18:01:58 RRSAgent has joined #sml 18:01:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc 18:02:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:02:02 Zakim, this will be XMLSML 18:02:02 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot-ng 18:02:03 Meeting: Service Modeling Language Working Group Teleconference 18:02:05 Date: 28 June 2007 18:02:15 zakim, this will be smlxml 18:02:15 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, plh 18:02:23 zakim, list conferences? 18:02:23 I don't understand your question, plh. 18:02:26 zakim, list conferences 18:02:26 I see XML_SMLWG()2:00PM, WAI_UAWG()2:00PM active 18:02:27 also scheduled at this time is WAI_EOWG(UMTF)2:00PM 18:02:41 zakim, this will be xml_smlwg 18:02:41 ok, plh, I see XML_SMLWG()2:00PM already started 18:02:48 scribe: Valentina 18:02:53 +Plh 18:03:01 Meeting: SML weekly meeting June 28 2007 18:03:43 ginny has joined #sml 18:04:12 chair: John 18:05:13 + +1.206.782.aaaa 18:05:28 Jim2 has joined #sml 18:05:38 topic: roll call 18:05:40 Bassam has joined #sml 18:06:19 regrets from Brian, Sandy, MSM, Paul Lipton 18:06:29 +ginny 18:06:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 18:06:55 On the phone I see Kirk, Valentina, John, James_Lynn, Plh, +1.206.782.aaaa, ginny 18:07:12 zakim, aaaa is Bassam 18:07:12 +Bassam; got it 18:08:02 topic: approval of last week minutes 18:08:16 resolution: June 21 minutes approved 18:08:28 topic: minutes f2f minutes 18:08:51 resolution: minutes from f2f meeting ( June 11-13) have been approved 18:10:34 +??P9 18:12:13 Marv has joined #sml 18:12:41 zakim, who is on the phone? 18:12:41 On the phone I see Kirk, Valentina, John, James_Lynn, Plh, Bassam, ginny, ??P9 18:12:55 zakim, ??p9 is Marv 18:12:55 +Marv; got it 18:17:17 Topic: Scribing and tracking actions to the editors, before the review of open items 18:17:36 Jim2 has joined #sml 18:17:43 Bassam: proposes to track all editorial actions in bugzilla 18:18:18 Bassam: editors have decided to use bugzilla when working on a change 18:18:56 Kirk: maybe the person who propose a change should enter this action in bugzilla 18:19:15 Marv, not Kirk 18:19:39 s/Kirk/Marv 18:19:57 s/Kirk/Marv 18:20:23 s/Kirk/Marv/ 18:20:42 plh: can the editors take the task of opening bugzilla for actions? 18:21:38 john: can Bassam close this issue with Paul ? 18:22:13 action: Marv to talk to Paul and decide on the right approach for opening bugzilla on actions 18:22:13 Sorry, couldn't find user - Marv 18:22:53 s/Marv/Marvin 18:23:11 action: Marvin to talk to Paul and decide on the right approach for opening bugzilla on actions 18:23:23 Created ACTION-96 - Talk to Paul and decide on the right approach for opening bugzilla on actions [on Marvin Waschke - due 2007-07-05]. 18:24:21 john: done with item 5? 18:24:27 agreed 18:26:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Jun/0177.html 18:26:50 topic: opene actions 18:26:59 s/opene/open 18:28:25 plh: review action http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Jun/0177.html 18:30:25 plh: review action http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/sml/actions/83 a proposal has been submitted here http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Jun/0177.html 18:33:55 bassam: two URI's with different users are considered to be the same ? 18:34:01 plh: not sure 18:37:35 bassam: if we say something about comparison then we should consider user, port as well, not only fragment identifiers 18:38:20 bassam: we shold look at the usecases to decide on this 18:41:14 bassam: if comparison is done on unresolved URI then this should be a string comparison 18:42:07 plp: I think this section requires more work to describe URI comparison 18:42:41 john: there is information about this in the document 18:43:15 bassam: there is a difference between resolved and parsed 18:43:35 plp: we really need some sample to understand what we want to achieve 18:44:09 s/plp/plh 18:45:40 bassam: in smlif any relative uri are using a base uri defined at the document level 18:46:10 bassam: historically the main reason for adding the base uri is to be able to have URI comparison 18:48:15 resolution: section 2.3.6 - first section is incorrect 18:48:30 s/2.3.6/3.3.6/ 18:49:55 action: phillipe to review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal 18:49:55 Sorry, couldn't find user - phillipe 18:50:28 action: phillippe to review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal 18:50:28 Sorry, couldn't find user - phillippe 18:50:41 action: philippe to review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal 18:50:41 Created ACTION-97 - Review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 2007-07-05]. 18:52:07 Resolution: close action 83 18:54:38 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Jun/0178.html 18:54:42 topic: action 93 18:55:21 plh: propose to replace URI with IRI 18:55:51 plh: IRI is backward compatible with URI 18:56:27 bassam: is the IRI based implementation the same as for URI ? 18:56:39 plh: not sure 18:56:54 s/implementation/comparison/ 18:57:55 Jim has joined #sml 19:01:03 bassam: need to investigate IRI comparison 19:01:15 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3987.txt 19:02:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:02:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-minutes.html Valentina 19:04:59 bassam: .Net seems to have IRI support in a newer version 19:05:06 plh: what about java ? 