14:00:32 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:00:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/10/23-bpwg-irc 14:00:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:00:35 Zakim has joined #bpwg 14:00:37 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:00:37 ok, trackbot-ng, I see MWI_BPWG(BCTF)10:00AM already started 14:00:39 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:00:41 Date: 23 October 2007 14:00:53 +Bryan 14:00:54 Magnus has joined #bpwg 14:00:58 zskim, code? 14:01:03 zakim, code? 14:01:03 the conference code is 2283 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jo 14:01:25 zakim, who is here 14:01:25 Rhys, you need to end that query with '?' 14:01:37 zakim, who is here? 14:01:37 On the phone I see Rhys, Bryan 14:01:38 On IRC I see Magnus, Zakim, RRSAgent, SeanPatterson, kemp, rob, Rhys, jo, matt, trackbot-ng 14:01:42 +jo 14:02:09 +Magnus 14:02:25 + +1.519.880.aaaa 14:02:47 zakim, aaaa is kemp 14:02:53 +kemp; got it 14:03:13 +SeanPatterson 14:03:17 Chair: Rhys 14:03:58 + +079320aabb 14:04:15 zakin, aabb is rob 14:04:24 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2007Oct/0038.html 14:04:33 zakim, aabb is rob 14:04:33 +rob; got it 14:04:55 zakim, who is here? 14:04:55 On the phone I see Rhys, Bryan, jo, Magnus, kemp, SeanPatterson, rob 14:04:56 On IRC I see Magnus, Zakim, RRSAgent, SeanPatterson, kemp, rob, Rhys, jo, matt, trackbot-ng 14:05:03 Andrew has joined #bpwg 14:06:21 scribe: SeanPatterson 14:06:38 Scribe: SeanPatterson 14:06:50 +AndrewSwainston 14:07:16 Scribenick: SeanPatterson 14:08:25 Rhys: Thank you to Jo for leading last week's meeting. 14:08:33 Topic: Problem Statement 14:08:34 [no problem] 14:09:04 Rhys: Jo tooke the proposed prob statement to the full BP group 14:09:16 s/tooke/took/ 14:09:24 The BP group is happy if the task force is happy 14:09:43 There is some problem with the title. 14:10:07 BP group agreed prob statement should be published as note 14:10:19 Mike said that comm group didn't like the title 14:10:47 CT TF and BP group don't really care about the title 14:10:59 There is not a problem with the document 14:11:24 In order to keep everyone happy, we should change the name of the prob statement 14:11:49 Possible name changes: CT Challenges or CT Landscape 14:12:03 q? 14:12:17 Jo: Preference would be Landscape 14:12:45 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Change title to Content Transformation Landscape 14:12:48 +1 landscape 14:12:51 Rhys: Happy with Landscape 14:12:52 +1 14:13:11 +1 landscape 14:13:24 Andrew: Not wild about either title, but we should just get it out 14:13:40 RESOLUTION: Change title to Content Transformation Landscape 14:13:59 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/editors-drafts/ProblemStatement/CTProblemStatement.html Revised Document 14:14:07 Rhys: Next step is to go ahead and publish 14:14:46 Jo: Prob statement is described as W3C working group note and is publishable 14:15:05 Jo: is there a difference between working group note and W3C note? 14:15:22 Rhys: No aware of difference 14:15:42 Jo: Didn't see anything in process document about W3C note. 14:15:54 Should publish as working group note 14:16:01 Rhys: Agree 14:16:22 Jo: Working group note does not imply support of full W3C 14:16:34 Jo: Let's just call it a working group note 14:17:36 Rhys: Working group notes are reference-able documents but have not been accepted by the entire W3C 14:17:45 Should publish as working group note. 14:18:20 Rhys: Doesn't seem to be any difference between W3C and working group note 14:18:32 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Publish document referred to above 14:18:38 Rhys: Last we had a resolution about publishing the prob stmt 14:18:41 +1 14:18:41 RESOLUTION: Publish document referred to above 14:19:08 Topic: Guidelines Document 14:19:41 Rhys: Draft is still an outline, hasn't changed. Thanks to contributors 14:20:13 Rhys: Want to check that the people who wanted to contribute have made their contributions 14:20:29 q+ 14:20:34 Is there any other material that others want to contribute? 14:20:55 Bryan: We will probably be making a submission. 