14:46:50 RRSAgent has joined #er 14:46:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/21-er-irc 14:46:57 Zakim has joined #er 14:47:05 zakim, this will be ert 14:47:05 ok, shadi; I see WAI_ERTWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 13 minutes 14:47:12 meeting: ERT WG 14:47:17 chair: Shadi 14:47:24 regrets: Reinhard 14:47:55 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2007Mar/0084.html 14:48:12 agenda+ Changes to HTTP Vocabulary in RDF Editor's Draft 14:48:20 zakim, code? 14:48:20 the conference code is 3794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), shadi 14:56:21 JohannesK has joined #er 14:59:20 WAI_ERTWG()11:00AM has now started 14:59:38 + +1.310.410.aaaa 14:59:49 zakim, aaaa is really Shadi 14:59:49 +Shadi; got it 15:01:07 +ThomasT 15:01:34 Zakim, ThomasT is really JohannesK 15:01:34 +JohannesK; got it 15:01:59 -Shadi 15:02:27 +Shadi 15:04:01 CarlosI has joined #er 15:06:41 regrets: Reinhard, CarlosV 15:06:50 regrets: Reinhard, CarlosV, David 15:07:31 +abel 15:07:58 zakim, abel is really CarlosI 15:07:58 +CarlosI; got it 15:08:37 scribe: CarlosI 15:09:38 SAZ: several comments about HTTP in RDF 15:09:49 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2007Mar/0082 15:10:10 SAZ: some quite important, so maybe we should put HTTP in RDF on hold 15:11:09 SAZ: try to decide which should we address before publication 15:12:07 SAZ: proposal to add text at section 1 to clarify the scope of the vocabulary 15:13:27 CI: could help people to focus comments on scope 15:13:55 RESOLUTION: add clarification of the vocabulary scope at section 1 15:16:26 SAZ: pospone discussion about timestamps 15:16:31 JK: agree 15:16:35 CI: +1 15:16:55 RESOLUTION: pospone discussion about timestamps 15:19:24 SAZ: add some kind of blurb about the conventions for values normalization? 15:20:45 CI: useful, but could wait 15:22:17 yep 15:22:28 SAZ: no clear idea right now about how it should like 15:24:00 SAZ: jump to #4 for the moment, decide on # later 15:24:47 SAZ: #4 is something that is not a core feature of the vocabulary 15:25:17 RESOLUTION: pospone discussion about http:transcript 15:28:22 SAZ: #5 feedback requesting unified mechanism to access properties, right now we have differences between named properties and unknow properties 15:30:25 SAZ: implies a substantial change on the model 15:32:03 SAZ: the change provide more benefits than problems 15:32:15 SAZ: don't see any negative impact 15:32:52 JK: message header with two properties: name and values 15:33:23 JK: with the new approach the name is no necessary any more 15:34:45 JK: you have to create a new class or subclass for unknow properties 15:34:52 SAZ: don't think so 15:35:20 e.g. foo:X-Fun owl:subClassOf http:MessageHeader 15:38:50 SAZ: the field name should be fixed 15:39:04 JK: how to model a fixed field name? 15:40:32 SAZ: are you saying it's not possible? 15:41:41 SAZ: we need to wait for alternatives 15:44:20 JK: proposal is ... 15:44:46 JK: http:header -> http:MessageHeader 15:45:13 JK: http:MessageHeader http:fieldName http-h:accept 15:45:32 JK: http:MessageHeader http:fieldValue "text/html" 15:47:43 RESOLUTION: change the name properties of header to resource values using the owl:oneOf approach 15:47:44 15:50:54 15:52:31 ACTION: JK to take his proposal about owl:oneOf to the mailing list for further discussion and refinement 15:53:12 JK has just done his action 15:53:31 -CarlosI 15:54:09 +CarlosI 15:54:43 JK: fieldName can have Literal or (collection of) HeaderElement 15:55:25 JK: HeaderElement has properties elementName (required), elementValue (optional), several param 15:55:52 s/fieldName/fieldValue 15:56:26 JK: Param has properties paramName and paramValue 15:57:19 elementName is Literal, elementValue is Literal, param should be Param 15:58:03 header = [ element ] *( "," [ element ] ) 15:58:03 element = name [ "=" [ value ] ] *( ";" [ param ] ) 15:58:03 param = name [ "=" [ value ] 15:58:52 RESOLUTION: adopt the Jakarta method for header element values 15:59:37 SAZ: clarification of what XML mean in the algorithm 15:59:59 SAZ: already disscused but not transmited 16:00:19 RESOLUTION: refine description of the algorithm 16:00:39 SAZ: right now fixed list of response codes 16:01:24 SAZ: response code class right now is oneOf a fixed list 16:01:42 SAZ: we can add another oneOf thing for generic responses 16:02:28 RESOLUTION: provide mechanism for extensible response code 16:03:28 SAZ: if we have a sequence of request we may want to record them as they came 16:03:54 JK: a Collection is ordered 16:04:36 SAZ: in that case it's a simple fix 16:05:16 RESOLUTION: describe the sequence of request in the Conection class 16:05:34 SAZ: back to #3 16:06:25 SAZ: proposal to try to address it editorially 16:07:22 RESOLUTION: (editors) add blurb on normalization conventions 16:09:15 SAZ: could you incorporate changes? 16:09:31 JK: yes 16:10:03 -JohannesK 16:10:05 -Shadi 16:10:09 -CarlosI 16:10:11 WAI_ERTWG()11:00AM has ended 16:10:12 Attendees were +1.310.410.aaaa, Shadi, JohannesK, CarlosI 16:10:33 zakim, bye 16:10:33 Zakim has left #er 16:10:40 rrsagent, make logs world 16:10:45 rrsagent, make minutes 16:10:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/21-er-minutes.html shadi 16:10:46 rrsagent, make logs world 16:10:53 rrsagent, bye 16:10:53 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/21-er-actions.rdf : 16:10:53 ACTION: JK to take his proposal about owl:oneOf to the mailing list for further discussion and refinement [1] 16:10:53 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/21-er-irc#T15-52-31