14:24:54 RRSAgent has joined #xproc 14:24:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/07-xproc-irc 14:24:58 zakim, this will be xproc 14:24:58 ok, Norm; I see XML_PMWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 36 minutes 14:25:00 Meeting: XML Processing Model WG 14:25:02 Date: 7 June 2007 14:25:04 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/05/24-agenda.html 14:25:06 Meeting number: 70, T-minus 22 weeks 14:25:08 Chair: Norm 14:25:10 Scribe: Norm 14:25:12 ScribeNick: Norm 14:26:28 s/22 weeks/21 weeks/ 14:50:59 MoZ has joined #xproc 14:51:52 Norm, please accept my phone regrets, I will stay on IRC 14:53:46 Ok 14:54:46 avernet has joined #xproc 14:55:47 alexmilowski has joined #xproc 14:57:04 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has now started 14:57:11 +Norm 15:00:34 +??P5 15:00:38 zakim, ? is avernet 15:00:38 +avernet; got it 15:00:40 +Alex_Milowski 15:00:54 richard has joined #xproc 15:01:18 +??P8 15:01:22 zakim, ? is me 15:01:22 +richard; got it 15:02:37 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:02:37 On the phone I see Norm, avernet, Alex_Milowski, richard 15:03:35 zakim, please call ht-781 15:03:35 ok, ht; the call is being made 15:03:36 +Ht 15:05:08 Andrew has joined #xproc 15:05:47 +??P12 15:05:49 zakim, ? is Andrew 15:05:49 +Andrew; got it 15:05:56 Present: Norm, Alessandro, Alex, Richard, Henry, Andrew 15:06:02 Regrets: Paul, Mohamed, Michael, Rui 15:06:12 Topic: Accept this agenda? 15:06:13 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/06/07-agenda.html 15:06:16 Accepted 15:06:21 Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 15:06:21 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/05/24-minutes.html 15:06:26 Accepted 15:06:35 Topic: Next meeting: telcon 14 May 2007 15:06:40 s/May/June/ 15:07:23 Norm will be calling from JFK, Henry to chair in his absence 15:07:49 Topic: Using context position to count iterations through a loop 15:09:27 Henry summarizes his mail 15:09:35 -> @@ 15:10:45 s/@@/http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-wg/2007Jun/0092.html 15:17:35 Henry's message clearly raises a substantial issue; defer to email again. 15:18:42 Richard reminds us why position() doesn't work for most of the cases of for-each 15:19:23 Richard: Consider the second step of the subpipeline inside a for-each; the position() in that step refers to the output from the first step, not the for-each 15:20:42 Topic: Parameters 15:20:49 Zakim, what is the code ? 15:20:49 the conference code is 97762 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), MoZ 15:21:45 + +66135aaaa 15:21:49 Norm: Is anybody unhappy with the revised proposal that I sent for the next draft? 15:22:17 Henry: I can go either way, but I have to say I like the nested approach better than the attributes case. 15:22:49 Zakim, aaaa is MoZ 15:22:49 +MoZ; got it 15:24:17 Henry meant the p:use-parameter-set element instead of the attribute. 15:24:34 Henry: That removes the need for an inherits attribute. 15:24:58 Norm: Anyone feel strongly the other way? 15:25:07 Norm: I'm happy to implement it that way instead. 15:25:34 Norm asks the question again. 15:26:06 Henry: It's not clear how this effects the vanilla case. 15:28:37 Some discussion of elements vs attributes (@use-parameter-set vs p:use-parameter-set) 15:29:45 Mohamed: I think it's totally equal to have elements or attributes. 15:29:50 ...But I prefer to have elements. 15:31:24 Alex: I prefer the attribute syntax, but I'm not going to stand in the way of progress. 15:31:40 The proposal is accepted 15:31:54 Topic: What's the default for steps that don't specify any parameter sets? 15:32:08 Norm: I think its either none or the parameters from the pipeline 15:32:28 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:32:28 On the phone I see Norm, avernet, Alex_Milowski, richard, Ht, Andrew, MoZ 15:32:43 Mohamed: Are we talking about parameters and options or just parameters? 15:32:45 Norm: Just parameters. 15:34:42 Straw poll: 2 for none, 2 for pipeline, 2 concur, and 1 abstain 15:35:17 Norm: The editor will do something and mark the issue unresolved. 15:35:27 Topic: Cardinality of inputs 15:37:04 Norm attempts to explain the 0 or 1 case 15:38:59 Some discussion of using p:count and choose to deal with the optional input anyway 15:39:17 Henry: It feels like creeping featurism, but I want the 90% case to still not require any more work. 15:39:54 Henry: I'm not happy if I have to specify two attributes to get 0 or more. 15:41:27 Norm: Anyone opposed to this change? 