IRC log of swd on 2007-09-04
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:51:23 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #swd
- 14:51:23 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:51:27 [TomB]
- rrsagent, bookmark
- 14:51:27 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 14:51:33 [TomB]
- zakim, this will be swd
- 14:51:33 [Zakim]
- ok, TomB; I see SW_SWD()11:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes
- 14:52:03 [mhausenblas]
- Meeting: Semantic Web Deployment Working Group - Telecon 2007-09-04, 15:00 UTC
- 14:52:10 [mhausenblas]
- Agenda:
- 14:52:18 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 14:52:25 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 14:52:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 14:52:36 [mhausenblas]
- -> previous 2007-08-28
- 14:52:44 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Vit_Novacek
- 14:52:49 [mhausenblas]
- regrets+ Clay_Redding
- 14:52:55 [mhausenblas]
- Chair: Tom
- 14:53:00 [mhausenblas]
- scribenick: mhausenblas
- 14:53:06 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 14:53:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 14:53:14 [RalphS]
- RalphS has joined #swd
- 14:54:08 [TomB]
- regrets+ Quentin, Simone
- 14:57:48 [TomB]
- regrets+ Daniel, Sean, Vit, Quentin, Simone
- 14:57:49 [RalphS]
- regrets+ Sean
- 14:58:17 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD()11:00AM has now started
- 14:58:26 [Zakim]
- +Michael_Hausenblas
- 14:58:56 [Zakim]
- +??P15
- 14:59:04 [TomB]
- zakim, ??P15 is TomB
- 14:59:04 [Zakim]
- +TomB; got it
- 14:59:30 [Zakim]
- +Ralph
- 15:00:13 [berrueta]
- berrueta has joined #swd
- 15:00:29 [ed]
- ed has joined #swd
- 15:01:08 [Zakim]
- +[LC]
- 15:01:24 [ed]
- zakim, LC is edsu
- 15:01:26 [Zakim]
- sorry, ed, I do not recognize a party named 'LC'
- 15:02:00 [Zakim]
- +Rodrigo
- 15:02:10 [berrueta]
- Zakim, Rodrigo is me
- 15:02:11 [Zakim]
- +berrueta; got it
- 15:03:07 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:03:07 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:03:11 [Antoine]
- Antoine has joined #swd
- 15:03:38 [Zakim]
- +Antoine
- 15:03:43 [Elisa]
- Elisa has joined #swd
- 15:03:48 [aliman]
- aliman has joined #swd
- 15:03:54 [Zakim]
- +??P35
- 15:03:56 [JonP]
- JonP has joined #swd
- 15:04:06 [RalphS]
- zakim, ??p35 is Alistair
- 15:04:06 [Zakim]
- +Alistair; got it
- 15:04:37 [Zakim]
- +Elisa_Kendall
- 15:04:46 [Zakim]
- +Guus
- 15:04:51 [Zakim]
- +Jon_Phipps
- 15:05:05 [guus]
- guus has joined #swd
- 15:05:12 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: ADMIN
- 15:05:16 [mhausenblas]
- PROPOSED to accept minutes of -> 2007-08-28
- 15:05:33 [JonP]
- zakim, Jon_Phipps is me
- 15:05:33 [Zakim]
- +JonP; got it
- 15:05:35 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: There was a minor issue, though
- 15:05:35 [guus]
- second
- 15:05:38 [mhausenblas]
- RESOLUTION: accepted minutes of 28 Aug 2007
- 15:05:45 [mhausenblas]
- upcoming telecon: 11 Sep
- 15:05:50 [mhausenblas]
- face-to-face meeting - Amsterdam - October 8-9 2007
- 15:06:07 [mhausenblas]
- -> Logistics
- 15:06:12 [guus]
- regrets for 17 Sep [dinner in House of Lords :-)]
- 15:06:16 [RalphS]
- regrets from me for 11 Sep telecon
- 15:06:22 [mhausenblas]
- -> draft agenda
- 15:06:33 [mhausenblas]
- -> ttp:// registration
- 15:06:51 [mhausenblas]
- s/ttp://
- 15:07:59 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Guus to update the f2f agenda [recorded in]
- 15:08:03 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:08:16 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:08:16 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:08:33 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: SKOS
- 15:08:42 [mhausenblas]
- ->
- 15:08:53 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: New issue "Drawing the pictures" - see Sean's posting
- 15:09:03 [mhausenblas]
- -> post
- 15:09:11 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Any volunteers?
- 15:10:20 [mhausenblas]
- ... not a major issue; postpone
- 15:10:27 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE 35: ConceptSchemeContainment (
- 15:10:55 [TomB]
- Guus proposes that we not discuss "drawing the picture" at the F2F unless we have a document to discuss.
