10:00:16 RRSAgent has joined #er 10:00:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc 10:00:22 Zakim has joined #er 10:00:26 topic: pointers 10:01:37 If you have a range pointer (and anyway), you need to know whether pointers like linecharpointers refer to a range of one character/byte/etc or to a point just befre/after them (which is conceptually pure and beautiful but seems the wrong choice) 10:19:24 JohannesK has joined #er 10:19:46 [discussion and refinement of pointers proposal by Johannes] 10:20:02 action: Johannes to send proposal to the list 10:20:22 do we need a pointer that points to a resource as a hole not to a part of a resource?, something like a ResourcePointer with just a reference property 10:20:26 scribe: chaals, shadi, JohannesK, CarlosI 10:21:26 action: Jim to read f2f minutes, consider proposals, and update the draft document accordingly 10:21:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 10:21:46 RRSAgent, make minutes 10:21:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-minutes.html shadi 11:04:10 Topic: EARL 1.0 Schema 11:04:23 Known Issues: http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/EARL10/issues 11:05:06 Current WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-EARL10-Schema-20060927/ 11:05:24 New internal draft: http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/EARL10/WD-EARL10-Schema-20070222 11:14:33 ACTION: Shadi to say that recommended practice is to use foaf:name and one of foaf:mbox or foaf:mbox_sha1sum more clearly, and that foaf:organization should have foaf:homepage and foaf:name 11:15:51 Using other RDF (e.g. Dublin Core) to more extensively describe the organisation is recommended. 11:16:05 ACTION: Chaals to write an example organisation 11:22:57 RESOLUTION: Drop example 7 - it is as confusing as helpful and we prolly don't really need it anyway. 11:24:33 ACTION: Shadi, make the result have one outcome property 11:26:20 RESOLUTION: Change earl:instance to earl:pointer 11:27:31 Should the pointer be restricted 11:28:01 CMN: Don't think so, but recommend using pointer:pointer and making the ponter:reference be the earl:testSubject 11:41:06 CI: what about several test subjects? for example, testing consistent navigation on 10 pages at the same time, how to record 10 test subjects in EARL? 11:41:39 11:42:04 SAZ: either earl:TestSubjects, earl:WebContents, or >=1 earl:subject properties per assertion 11:42:24 CI & JK: don't like the latter, prone for missuse 11:50:00 solution: 11:50:41 ... 11:50:43 ... 11:50:45 ... 11:50:56 11:52:04 RESOLUTION: describing multiple test subjects must be explained in the EARL 1.0 Guide 11:52:29 action: CarlosV and JK to implement this in the guide 11:57:22 CI: can still be misused, for example to summarize several assertions into one 11:57:44 ...can not be checked automatically, must be interpreted by the use case 11:59:53 JK: how about using the dc:hasPart of the TestSubject class (to point to several sub-parts of a test subject) 12:04:04 CI: still have some concerns, need to think about it 12:04:35 action: SAZ to update example 7 accordingly (show the usage of multiple test subjects) 12:05:24 action: CI to think about usage of dc:hasPart in TestSubject 12:11:06 Zakim has left #er 12:30:24 [discussion on earl:info -do we need a more elaborate warnings mechanism?] 12:30:55 general impression: info depends on the test case descriptions 12:31:17 CMN: leave the range of the info open so that people can subclass it or use it differently 12:33:27 restricting it to Literal is a Very Bad Idea™ 12:33:32 SAZ: concerned about possible misuse, could add an earl:warning property when the time comes 12:35:00 action: SAZ think about the usage of earl:info and bring to the mailing list as needed 12:40:49 JibberJim has joined #er 12:41:32 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:41:37 RRSAgent, make minutes 12:41:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-minutes.html shadi 13:54:03 CarlosI has joined #er 13:54:26 JohannesK has joined #er 13:57:25 JohannesK_ has joined #er 14:15:39 chaals has joined #er 14:17:29 SAZ: Think about test subjects that are an http protocol - e.g. if you are testing serve headers, how do we do that? 14:38:02 [discussion about proposal to have earl:Content and drop WebContent & FileContent -see picture] 14:39:55 SAZ: source of the content is open, context is optional 14:40:30 example 1: for Web content, the source is either the actual response from the server or the URI if don't want to record the full content 14:41:01 the context is the HTTP interaction with the server that was used to retrieve the source 14:41:02 DanC_lap has joined #er 14:41:13 RRSAgent, pointer? 