13:35:20 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 13:35:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/27-xhtml-irc 13:35:33 rrsagent, make log public 13:35:56 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Weekly Teleconference 13:36:09 Regrets: Rich, Tina 13:36:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Jun/0030 13:36:52 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Jun/0030 13:37:01 Chair: Steven 13:55:15 alessio has joined #xhtml 13:55:47 hallo all 14:00:48 hi 14:01:51 zakim, dial steven-617 14:01:53 yamx has joined #xhtml 14:01:54 sorry, Steven, I don't know what conference this is 14:02:01 zakim, this will be xhtml 14:02:10 ok, Steven, I see IA_XHTML2()10:00AM already started 14:02:15 zakim, who is here? 14:02:16 On the phone I see Gregory_Rosmiata, ??P32, [IPcaller] 14:02:21 zakim, dial steven-617 14:02:24 On IRC I see yamx, alessio, RRSAgent, Zakim, ShaneM, Steven, krijnh 14:02:28 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:02:30 +Steven 14:02:39 zakim, ??P32 is Alessio 14:02:42 +Alessio; got it 14:02:44 zakim, [ip is ShaneM 14:02:46 +ShaneM; got it 14:02:58 +??P37 14:03:17 zakim, ??P37 is yamx 14:03:17 +yamx; got it 14:03:29 Regrets+Mark 14:06:01 Topic: Charter 14:06:12 Scribe: Shane 14:06:47 http://www.w3.org/2007/03/XHTML2-WG-charter.html 14:07:10 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml-roadmap/ 14:07:23 Steven is working with Chris to sort this out. 14:08:09 Topic: Last Call Review of GRDDL 14:08:10 I have a question on charter.(yam) 14:09:28 ACTION: Shane will review editors draft of GRDDL 14:10:08 ACTION: Steven to reply to GRDDL review request 14:10:09 My question is that XHTML2 and charter refer all to DOM2Event, but I wonder that DOM3Event is needed for namespaced events (e.g. SVG) 14:12:04 Unfortunately there is no DOM3 event spec yet. The intent is that XML Events 2 will rely upon DOM3 events if there is one. 14:12:46 OK. It seems like OMA and W3C XHTMLWG have the same concerns. 14:12:53 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/ 14:12:56 The WebAPI WOrking group is responsible for producing DOMEvents 3 14:13:07 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html 14:16:28 Topic: XHTML Basic Test Results 14:16:54 We got test results from the OMA on the mobile profile. Steven and Shane had some questions. 14:17:16 There are a lot of tests, but only a small subset are of interest to this working group (around 70). 14:18:14 Some tests were not run, but there was no indication as to why. Yam indicated that it was either because the feature was not supported or because they ran out of time. 14:18:31 -Alessio 14:19:13 Yam also said that @inputmode was not really tested because it was optional, and because there was no test material for it. It is up to the W3C to provide test materials for that feature (and for the target attribute). 14:19:46 Steven is concerned that because all the tests have not been run we cannot use the test results as a mechanism to exit CR. 14:22:09 Steven asks whether these results would mean the spec was complete to the OMA? Yam says no, it is still a candidate. 14:22:18 alessio_ has joined #xhtml 14:23:07 +??P43 14:23:20 zakim, ??P43 is Alessio 14:23:20 +Alessio; got it 14:24:18 Steven asks what we actually need to test for inputmode? Since it is just a hint and it is optional. Yam agrees that it is optional. 14:24:40 Steven points out that target is also just a hint, so is in the same situation. 14:26:07 Steven states that these test results are only interim, and we cannot use them to exit CR. We will need to wait for future test fest results that indicate all tests are run and pass before. 14:26:34 For tests that were not yet run.... we can just wait until the next test fest and hope that we get better results. 14:28:57 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Drafts/xhtml2 14:29:25 Topic: Role and Access Modules 14:29:29 Still working on updates. 14:29:33 Topic: XHTML 2 draft 14:29:40 need to put out a new public draft. 14:29:42 Topic: CURIES 14:30:13 Not really worth discussing without Mark. Nothing to report from the RDFa task force with regards to this as yet. 14:31:36 Topic: XHTML M12N 14:31:55 Steven still needs to get back to the XML Schema working group. Otherwise we are ready to go. 14:32:27 Topic: Access Module (again) 14:32:48 scribe: Steven 14:33:02 Shane: I had an action item to add an attribute 14:33:12