- 15:11:15 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: Discussed with Sean
- 15:11:34 [mhausenblas]
- ... encourage people to use owl:import
- 15:11:58 [mhausenblas]
- ... enables to make statements on multiple documents
- 15:12:26 [mhausenblas]
- ... merge graphs
- 15:13:09 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Guus to email a proposal to the list about the issue of containment [recorded in]
- 15:13:13 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:13:36 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: Will prepare this for F2F
- 15:13:41 [mhausenblas]
- Issue-26: RelationshipsBetweenLabels (
- 15:14:03 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Guus to move ISSUE-26 forward [recorded in]
- 15:14:08 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:14:18 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: Will be finished within next two weeks
- 15:14:26 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Guus to post user experience reports for ISSUE-26 [recorded in]
- 15:14:29 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:14:39 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Alistair to state the difference between the two flavours of the SimpleExtension proposal for issue 26 [recorded in]
- 15:14:45 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:15:12 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-31 BasicLexicalLabelSemantics proposed resolution
- 15:15:19 [mhausenblas]
- see
- 15:16:05 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Alistair, is it a good place at the agenda for the F2F
- 15:16:22 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Should we copy in the proposed solution?
- 15:17:01 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Tom to paste proposed solution to ISSUE-31 into F2F agenda
- 15:17:10 [mhausenblas]
- ISSUE-38 CompatibilityWithOWL-DL
- 15:17:20 [guus]
- [sorry, i get called away for a few minutes]
- 15:17:26 [mhausenblas]
- OWL Full tag
- 15:18:00 [mhausenblas]
- XXX: Compatibility with OWL-DL
- 15:18:25 [mhausenblas]
- ... issue; new OWL 1.1 WG in the pipeline
- 15:18:48 [mhausenblas]
- ... might be resolved within this new OWL version
- 15:19:12 [mhausenblas]
- s/XXX/Alistair
- 15:19:20 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:19:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:20:21 [mhausenblas]
- Elisa: We've been following the OWL 1.1 development
- 15:20:46 [mhausenblas]
- ... Sean may have a better idea about the timeline
- 15:21:07 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Drop it for F2F
- 15:21:16 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: RDFa
- 15:21:27 [mhausenblas]
- -> RDFa Overview document
- 15:21:36 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Ben to bring up the HTML WG review of RDFa syntax with Steven [recorded in]
- 15:21:39 [mhausenblas]
- -- done
- 15:21:47 [RalphS]
- -> XHTML2 WG review
- 15:22:09 [mhausenblas]
- Ralph: Ben reminded Steven P. on the process
- 15:22:52 [mhausenblas]
- ... Shane and Marc take care for the Syntax doc
- 15:23:02 [mhausenblas]
- s/Marc/Mark
- 15:23:21 [mhausenblas]
- ->
- 15:23:54 [mhausenblas]
- Schedule is out of sync!
- 15:24:38 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: I find it confusing looking at the Wiki page wrt F2F
- 15:25:18 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: Syntay - mean ?
- 15:25:32 [mhausenblas]
- s/Syntay/Syntax
- 15:26:11 [mhausenblas]
- Overview available at
- 15:27:22 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: No preferences where to keep it updated
- 15:29:29 [mhausenblas]
- Michael: Looking at
- 15:30:49 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: RDFa issues at F2F are Syntax doc and get buy-in from rest of WG on final design
- 15:31:08 [mhausenblas]
- ... should prepare a snapshot around 24 Sep
- 15:31:34 [RalphS]
- ACTION: Ralph update RDFa agendum for Amsterdam f2f after discussion with RDFa TF
- 15:31:49 [mhausenblas]
- Topic: RECIPES
- 15:31:55 [mhausenblas]
- see
- 15:32:00 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3 [recorded in]
- 15:32:04 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:32:10 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Diego to prepare a f2f agenda topic for recipes [recorded in]
- 15:32:13 [mhausenblas]
- -- done
- 15:32:21 [berrueta]
- ->
- 15:32:29 [RalphS]
- -> Diego's f2f Recipes agendum
- 15:33:48 [mhausenblas]
- Diego: Had a discussion with Jon just before the telecon
- 15:34:05 [mhausenblas]
- ... can I commit the agenda to the Wiki?
- 15:34:50 [guus]
- [sorry for my absence, I' back]
- 15:34:50 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Would be helpful for each discussion item to have a reading list
- 15:35:03 [mhausenblas]
- 15:35:09 [mhausenblas]
- ->
- 15:36:41 [mhausenblas]
- Elisa: Peter (?) might shed some light on this and I see synergies
- 15:36:57 [mhausenblas]
- ... agenda is capable of holding this?
- 15:37:05 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Vit to prepare WG agenda for VM by 11 September [recorded in]
- 15:37:06 [mhausenblas]
- -- done
- 15:37:16 [TomB]
- 15:37:26 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Elisa to ask for feedback on VM draft [recorded in]
- 15:37:29 [mhausenblas]
- -- continues
- 15:37:36 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:37:36 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:37:59 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Can someone take an action to update the Wiki?