15:41:36 Henry: I don't prefer to make it, but I could live with it. 15:41:45 Henry: Any advocates on the call? 15:41:47 Nope 15:42:18 Let's leave it for a week and do a straight vote next week. 15:42:40 Topic: # p:head/p:tail and secondary outputs 15:42:46 s/# p/ p/ 15:44:13 Henry: I'm opposed to secondary outputs by simply grabbing the input a second time and inverting the test. 15:45:12 Norm: I'm sort of in the same camp, I fear the overhead of dealing with ignored secondary outputs. 15:46:06 Henry: We've got a natural tension between some folks who think if a small number of components will do it, we're done, and others who think that if there are common assemblies, we should make components for them. 15:46:21 Mohamed: When I proposed p:head/p:tail, I thought it would be like lisp where you could get both. 15:46:45 ...Head and tail have the semantics of capturing both 15:46:51 s/both/both to me/ 15:47:13 Mohamed: Since we can't make a recursive call, I think it would sometimes be a lot simpler to have two different answers. 15:47:57 Henry: I think there's some value to that position. If the proposal is to replace p:head and p:tail with p:split-sequence, that's more attractive. 15:49:23 The observation that split-sequence is matching-documents is made 15:49:50 Richard: This starts to sound like a for-each with a choose in it. 15:50:05 Henry: Split-sequence without a secondary output is just the same as matching documents. 15:51:36 Richard: If it's equivalent to that, we should have a separate step, but maybe it should be made more general. 15:52:07 q+ 15:52:07 ...A step that takes a sequence input and produces a set of sequence outputs with a set of tests to determine which documents go to which outputs. 15:52:33 Henry: We don't have anything at the moment with arbitrary number of outputs. 15:53:35 Some discussion... 15:53:45 Henry: It would be like p:choose with branches that have guards. 15:53:55 ...I think the 80/20 point is achieved by Mohamed's proposal. 15:54:16 ack alexmilowski 15:54:38 Alex: I just want to point out that head and tail have to do with counting. 15:54:54 ...There are a number of options that could be used to specify a range. 15:54:57 head and tail really are just sub-cases of matching-documents 15:55:20 Alex: One proposal would be to combine head and tail into one sort of "subrange" component. 15:55:57 position()>5 and position()<10 15:56:16 Alex: But you can't do what tail does. 15:56:20 Norm: I agree 15:56:28 Henry: You can if we take the hard decision about last() 15:56:38 Richard: I think we're doing this in the wrong order. 15:57:12 ...Whether we want these special steps on position depends on whether the general steps will do what we want. 15:58:59 Henry: My current position is that, keeping Paul's advice firmly in mind, no p:head, no p:tail, no p:matching-documents, only p:split-sequence with two outputs. 15:59:23 Henry: And allow last() to really be the real context size. 16:00:19 Mohamed: Now if we have last(), we don't need to have p:count 16:00:51 Some discussion of whether or not this is true; consensus that it isn't. 16:00:58 We still need p:count. 16:01:36 Henry: This gets us back to the the discussion at the beginning, what's the XPath context in the runtime. 16:03:00 Norm: I don't think we'll get final consensus on this until we've settled position() so I'll let this hang for another week as well. 16:03:18 Topic: Any other business? 16:03:19 None 16:03:35 -Ht 16:03:39 -Andrew 16:03:40 -avernet 16:03:41 -Norm 16:03:43 -richard 16:03:44 -MoZ 16:03:45 -Alex_Milowski 16:03:45 alexmilowski has left #xproc 16:03:46 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has ended 16:03:47 Attendees were Norm, avernet, Alex_Milowski, richard, Ht, Andrew, +66135aaaa, MoZ 16:03:54 rrsagent, please make logs world visible 16:03:54 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make logs world visible', Norm. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:04:02 rrsagent, please make logs world-visible 16:04:08 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:04:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/07-xproc-minutes.html Norm 18:01:03 Zakim has left #xproc 20:14:44 Norm has joined #xproc