13:09:15 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 13:09:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/09/26-sweo-irc 13:09:28 rrsagent, set log public 13:53:10 Susie has joined #sweo 13:57:24 zakim, this will be sweo 13:57:24 ok, Susie; I see SW_SWEO()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 13:57:26 bengee has joined #sweo 13:59:52 regrets - Lee 14:00:40 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 14:00:48 + +1.317.435.aaaa 14:00:58 + +49.895.4.aabb 14:01:00 dunja has joined #SWEO 14:01:04 +??P16 14:01:19 zakim, ??P16 is me 14:01:19 +bengee; got it 14:01:48 zakim, ++1.317.435.aaaa is Susie 14:01:48 sorry, Susie, I do not recognize a party named '++1.317.435.aaaa' 14:01:52 zakim, dial ivan-617 14:01:52 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:02:13 zakim, +1.317.435.aaaa is Susie 14:02:13 +Susie; got it 14:03:24 zakim, +49.895.4.aabb is Dunja 14:03:24 +Dunja; got it 14:04:23 + +1.603.886.aacc 14:04:57 zakim, +1.603.886.aacc is Melli 14:04:57 +Melli; got it 14:05:09 Melli has joined #sweo 14:06:01 Dunja - No current update on flyer 14:06:08 + +49.511.7.aadd 14:06:25 Dunja - Will be talking with Ian about the flyer after this call. 14:06:27 zakim, aadd is Leo 14:06:27 +Leo; got it 14:06:36 leobard has joined #sweo 14:06:45 Dunja - Will give an update next week. 14:07:00 scribenick: leobard 14:07:03 (I will scribe from now on) 14:07:16 next item: logo 14:07:24 Bengee reports: no real update from last week 14:07:55 Ivan reports: I have received yesterday an adobe illustrator file for logos. I converted them to SVG and EPS 14:08:15 Ivan: I would prefer one file per logo, this needs to be done still. 14:08:36 Ivan: we are finalizing what the URLs will be for the logos 14:08:55 Ivan: within a week, we will have the logos online with their urls and different file formats 14:09:08 susie: we need to do the pictograms 14:09:20 ivan: lets finish the logos first and then move on 14:10:09 ivan: danny commented to take the vertical line out 14:10:49 Susie: NEXT ITEM: Use case collection 14:11:02 Ivan: Hutchinson is on their final round before sumbitting to us 14:11:21 Ivan: I contacted Cleveland Clinics, first reaction is positive 14:11:45 Ivan: there was a long list of companies and assigned people 14:11:56 Susie: last week we followed up what happened 14:12:19 Susie: I contacted General Motors, interested but no committment 14:12:36 Susie: Melli contacted Jeff Pollock from Nasa 14:12:42 Susie: didn't hear back from Topquadrant 14:13:25 Leo: I contacted Empolis / Bertelsmann, no answer yet 14:15:08 There is one likely coming from Marcus Trevisani of Relevant Digital 14:15:23 Susie: somebody has to follow up Ameraprise 14:15:28 He has agreed to write on based on a system he helped build. 14:15:42 Ameriprise Financial needs to be chased about use cases. 14:16:01 Action Item: follow up your contacts on use cases 14:16:56 Melli: I found somebody willing to submit a use case 14:17:27 Susie: information gatherin 14:17:50 Leo - had contact with Tim Hains's company 14:17:57 Leo - he has fixed bugs 14:18:03 Leo - we continue to improve it. 14:18:03 http://sweo.openlinksw.com:8892/summary.vsp 14:18:20 Leo - also improved the usability of the web site 14:18:38 Leo - not complete yet, but will be done soon 14:19:46 ACTION: Leo to get version of infogathering ready for testing by Oct. 3 14:20:20 http://rease.semanticweb.org/ubp 14:20:20 Leo - Long chat with Dirk about the portal today. 