15:54:41 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:54:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-hcls-irc 15:55:02 rrsganet, make set minutes public 15:55:17 rrsagent, make set minutes public 15:55:26 rrsganet, set minutes public 15:55:42 rrsagent, set minutes public 15:55:59 rrsagent, make minutes public 15:55:59 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', eneumann. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:56:10 rrsagent, set minutes world-visible 15:56:10 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set minutes world-visible', eneumann. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:56:25 rrsagent, set log public 15:56:38 rrsagent, set minutes world-visible 15:56:38 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set minutes world-visible', eneumann. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:56:49 chimezie has joined #hcls 15:56:57 rrsagent, set log world-visible 15:57:17 (waves to chime) 15:58:55 hey Eric 15:59:50 Tonya has joined #hcls 16:00:35 Zakim, who is on the phone 16:00:35 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', chimezie 16:00:40 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:00:40 sorry, chimezie, I don't know what conference this is 16:00:42 On IRC I see Tonya, chimezie, RRSAgent, Zakim, eneumann, ericP 16:01:55 Tonya and Vipul are on the conference line 16:02:09 waves to tonya and vipul 16:02:34 Don has joined #hcls 16:04:33 zakim, this is #hcls 16:04:33 sorry, eneumann, I do not see a conference named '#hcls' in progress or scheduled at this time 16:04:45 zakim, this is hcls 16:04:48 ok, eneumann; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 16:04:56 zakim, who is here? 16:04:56 On the phone I see +1.301.975.aaaa, Eric_Neumann, Chimezie_Ogbuji, Tanya_Hongsermeier, Susie, Don_Doherty, Olivier_Bodenreider 16:04:58 On IRC I see Don, Tonya, chimezie, RRSAgent, Zakim, eneumann, ericP 16:05:03 alanr has joined #hcls 16:05:14 Susie has joined #hcls 16:05:16 +Kei_Cheung 16:06:59 trouble calling in 16:07:10 something with zakim. I'll try again 16:07:31 vipul has joined #hcls 16:07:43 zakim, tonya is scribe 16:07:43 sorry, eneumann, I do not recognize a party named 'tonya' 16:07:57 zakim, scribe is tonya 16:07:57 sorry, eneumann, I do not recognize a party named 'scribe' 16:08:11 scribe is Tonya 16:08:23 Zakim, scribe is Tonya 16:08:24 sorry, chimezie, I do not recognize a party named 'scribe' 16:08:29 rrsagent, scribe is Tonya 16:08:29 I'm logging. I don't understand 'scribe is Tonya', eneumann. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:08:38 scribe: Tonya 16:11:02 +Alan 16:11:02 DSE draft notes are at: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Drug_Safety_and_Efficacy/SDTM_Notes_Draft_1.0 16:11:14 BIONT notes at http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/OntologyTaskForce/W3CNotes 16:12:41 ivan has joined #hcls 16:12:50 zakim, dial ivan-home 16:12:50 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:12:51 +Ivan 16:13:36 hi ivan 16:13:50 who owns then, the URI note? 16:13:57 FYI, I need to leave the call early today 16:14:08 BioRDF documents are at: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Documents 16:14:14 Jonathan has sent out several drafts of it already 16:16:29 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Documents?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=getting-information.txt 16:17:51 Messy minutes from Monday http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2007-02-26_Conference_Call 16:18:59 http://esw.w3.org/topic/CategoryHclsig 16:20:19 Echo on the phone! 16:20:34 -> http://www.w3.org/2006/10/03-hcls-minutes.html Minutes of October's f2f 16:20:36 this may help 16:20:45 on the phone, on the phone, on the phone.... 16:23:05 F2F action items: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/F2F/Actions 16:25:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hcls-dse/2007JanFeb/0025.html 16:25:37 can this echo be suppressed? 16:26:35 zakim, mute me 16:26:35 Ivan should now be muted 16:26:48 sorry guys... 16:28:09 eric is on his way moving from Paris to Boston... 16:29:00 Details for Monday's meeting: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2007-03-05_Conference_Call 16:29:50 q+ 16:30:03 q- 16:30:35 q+ 16:30:59 -Ivan 16:31:08 zakim, dial ivan-home 16:31:08 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:31:10 +Ivan 16:31:16 zakim, mute me 16:31:16 Ivan should now be muted 16:31:31 and I do not hear anybody...:-( 16:31:32 http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/ 16:31:36 zakim, drop me 16:31:36 Ivan is being disconnected 16:31:37 -Ivan 16:31:44 http://simile.mit.edu/exhibit/ 16:31:54 zakim, dial ivan-home 16:31:54 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:31:56 +Ivan 16:32:06 zakim, mute me 16:32:06 Ivan should now be muted 16:32:45 Imaging, querying by gene, browsing gensat. 16:32:45 Integration - demo query before mapping, query after mapping. 16:32:45 Query - specificity - do google, do sparql. 16:32:45 RDB - SQL then Sparql discovery, (ask classes, ask properties, look at a few simple queries) 16:32:45 Browsing - Show timeline, show graph, show table generated from same data 16:33:56 q? 16:34:09 ack vipul 16:41:42 q+ 16:42:17 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/OntologyTaskForce/Ontologization_for_Transitive_Closure_Inferences/Examples 16:42:34 ack zakim 16:42:41 unmute yourself ivan 16:42:47 zakim, unmute me 16:42:47 Ivan should no longer be muted 16:48:42 -Alan 16:49:21 please suppress echo again? 16:49:29 zakim, mute me 16:49:29 Ivan should now be muted 16:52:32 eric, tonya, can you stay on for a few minutes after the meeting? 16:53:47 zakim, unmute me 16:53:47 Ivan should no longer be muted 16:53:56 -Olivier_Bodenreider 16:54:16 -Susie 16:54:17 -Kei_Cheung 16:54:18 - +1.301.975.aaaa 16:54:18 -Chimezie_Ogbuji 16:54:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:54:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/01-hcls-minutes.html eneumann 16:54:57 -Don_Doherty 16:55:10 bye rrsagent 16:55:17 rrsagent, bye 16:55:17 I see no action items