IRC log of html-wg on 2007-08-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:45:43 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
- 16:45:43 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:48:13 [Lachy]
- DanC: what's the command to get the phone number from zakim?
- 16:49:18 [DanC]
- Zakim, passcode?
- 16:49:18 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 4865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), DanC
- 16:49:57 [DanC]
- DanC has changed the topic to: HTML WG telcon 16 Aug 1700Z also logged:
- 16:51:18 [DanC]
- Zakim, read agenda from
- 16:51:18 [Zakim]
- working on it, DanC
- 16:51:20 [Zakim]
- done reading agenda, DanC
- 16:51:25 [DanC]
- :-/
- 16:52:57 [Zakim]
- HTML_WG()1:00PM has now started
- 16:53:04 [Zakim]
- +??P0
- 16:53:20 [Lachy]
- Zakim: I am +??P0
- 16:53:43 [DanC]
- Zakim, read agenda from
- 16:53:43 [Zakim]
- working on it, DanC
- 16:53:45 [Zakim]
- agenda+ Convene HTML WG meeting of 2007-08-16T17:00:00Z
- 16:53:47 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 added
- 16:53:48 [Zakim]
- agenda+ next meeting, regular meeting times
- 16:53:49 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 added
- 16:53:50 [Zakim]
- agenda+ toward release of Design Principles
- 16:53:51 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 added
- 16:53:52 [Zakim]
- agenda+ Detailed Spec Reviews
- 16:53:53 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 added
- 16:53:54 [Zakim]
- agenda+ table headers
- 16:53:55 [Zakim]
- agendum 5 added
- 16:53:56 [Zakim]
- agenda+ Name for XHTML serialization
- 16:53:57 [CarolKing]
- CarolKing has joined #html-wg
- 16:53:58 [Zakim]
- agendum 6 added
- 16:54:02 [Zakim]
- agenda+ Forms Taskforce
- 16:54:04 [Zakim]
- agendum 7 added
- 16:54:06 [Zakim]
- agenda+ face-to-face meeting 8-9 November
- 16:54:08 [Zakim]
- agendum 8 added
- 16:54:10 [Zakim]
- agenda+ Announcement mailing list, RSS feeds
- 16:54:12 [Zakim]
- agendum 9 added
- 16:54:14 [Zakim]
- agenda+ Wiki Migration
- 16:54:16 [Zakim]
- agendum 10 added
- 16:54:18 [Zakim]
- done reading agenda, DanC
- 16:54:45 [Lachy]
- Zakim, I am ??P0
- 16:54:45 [Zakim]
- +Lachy; got it
- 16:54:57 [DanC]
- right; direct address is comma. colon is for attribution.
- 16:55:09 [Zakim]
- +DanC
- 16:58:45 [michael]
- michael has joined #html-wg
- 16:59:43 [michael]
- hello all
- 17:00:27 [oedipus]
- oedipus has joined #html-wg
- 17:00:54 [Zakim]
- + +1.312.933.aaaa
- 17:01:23 [DanC]
- Zakim, aaaa is Rob_Burns
- 17:01:24 [Zakim]
- + +49.208.8.aabb
- 17:01:25 [Zakim]
- +Rob_Burns; got it
- 17:01:42 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmiata
- 17:02:14 [DanC]
- Zakim, aabb Marcin_Hanclik
- 17:02:14 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'aabb Marcin_Hanclik', DanC
- 17:02:16 [DanC]
- Zakim, take up item 1
- 17:02:16 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Convene HTML WG meeting of 2007-08-16T17:00:00Z" taken up
- 17:02:34 [oedipus]
- zakim, Gregory_Rosmiata is Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:02:34 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita; got it
- 17:02:52 [DanC]
- Agenda:
- 17:03:02 [oedipus]
- zakim, mute me
- 17:03:02 [Zakim]
- sorry, oedipus, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
- 17:03:13 [oedipus]
- zakim, mute Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:03:13 [Zakim]
- Gregory_Rosmaita should now be muted
- 17:03:38 [hsivonen]
- hmm. Skype isn't working :-(
- 17:03:55 [DanC]
- Zakim, aabb is Marcin_Hanclik
- 17:03:55 [Zakim]