14:21:06 Rhys: How soon? 14:21:11 Bryan: Very soon. 14:21:22 q- 14:21:36 Rhys: What I'd like to start doing is flesh out the document with the contributions 14:21:39 -Bryan 14:21:43 q+ 14:21:57 Once we get it fleshed out we'll have some discussions about it 14:22:21 Magnus: Would like to see frequent revisions; best way for me to work 14:22:40 Sorry for not contributing more, but have been busy. 14:22:46 What is the schedule? 14:22:58 matt has joined #bpwg 14:23:10 Rhys: Thought it might be possible to get a draft done by the moritorium on 10/31 14:23:26 Probably won't be able to get a draft done by then, however. 14:23:43 First working draft hopefully will be done after the F2F 14:23:58 + +1.206.612.aacc 14:24:02 Hopefully have a draft before F2F 14:24:30 Rhys: agrees that it is easier to work with frequent revisions 14:24:41 Still time to make contributions 14:25:09 Magnus: Won't be able to contribute in the month of October; should have time in November? 14:25:28 Rhys: That should not be too late. 14:25:44 Jo: Should make first public working draft as soon as possible 14:26:08 Last call draft scheduled for before Christmas 14:26:23 Magnus: Would like to see an early revision even if there are missing parts 14:27:22 Jo: Create a non-note document that contains contributions about the basic approach 14:28:03 Rhys: Is the public editor's draft stealthy enough to do this? 14:28:15 Jo: Would rather do it on the list. 14:28:49 zakim, aacc is probably Bryan 14:28:49 +Bryan?; got it 14:29:08 Rhys: Just need to make sure that we get out revisions so it is not to complicated 14:29:22 Magnus: Can we have a date where the first draft is ready? 14:29:52 Rhys: Sometime after F2F in early November 14:30:39 Magnus: Can do some work in early November, not week after F2F and then can contribute again the last 2 weeks of November 14:31:08 Jo: Think we can put together an editor's draft before the F2F in the next week or so 14:31:27 Jo: Volunteer to put together the editor's draft 14:31:37 Rhys: That sounds good 14:32:28 Magnus: That works for me 14:32:49 Rhys: Do you need an action 14:33:36 ACTION: Jo to promote discussion on the list and then produce editors draft based on discussion 14:33:36 Created ACTION-581 - to promote discussion on the list and then produce editors draft based on discussion [on Jo Rabin - due 2007-10-30]. 14:34:11 Rhys: Should we go through the current action items and issues? 14:34:44 Jo: There are quite a few actions items that probably should be closed. 14:35:03 q? 14:35:14 q- 14:35:14 However, maybe we should discuss what is going to go in the editor's draft since there is a good turnout today 14:35:28 Rhys: Do you want to lead discussion? 14:35:48 Magnus's original contribution http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2007Sep/0014.html 14:36:03 Jo: Sure; we need to get straighted out the kinds of things that the various actors need to say 14:36:22 Also case of Browser <--> CT <--> CT ... CT <--> Content server 14:36:50 We can pick out whose going to say what to whom and am confident that we can say these with HTTP 14:37:13 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2007Sep/att-0014/00-part Attachment to Magnus's email 14:38:07 Jo: Let's talk about Magnus's contribution 14:38:18 Magnus: I'll walk through it 14:38:43 The basic scenario is with a single CT proxy; there are other cases with more than on CT proxy 14:39:07 Trying to make it easy for now, but we need to handle multiple proxies eventually 14:39:50 First case is client to CT proxy 14:39:54 q+ 14:40:06 q? 14:40:12 q+ 14:40:28 Jo: Makes good sense. 14:40:51 Browser also needs to be able to talk to server; which is traditional case 14:41:15 Browser needs to be able to tell server that it wants a desktop experience 14:41:37 Magnus: Didn't list this because it is kind of implicit 14:42:04 +1 to client being able to say that it wants to have a mobile or desktop experience 14:42:31 ack jo 14:42:50 Magnus: There is a logical and physical comm going on. 14:43:10 Jo: It is about the experience as opposed to transforming the content 14:43:31 Magnus: Intermediaries should not screw up comm between client and server 14:44:04 Is that not covered by point 2? 