14:20:29 Jörg 14:20:29 Jörg 14:20:38 ;) 14:20:39 Joerg 14:21:01 Leo - Joerg runs the rease portal 14:21:22 Leo - we will load content to their portal 14:21:44 Leo - will get a SWEO version of the rease portal 14:22:04 Leo - could post our favorite tutorials there too 14:22:06 Melli has joined #sweo 14:24:32 Leo - focus to date has been to enter our 20 or so preferred documents 14:24:55 Ivan - they could also contribute their data to our IngoGathering task 14:25:22 Leo - they have gathered many resources over years soit's a nice collection of materia; 14:26:07 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/RecommendedTutorials 14:26:11 Leo - it'd be good if people could add to the list of preferred documents 14:26:41 Susie: I talked with Danny Ayers about the document collection 14:26:49 Susie: next item uri document 14:27:04 Leo: Summary of progress on the URI document 14:27:12 Leo: Got lots of feedback from TimBL 14:27:20 Leo: SWD group also has comments 14:27:47 Susie: TimBL likes the documents. :-) 14:29:39 ACTION: Leo to aim to incorporate comments by beginning of November. 14:31:49 Benji: hopes to make more progress on knowee by next week 14:32:18 Susie: no further updates on community projects now.... 14:32:42 Susie: next agenda item: Enterprise Survey, I spoke to Karen 14:32:58 Susie: Karen wants to get the survey finalized 14:33:19 Susie: Any other business? 14:33:40 Susie: upcoming face-2-face meeting 14:34:23 Susie: F2F is being held at MIT, there is a Polycom in the room, if you are not able to be in Boston, you can participate via Polycom. 14:34:30 Susie: F2F Agenda, the plan is: 14:34:37 9.00-9.30am - SWEO Progress Review - Susie 14:35:17 9.30-10.00am - Semantic Web Technology Update - Ivan 14:35:31 Recapitulate on things that happened on the first f2f 14:36:05 10.00-10.30am - What People are Saying about the Semantic Web - Karen 14:36:05 Ivan and Karen presented topics, they are still important and we need updates 14:36:20 11.00-12.30pm - Education and Outreach for New Technologies 14:36:47 GRDDL, RDFa, SPARQL, Powder, and skos, etc... 14:37:04 Invite people of these projects to provide input 14:37:06 1.30-2.30pm - Finalize Preferred Document Collection - Danny 14:37:09 Lunch: on site 14:37:43 btw: the date is 24.10.2007, 14:37:48 2.30-3.00pm - Brainstorming Additional Outreach Opportunities - All 14:38:16 summary of the progress made with sweo 14:38:29 3.00-4.30pm - The Future of SWEO - All 14:39:13 current charter of SWEO runs out end of february, what do we do next? What should it focus on? Should SWEO continue? 14:39:30 Communications team is integgrated to this discussion 14:40:00 Then wrapup of 30 minutes 14:40:22 6.00pm - Special Semantic Web Gathering at the Cambridge Brewery Company 14:40:35 There is a workshop on relational database and semantic web integration in parallel 14:41:28 Susie is going to wrap this up into an email 14:42:38 Harry Halpin 14:42:40 Harry Halpin 14:42:57 Susie asked Harry Halpin if he would help SWEO doing educational outreach on GRDDL 14:43:06 he will be on our call next week 14:43:21 Lee is chair of the sparql gorup, we will also have a discussion on that 14:46:34 leobard: suggesting to add Chris bizer also 14:46:53 Susie: he may be at the brewery meeting on the f2f and we can talk with him there 14:47:01 -Ivan 14:47:02 -Melli 14:47:04 -bengee 14:47:05 -Susie 14:47:06 -Leo 14:47:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:47:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/26-sweo-minutes.html ivan 14:47:22 rrsagent, bye 14:47:22 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/26-sweo-actions.rdf : 14:47:22 ACTION: Item to follow up your contacts on use cases [1] 14:47:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/26-sweo-irc#T14-16-01 14:47:22 ACTION: Leo to get version of infogathering ready for testing by Oct. 3 [2] 14:47:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/26-sweo-irc#T14-19-46 14:47:22 ACTION: Leo to aim to incorporate comments by beginning of November. [3] 14:47:22 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/26-sweo-irc#T14-29-39