- +Marcin_Hanclik; got it
- 17:04:14 [sierk]
- sierk has joined #html-wg
- 17:04:16 [Zakim]
- +Dave_Singer
- 17:04:53 [mausonio]
- mausonio has joined #html-wg
- 17:05:30 [dsinger]
- dsinger has joined #html-wg
- 17:05:59 [robburns]
- robburns has joined #html-wg
- 17:06:28 [DanC]
- scribe: Lachy
- 17:06:38 [DanC]
- regrets: Anne
- 17:07:25 [mausonio]
- hi all
- 17:08:22 [DanC]
- Zakim, close item 1
- 17:08:22 [Zakim]
- agendum 1, Convene HTML WG meeting of 2007-08-16T17:00:00Z, closed
- 17:08:23 [Zakim]
- I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 17:08:24 [Zakim]
- 2. next meeting, regular meeting times
- 17:08:27 [DanC]
- Zakim, take up item 3
- 17:08:27 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "toward release of Design Principles" taken up
- 17:08:46 [DanC]
- [DONE] ACTION: Maciej to send out wrap-up about design principles
- 17:09:29 [DanC]
- -> # HTML Design Principles Review Maciej Stachowiak (Thursday, 16 August)
- 17:10:06 [Lachy]
- DanC, Maciej wants to start a review of the design principles, I want to ship the draft
- 17:10:13 [Lachy]
- DanC: Maciej wants to start a review of the design principles, I want to ship the draft
- 17:10:40 [gavin_]
- gavin_ has joined #html-wg
- 17:10:42 [DanC]
- -> # Re: Support for Design Principles (was: Design Principles survey delayed) Geoffrey Sneddon (Thursday, 16 August)
- 17:11:35 [oedipus]
- zakim, unmute me
- 17:11:35 [Zakim]
- sorry, oedipus, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
- 17:11:47 [oedipus]
- zakim, unmute Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:11:47 [Zakim]
- Gregory_Rosmaita should no longer be muted
- 17:12:24 [maha]
- maha has joined #html-wg
- 17:12:30 [Lachy]
- Zakim, oedipus is Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:12:30 [Zakim]
- sorry, Lachy, I do not recognize a party named 'oedipus'
- 17:12:53 [DanC]
- ack greg
- 17:12:54 [oedipus]
- one concern is that rearranging the Proposed Design Principles will break a lot of link on the wiki, so we should procede with caution
- 17:13:02 [DanC]
- Zakim, unmute Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:13:02 [Zakim]
- Gregory_Rosmaita was not muted, DanC
- 17:13:50 [Lachy]
- GR: If we accept mjs suggestion, the problem is that the references to the old proposals will be broken
- 17:14:36 [jgraham_]
- jgraham_ has joined #html-wg
- 17:14:46 [Lachy]
- GR: MoinMoin doesn't have ability to move wiki pages
- 17:14:54 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 17:16:06 [Chris]
- Chris has joined #html-wg
- 17:16:25 [DanC]
- Zakim, [Microsoft] is ChrisW
- 17:16:25 [Zakim]
- +ChrisW; got it
- 17:16:34 [DanC]
- Zakim, take up item 2
- 17:16:34 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "next meeting, regular meeting times" taken up
- 17:17:34 [Lachy]
- DanC: My thought is to have 2 separate times. One chaired by me, other by Cris
- 17:17:40 [Lachy]
- s/Cris/Chris/
- 17:18:32 [Lachy]
- Chris: I think bi-weekly meetings would be good
- 17:18:43 [Lachy]
- DanC: that's probably good enough
- 17:20:32 [dsinger]
- 2300Z is +6 from now...
- 17:20:42 [DanC]
- 17:21:07 [Lachy]
- [discussion of new time for meeting]
- 17:22:24 [DanC]
- "Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 14:00:00Thu 7:00 AM *Midnight Thu-Fri"
- 17:23:27 [DanC]
- my favorite: "Thursday, August 30, 2007 at 23:00:00ZThu 4:00 PM *Fri 9:00 AM"
- 17:25:16 [DanC]
- PROPOSED: to meet Thu 30 Aug 4pm Pacific/2300Z, and to meet weekly, alternating between 1pm Boston time and 4pm Pacific.
