blown DOM-in-RDF with some classes being subclasses of Content 14:29:22 jk: Content-in-RDF is based on Dominique's (DOM's) original proposal 14:29:25 "Representations of Content in RDF" 14:29:47 "RDF Representations of Content" 14:31:13 ci: how do we manage namespaces in XMLContent? 14:31:16 jk: example 2.5 14:31:29 action: SAZ send some naming suggestions to improve "Content in RDF" title 14:31:59 zakim, take up next 14:31:59 agendum 4. "update on "Pointer Methods in RDF" document" taken up [from shadi] 14:32:03 jk: because xmlRest points to an XMLLiteral, you can declare namespaces 14:33:02 ci: did some cleaning-up of the schema; think it's quite complete; some things to discuss 14:33:48 ci: I can post some open issues to the list 14:36:03 saz: may next meeting next week, but for sure in 2 weeks 14:36:12 s/may/maybe/ 14:36:27 -Johannes 14:36:28 -Shadi 14:36:31 -Carlos_Iglesias 14:36:32 WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM has ended 14:36:34 Attendees were Shadi, Daniel, Johannes, Carlos_Iglesias 14:46:27 zakim, bye 14:46:27 Zakim has left #er 14:46:33 rrsagent, make logs world 14:46:37 rrsagent, make minutes 14:46:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-minutes.html shadi 14:46:46 rrsagent, make logs world 14:46:51 rrsagent, bye 14:46:51 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-actions.rdf : 14:46:51 ACTION: SAZ send description and draft response on POWDER to ERT WG mailing list [1] 14:46:51 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-irc#T13-48-17 14:46:51 ACTION: SAZ send background information and notes from meeting with ATAG to ERT WG mailing list [2] 14:46:51 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-irc#T13-48-49 14:46:51 ACTION: Johannes explore the idea of an DOMContent Class (as opposed to an DOM-in-RDF) [3] 14:46:51 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-irc#T14-18-46 14:46:51 ACTION: SAZ send two or three use cases for DOM usage as content to the ERT WG mailing list [4] 14:46:51 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-irc#T14-26-48 14:46:51 ACTION: SAZ send some naming suggestions to improve "Content in RDF" title [5] 14:46:51 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/28-er-irc#T14-31-29