IRC log of dawg on 2007-08-21
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:27:29 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dawg
- 14:27:29 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:27:34 [LeeF_]
- zakim, this will be dawg
- 14:27:34 [Zakim]
- ok, LeeF_; I see SW_DAWG()10:30AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes
- 14:27:56 [Zakim]
- SW_DAWG()10:30AM has now started
- 14:28:01 [LeeF_]
- Meeting: RDF Data Access Weekly
- 14:28:03 [Zakim]
- +LeeF
- 14:28:04 [LeeF_]
- Chair: LeeF
- 14:28:06 [LeeF_]
- Scribe: ??
- 14:28:46 [Zakim]
- +??P16
- 14:28:47 [LeeF_]
- Agenda:
- 14:28:56 [LeeF_]
- LeeF_ has changed the topic to: Agenda:
- 14:28:56 [AndyS]
- zakim, ??P16 is me
- 14:28:56 [Zakim]
- +AndyS; got it
- 14:30:02 [ericP]
- Zakim, please dial ericP-xx
- 14:30:02 [Zakim]
- ok, ericP; the call is being made
- 14:30:05 [Zakim]
- +EricP
- 14:33:22 [LeeF_]
- SteveH, should we wait for you?
- 14:33:31 [LeeF_]
- iv_an_ru, are you around?
- 14:37:06 [LeeF_]
- :open-eq-12 is an example of this
- 14:37:11 [LeeF_]
- topic: mf:requires
- 14:37:36 [LeeF_]
- LeeF: We have some mf:requires annotations in the open-world directory at least, should be documented
- 14:38:11 [Zakim]
- +??P0
- 14:39:56 [AndyS]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 14:39:56 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see LeeF, AndyS, EricP, ??P0
- 14:40:14 [LeeF_]
- zakim, ??P0 is Orri
- 14:40:14 [Zakim]
- +Orri; got it
- 14:43:29 [LeeF_]
- LeeF: there are 6 mf:require's
- 14:43:38 [LeeF_]
- ... some are things that follow the spec. but are not required
- 14:43:50 [LeeF_]
- ... e.g. mf:KnownTypesDefault2Ne
- 14:44:01 [LeeF_]
- ... others are things which do follow the letter of the spec and are required, but are 'tricky'
- 14:44:20 [LeeF_]
- ... e.g. mf:LangCaseInsensitivity and mf:IllFormedLiteral
- 14:45:23 [ericP]
- 14:45:27 [SteveH]
- LeeF_, sorry, was AFK, no dont wait
- 14:46:50 [AndyS]
- ->
- 14:47:15 [Zakim]
- + +0207735aaaa
- 14:47:31 [SteveH]
- Zakim, +0207735aaaa is SteveH
- 14:47:31 [Zakim]
- +SteveH; got it
- 14:48:20 [AndyS]
- """Has no value associated with the typed literal."""
- 14:50:39 [LeeF_]
- -> tests to approve
- 14:53:21 [LeeF_]
- PROPOSED: Approve the first 6 tests in
- 14:53:42 [LeeF_]
- ericP seconds
- 14:54:01 [LeeF_]
- RESOLVED, SteveH abstaining
- 14:54:57 [LeeF_]
- PROPOSED: Approve the last 3 tests in
- 14:55:04 [LeeF_]
- ericP seconds
- 14:55:14 [LeeF_]
- 14:57:09 [LeeF_]
- PROPOSED: The tests in data-r2 as of 2007-08-21 along with today's approvals constitute the test suite for the SPARQL Query Language and the basis for an implementation report
- 14:57:31 [LeeF_]
- AndyS seconds
- 14:57:42 [LeeF_]
- 14:58:28 [LeeF_]
- -> W3C Software License
- 14:58:46 [LeeF_]
- -> overview page
- 15:02:20 [LeeF_]
- (discussion of who holds copyrigt on test materials and use of the W3C license)
- 15:02:53 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: LeeF to generate archive of test materials which includes license
- 15:03:20 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: LeeF to advertise existence of test materials and solicit implementation reports
- 15:04:23 [LeeF_]
- topic: test service
- 15:04:28 [LeeF_]
- -> LeeF response to IvanM
- 15:06:50 [LeeF_]
- Orri: reasonable to support endpoints that will fetch graphs over HTTP
- 15:06:55 [LeeF_]
- ... will talk to IvanM
- 15:08:19 [LeeF_]
- LeeF: Richard Newman (twinql) asked for the service and might have an endpoint against which it can be tested
- 15:08:34 [LeeF_]
- ... not necessary to be 100% bug-fre ebefore advertising the service
- 15:09:36 [LeeF_]
- topic: implementation report
- 15:16:21 [LeeF_]
- LeeF: I suggest a Sept 18 deadline for asking for implementation reports
- 15:16:39 [LeeF_]
- ... as a time when we will try to fulfill our CR exit criteria and ask to advance to PR
- 15:17:22 [LeeF_]
- -> Lee's email on facets and features
- 15:21:58 [LeeF_]
- AndyS: feature - split into description of dataset and querying the dataset
- 15:23:58 [LeeF_]
- LeeF: Do we want a feature which is something like "full syntax support"?