- 17:25:31 [oedipus]
- 2300z Thursday is 08:00:00 Friday in Asia/Tokyo
- 17:25:37 [oedipus]
- 2300z Thursday is 09:00:00 Friday in Australia/Melbourne
- 17:25:39 [Zakim]
- +??P11
- 17:25:46 [hsivonen]
- this is hsivonen
- 17:25:53 [DanC]
- Zakim, ??P11 hsivonen
- 17:25:53 [Zakim]
- I don't understand '??P11 hsivonen', DanC
- 17:26:15 [Chris]
- Zakim, +??P11 hsivonen
- 17:26:15 [Zakim]
- I don't understand '+??P11 hsivonen', Chris
- 17:26:30 [DanC]
- Zakim, ??P11 is hsivonen
- 17:26:30 [Zakim]
- +hsivonen; got it
- 17:26:36 [Lachy]
- what's the difference between Pacific and Boston time zones?
- 17:26:46 [Chris]
- 3 hours.
- 17:27:33 [Chris]
- PST = UTC/GMT -7/8
- 17:27:34 [DanC]
- PROPOSED: to meet Thu 30 Aug 4pm Pacific/2300Z, and to meet weekly, alternating between 1pm Boston time and 4pm Los Angeles
- 17:27:51 [oedipus]
- 2300z Thursday is 04:30:00 Friday in Asia/Calcutta
- 17:28:00 [DanC]
- 17:28:11 [DanC]
- Zakim, close item 2
- 17:28:11 [Zakim]
- agendum 2, next meeting, regular meeting times, closed
- 17:28:12 [Zakim]
- I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 17:28:14 [Zakim]
- 3. toward release of Design Principles
- 17:29:19 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 17:29:19 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "toward release of Design Principles" taken up
- 17:29:38 [gsnedders]
- gsnedders has joined #html-wg
- 17:29:45 [kingryan]
- kingryan has joined #html-wg
- 17:29:51 [Lachy]
- DanC: I was going to do a survey about the design principles
- 17:30:17 [Lachy]
- DanC: Mjs finally sent a wrap up, which says "let's start over" - that's depressing
- 17:30:31 [Lachy]
- DanC: I was hoping we were 2/3 of the way through review process
- 17:30:45 [Lachy]
- DanC: Chris, have you read the summary from gsnedders?
- 17:30:49 [DanC]
- summary from sneddon
- 17:30:50 [Lachy]
- Chris: I have not
- 17:31:04 [Lachy]
- DanC: I was hoping to publish the document in a week
- 17:32:21 [Lachy]
- Chris: mjs did not have a time frame for when the clean up would be done
- 17:32:35 [Lachy]
- Chris: I think we need a short time frame
- 17:33:23 [Lachy]
- Chris: we should have it out for reveiw within a week, then clean up and then agree within 2 weeks
- 17:34:31 [Lachy]
- Chris: we should respond to mjs and say we like the plan, we want to make sure we're at step 5 by next week.
- 17:34:47 [Lachy]
- DanC: let's review gsnedders message
- 17:35:42 [DanC]
- (I'm also opening in another window, last edited 2007-08-16 12:26:51)
- 17:36:39 [DanC]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 17:36:39 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Lachy, DanC, Rob_Burns, Marcin_Hanclik, Gregory_Rosmaita, Dave_Singer, ChrisW, hsivonen
- 17:37:16 [Lachy]
- RB: I thought the support existing content principle was fairly solid
- 17:38:12 [Lachy]
- DanC: I wonder what gsnedders means by how it's being implemented in "I've not to my knowledge heard anything against this, though there have been people questioning how it has been implemented."
- 17:39:19 [oedipus]
- the last comment on implmentation and HTML5 test suites for degrading gracefully was GJR
- 17:39:27 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 17:39:35 [oedipus]
- need practical not theoretical data
- 17:39:37 [Lachy]
- RB: I'm not sure he's changes to the Wheel principle made too much difference, I don't have any problems with it myself
- 17:39:47 [Lachy]
- s/he's/his/
- 17:40:23 [gsnedders]
- It may well be just how some things in the spec degrade.