- 15:38:43 [mhausenblas]
- ACTION: Elisa to update the VocabMgt agenda in the F2F
- 15:39:31 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: TAG and ZZZ reviewed the voc management doc
- 15:39:55 [mhausenblas]
- ... my question is regarding the scope
- 15:40:13 [mhausenblas]
- Elisa: Talking about URI # vs. / issues
- 15:40:44 [mhausenblas]
- ... beyond that it does not talk about other things
- 15:41:20 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Should point from the SWD page to it
- 15:41:27 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 15:41:36 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: AOB?
- 15:41:56 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Guus, anything about arrangements at F2F?
- 15:42:13 [mhausenblas]
- ... dinner for those who arrive Sun night
- 15:42:38 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: Propose to start at 9:00 CET
- 15:42:57 [mhausenblas]
- ... end Tue on 17:00 CET
- 15:43:04 [RalphS]
- -> list of Amsterdam hotels
- 15:43:23 [mhausenblas]
- s/at 9:00 CET/on Mon at 9:00 CET
- 15:46:19 [RalphS]
- Guus: allow 15-20 mins from the University to Schiphol airport
- 15:46:26 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: Back to SKOS
- 15:46:51 [mhausenblas]
- ... regarding owl:import
- 15:47:30 [mhausenblas]
- ... in SPARQL you can use multiple graphs
- 15:48:40 [TomB]
- 15:49:03 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: My question to Alistair would be
- 15:49:30 [mhausenblas]
- ... if we can handle it without making SKOS dependent on OWL
- 15:49:49 [mhausenblas]
- Alistair: Using named graph
- 15:50:02 [mhausenblas]
- ... and give guidiance
- 15:50:23 [mhausenblas]
- s/guidiance/guidance
- 15:50:42 [mhausenblas]
- ... we should make the most of what is in SPARQL
- 15:50:50 [Elisa]
- there may be some related insights for provenance, etc. in the proof markup language (pml) - see
- 15:50:57 [mhausenblas]
- ... not for using owl:import
- 15:51:32 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: I'm going to write up the proposal
- 15:51:59 [mhausenblas]
- Antoine: Objection against owl:import
- 15:52:33 [mhausenblas]
- Guus: One solution would be to defined ConceptScheme as a subclass of XXX
- 15:53:19 [mhausenblas]
- Tom: Thanks everyone
- 15:53:23 [Zakim]
- -Elisa_Kendall
- 15:53:25 [Zakim]
- -Alistair
- 15:53:25 [Zakim]
- -Ed?
- 15:53:26 [Zakim]
- -Antoine
- 15:53:27 [Zakim]
- -JonP
- 15:53:29 [Zakim]
- -Ralph
- 15:53:31 [Zakim]
- -Michael_Hausenblas
- 15:53:35 [Zakim]
- -berrueta
- 15:54:41 [Zakim]
- -Guus
- 15:55:03 [mhausenblas]
- s/XXX/owl:Ontology
- 15:55:11 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 15:55:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate mhausenblas
- 15:55:27 [mhausenblas]
- RRSAgent, list participants
- 15:55:27 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'list participants ', mhausenblas. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 15:55:30 [TomB]
- rrsagent, list attendees
- 15:55:30 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'list attendees', TomB. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 15:55:42 [TomB]
- zakim, list attendees
- 15:55:42 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been Michael_Hausenblas, TomB, Ralph, Ed?, berrueta, Antoine, Alistair, Elisa_Kendall, Guus, JonP
- 15:55:48 [Antoine]
- Antoine has left #swd
- 15:55:58 [TomB]
- rrsagent, please draft minutes
- 15:55:58 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate TomB
- 15:56:45 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 15:56:47 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended
- 15:56:48 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Michael_Hausenblas, TomB, Ralph, Ed?, berrueta, Antoine, Alistair, Elisa_Kendall, Guus, JonP
- 15:56:58 [mhausenblas]
- zakim, list attendees
- 15:56:58 [Zakim]
- sorry, mhausenblas, I don't know what conference this is
- 15:58:40 [RalphS]
- zakim, bye
- 15:58:40 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #swd
- 15:58:44 [RalphS]
- rrsagent, bye
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- I see 13 open action items saved in :
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Guus to update the f2f agenda [recorded in] [1]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Guus to email a proposal to the list about the issue of containment [recorded in] [2]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Guus to move ISSUE-26 forward [recorded in] [3]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Guus to post user experience reports for ISSUE-26 [recorded in] [4]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Alistair to state the difference between the two flavours of the SimpleExtension proposal for issue 26 [recorded in] [5]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Tom to paste proposed solution to ISSUE-31 into F2F agenda [6]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to bring up the HTML WG review of RDFa syntax with Steven [recorded in] [7]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ralph update RDFa agendum for Amsterdam f2f after discussion with RDFa TF [8]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3 [recorded in] [9]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Diego to prepare a f2f agenda topic for recipes [recorded in] [10]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Vit to prepare WG agenda for VM by 11 September [recorded in] [11]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Elisa to ask for feedback on VM draft [recorded in] [12]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Elisa to update the VocabMgt agenda in the F2F [13]
- 15:58:44 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in