16:11:00 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 16:11:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-hcls-irc 16:11:11 rrsagent, make logs world-visible 16:12:00 is someone scribing? 16:12:02 Zakim, who's on the call? 16:12:02 On the phone I see Vipul_Kashyap, Tony, Sudha_Iyer, Susie, Dan_Corwin, Marcus, Kerstin_Forsberg, Alan, Bron_Kissler, Aaron, Tom_Oniki 16:12:36 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:12:36 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Tony 16:13:04 chatzilla on firefox 16:14:11 http://list.w3.org 16:14:40 alan_testing has joined #hcls 16:14:54 does this work? 16:15:12 yes. OK web client for IRC = http://ircatwork.com/ 16:15:31 alan_testing has left #hcls 16:17:48 irc.w3.org:6665 16:17:52 Channel HCLS 16:17:54 #hcls 16:18:01 Jyoti has joined #hcls 16:18:25 Vipul: has all signed up for the mailing list? 16:18:25 Sudha: she has not signed up, and Vipul asked her to sign her. The mailing list url is available in the W3C HCLS wiki. 16:18:25 Vipul: Dan and Markus will put themselves in the mailing list. There are few others who will add themselves to the mailing 16:18:25 list. 16:18:26 Eric P: we should send out the list address to everyone. We might also want to create a separate COI mailing list. 16:18:54 http://lists.w3.org 16:19:03 public-semweb-lifesci 16:20:13 Vipul: next item on the agenda is the invitied expert status. There has been discussions about revising the enrollment process. 16:20:35 Alan: guessing that we will have to wait till the new charter is ready. Eric P might be the right person. 16:21:25 Vipul: next agenda item is the functional requirements document. 16:21:59 kerstin has joined #HCLS 16:22:04 Alan: spreadhseet url is: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pINNryLt_vyDiPyHj11WiDg&hl=en&pli=1 16:22:34 Vipul: send email to Vipul if someone wants to edit the spreadsheet. 16:22:50 Vipul: any information on detailed clinical models? 16:23:23 Tom: It will probably take more time. But I will take a closer look and have to figure out. However, there aren't many models in the list that was completed in the CEM. 16:24:23 Tom: not quite easy to extract from the ASN1, Vipul: perhaps one can put the ASN1 files in the wiki; Tom: perhaps not helpful 16:24:31 Alan: i can have a parser for the ASN1 files 16:24:49 ACTION: Tom Oniki to provide us with examples of some Detailed Clinical Models 16:25:28 Vipul: next agenda item is to fill up the information for SDTM. Tom to take an initial stab, and then perhaps Kerstin and Rachel will follow up. 16:25:56 Kerstin: i will have to look at some more specific details and look at the functional requirements. 16:27:07 ACTION: Vipul to clean up spreadsheet 16:27:11 Vipul: Alan, Vipul and Kerstin will step through the spreadsheet together. 16:27:31 ACTION: Vipul to update functional requirements based on Kerstin's comments 16:27:54 kforsber has joined #HCLS 16:28:04 Vipul: next agenda item: Identify the data requirements 16:29:08 Vipul: the list of data items that are listed in the spreadsheet are similar to the clinical trials. we need to come up with a list of data requirements. 16:29:25 ACTION: Data/Variables of Interest requiremetns ... to enable extraction of data sets -- Sudha 16:29:54 Vipul: next agenda item is identification of patient data sets. 16:30:15 akamauu has joined #hcls 16:30:45 Vipul: Strongest commitment from George Allen. Vipul doing navigation within Partners to share the data. Anonymized data requires an IRB protocol number; Vipul to find out if that requirement can be waived. 16:31:07 Vipul: If IRB cannot be waived, then he will try something other options 16:31:39 ACTION: Tom to discuss patient data sharing with IHC folks 16:31:56 ACTION: Jyoti to discuss patient data sharing with IHC folks 16:31:59 do we have a tracker instance for HCLS? Or do we manually track them? 16:32:06 them=actions? 16:32:17 Vipul: next agenda item is resource commitment from various people 16:33:08 Vipul: I will spend 1 day a week; I would request others to provide how much time they can invest. This will eventually drive a detailed project plan. 16:33:42 Bran: what is the timeframe for getting feedback on the project side? 16:34:10 Vipul: expecting resource commitment should arrive by next week. Vipul to initiate the project plan. and have it ready by mid-December. 16:34:28 I just logged on to IRC (finally) can you repost the info about signing up on the email distribution list? 16:34:45 Alan: what is the project plan for? 16:35:37 Vipul: once the initial set of mappings is done, we need to specify the details: get data in a RDF database, hook-up an OWL reasoner etc. This will sort of resonate with the use cases that Rachel made at the HCLS F2F. 16:36:13 Alan: we start of what we are aiming for, and add things to Rachel's use case. And during the process, prepare the project plan. 16:36:34 ACTION: Come up with a set of goals for the POC for next week 16:37:15 Vipu: need to brainstorm an application, and figure out implementation aspects 16:37:47 Vipul: Dan to take a lead in this effort; Wait till we nail down the goals (e.g., inputs or outputs). 16:38:07 ACTION: Dan to take the lead on Application Architecture/Technical Tasks 16:38:40 Vipul: done with the agenda. 16:38:59 kforsber has joined #HCLS 16:39:09 kforsber has joined #HCLS 16:39:28 Vipul: please give an estimate of how much time, resources etc. 16:39:37 can be committeed. 16:39:41 kforsber has joined #HCLS 16:39:55 kforsber has joined #HCLS 16:40:22 Alan: it is hard to give an estimate at the very beginning 16:40:58 Vipul: we need to nail down the tasks before giving time commitments; Vipul to work 1 day per week. 16:41:12 -Kerstin_Forsberg 16:41:13 -Tom_Oniki 16:41:14 -Marcus 16:41:15 -Sudha_Iyer 16:41:16 -Susie 16:41:17 -Bron_Kissler 16:41:20 -Vipul_Kashyap 16:41:21 Vipul: signing off at 10:41am Central time! 16:41:22 -Aaron 16:41:23 -Alan 16:41:25 -Dan_Corwin 16:41:32 vipul - handling the IRC log? 16:41:32 rrsagent, make minutes 16:41:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-hcls-minutes.html vipul 16:41:37 can you repost the info about signing up on the email distribution list? 16:41:38 yes, good. 16:41:47 OK will do... 16:42:04 Jyoti has left #hcls 16:42:24 rrsagent, make log world readable 16:42:24 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make log world readable', alanr. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:42:32 Alan .. can we have a quick chat on the phone? 16:42:47 yes. 781-874-2433 16:47:51 -Tony 16:47:53 SW_HCLS(Bio-Ont WG)11:00AM has ended 16:47:54 Attendees were Vipul_Kashyap, Tony, +1.317.554.aaaa, Sudha_Iyer, Susie, Dan_Corwin, +1.617.871.aabb, Kerstin_Forsberg, Marcus, Alan, Bron_Kissler, +1.801.733.aacc, Tom_Oniki, Aaron 17:13:50 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 17:40:39 vipul has joined #hcls 17:45:09 Marcus has joined #hcls