- 17:40:37 [mjs]
- hi everyone
- 17:40:58 [Lachy]
- DanC: is the survey a cost effective way to proceed?
- 17:41:02 [gsnedders]
- I cannot find anything more specific than that, so I'm assuming that's all I meant.
- 17:41:04 [Lachy]
- Chris: how long to put it together?
- 17:41:52 [Lachy]
- Chris: [need to decide which principles are stable and finsish the survey with DanC]
- 17:42:20 [DanC]
- ACTION DanC: discuss survey with Chris W and issue it, based on the most mature/agreed ones
- 17:42:34 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 17:42:35 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "Detailed Spec Reviews" taken up
- 17:42:38 [gsnedders]
- I expect even from survey the majority would have consensus
- 17:42:44 [oedipus]
- +1 from GJR to DanC & ChrisW's action item
- 17:43:38 [Lachy]
- DanC: What hasn't been done in the spec reviews? [checks wiki...]
- 17:45:27 [Lachy]
- Marcin: I have reviewed the media elements
- 17:45:43 [DanC]
- 17:46:27 [DanC]
- review from marcin
- 17:47:26 [Lachy]
- is this it ?
- 17:47:35 [mjs]
- fwiw I don't think a survey will be very helpful to improving the document, but I'll look over the results if there is one
- 17:48:02 [DanC]
- no reviews for Communications, no volunteers. hmm
- 17:48:49 [DanC]
- ChrisW: I'll make sure Communications gets covered
- 17:49:25 [dsinger]
- apple has some comments of detail on the video/audio tags coming in soon...
- 17:50:10 [oedipus]
- KarlD on SMIL3:
- 17:50:27 [oedipus]
- Dave Singer on SMIL3:
- 17:50:44 [dsinger]
- we considered the SMIL media tags when doing the proposal, obviously, but the needs are different in SMIL and HTML
- 17:51:11 [Lachy]
- DanC: I want to figure out when to publish
- 17:52:20 [Lachy]
- DanC: if we said something like 10 times as many yes, as no votes, that would be compelling
- 17:52:34 [Lachy]
- Chris: it would depend on the the type of formal objections
- 17:52:47 [Lachy]
- Chris: I expect there will be real objections
- 17:52:52 [Lachy]
- I expect them too!
- 17:53:16 [Lachy]
- DanC: we have to publish, we don't necessarily need 100% concensus
- 17:53:47 [gsnedders]
- As I said in my email, I concluded that I doubt we'll ever have consensus, but rather almost always dissent
- 17:53:54 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 17:53:54 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "table headers" taken up
- 17:54:48 [DanC]
- "We don't build fire stairs just enough to evacuate 80% of the occupants."
- 17:54:52 [DanC]
- --
- 17:57:29 [Lachy]
- DanC: Hixie said he intends to get to this in due course, but I would like to have a schedule
- 17:57:58 [hsivonen]
- q+
- 18:00:07 [DanC]
- ack hsivonen
- 18:00:42 [Lachy]
- hsivonen: Hixie has implemented the implicit association algorithm, to anylise it's effectiveness
- 18:01:18 [oedipus]
- WAI PF Summary of goals for HTML5:
- 18:01:22 [Lachy]
- hsivonen: the headers issue is a late comer in the first-come-first-serve queue, but he added a note to the draft about it being an open issue
- 18:01:28 [oedipus]
- quote To summarize, our goals for HTML 5 are as follow: (1) Support for issues highlighted in Table: 1 of the ARIA Roadmap; (2) Backward compatability to ARIA, including the role attribute. (3) Allow for full interoperability with assistive technologies; (4) A preference for access to accessibility information via the DOM; (5) reduced efforts by authors to support assistive technologies (6) Support for the access element or a version of it. (7) Maintain equ
- 18:01:39 [oedipus]
- discussed in
- 18:02:01 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 18:02:01 [Zakim]
- agendum 6. "Name for XHTML serialization" taken up
- 18:02:31 [Lachy]
- DanC: XHTML2 WG want us to change our name from XHTML, I haven't seen any justifaction
- 18:02:35 [Lachy]
- no
- 18:02:44 [Lachy]
- no justification
- 18:03:11 [hsivonen]
- q+
- 18:03:42 [Lachy]
- We should both just use the name XHTML, changing the name is counter productive
- 18:03:55 [DanC]
- ack hsivonen
- 18:04:16 [DanC]
- ACTION: ChrisW discuss XHTML name coordination with XHTML 2 WG in the Hypertext CG
- 18:04:35 [billmason]
- billmason has joined #html-wg
- 18:04:47 [Lachy]
- hsivonen: The media type and namespace still need to contain "xhtml", so the name should also be XHTML
- 18:04:57 [DanC]
- DanC: yes, the namespace name is a bigger issue.
