14:46:38 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 14:46:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc 14:46:47 rrsagent, set log public 14:53:51 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 14:53:57 +??P1 14:54:30 leobard has joined #sweo 14:54:34 hi 14:54:44 Dunitschka has joined #SWEO 14:55:11 somebody is early 14:55:14 dialing in... 14:55:23 zakim, dial ivan-617 14:55:23 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:55:24 +Ivan 14:55:44 zakim, ??p1 is kingsley 14:55:44 +kingsley; got it 14:56:23 +Karen 14:56:40 Karen has joined #sweo 14:57:06 wing has joined #sweo 14:58:14 danja has joined #sweo 14:58:31 +[IBMCambridge] 14:58:49 + +44.190.827.aaaa 14:58:52 zakim, ibmcambridge is wing 14:58:53 +wing; got it 14:59:01 zakim, aaaa is martin 14:59:02 +martin; got it 14:59:12 + +49.895.480.aabb 14:59:21 zakim, aabb is dunja 14:59:22 +dunja; got it 14:59:40 Susie has joined #sweo 15:00:21 patranja has joined #sweo 15:00:41 +Susie 15:01:25 Regrets: Pasquale Popolizio, Dave Rooks, Uldis Bojars, Tassilo Pellegrini 15:02:04 +PaulaP 15:02:18 + +63.12.057.aacc 15:02:52 +[IPcaller] 15:03:00 Zakim, IPcaller is me 15:03:00 +kjetilk; got it 15:03:32 I am scribe 15:03:57 bengee has joined #sweo 15:04:04 scribenick: leobard 15:04:32 +Orri_Erling 15:05:18 +[IPcaller] 15:05:19 susie: kjetil: updates on community projects? 15:05:43 Zakim, IPcaller is bengee 15:05:43 +bengee; got it 15:05:51 kjetilk: a new text on the mailinglist about community projects 15:06:32 susie: would it be good to organize a hacker community meeting to get things started? 15:07:14 kjetilk: face to face is good, but I am not sure if travelling and ... is good for this 15:07:25 susie: what about a conference and colocating it? 15:07:32 kjetilk: perhaps ISWC/ESWC 15:08:08 susie: There is the Semantic Technology conference 15:08:10 one is Vienna, one in Innsbruck 15:08:24 +1 15:08:25 Dunitschka: the semantic technology is in vienna 15:09:04 action: talk next week about possible conference on hacking 15:09:43 Leo discussing what RDF formats to use for InfoGathering. 15:10:36 Leo has problem in that there isn't concensus on the best approach 15:11:34 kidehen: leo: my perspective is that when we locate resource that fall into different categories 15:12:07 kidehen: the important thing is to be able to identify items like atom/rss 15:12:27 kidehen: SIOC is being modified at the moment, it was motivated with dicsussion forums and blogs 15:12:38 kidehen: SIOC we want to make it more generic 15:13:00 kidehen: as long as it is a standard format, we will import it 15:13:18 kidehen: there is no conflicts between SIOC and data 15:13:46 +[IPcaller] 15:14:07 q+ 15:14:11 Zakim, [IPcaller] is danja 15:14:11 +danja; got it 15:14:24 leobard: so lets use the current proposal of RDFvocabs and say we are open for more 15:14:38 kidehen: I can put the data gathering software on a W3C server 15:14:58 kidehen: part of dbpedia project, we can make a SWEO part of it 15:15:22 ivan: first issue: checked the wiki, made some small additions 15:15:33 ivan: one point is bibtex 15:16:13 leobard: if we stress this now, I would go to the stuff bibsonomy.org uses 15:16:24 ivan: I use bibsonomy.org, fine with me 15:16:41 leobard: I have contact with them, we can fix bugs (Robert) 15:17:24 ivan: second issue: kingsley was asking ... one thing is developing and installing it, second is maintaining it 15:17:41 ivan: if its successfull, we have to be ready for a blast 15:17:49 ivan: we may face an overload 15:17:57 Zakim, mute me 15:17:57 danja should now be muted 15:18:04 (dog noise) 15:18:17 ivan: we have to keep this running forever 15:18:29 kidehen: temporary solution: I have servers 15:18:57 kidehen: data is peanuts compared to what I already handle 15:19:09 kidehen: my server provides a rdf dump 15:22:08 leo: I see three steps, A is agree on a data format, B is gathering the source data, C is displaying it user friendly 15:22:22 leo: A seems to be done, B and C have to be coordinated now 15:22:57 kidehen: is there rdf sources out there? 15:23:09 yes 15:23:09 ivan: there are... dave becket, book list, bibsonomy, ... 15:23:18 ivan: w3c has some talks metadata 15:25:46 leobard: if we as SWEO propose a format, people will love it 15:25:54 leobard: we have to agree on A 15:26:43 we need to updaet http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/DataVocabulary 15:26:50 and http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/ClassificationOntology 15:27:53 susie: I would like this is done next week, 15:27:55 +1 to Susie - anything that can be turned into concrete actions is good 15:28:00 susie: I would blog about the results 15:28:20 action: discuss on this wiki pages until next week: http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/ClassificationOntology 15:28:46 action: finish discussion on this wiki page unitl next week: http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/DataVocabulary 15:28:50 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/ 15:28:54 planetrdf++ ! 