13:34:13 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 13:34:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/09/12-sweo-irc 13:34:52 rrsagent, set log public 13:35:20 bengee has joined #sweo 13:43:48 MartinD has joined #SWEO 13:56:07 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 13:56:13 +??P0 13:56:38 kidehen has joined #sweo 13:57:23 LeeF has joined #sweo 13:57:34 patranja has joined #sweo 13:58:05 +LeeF 13:58:11 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:58:11 On the phone I see ??P0, LeeF 13:59:21 zakim, dial ivan-617 13:59:21 ok, ivan; the call is being made 13:59:23 +Ivan 13:59:32 zakim, ??P0 is kidehen 13:59:32 +kidehen; got it 14:00:35 +??P2 14:00:45 + +1.603.897.aaaa 14:00:47 zakim, ??P2 14:00:47 I don't understand '??P2', bengee 14:01:00 +PaulaP 14:01:01 zakim, ??P2 is me 14:01:03 +bengee; got it 14:01:05 +??P4 14:01:05 zakim, aaaa is Melli 14:01:06 -bengee 14:01:08 +Melli; got it 14:01:11 +Susie 14:01:12 zakim, ??p4 is me 14:01:13 +MartinD; got it 14:01:24 zakim, please mute me 14:01:25 LeeF should now be muted 14:01:27 +[IPcaller] 14:01:49 zakim, [IPcaller] is bengee 14:01:51 +bengee; got it 14:01:54 Susie has joined #sweo 14:02:01 zakim, who is here? 14:02:01 On the phone I see kidehen, LeeF (muted), Ivan, Melli, PaulaP (muted), MartinD, +1.781.662.aacc, bengee 14:02:03 On IRC I see Susie, PaulaP, LeeF, kidehen, MartinD, bengee, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan 14:02:14 zakim, aacc is Susie 14:02:14 +Susie; got it 14:02:48 leobard has joined #sweo 14:02:52 hi 14:03:34 +??P14 14:03:37 Meeting: SWEO telco 14:03:43 Melli has joined #sweo 14:03:47 zakim, ??P14 is Leo 14:03:47 +Leo; got it 14:03:53 Chair: Susi 14:03:59 s/Susi/Susie/ 14:04:23 i could 14:04:37 ScribeNick: kidehen 14:05:17 there are no news on the flyer 14:05:38 Susie: Progress with Semweb Flyers - Nothing to announce re. Flyer status. Awaiting feedback from W3C comms team. 14:06:18 Susie: Offers to chase them up 14:06:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sweo-ig/2007Sep/0013.html 14:07:12 Bengee: Logo status - still in conversation with comms team re. . Feedback is still be accepted via sweo mailing list 14:07:32 q+ 14:07:56 ack ivan 14:08:46 Ivan: suggests that Bengee sends a message to W3C comms team about the SWEO position (i.e. we are set). 14:09:21 Ivan: conducted discussions with Ian (W3C comms) re. the graphic available in svg, png, and eps formats 14:09:37 Susie: verifies that there will be URIs for the images 14:10:21 Ivan: To enhance SWEO and Semweb activity pages accordingly 14:11:28 Susie: To follow up with pictograms 14:11:40 uldis has joined #sweo 14:11:40 Susie: with W3C comms 14:11:48 +??P16 14:11:53 ??P16 is uldis 14:12:28 Ivan: Use Case & Case Study update: Added a new item from Norway re. Data Integration usage scenario 14:12:32 zakim, ??P16 is uldis 14:12:32 +uldis; got it 14:12:32 Ivan: URI? 14:14:00 Ivan: current use case / case study count is 23 14:14:07 NASA 14:14:15 -> http://www.w3.org//2001/sw/sweo/public/UseCases/Aksio/ Oil industry use cases 14:14:15 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/public/UseCases/ 14:14:47 -Leo 14:15:13 +??P14 14:15:25 zakim, P14 is leo 14:15:25 sorry, ivan, I do not recognize a party named 'P14' 14:15:35 zakim, ??P14 is Leo 14:15:35 +Leo; got it 14:17:07 Susie: walks through list of companies for Mills Davis report 14:17:44 List of companies is at the bottom of http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/Use_Cases 14:18:14 Ivan: comments on NASA not responding to inquiries so far re. He indicates Clark and Parisa are the source of the use case etc.. 14:20:12 ACTION: Susie to contact Kendall Clark for NASA Use case 14:20:30 ACTION: Melli to contact Jeff Pollock for possible NASA use case 14:21:55 http://www.nielsenbuzzmetrics.com/ 14:21:59 ACTION: Uldis to research to Niellson 14:22:03 Nielsen Buzz-Metrics 14:22:13 s/Niellson/Nielsen Buzz-Metrics/ 14:22:28 http://www.nielsenbuzzmetrics.com/ 14:23:51 -> http://www.askmenow.com/ AskMeNow 14:25:20 "Semantic Search of the Wikipedia Knowledgebase" 14:25:36 (from their services area) 14:29:12 ACTION: Kingsley look at the BBC contact 14:29:46 ACTION: Uldis look at the BBC contact 14:30:13 ACTION: explore the Bertlesmann contact 14:31:31 ACTION: Susie to refresh the BP 14:33:33 ACTION: Susie ping Christian for Ameriprise Financial 14:34:12 ACTION: Susie contact NLM 14:34:49 ACTION: Susie looking at the Mayo Clinique possibility 14:35:12 ACTION: Ivan to contact Chimezie for