- 18:04:59 [oedipus]
- +1 on namespaces more important issue to address
- 18:05:13 [DanC]
- Zakim, next agendum
- 18:05:13 [Zakim]
- agendum 7. "Forms Taskforce" taken up
- 18:06:12 [DanC]
- (14 volunteers currently at )_
- 18:07:04 [Lachy]
- LH: I think it should include people who are very familiar with WF2
- 18:07:33 [Lachy]
- LH: I like Hixie, Anne, Mjs, Henri, Matthew Raymond
- 18:07:44 [Lachy]
- -1 John Boyer
- 18:08:22 [oedipus]
- GJR: john boyer may be one of the 3 from the Forms side
- 18:09:54 [oedipus]
- GJR: he may not be on the list, but what about asking TV Raman?
- 18:10:28 [oedipus]
- GJR: Raman has experience from both sides
- 18:10:34 [Lachy]
- DanC: what about Gregory,
- 18:10:44 [Lachy]
- ... Anne and Mjs
- 18:11:21 [Lachy]
- ?: I think TV Raman would be an ideal person
- 18:12:21 [Lachy]
- ACTION: Gregory to contact T.V. Raman about the Forms Task force
- 18:12:38 [Lachy]
- s/?/GR/
- 18:13:10 [hsivonen]
- Sander Tekelenburg is the active one
- 18:14:10 [Lachy]
- DanC: I suppose we could rotate task force members
- 18:15:15 [DanC]
- DanC: I'll fill in 2 (Anne, Maciej) and wait on the 3rd
- 18:15:19 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 18:15:19 [Zakim]
- agendum 8. "face-to-face meeting 8-9 November" taken up
- 18:17:26 [drry]
- drry has joined #HTML-WG
- 18:17:26 [DanC]
- "President's D 66 HTML 50 " --
- 18:17:51 [Lachy]
- DanC: Hixie suggested an unconference style agenda
- 18:18:00 [Lachy]
- DanC: that's easier for me
- 18:19:14 [Lachy]
- ?: I would be comfortable with that for a while, but not the whole time
- 18:19:31 [Chris]
- "?" is ChrisWilson
- 18:19:40 [Lachy]
- s/?/Chris/
- 18:20:11 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 18:20:11 [Zakim]
- agendum 9. "Announcement mailing list, RSS feeds" taken up
- 18:20:26 [DanC]
- 18:20:53 [Lachy]
- DanC: I still need to speak with chaals about how to operate the -announcements mailing list
- 18:21:49 [DanC]
- [CONTINUES] ACTION: DanC to set up an announcement mailing list, noodling with chaals
- 18:21:52 [Lachy]
- DanC: MikeSmith was going to write a summary of the CVS commit changes. Has that happened?
- 18:21:58 [DanC]
- progress; still want to noodle with chaals
- 18:22:08 [Lachy]
- Chris: I haven't seen it.
- 18:22:20 [DanC]
- [CONTINUES] ACTION: MikeSmith to write up a summary of changes for last [period of time], description of where changes go
- 18:23:06 [schepers]
- schepers has joined #html-wg
- 18:23:18 [Lachy]
- DanC: Volunteers are welcome for writing up a summary of changes
- 18:23:38 [DanC]
- Zakim, next item
- 18:23:38 [Zakim]
- agendum 10. "Wiki Migration" taken up
- 18:23:53 [DanC]
- 18:24:11 [Lachy]
- DanC: I expect to migrate to MediaWiki, and I'm inclined to have a separate HTMLWG wiki
- 18:24:16 [Lachy]
- Chris: that seems like a good idea
- 18:24:39 [Lachy]
- why don't we just start using the WHATWG wiki?