- 15:24:17 [LeeF_]
- ericP: why not?
- 15:25:41 [LeeF_]
- LeeF: There are other parts of SPARQL that we test for that are not called out explicitly in the proposed feature list... what's the right level of granularity?
- 15:26:25 [LeeF_]
- topic: datatype() and other builtins
- 15:26:41 [LeeF_]
- AndyS: Spec says they take a literal and grammar allows an expression
- 15:26:51 [AndyS]
- datatype(?x + ?y)
- 15:27:37 [ericP]
- datatype(1 || 0)
- 15:34:49 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: LeeF and ericP to write tests for uncovered facets [DONE]
- 15:34:58 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: ericP to poke IETF folks about registering SPARQL media types (esp. application/sparql-query) [CONTINUES]
- 15:35:11 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: ericP to write explanatory text saying that, like xsd:inteter and xsd:dateTime, the relative order of simple literals and xsd:strings is not defined here [CONTINUES]
- 15:35:19 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: ericP to answer "EBV of invalid numeric literals" email from Arjohn [CONTINUES]
- 15:35:28 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: EliasT to come up with feature list for protocol testing [CONTINUES]
- 15:35:36 [Zakim]
- -SteveH
- 15:35:39 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: Eric+Andy to identify and collect mf:requires URIs and put in documentation [CONTINUES]
- 15:35:41 [AndyS]
- This email??
- 15:36:21 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: ericP, AndyS to add the mf:requires labels to the manifest namespace document [CONTINUES]
- 15:36:29 [LeeF_]
- ACTION: ericP to incorporate text to fix EBV of illformed numeric literals bug in spec [CONTINUES]
- 15:36:33 [LeeF_]
- adjourned.
- 15:36:46 [LeeF_]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 15:36:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate LeeF_
- 15:36:51 [LeeF_]
- RRSAgent, make logs world-access
- 15:41:18 [Zakim]
- -LeeF
- 15:41:21 [Zakim]
- -Orri
- 15:41:28 [Zakim]
- -AndyS
- 15:41:38 [Zakim]
- -EricP
- 15:41:39 [Zakim]
- SW_DAWG()10:30AM has ended
- 15:41:41 [Zakim]
- Attendees were LeeF, AndyS, EricP, Orri, SteveH
- 16:02:31 [LeeF]
- LeeF has joined #dawg
- 16:03:46 [LeeF]
- RRSAgent, bye
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- I see 10 open action items saved in :
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: LeeF to generate archive of test materials which includes license [1]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: LeeF to advertise existence of test materials and solicit implementation reports [2]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: LeeF and ericP to write tests for uncovered facets [DONE] [3]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ericP to poke IETF folks about registering SPARQL media types (esp. application/sparql-query) [CONTINUES] [4]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ericP to write explanatory text saying that, like xsd:inteter and xsd:dateTime, the relative order of simple literals and xsd:strings is not defined here [CONTINUES] [5]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ericP to answer "EBV of invalid numeric literals" email from Arjohn [CONTINUES] [6]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: EliasT to come up with feature list for protocol testing [CONTINUES] [7]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Eric+Andy to identify and collect mf:requires URIs and put in documentation [CONTINUES] [8]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ericP, AndyS to add the mf:requires labels to the manifest namespace document [CONTINUES] [9]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ericP to incorporate text to fix EBV of illformed numeric literals bug in spec [CONTINUES] [10]
- 16:03:46 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 16:03:48 [LeeF]
- zakim, bye
- 16:03:48 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #dawg