raise = CDATA

14:33:12 14:33:12

The raise attribute defines the DOM2EVENTS event that 14:33:12 should be raised with respect to the target when the access shortcut is invoked. The default value for this is "focus". 14:33:12 The following events are permitted: 14:33:14 DOMFocusIn, DOMActivate, click, mousedown, mouseup, mouseover. 14:33:14 ... that specified the event that should be trigger 14:33:17

14:33:21 s.trigger/triggered/ 14:33:54 Shane: We need to limit the collection of events 14:34:01 ... to those that make sense within DOM2 14:34:14 ... which unfortunately don't include key events 14:37:08 Steven thinks this list may be too platform oriented. 14:37:21 Shane (defensively) said that DOM2EVENTS is all we have to work from. 14:39:38 zakim, who is noisy? 14:39:51 Steven, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Alessio (99%) 14:40:01 zakim, mute alessio 14:40:01 Alessio should now be muted 14:40:03 zakim, mute me 14:40:03 sorry, alessio_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:40:28 zakim, mute Alessio 14:40:28 Alessio was already muted, alessio_ 14:41:37 SShane: THis module is for XHTML 1.*, so we can't depend on XML Events 14:41:41 Steven: I understand 14:41:49 s/SS/S/ 14:41:59 Gregory: I have been looking at Events 14:42:14 ... assistive technology is going to trigger audio events 14:42:33 ... who is going to take care of this on the Backplane? 14:42:59 ... We have a number of use cases around this 14:43:31 ... The backplane should take responsibility for this 14:44:10 Steven: Al Gilman is on the backplane group 14:44:34 Gergory: CSS2.1 has deprecated audial stuff 14:44:46 ... and CSS3 has 2 modules 14:45:00 ... so I am representing WAI trying to sort this out 14:45:38 -Alessio 14:46:47 +[IPcaller] 14:46:59 zakim, [IPcaller] is Alessio 14:47:00 +Alessio; got it 14:47:51 Steven: THe backplane has taken on this work, so we need to wait on them to come up to speed 14:48:22 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/2006/backplane/ 14:48:48 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/Group/Drafts/1.1/intent-based-events.html 14:49:15 -Alessio 14:49:40 Shane: Should we link access and role? 14:49:49 Steven: It would make access more useful 14:51:30 ... ANYBODY OBJECT? 14:51:34 [SILENCE] 14:51:38 sTEVEN: sO RESOLVED 14:51:56 -ShaneM 14:51:57 -Gregory_Rosmiata 14:51:57 -yamx 14:51:59 IA_XHTML2()10:00AM has ended 14:52:01 Attendees were Gregory_Rosmiata, Steven, Alessio, ShaneM, yamx 14:52:09 [Adjourned] 14:52:29 zakim, who is here? 14:52:29 apparently IA_XHTML2()10:00AM has ended, Steven 14:52:31 On IRC I see alessio_, RRSAgent, Zakim, ShaneM, Steven, krijnh 14:52:39 rrsagent, make minutes 14:52:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/27-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 14:55:11 alessio has joined #xhtml 14:56:22 s/scribe: Shane/scribe: ShaneM/ 14:56:27 rrsagent, make minutes 14:56:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/27-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 14:57:06 s/Scribe: Shane/Scribe: ShaneM/ 14:57:11 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/27-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 14:57:42 I'm sorry, tried to reconnect but very bad line... 15:07:03 bye all :) 15:45:18 Lachy has joined #xhtml 17:05:05 Zakim has left #xhtml