- 18:24:40 [DanC]
- Zakim, agenda?
- 18:24:40 [Zakim]
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 18:24:41 [Zakim]
- 10. Wiki Migration
- 18:24:45 [DanC]
- Zakim, close item 10
- 18:24:45 [Zakim]
- agendum 10, Wiki Migration, closed
- 18:24:46 [Zakim]
- I see nothing remaining on the agenda
- 18:25:04 [DanC]
- 18:25:14 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 18:25:16 [Zakim]
- -Rob_Burns
- 18:25:16 [dsinger]
- cheers\
- 18:25:17 [hsivonen]
- advance regrets for Aug 30th
- 18:25:20 [Zakim]
- -Lachy
- 18:25:23 [Zakim]
- -Dave_Singer
- 18:25:24 [Zakim]
- -hsivonen
- 18:25:26 [Zakim]
- -Marcin_Hanclik
- 18:25:42 [DanC]
- bringing up
- 18:29:27 [DanC]
- 18:34:11 [Lachy]
- DanC: I definitely think pave the cowpaths should be included in the survey. After I clarified its meaning, it didn't get much objection. Only one person objected, who moved it to the wiki, but that was clearly due to a misunderstanding (see my response in the wiki)
- 18:34:27 [Lachy]
- *moved it to the disputed section
- 18:42:53 [hasather]
- hasather has joined #html-wg
- 18:43:08 [hasather]
- hasather has joined #html-wg
- 18:49:42 [Zakim]
- -ChrisW
- 18:50:18 [Zakim]
- -DanC
- 18:50:20 [Zakim]
- HTML_WG()1:00PM has ended
- 18:50:22 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Lachy, DanC, +1.312.933.aaaa, +49.208.8.aabb, Rob_Burns, Gregory_Rosmaita, Marcin_Hanclik, Dave_Singer, ChrisW, hsivonen
- 18:53:47 [drry]
- drry has joined #HTML-WG
- 19:09:08 [mausonio]
- mausonio has left #html-wg
- 19:18:14 [gavin_]
- gavin_ has joined #html-wg
- 19:30:45 [edas]
- edas has joined #html-wg
- 19:38:57 [kazuhito]
- kazuhito has joined #html-wg
- 19:39:33 [hasather]
- hasather has left #html-wg
- 19:40:45 [sierk]
- sierk has left #html-wg
- 19:46:14 [briansuda]
- briansuda has joined #html-wg
- 20:19:45 [Philip`]
- Oh, it's because isn't served with a charset, and Opera ignores the charset from <link charset="utf-8" href="..."/>
- 20:51:16 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #html-wg
- 21:00:27 [mjs_]
- mjs_ has joined #html-wg
- 21:14:28 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 21:15:58 [mjs]
- hello DanC
- 21:16:38 [DanC]
- somebody pointed out that there are lots of links to fragments of the ProposedDesignPrinciples document from other parts of the wiki. that gives me pause
- 21:19:26 [DanC]
- I wonder which people are more comfortable with the "it's a wiki; change it yourself" style vs the mail-changes-to-the-editor style.
- 21:20:00 [DanC]
- the mail-changes-to-the-editor style is more straightforward to manage, in some ways
- 21:21:16 [DanC]
- just to be arbitrary and capricious, I'll pick on you, kingryan . What do you think about design principles collaboration logistics at this point?
- 21:22:16 [Roger]
- Roger has joined #html-wg
- 21:24:01 [DanC]
- why are we debating whether alt is required under the subject "Baby Steps or Backwards Steps"? surely "mandating img/@alt" or some such would be better? or "cost-effectiveness of mandating alt attributes on img"
- 21:24:17 [gsnedders]
- I prefer the latter option (having an editor)
- 21:24:48 [gavin_]
- gavin_ has joined #html-wg
- 21:25:29 [DanC]
- ok, good to know... any other preferences?
