13:56:29 RRSAgent has joined #databinding 13:56:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/20-databinding-irc 13:56:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:56:31 Zakim has joined #databinding 13:56:33 Zakim, this will be DBWG 13:56:33 ok, trackbot; I see WS_DBWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 4 minutes 13:56:34 Meeting: Databinding WG Teleconference 13:56:34 Date: 20 March 2007 13:59:46 gcowe has joined #databinding 14:00:31 WS_DBWG()10:00AM has now started 14:00:32 scribe: pauld 14:00:35 chair: pauld 14:00:41 +George_Cowe 14:00:44 zakim, code? 14:00:45 the conference code is 3294 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), pauld 14:01:11 +Paul_Downey 14:01:13 -George_Cowe 14:01:17 +George_Cowe 14:01:32 +Yves 14:04:36 Topic: barf dancing 14:04:50 lots of stuff being chopped out 14:05:27 + +44.141.220.aaaa 14:07:31 yves: can we distinguish between examples we exclude beacuse of barf dancing and those we exclude because of broken examples 14:07:46 yves: we also have some broken examples 14:08:52 pauld: please make sure you don't commit broken instance documents! 14:09:00 yves: need reviewing 14:09:17 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/examples/6/09/ 14:10:30 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/examples/6/09/DateSimpleTypePattern/#DateSimpleTypePattern02 14:10:34 this one is easy to fix 14:11:49 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/examples/6/09/AttributeReference/AttributeReference-AttributeReference01.xml 14:11:56 ACTION: gcowe to review and fix instance documents which fail validation 14:11:57 Created ACTION-121 - Review and fix instance documents which fail validation [on George Cowe - due 2007-03-27]. 14:12:56 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/examples/6/09/AttributeReference/ 14:14:39 pauld: not clever to make attribute names "telno" we should make it "integerAttribute" or some such to avoid semantics 14:14:51 yves: looks like a toolkit problem after all 14:14:59 yves: we need to do a re-run 14:15:41 pauld: wondering if a realisic time frame is ahead of the F2F 14:16:29 Topic: administrivia 14:16:55 approval of minutes 14:17:53 next F2F 18-20th April, will send out logistics 14:19:47 planning for Wed-Thurs to be testing, Friday to be processing issues and the documents 14:22:40 pauld: please look to the Action Items list 14:24:00 Topic: ISSUE-2: test suite 14:24:32 yves: having to do lots of caching, 14:24:43 yves: needs more cosmetics 14:24:58 pauld: main concern is the accuracy 14:25:23 yves: we have tests marked as failed, need to be sure it's not my comparison 14:25:46 gcowe: on the failures - are you deciding by looking at the HTTP response, body? 14:26:00 yves: just comparing SOAP envelope 14:28:18 pauld: the perl captures the HTTP headers for extra info, but a standalone Java command would be ideal 14:28:29 gcowe: working on such a thing 14:30:22 pauld: each toolkit has a http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/edcopy/toolkits/php5_php_5.2.0/toolkit.xml 14:32:16 pauld: contains per-toolkit info for the report 14:33:51 pauld: the excludes, some are because of the examples are broken 14:34:19 gcowe: I'd like to test just basic or advanced patterns 14:35:17 yves: i've managed to do this in dashboard.java 14:37:39 gcowe: spent too much time on the barf dancing, excluding tests, now working on building the output.xml file 14:37:59 pauld: would like to wrap this up as a zip file so others can supply tests 14:38:11 yves: edit the makefile to add a new test report 14:38:51 pauld: have a couple of tests up my sleeve from non-java kits 14:39:17 pauld: thanks for all your hard work, I need to catch up with it 14:39:40 agenda+ ISSUE-12: identifying a conformant schema 14:39:53 s/agenda+/Topic:/ 14:40:04 pauld: nothing to report here, sorry 14:41:33 .. interesting news from IBM: http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/purexml 14:41:51 .. looks like work around the databinding for DB2 14:42:09 .. does anyone have DB2 experience/expertise? 14:42:26 gcowe: have some experience, but not using it currently 14:43:20 pauld: haven't quite understood it, yet, looks interesting for us 14:45:22 Topic: ISSUE-103 - Cyclic References 14:45:42 jonc: wondering about raising more complex issues 14:45:52 .. around this issue 14:46:17 jonc: has some Java to test this, should we be looking to reuse this - as a post-processing step? 14:46:27 .. views anyone? 14:46:39 gcowe: haven't looked at the java code you sent 14:47:22 jonc: same issue applies to extension and element reference 14:51:10 pauld: valid issue, rasied at the original workshop, but how do we test it, do we need Java? 14:52:02 jonc: we could add this to the Java command which tests a schema 14:52:59 pauld: other tests we could add for assertions, eg. UTF-8 14:53:43 pauld: is this a pattern or an assertion? 14:54:08 jonc: I'd like to see this tested for as it's easily added almost by accident 14:54:45 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/edcopy/basic/basic.html#assertionsummary 14:55:44 pauld: note Philippe also added a useful appendix on the schema types and elements used within Basic and Advanced patterns 14:57:47 jonc: could be useful to cite the other examples 14:58:22 pauld: think we could write something generically around the component model 14:58:58 .. suggest adding the same constraint to the other examples 14:59:07 pauld: is this for Basic or Advanced? 14:59:35 jonc: pathalogically cyclic dependencies shouldn't be Basic 14:59:58 .. e.g mandatory links 15:00:10 .. with minOccurs="1" 15:04:42 - +44.141.220.aaaa 15:04:44 -George_Cowe 15:04:46 -Yves 15:04:47 -Paul_Downey 15:04:48 WS_DBWG()10:00AM has ended 15:04:50 Attendees were George_Cowe, Paul_Downey, Yves, +44.141.220.aaaa 15:04:59 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:04:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/20-databinding-minutes.html pauld 15:05:11 rrsagent, make minutes public 15:05:11 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', pauld. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:05:17 rrsagent, make logs public