19:05:40 ACTION: on Marvin to investigate IRI support in java 19:05:40 Sorry, couldn't find user - on 19:05:55 action: Marvin to investigate IRI support in java 19:05:56 Created ACTION-98 - Investigate IRI support in java [on Marvin Waschke - due 2007-07-05]. 19:08:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2007Jun/0179.html 19:10:22 topic: proposal on action 89 for presenting summary changes in draft documents 19:11:22 Sandy's sample is this : http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2004/06/xmlschema-1/structures.consent.20070309.html 19:17:18 agreed to do a simple xml diff on the draft versions and apply a stylesheet to create the higlights 19:18:21 action: Virginia to investigate how to run the xml diff for sumarizing draft changes 19:18:21 Created ACTION-99 - Investigate how to run the xml diff for sumarizing draft changes [on Virginia Smith - due 2007-07-05]. 19:19:03 resolution: close action 89 19:20:50 topic: action 5 Designate normative and non-normative sections when editing. 19:21:00 john: this is an editor action 19:21:16 Marv: will move this to bugzilla 19:21:31 resolution: Marv will move this to bugzilla 19:21:37 topic: bugzilla defects 19:23:15 john: while we are reviewing bugzilla, one of the editor will update bugzilla at the same time 19:23:27 Jinny volunteered to do that 19:23:35 bug 4643 19:24:08 don't need 4643 for the first draft 19:24:44 bug 4644 - not required for FPWD 19:25:35 absent: milan 19:25:56 bug 4647 - not required for FPWD 19:26:52 bug 4651- required for FPWD 19:27:18 bug 4652 - not required for FPWD 19:30:01 bug 4655 - depends on 4811 - will be closed 19:30:22 s/depends/dup 19:31:41 bug 4656 - there are a couple of bug related to this ( either dependent or different wording ) 19:32:01 s/bug/bugs 19:32:31 bug 4656 - should be done for FPWD 19:37:33 correction : 4656 will not be targeted but priority set to p1 19:37:46 4657 will not be targeted but priority set to p1 19:38:58 kwilson2 has joined #sml 19:42:50 Kirk has joined #sml 19:43:29 4658 - fix this in FPWD 19:43:54 4659 - already done by Bassam; it should be closed 19:45:14 4665 - not required for the FPWD 19:45:52 4666 - not required for FPWD 19:47:23 Jinny : not all defects are editor actions; people should go to bugzilla and work on bugzilla which are tracking workgroup actions 19:48:16 bassam: assumed that bugzilla is only for editorial actions; everything else is using the action system 19:49:16 plh: there are two tracking systems because we can't assign an action to editors 19:52:27 bassam: why not use only one system for tracking the entire work; we can use bugzilla only and not the action system 19:53:16 ?? : the only think we are missing by not using the action system is the integration with IRC 19:53:30 ??= bassam 19:53:46 s/??/bassam 19:54:27 s/??/bassam 19:55:17 Jinny: let's not use the action system for editorial actions 19:56:14 john: Paul cares about this and he is not here 19:57:44 john: let's have a written proposal on this 19:58:36 john: Marv will take this action 19:58:45 absent: Zulah 19:59:01 4673 - not required for FPWD 19:59:43 resume to 4675 20:00:20 -Kirk 20:00:33 -Valentina 20:00:35 -Bassam 20:00:36 -James_Lynn 20:00:36 -ginny 20:00:38 -Marv 20:00:41 -Plh 20:01:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-minutes.html plh 20:01:20 johnarwe has left #sml 20:01:25 zakim, drop john 20:01:25 John is being disconnected 20:01:27 XML_SMLWG()2:00PM has ended 20:01:29 Attendees were Kirk, Valentina, John, James_Lynn, Plh, +1.206.782.aaaa, ginny, Bassam, Marv 20:01:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-minutes.html plh 20:03:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:03:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-minutes.html Valentina 20:06:20 rrsagent, bye 20:06:20 I see 8 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-actions.rdf : 20:06:20 ACTION: Marv to talk to Paul and decide on the right approach for opening bugzilla on actions [1] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T18-22-13 20:06:20 ACTION: Marvin to talk to Paul and decide on the right approach for opening bugzilla on actions [2] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T18-23-11 20:06:20 ACTION: phillipe to review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal [3] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T18-49-55 20:06:20 ACTION: phillippe to review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal [4] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T18-50-28 20:06:20 ACTION: philippe to review this action 83 based on the current discussion and come up with a new proposal [5] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T18-50-41 20:06:20 ACTION: on Marvin to investigate IRI support in java [6] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T19-05-40 20:06:20 ACTION: Marvin to investigate IRI support in java [7] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T19-05-55 20:06:20 ACTION: Virginia to investigate how to run the xml diff for sumarizing draft changes [8] 20:06:20 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/28-sml-irc#T19-18-21