14:52:29 RRSAgent has joined #swd 14:52:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-swd-irc 14:52:37 rrsagent, bookmark 14:52:37 See http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-swd-irc#T14-52-37 14:52:39 JonP has joined #swd 14:53:02 zakim, this will be swd 14:53:02 ok, TomB; I see SW_SWD()11:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 14:53:10 Meeting: SWD WG 14:53:15 Chair: Tom Baker 14:53:46 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2007Mar/0060.html 14:54:31 Regrets Ben, Elisa, Simone, Guus, Sean, Antoine 14:55:37 Previous: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2007Mar/0021.html 14:56:02 rrsagent, please make record public 14:58:23 SW_SWD()11:00AM has now started 14:58:30 +??P10 14:58:58 Scribe: JonP 14:59:03 Scribenick: JonP 14:59:56 +Jon_Phipps 15:00:34 +??P46 15:00:38 dlrubin has joined #swd 15:00:45 zakim, Jon_Phipps is me 15:00:48 +JonP; got it 15:03:08 +??P55 15:04:13 berrueta has joined #swd 15:05:48 Resolved: accept minutes of 6 March teleconference 15:06:17 http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html 15:06:46 +CarlosI 15:06:47 ajm65 has joined #swd 15:06:51 http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html#action01 15:06:55 --continues 15:06:57 zakim, CarlosI is me 15:06:58 +berrueta; got it 15:07:41 http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html#action02 15:07:50 --done 15:08:13 http://www.w3.org/2007/02/27-swd-minutes.html#action17 15:08:18 --continues 15:09:02 ACTION: Ralph get tracker to watch public-swd-wg@w3.org [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html#action01] 15:09:11 --continues 15:09:37 ACTION: Guus to check if Amsterdam can be F2F venue [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/27-swd-minutes.html#action17] 15:09:40 ACTION: Tom to formulate questions about June f2f, Ralph will set up WBS. [recorded in w3c:/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html#action02] 15:09:42 --continued 15:10:14 ACTION: Tom to formulate questions about June f2f, Ralph will set up WBS. [recorded in w3c:/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html#action02] 15:10:19 --done 15:10:37 ACTION: Guus to check if Amsterdam can be F2F venue [recorded in w3c:/2007/02/27-swd-minutes.html#action17] 15:10:40 --continues 15:11:09 ACTION: Elisa and Sean to review SKOS editor's draft http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/UCRMaterial?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ucr-20070306.html by 27 March [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/06-swd-minutes.html#action04] 15:11:12 --continues 15:11:21 ACTION: Alan to write down the general documentation requirements, in particular to those that are related to literal values, and how to represent that in skos [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/22-swd-minutes.html#action09] 15:11:24 --continues 15:11:32 ACTION: Alan to write up the preferredLabel modelling issue [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/22-swd-minutes.html#action01] 15:11:35 --continues 15:11:44 ACTION: Guus to propose resolution to SKOS issue 26 circa 15 March for discussion on 20 March [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/27-swd-minutes.html#action09] 15:11:47 --continues 15:13:15 ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to Recipe issue 1.3 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/22-swd-minutes.html#action14] 15:13:18 --continues 15:13:30 ACTION: Elisa to summarize state of Vocabulary Management draft, add comments, and coordinate work [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/23-swd-minutes.html#action06] 15:13:35 --continues 15:18:06 TomB: wanted to have a vote on the RDFa use cases this week, but there aren't enough attendees to form a quorum 15:18:17 ...so this is postponed 15:18:57 zakim, regrets+ michael 15:18:57 I don't understand 'regrets+ michael', JonP 15:19:08 Regrets+ Michael 15:19:23 Call is adjourned. 15:19:43 [adjourned] 15:19:51 zakim, list attendees 15:19:51 As of this point the attendees have been TomB, JonP, dlrubin, Alistair, berrueta 15:20:02 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:20:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-swd-minutes.html TomB 15:20:34 JonP, you can correct http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-swd-minutes.html and send to RalphS? 15:21:53 how long does it usually take to gen the minutes? 15:23:04 The minutes are there already. 15:23:35 I'm getting a 404 at that link 15:23:51 It works for me... 15:24:14 ...still not working? 15:24:51 oddly, had to switch browsers 15:25:42 I just sent it to you in email. 15:29:34 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/Deliverables 15:30:04 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/SkosIssues 15:35:09 -dlrubin 15:35:10 -Alistair 15:35:11 -berrueta 15:35:21 dlrubin has left #swd 15:37:55 action: Alistair updates SKOS section of deliverables page based on proposed restructuring of documents cited in he previous email to the group 15:38:11 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:38:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/13-swd-minutes.html TomB 15:44:29 -TomB 15:44:33 -JonP 15:44:34 SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended 15:44:35 Attendees were TomB, JonP, dlrubin, Alistair, berrueta