15:29:21 action: leobard: contact Alistair from SKOS if he has a decent SKOS editor 15:29:52 leobard, I suggest breaking out another page on the wiki 15:30:10 danja: go for it 15:30:12 "Data sources" or similar, taking stuff from "Existing data and People involved" onwards 15:30:30 danja: its on InformationGathering, scroll down 15:30:39 danja: go to http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering 15:30:53 susie: Karen, progress report? 15:31:00 yeah, but all on same page - could be split into more manageable chunks 15:31:13 Karen: Wing and I are going to work more tomorrow 15:31:33 danja: yes, do that! (please, do it, collaborate :-) 15:31:43 there is only one skos editor atm, and it has to be installed locally afaik 15:31:44 leobard, ok :-) 15:32:04 susie: use cases are slowly dropping in 15:32:26 final report on use cases next week.. 15:33:24 susie: we made a more user friendly version of the bt use case 15:33:44 susie: revised version of other use case just got back 15:33:48 susie: total of four use cases 15:33:59 susie: we have to format them before publishing 15:34:18 action: susie - how to format the use cases before publishing 15:35:01 ivan: ian gave us free hand, 15:35:26 ivan: we need someone with marketing experience 15:35:29 for reference - 15:35:29 http://alistair.cockburn.us/index.php/Sampler_of_good_%26_bad_use_cases 15:35:51 karen 15:35:51 (scroll down and it has guidelines) 15:36:13 karen: I will look into the format 15:36:43 action: susie - send Karen input for formatting use cases 15:37:30 leobard, there is a skos editor called ThManager available at http://thmanager.sourceforge.net/ 15:37:55 bengee: please link this page from the classificationontology 15:38:00 'k 15:38:09 +1 Susie 15:39:31 susie: there was some feedback on FAQ 15:39:51 kjetilk: there has been .... but its quite good as it is 15:40:26 ivan: I took more input from ... and added it to the faq 15:40:45 ivan: I would love more input comparing traditional search engines with semantic web 15:41:40 q+ 15:41:47 ack ivan 15:41:56 kidehen: I blogged about google base recently, its related 15:42:48 action: kidehen write an e-mail to ivan about this blog post about google base 15:42:55 "Is the Semantic Web another search engine?" 15:43:05 ack karen 15:43:13 Zakim, unmute me 15:43:13 danja should no longer be muted 15:43:14 susie: I asked danny ayers to review FAQ 15:43:42 Karen: there was confusion between search engines and semantic web 15:43:47 (make it an action item for me if you like) 15:44:06 Karen: use cases showing a combination/reuse are good 15:44:37 ivan: the postings about microformats are the approach that is good 15:45:05 susie: danja to review faq 15:45:06 zakim, who is here? 15:45:06 On the phone I see PaulaP (muted), +63.12.057.aacc, kjetilk, Orri_Erling, bengee, danja, kingsley, Ivan, Karen, wing, martin, dunja, Susie 15:45:08 On IRC I see bengee, PaulaP, Susie, danja, wing, Karen, Dunitschka, leobard, RRSAgent, Zakim, kidehen, kjetilk, martind, ivan, LeeF 15:45:41 there is another danja in LiveJournal (has FOAF) attractive Russian girl 15:45:59 susie: anything else to say? 15:46:13 bye 15:46:14 -Orri_Erling 15:46:15 -Susie 15:46:15 -kingsley 15:46:17 -Karen 15:46:17 -martin 15:46:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:46:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-minutes.html ivan 15:46:18 -wing 15:46:19 -dunja 15:46:19 could someone say the magic to the bot? 15:46:22 -PaulaP 15:46:24 - +63.12.057.aacc 15:46:26 kidehen has left #sweo 15:46:28 leo, I am doing it... 15:46:28 -kjetilk 15:46:31 wing has left #sweo 15:46:33 martind has left #SWEO 15:46:33 -danja 15:46:35 -bengee 15:46:35 rrsagent, bye 15:46:35 I see 7 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-actions.rdf : 15:46:35 ACTION: talk next week about possible conference on hacking [1] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-09-04 15:46:35 ACTION: discuss on this wiki pages until next week: http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/ClassificationOntology [2] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-28-20 15:46:35 ACTION: finish discussion on this wiki page unitl next week: http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/DataVocabulary [3] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-28-46 15:46:35 ACTION: leobard: contact Alistair from SKOS if he has a decent SKOS editor [4] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-29-21 15:46:35 ACTION: susie - how to format the use cases before publishing [5] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-34-18 15:46:35 ACTION: susie - send Karen input for formatting use cases [6] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-36-43 15:46:35 ACTION: kidehen write an e-mail to ivan about this blog post about google base [7] 15:46:35 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-sweo-irc#T15-42-48 15:46:35 thx 15:46:45 -Ivan 15:46:46 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 15:46:47 Attendees were Ivan, kingsley, Karen, +44.190.827.aaaa, wing, martin, +49.895.480.aabb, dunja, Susie, PaulaP, +63.12.057.aacc, kjetilk, Orri_Erling, bengee, danja 15:46:48 zakim, bye 15:46:48 Zakim has left #sweo