13:23:51 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 13:23:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/08/08-sweo-irc 13:23:59 rrsagent, set log public 13:24:22 Meeting: SWEO Weekly Telco, 2007-08-08 13:24:27 Chair: Susie 13:52:38 Susie has joined #sweo 13:56:48 LeeF_ has left #sweo 13:56:54 LeeF_ has joined #sweo 13:58:09 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 13:58:18 +susie 13:58:24 zakim, code? 13:58:26 the conference code is 7936 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), LeeF_ 13:58:46 zakim, dial ivan-home 13:58:46 ok, ivan; the call is being made 13:58:47 +Ivan 13:59:18 +LeeF 13:59:57 +dunja 13:59:58 Dunja has joined #SWEO 14:00:08 +??P5 14:00:21 +Jeff_Schiffel 14:00:55 uldis has joined #sweo 14:02:55 leobard has joined #sweo 14:03:21 +??P11 14:03:34 Zakim, ??P11 is me 14:03:34 +bengee; got it 14:03:51 +??P13 14:03:56 Zakim, ??P13 is leo 14:03:56 +leo; got it 14:03:59 item1: progress report on the SemWeb flyer 14:04:12 Dunja gives an update 14:04:24 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/group/wiki/Semantic_Web_Flyer 14:04:26 developed a new mockup 14:05:11 good progress 14:05:55 item2: progress with the logos 14:06:11 not much happened due to people being on vacations 14:06:25 waiting for the designer 14:06:29 +Kingsley_Idehen 14:06:48 hoping to have the next round of logos within the next 2 weeks 14:07:03 kidehen has joined #sweo 14:07:04 item3: use cases 14:07:10 ivan reporting 14:07:16 got 2 case studies 14:07:33 one from Pharma Surveyour 14:08:00 (Susie met them at the Semantic Technology event in San Jose) 14:08:07 another entry from Vodafone 14:08:28 technology they developed some time ago for selling ringtones, ... 14:08:50 also have 2 coming, from Norway 14:09:25 one organised by Kjetil 14:10:11 now have 21 case studies and use cases 14:11:25 Miles Davis (?) has shared some material with Susie 14:11:44 s/Miles/Mills/ 14:12:03 item4: information gathering update 14:12:07 leo reporting 14:12:12 yes 14:12:18 dealing with Fatherhood 3.0 14:12:29 kingsley and leo had emails exchange on it, continuing work on info gathering 14:12:56 congratulations! 14:13:06 but it is going quite slow now for the summer 14:13:19 congratulations to Kingsley! :) 14:14:12 yes, congratulations! 14:15:02 question to Leo re. incorporating feedback from TAG 14:15:16 will submit the document as a SWEO note 14:16:04 Susie: will be nice if we can put more energy into community projects 14:16:26 Susie will contact Kjetil and see what we can do 14:17:22 next item: SWEO has another ~6 months to run. what should we be focusing on during this time? 14:17:52 e.g., should we be focusing on a meeting with industry people to promote the SemWeb 14:17:59 or more collateral materials, ... 14:18:32 one area: highlighting the materials that are the best in this area, that help to understand the SemWeb quickly 14:18:46 any other activities we should be focusing on? 14:19:27 there are a number of working group proposals. 14:19:50 -Jeff_Schiffel 14:20:26 +Jeff_Schiffel 14:20:36 Jeff was saying: what could we do to make people better be aware of these activities 14:21:15 LeeF_ has joined #sweo 14:21:29 Ivan: 2 different things 14:21:47 SOON! 14:22:48 one thing is "life after it is finished" 14:23:23 what we could be doing for SPARLQ and for GRDDL 14:24:35 one newsgroup post - re. merger of Web2.0 and SemWeb into Web3.0 14:25:27 survey of press around the semantic web, and having a selection of the best articles available 14:25:32 would be a good thing 14:27:07 isn't that part of the information gathering? :) 14:28:18 we have not been doing collecting of press articles in the info gathering task so far 14:28:47 but identifying the best [articles,...] is valuable 14:29:31 there's an organisation being set up in Europe, called SDI 14:29:40 s/SDI/STI2 14:29:42 (i think) 14:29:55 collection of the institutes working on the SemWeb 14:30:29 funding to develop courses and tutorials for the SemWeb 14:30:36 the money will be available on January 14:30:52 had a phone discussion, agreed that in September they would join SWEO 14:31:27 we should develop some form of co-operation so that they develop the courses, and SWEO can review the courses and make them become a more concise curriculum for the SemWeb 14:31:48 http://www.sti2.org/ 14:32:55 agenda finished 14:33:16 -bengee 14:33:18 -Jeff_Schiffel 14:33:19 -Kingsley_Idehen 14:33:19 -susie 14:33:20 -dunja 14:33:20 -Ivan 14:33:22 -??P5 14:33:23 -leo 14:33:30 -LeeF 14:33:32 thanks, bye 14:33:32 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 14:33:33 Attendees were susie, Ivan, LeeF, dunja, Jeff_Schiffel, bengee, leo, Kingsley_Idehen 14:33:42 uldis has left #sweo 14:35:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:35:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/08/08-sweo-minutes.html ivan 14:38:06 bengee has left #sweo 15:40:32 KjetilK has joined #sweo 16:01:48 oh, no, did I get here too late? 16:02:16 KjetilK, call was two hours ago :P 16:02:18 err 16:02:19 :) 16:03:01 two hours...? 16:03:09 oh well... :-( 16:03:27 how's it going, LeeF_? 16:08:37 not too badly - doing a lot of work trying to pull together the DAWG's test suite 16:08:48 how about you, KjetilK? 16:09:51 nice 16:09:56 got a new job 16:10:05 pretty ok so far 16:10:13 we just need to win the contracts now 16:10:24 had a pretty nice meeting with a potential client today 16:10:32 What sort(s) of industry? 16:11:12 that's a library system, publically funded, lots of RDF, open source 16:11:20 quite fun 16:11:25 yeah, that does sound great :) 16:11:29 yup 16:11:58 it'll be either Jena or Redland, though 16:12:05 still haven't had time to look into R 16:12:07 errr 16:12:09 Boca 16:12:35 we think we have a very good chance of winning that contract 16:12:41 Boca's status is a bit up in the air, in any case, since there's no one left at IBM supporting it :-/ 16:12:46 :-( 16:12:49 that's really sad 16:13:08 Trying to figure out if there's another alternative, but probably need a few weeks to explore options 16:13:18 yeah... 16:13:35 anyone left of the group working there? 16:32:10 Zakim has left #sweo 16:34:36 RRSAgent, bye 16:34:36 I see no action items