- 21:25:53 [johnst]
- johnst has joined #html-wg
- 21:26:08 [kingryan]
- DanC: for consensus building types of documents like that, it easier to have fewer editors
- 21:26:47 [kingryan]
- the "ETFW" approach ( tends to work better when there's an objective answer to what should be on the page
- 21:26:50 [DanC]
- ok good. I like it when the universe offers consistent advice.
- 21:26:55 [kingryan]
- like wikipedia
- 21:27:30 [DanC]
- right; wiki works best when there's a consensus that just needs to be written down
- 21:29:05 [DanC]
- ok; Anne is on holiday, I gather. mjs, do you know when he gets back?
- 21:29:40 [Philip`]
- It seems that Wikipedia fails worst when there isn't an objective answer, and the same would apply to any wiki that doesn't have significantly different editorial rules or culture
- 21:30:06 [mjs]
- DanC: in meeting at the moment, will read scrollback later
- 21:30:19 [DanC]
- ah. ok.
- 21:30:31 [mjs]
- DanC: (< 30 min)
- 21:30:44 [kingryan]
- DanC: fwiw, we've taken both approaches with the wiki
- 21:30:56 [kingryan]
- some areas are mostly "editor only"
- 21:31:05 [kingryan]
- while others are "anyone can edit"
- 21:32:46 [DanC]
- darn; new stuff there that I haven't seen. why isn't it on planet html5?
- 21:34:47 [hsivonen]
- considering disputes, I'd prefer to have mjs as a gatekeeper instead of anything goes wiki edits
- 21:35:11 [gavin]
- I agree
- 21:37:07 [DanC]
- hmm... "the block flow child invariant" ... I didn't realize that showed up in rendering code; that makes the HTML 5 constraint seem a little less arbitrary
- 21:40:47 [DanC]
- hmm.. "We use regression testing to maintain our compatibility gains." , plus Open Source in . I wonder if we can make use of those tests for HTML WG work.
- 21:41:14 [karl]
- karl has joined #html-wg
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- hyatt has joined #html-wg
- 21:49:29 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
- 21:50:24 [Philip`]
- - "I think my energy will be best spent helping to produce documents that are useful to and readable by people who create websites" sounds good
- 21:51:11 [mjs]
- DanC: back
- 21:51:55 [mjs]
- DanC: the wiki style was good for brainstorming and initial development, but I think have editors helps in two ways:
- 21:52:19 [mjs]
- 1) it doesn't seem to fit well with the w3c process to turn a wiki page directly into a Working Group technical report
- 21:52:31 [mjs]
- 2) wikis are good for recording information, but not so good for resolving disputes
- 21:53:02 [mjs]
- DanC: but I am going to do my best to distill the contents of the wiki into usable feedback in any case
- 21:54:42 [DanC]
- but it seems like the time is now to put something at the top of the wiki page to say "this document is moving out of the wiki; please mail change requests to" or "... please see _a message about change requests_"
- 21:57:34 [DanC]
- the status of that document should have a pointer back to the wiki copy
- 21:58:19 [mjs]
- DanC: ok, I'll add cross-links
- 22:05:29 [DanC]
- ok, I updated
- 22:05:51 [DanC]
- somebody spot check it, please? mjs, gsnedders, ...?
- 22:06:14 [Hixie]
- doesn't let me see it
- 22:06:23 [DanC]
- weird. some people can and some can't
- 22:07:21 [mjs]
- DanC: looking (though I have another meeting momentarily)
- 22:07:52 [mjs]
- DanC: can't see it at the moment
- 22:09:05 [mjs_afk]
- DanC: it will come naturally - we are near the end of an OS release cycle
- 22:09:28 [DanC]
- famous last words, mjs ;-)
- 22:10:08 [DanC]
- try again, hixie? I changed the dates so it's open now
- 22:11:40 [Hixie]
- DanC: the descriptions of "agree" and "disagree" sound the same
- 22:12:42 [DanC]
- if the suggested changes aren't made, agree stays agree but disagree stays disagree
- 22:12:53 [Hixie]
- DanC: otherwise seems fine
- 22:13:04 [Hixie]
- DanC: maybe make that clearer
- 22:13:17 [Hixie]
- DanC: as written, then sounded equivalent
- 22:13:33 [billmason]
- billmason has joined #html-wg
- 22:15:27 [karl]
- "11. priniciple "Baby Steps"
- 22:16:00 [karl]
- 14. priniciple "Handle Errors"
- 22:16:10 [jgraham]
- Agree should be something like agree with the spirit of the principle but with some changes to the wording
- 22:16:15 [jgraham]
- or something like that
- 22:16:57 [karl]
- ooops in fact
- 22:17:12 [karl]
- it is a lot of them which are called priniciple instead of principle
- 22:18:12 [karl]
- danc in the intro, it is said what will be done if there is support, but not what will be done if no support at all.
