14:04:44 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:04:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-irc 14:04:46 RRSAgent, make logs member 14:04:49 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:04:49 SeanPatterson has joined #bpwg 14:04:49 ok, trackbot-ng, I see MWI_BPWG()10:00AM already started 14:04:51 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:04:53 Date: 04 October 2007 14:05:13 +DKA 14:05:14 zakim, who's here? 14:05:14 On the phone I see ??P8, DKA 14:05:15 On IRC I see SeanPatterson, RRSAgent, DKA, adam, jo, Zakim, trackbot-ng 14:05:30 zakim, ??p8 is adam 14:05:30 +adam; got it 14:05:50 +SeanP 14:06:18 zakim, code? 14:06:18 the conference code is 2794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jo 14:06:52 +jo 14:07:25 abel has joined #bpwg 14:07:50 Chair: DKA 14:08:20 +Encarna 14:08:34 zakim,Encarna is Abel 14:08:34 +Abel; got it 14:09:01 Regrets: Mike, Bryan, Rob, Roland, Sean, Kai 14:09:29 regrets+ Alan 14:09:42 regrets+ Nacho 14:09:58 Regrets: Roland, Sean Owen, Robert Finian, Magnus, Ignacio, Bryan, Michael Smith 14:10:16 Regrets+ Alan 14:10:25 Regrets+ Kai 14:10:31 regrets- kai 14:10:55 regrets+ Magnus 14:11:30 Scribe: Adam 14:11:37 scribenick: Adam 14:11:53 topic: charter 2 approval 14:12:16 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-bpwg/2007Oct/0021.html 14:12:32 dan: charter 2 has been approved, when do we start running the new charter? 14:12:38 jo: we are already running under new charter. 14:13:31 dan: referring to dominiques email. 14:13:50 dan: in order to remain in the group your rep must renominate you. 14:14:17 SeanPatterson has joined #bpwg 14:14:21 dan: jo and dan will write follow up email to remain reps to renominate. 14:14:39 ACTION: Dan to work with Jo and Mike to figure out rejoining the group under new charter 14:14:39 Created ACTION-573 - Work with Jo and Mike to figure out rejoining the group under new charter [on Daniel Appelquist - due 2007-10-11]. 14:15:18 dan: as part of new charter we should make our member page public, etc. 14:15:45 jo: ed has an action on working our which parts need to be made public. 14:16:06 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/559 Ed's Action on Public vs Private 14:16:19 rrsagent, make logs public 14:16:54 dan: reminds that we will be running in public from now on, please be aware. 14:17:09 dan: Don't expect this to significantly affect how we work. 14:17:49 Topic: HTML5 taskforce. 14:17:53 jo: we don't have one. 14:18:39 dan: We said we would have one. Have had requests. Tabled until next F2F meeting. 14:19:06 Dan: Looking for who will chair the HTML5 taskforce. 14:19:25 jo: Put this on the agenda for the F2F to reinvigorate it. 14:19:32 Topic: Mobile Ajax Report 14:19:34 + +1.781.932.aaaa 14:20:06 Dan: Went very well, workshop report coming out soon. Will be published to the W3C page for the workshop. 14:20:25 Dan: What can we take out of the report and minutes which could inform our work around rich mobile applications? 14:20:50 Dan: Definitely some call for best-practices in this area. e.g. Scripting usage. 14:21:19 zakim, aaaa is shah 14:21:19 +shah; got it 14:22:09 zakim, who is here? 14:22:09 On the phone I see adam, DKA, shah, jo, Abel, +1.781.932.aaaa 14:22:10 On IRC I see SeanPatterson, abel, RRSAgent, DKA, adam, jo, Zakim, trackbot-ng 14:22:59 Shah: Thought it was a good workshop, but not much feedback on Content Transformation. 14:23:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:23:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-minutes.html jo 14:23:21 Shah: Basic scripting thing makes sense to me. 14:24:25 Dan: Also take a look at css that works across a range of browsers. 14:25:08 Sean: Interesting discussions around device-side apis. Enough +1s to doing some BP work around this area, but no specific suggestions. 14:26:15 Sean: John Fariola's paper indicated that Open Ajax Alliance also interested in this area so we should coordinate with them. 14:26:40 Sean: We need to define our "deep-dive" areas because the field is broad. 14:27:40 Dan: Need to find consensus on what to look at. Suggests getting a lot of ideas on the table and whittling down. 14:28:34 adam: asking about BP ajax to improve performance. 14:29:03 Adam,, you've got the quotes from Sean and Shah reversed. 14:29:14 Dan: Is a possible candidate... There was a presentation on Google Gears, but not clear whether we will address that or not because not currently supported on mobile devices. 14:29:41 Dan: Answers won't come from workshop, but use workshop to inform our own prioritisations and discussions. 14:30:40 Dan: OAA also wants to do some work in that space. Lets make sure that there's alignment between the two groups. 14:31:02 Topic: Draft agenda for F2F 14:31:50 Jo: Can we address: MobileOK stuff, and Content Transformation Problem Statement document afterwards. 14:32:02 +Ed_Mitukiewicz 14:32:37 zakim, who is here? 14:32:37 On the phone I see adam, DKA, shah, jo, Abel, +1.781.932.aaaa, Ed_Mitukiewicz 14:32:39 On IRC I see SeanPatterson, abel, RRSAgent, DKA, adam, jo, Zakim, trackbot-ng 14:33:19 edm has joined #bpwg 14:35:15 Dan: We have a draft proposal for the F2F agenda... 