Cleveland Clinique 14:35:31 s/que/c/ 14:35:53 ACTION: Susie for General Motors 14:43:50 Leo / Kingsley: Info Gathering status --- final testing of user experience 14:44:32 Leo: Cool URIs Article status -- still awaiting TAG review since the goal is to make this a W3C approved note 14:45:27 -PaulaP 14:45:41 no problem that it takes time, the document is published anyway informally, so we can wait.... 14:47:06 http://www.w3.org/mid/87DC70D8-52C6-47A6-9A87-92E215593BB2@yahoo-inc.com 14:47:11 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/Ameriprise Financial 14:47:24 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/005801c7e3ea$2f451f20$821e140a@volantisuk 14:51:30 what's the url of their google group? 14:51:33 For the records, we are talking about social-network-portability@googlegroups.com 14:53:21 did you try to mail to social-network-portability-subscribe@googlegroups.com to subscribe to it (from a non-google email) 14:53:24 ? 14:53:36 yes, that doesn't work either 14:53:53 I can subscribe, but not post 14:54:50 http://dbpedia.openlinksw.com/wikicompany/resource/Shell 14:55:05 http://wikicompany.org/wiki/Shell 14:59:24 kidehen: suggest Knowee is exposed to the Social-Graph discussion forum 14:59:43 -kidehen 14:59:44 -uldis 14:59:46 -Melli 14:59:46 -MartinD 14:59:46 kidehen: Wikicompany as new addition to Linked Data collective 14:59:47 -Leo 14:59:49 -Susie 14:59:51 zakim, unmute me 14:59:51 LeeF should no longer be muted 14:59:59 -bengee 15:00:29 bengee has left #sweo 15:01:14 MartinD has left #SWEO 15:04:01 Captsolo: I think IRC credentials from my client a playing up 15:04:29 CaptSolo: what about skype? 15:05:04 kidehen: sure. can you ping me in skype? 15:05:17 uldis.bojars 15:06:23 hmm 15:06:29 trying to do chat 15:06:34 you can try kidehen 15:06:46 you seem to only have phone option or something 15:08:13 °skype shows me you have not accepted the connection yet 15:08:25 anyway, can talk here. initial question is very short. 15:09:26 fine 15:09:29 noticed you are going to CSSW 2007 :) 15:09:32 yes 15:09:38 do you know what hotel you'll be staying in? 15:09:44 let me check 15:10:18 once there, we'll have an opportunity for more discussion 15:10:24 looking forward to meeting you 15:13:47 -LeeF 15:13:48 -Ivan 15:13:49 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 15:13:50 Attendees were LeeF, Ivan, kidehen, +1.603.897.aaaa, PaulaP, bengee, Melli, Susie, MartinD, Leo, uldis 15:14:07 zakim, bye 15:14:07 Zakim has left #sweo 15:14:08 still searching my mail for the hotel details 15:14:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:14:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/12-sweo-minutes.html ivan 15:14:23 sure, likewise re. meeting you 15:14:50 ups, did not realise we were still "on record" 15:15:20 kidehen: could you email me the name / addr. of the hotel once you find it? 15:15:37 'd be good to have the accomodation in the same place or nearby 15:16:24 yes 15:18:23 cool, thanks 15:18:41 i had less presence online than usual 15:18:45 Uldis, Kingsley: I will be at the Riviera hotel 15:18:51 I have just made my reservation today 15:19:18 but will now be online more and revitalise my SIOC (#sioc, SIOC-Dev, ...) activities 15:19:20 both, I'll send a mail re. my details. 15:19:29 my staff do the bookings etc.. 15:19:52 social-graph discussion is a big place for SIOC 15:19:53 ivan: great! looking forward to meet you too (did not realise you're gonna be there, so this is a nice surprise) 15:20:33 kidehen: indeed. i subscribed to it and 'll see what can we contribute to it 15:20:42 "it" = google groups list 15:20:59 Uldis, you should use your dopplr account! If you put in your trip, it will tell you that I will be there' too 15:21:10 hehe, true :) 15:21:23 another aspect of online presence that was neglected 15:21:42 does Dopplr import FOAF contact details yet? 15:21:44 ivan: forgot to mention that http://iterating.com is now doing Linked Data properly via Content Negotiation 15:22:04 (same remark for Kingsley, his trip to ISWC is also not on dopplr:-) 15:22:13 uldis: I do not know 15:22:25 ivan: i gather all your trips are on Dopplr :) 15:22:31 yessir 15:22:39 will have to come over to Amsterdam some day 15:22:51 Kingsley, I seem to remember that one 15:23:03 the one which is really new to me is this wiki company stuff 15:23:08 ok, gotta go. later. 15:23:12 wiki company looks nice. 15:23:33 bye guys, have to go... 15:23:50 uldis has left #sweo 15:55:34 kidehen has left #sweo 15:57:30 LeeF has left #sweo