- 22:20:15 [DanC]
- "Strongly Disagree = No support. Delete it."
- 22:21:21 [DanC]
- karl, I'd fix that typo if I could do it all at once, but I don't think I'm going to do umpteen form submissions
- 22:22:08 [DanC]
- actually, regarding what will be done with the survey results, nothing is guaranteed/binding: "This survey is a non-binding, informational-gathering excercise"
- 22:23:17 [karl]
- yes I have read the non-binding clause.
- 22:23:25 [karl]
- but I think it will be perceived as
- 22:23:42 [karl]
- not mandatory, but if support we might think of publishing it
- 22:24:18 [karl]
- not mandatory, but if NO support, we might… hmm maybe publish it anyway? drop it? keep it on the wiki as non mandatory?
- 22:24:55 [karl]
- I say that because the principles are used (too often) as justifications in the discussions, that it makes them a sensitive topic.
- 22:26:51 [karl]
- brain still foggy I guess
- 22:27:07 [DanC]
- "too often"? hmm... their main utility is as justification in discussions. if they don't work that way, they should be dropped
- 22:27:33 [karl]
- :) yes too often for me ;) I will explain in the review I guess.
- 22:28:48 [karl]
- ooops time's up. Train time.
- 22:30:33 [err]
- err has joined #html-wg
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- err has left #html-wg
- 22:35:40 [gsnedders]
- DanC: I better not spend two hours tomorrow morning doing WG stuff again
- 22:35:43 [gsnedders]
- :)
- 22:35:59 [DanC]
- that should teach you to claim things are "obvious" ;-)
- 22:36:18 [gsnedders]
- I expected it to take that long, though
- 22:36:30 [gsnedders]
- mainly just checking my thoughts were correct
- 22:36:32 [DanC]
- it was a helpful and timely summary
- 22:36:36 [gsnedders]
- (which, in all but one case, they were)
- 22:36:50 [gsnedders]
- what parts did you think were too generous?
- 22:49:06 [Hixie]
- where is "pave the cowpaths" in the survey?
- 22:51:37 [Philip`]
- "Universal Access"/"Separation of Concerns"/"Baby Steps" are inconsistent between survey and CVS too
- 22:52:01 [Hixie]
- yeah just noticed Universal Access missing
- 22:52:13 [Hixie]
- that's one of the most important
- 22:52:44 [DanC]
- somebody on the telcon thought one part was too generous. I don't remember which, gsnedders . And I haven't read enough mail to say.
- 22:54:03 [DanC]
- sorry about the problems in the survey; I'm struggling to stay in sync.
- 22:55:04 [DanC]
- 22:57:48 [DanC]
- does cowpaths look right now?
- 23:00:45 [DanC]
- should I delete baby steps?
- 23:00:51 [DanC]
- it's not in
- 23:00:53 [DanC]
- I guess so...
- 23:02:44 [DanC]
- all better now?
- 23:03:56 [DanC]
- Philip`, Hixie ?
- 23:06:35 [Philip`]
- DanC: Looks like it all matches the CVS copy now
- 23:06:41 [DanC]
- tx
- 23:09:37 [mjs]
- mjs has joined #html-wg
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- robburns has joined #html-wg
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- sbuluf has joined #html-wg
- 23:31:45 [gavin_]
- gavin_ has joined #html-wg
- 23:39:35 [Philip`]
- DanC: Oops, I forgot to respond about the screen.css charset problem - I meant to say thanks for forwarding the issue
- 23:53:39 [karl]
- karl has joined #html-wg
- 23:55:25 [bitcrumb]
- bitcrumb has joined #html-wg
- 23:58:33 [karl]
- done