14:35:20 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-bpwg/2007Oct/0021.html Jo's suggested topics for F2F 14:36:24 I'm afraid I can't hear Dan very well anymore. 14:37:10 Dan: Item 2 on agenda, CT taskforce. 14:37:22 Dan: Would like to agree output form TF at F2F. 14:37:49 Jo: Aim to progress guidelines to first public working draft. 14:38:25 Jo: We won't have guidelines in time for the publication moritorium (next week), but we could public first working draft in the week following the F2F... And we'll need a resolution to do that. 14:38:37 Dan: We don't need a group resolution before the F2F then? 14:39:40 Jo: Hoping to get agreement from group to request... But haven't published this to group yet. 14:39:46 Dan: We need to make request by thursday 11th. 14:40:07 Dan: So we should make sure we get agreement to do this at next thurday's meeting. 14:40:34 Jo: Will send a pointer to the document to the whole group before then. 14:41:41 Dan: Where will we be with checker taskforce by F2F 14:41:45 Jo: We'll be at Beta. 14:42:03 Dan: We should schedule a demo of Checker. And try and get a lightening talk at technical plenary. 14:42:19 Jo: Lightning talk decision is up to Sean. 14:43:08 Dan: Will look into whether that's a possibility. 14:43:16 Dan: Accessibility Taskforce. 14:43:23 Jo: Will be at first public working draft. 14:44:44 Dan: Item 8 (charter 2 timescales and del) -- hoping that we can also brainstorm things that could go into the phase 2 bp document. 14:44:59 Jo: Agreed. 14:45:12 Dan: Adding brainstorm phase 2 bp document to the agenda. 14:46:14 adam: won't be able to attend, will there be other opportunities to contribute? 14:46:26 Dan: Yes. Will be ongoing discussion, and also possible to IRC / call into meeting. 14:47:25 Dan: Next face-to-face: week of 3rd March is best week for Seoul F2F has been proposed. 14:47:40 Jo: Need to fix on this and get some input on who will attend. 14:47:50 Jo: Opened poll yesterday. 14:48:45 Jo: Trying to find out: If we hold F2F in Seoul, will anybody come? 14:49:03 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/actions/571 Action on poll 14:50:32 s/Trying to find out: If we hold F2F in Seoul, will anybody come?/Definitely will visit Seoul for liaison but a lot of people can't come then we might have to have a spearate F2F/ 14:51:42 drooks has joined #bpwg 14:52:13 ACTION: DKA to edit the poll re attendance at spring 2008 F2F 14:52:13 Sorry, couldn't find user - DKA 14:52:28 Topic: Content Transformation Problem Statement Document. 14:52:49 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/37584/BPWG-Spring-2008-F2F/ The Spring 2008 F2F Poll 14:54:09 Jo: People won't have had time to review now, so just sent it out for next week. 14:54:14 http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/editors-drafts/ProblemStatement/071002 14:54:21 Dan: AOB? 14:54:43 Dan: Asking Ed about the public/private question? 14:55:05 Ed: Will summarise from the minutes our agreement and send it out. 14:55:56 Dan: Discussion included requirement for a members list mainly for logistical discussion. 14:56:58 Jo: Essense of last wks conversation was: Charter 1 remains private since it happened under charter 1. But starting afresh now. 14:58:02 Ed: Asks about the F2F agenda, to discuss impact of Ajax workshop? 14:59:33 Dan: Yes, on F2F agenda is to brainstorm what's in the group's remit, and the Ajax workshop will form the basis for that. 15:01:25 -> http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/37584/status BPWG Page 15:03:47 Dan: AOB? 15:03:56 Jo: Mobile OK LC1.3... 15:04:50 s/Mobile OK LC1.3.../Mobile-OK LC-3/ 15:06:00 Jo: Outstanding issue on question of accept header point... We need to make a resolution at some point as discussed on email that document won't be updated. 15:06:45 Dan: Need to ask Mike to get those comments into the comment tracker. 15:07:11 Dan: Will add this to next wk's agenda. 15:07:14 Dan: AOB? 15:07:58 [thanks for scribing Adam!] 15:08:20 -jo 15:08:33 bye 15:08:34 -DKA 15:08:36 -Ed_Mitukiewicz 15:08:37 abel has left #bpwg 15:08:37 zakim, who is on the call? 15:08:37 On the phone I see adam, shah, Abel, +1.781.932.aaaa 15:08:37 -adam 15:08:39 -shah 15:08:40 - +1.781.932.aaaa 15:08:45 -Abel 15:08:47 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has ended 15:08:49 Attendees were DKA, adam, SeanP, jo, Abel, +1.781.932.aaaa, shah, Ed_Mitukiewicz 15:09:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:09:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-minutes.html jo 15:10:19 Present: DKA, Adam, SeanP, Jo, Abel, Shah, Ed_Mitukiewicz 15:10:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:10:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-minutes.html jo 15:11:05 drooks has left #bpwg 15:11:47 rrsagent, bye 15:11:47 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-actions.rdf : 15:11:47 ACTION: Dan to work with Jo and Mike to figure out rejoining the group under new charter [1] 15:11:47 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-irc#T14-14-39 15:11:47 ACTION: DKA to edit the poll re attendance at spring 2008 F2F [2] 15:11:47 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-bpwg-irc#T14-52-13