14:44:10 Jo: Add another section about how the client can tell the server what kind of experience it wants: desktop or mobile 14:44:38 Magnus: Could add another section called logical communication 14:44:51 about what client and server need to say to each other. 14:44:52 Bryan has joined #bpwg 14:45:15 Jo: Would be simpler to say there are 6 kinds of communication going on 14:46:12 Magnus: How about an origin server that doesn't understand; always sends desktop content 14:46:47 q+ 14:47:07 Magnus: In this case the CT proxy could provide a stylesheet for the correct media type 14:47:29 ack r 14:48:03 Rhys: Magnus' example is a good one. Jo's suggestion of putting a couple of new subsections is a good idea. 14:48:27 Rhys: One way to talk about this is to have the client talk about what it wants 14:48:41 Rhys: instead of who it talks to 14:48:58 q? 14:49:00 ack me 14:49:00 ack a 14:49:07 We can get what Jo is looking for by adding a couple of subsections 14:49:39 Andrew: I think it is necessary describe what the client can say to the content server 14:49:52 q? 14:50:14 Andrew: Likes Jo's idea of a logical connection between browser and content server 14:50:29 Rhys: What would help for next draft? 14:51:50 can't talk right now...on the bus. but i agree that somtimes the client will bypass the proxy 14:51:54 Jo: How much effort do we want to put in on Magnus's idea? 14:52:02 q+ 14:52:12 ack magnus 14:52:24 of putting a stylesheet in to help out the client 14:52:39 Magnus: CT server can add value to request to server 14:52:59 CT server can step in and improve response in another of ways 14:53:07 s/Magnus's idea/Magnus's idea about the proxy amplifying or improving the server's response/ 14:53:17 CT server can also screw up request and response. 14:53:35 Need to find out when it is OK to add value when when it is not OK to add value 14:53:55 Jo: Proxies can add value for dumb servers 14:54:26 q? 14:54:27 Jo: There is a higher level of value-add. Should we aspire to that in these guidelines? 14:54:52 Volume one of the guidelines could be just how everyone gets out of everyone's way 14:55:09 Volume two could be a higher level of CT 14:55:36 Rhys: Agree with Jo; we should just focus on guidelines to keep things from breaking 14:55:53 want to reserve judgement on that 14:55:55 q+ 14:56:10 Rhys: Does anyone disagree that we should just be doing basic things in the first guidelines document? 14:57:33 Rhys: The communication between various parties should flow up and down. 14:57:57 There shouldn't be distributed transformation in the first guidelines document 14:58:24 q+ 14:58:27 Jo: These guidelines will be about preventing transformation from happening anywhere or facilitating it happening in just one place. 14:58:35 ack Bryan 14:58:47 Bryan: Not sure I agree with this. Want to reserve judgment on it. 14:59:18 Magnus: Also uncertain about Jo's last statement that there shouldn't be distributed transformations. 14:59:39 Need to handle the case where neither the client or server knows that the proxy is there. 15:00:09 ack m 15:00:09 Rhys: That is an important use case. 15:00:50 Rhys: Propose that we start to build the guidelines that assume transformation occurs in only one place 15:00:58 -Bryan? 15:01:07 and see if anything else comes out of it. 15:01:11 -jo 15:01:14 -kemp 15:01:16 -Rhys 15:01:17 -Magnus 15:01:19 Magnus has left #bpwg 15:01:20 -rob 15:01:21 -SeanPatterson 15:01:24 [thanks Sean for Scribing (again!)] 15:01:28 rob has left #bpwg 15:01:29 -AndrewSwainston 15:01:31 MWI_BPWG(BCTF)10:00AM has ended 15:01:33 Attendees were Rhys, Bryan, jo, Magnus, +1.519.880.aaaa, kemp, SeanPatterson, +079320aabb, rob, AndrewSwainston, +1.206.612.aacc, Bryan? 15:02:12 Present: Rhys, Bryan, Jo, Magnus, Aaron, Sean, Rob, Andrew 15:02:26 Chair: Rhys 15:02:34 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:02:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/23-bpwg-minutes.html jo 15:03:10 Regrets: (none) 15:07:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:07:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/23-bpwg-minutes.html jo 15:07:13 zakim, bye 15:07:13 Zakim has left #bpwg