14:41:13 See http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T14-41-13 14:41:37 example 2: for file content, the source is either the actual file source or it is the file name 14:42:00 the context is the filename if the source is provided, empty otherwise 14:44:43 chaals has changed the topic to: ERT channel. Face to face meeting - http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2007/02/f2f-agenda 14:46:02 you can make one now 14:48:20 CMN: source property is always a copy of the actual content, leave empty if not recording the actual content 14:48:57 SAZ: i am testing http://www.example.org/mypage.html, don't want to record the page in my report, what do i say? 14:49:16 CMN: don't put a source, put the URI in the context 14:49:41 ...the source is the content, the context is information about how you got it 14:50:24 SAZ: in analogy, the same applies to file content 14:51:53 SAZ: should encourage the usage of HTTP vocab for the context, even if not recording the source or the body stuff 14:53:55 axtion: SAZ drop date property from the content class (that's all context stuff) 14:54:01 action: SAZ drop date property from the content class (that's all context stuff) 14:56:50 RESOLUTION: keep the schema normative and the terms informative (to avoid any discrepancies -in case of inconsistencies, the schema in the spec (appendix A) wins) 15:00:51 action: SAZ remove foaf:Person from earl:SingleAssertor (its a subclass of foaf:Agent) 15:01:18 SAZ: what if someone wants to define their own assertor? 15:01:37 CMN: subclass foaf:Agent, which can be pretty much anything anyway 15:06:05 SAZ: both earl:Software and earl:Content are not subclasses of earl:TestSubject, still we use them as testsubjects 15:06:27 CMN: does the property earl:subject have earl:TestSubject as its range? 15:06:29 SAZ: yes 15:06:57 CMN: then anything at the end of that property will be parsed as a TestSubject 15:07:25 SAZ: it only has to adhere to any TestSubject restrictions (currently there are actually no restrictions) 15:08:54 action: SAZ add "suggested types" column and add earl:Content and earl:Software there (as opposed to having them in "allowable types") 15:10:40 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:10:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-minutes.html shadi 15:13:07 agenda+ Using EARL in the GRDDL working group 15:13:26 Topic: Using EARL in the GRDDL working group 15:13:30 I don't have any slides, but I'm happy to skype in and walk thru some web pages and code 15:13:40 you want to show us stuff? 15:14:02 (what is the question we are trying to answer) 15:14:27 dunno what question. this is just an experience report 15:14:40 OK, that woud be great. 15:14:44 wanna skype me? 15:14:52 Or work through IRC.. 15:16:31 we are muted... 15:16:41 but we can hear you! :) 15:17:01 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/test_results 15:17:22 waiting for FF 15:17:28 ah, they got there too :) 15:18:22 a test: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1#projectsSpreadsheet 15:18:42 2 15:19:24 application/rdf+xml attachment: raptor_earl.rdf 15:19:41 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/Makefile 15:19:43 DanC: We have two implementation reports in EARL. The raptor 1 is online 15:20:30 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/testlist1#earl_out 15:20:37 $ python testft.py \ 15:20:38 --tester 'dan.rdf#dwc' \ 15:20:38 --project 'grddlft.rdf#grddl_py' \ 15:20:38 --run your_grddl_impl \ 15:20:38 testlist1.rdf >earl_out.rdf 15:20:38 All tests were passed! 15:21:10 DanC: If you tell it about you and the project it gives you EARL... 15:21:20 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/earlsum.py 15:21:32 and out comes the table... http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/test_results 15:23:30 does earl have vocabulary for saying "target AA consists of tests 1 thru 6"? 15:24:10 this is part of a test case description language 15:24:20 yes, cannot tell 15:24:58 CMN: No, we rely on saying "this RDF (== some result for AA) is equivalent to that result (== some result for each of tests 1 through 6)" 15:24:58 yeah... 15:24:59 15:24:59 15:24:59 15:25:00 danc: the outcomes of a test are specified here: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-EARL10-Schema-20060927/#validitylevel 15:25:12 I had convinced myself that you could do that in OWL, a few years ago. 15:25:27 so perhaps on the TestResult, I could just not put a validity, but put an rdfs comment a la "I don't claim to pass nor fail; I claim the test is broken" 15:26:04 owl doesn't have part/whole as a built-in 15:26:59 to say {a} = {b,c,d} is to say that b=c=d=a 15:27:23 right. Say {a} = {b+c+d} 15:28:27 ACTION: CMN to follow this up and figure it out again. 15:29:44 the cost of namespace change goes up over time 15:30:14 it's OK to have a "subject to change without notice" policy around your namespace while you're working on it 15:30:25 or "subject to changes agreed in the ER WG" 15:30:26 yeah, but painful in practice. 15:30:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-er-ig/2004Sep/0001 15:30:54 ACTION: Shadi to make sure DanC is the first to know about namespace changes. 15:30:57 ok, unless there are any questions; shall I ring off? 15:31:12 danc, see examples of OWL usage 15:31:13 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-er-ig/2004Sep/0001 15:31:30 (I just convinced myself of a reasonable way to say "the test is broken") 15:31:54 DanC: The short answer is "it works" 15:31:59 danc, what's wrong with using earl:cannotTell as a result then use dc:description to say the test is broken? 15:32:23 if you coin "cannot tell" or "test materials disputed", then I'll probably use them. 15:32:33 we have cannotTell 15:32:39 danc: the outcomes of a test are specified here: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-EARL10-Schema-20060927/#validitylevel 15:32:42 ah! news to me. 15:32:45 but we are unlikely to coin "testDisputed" 15:32:50 IMHO 15:33:21 thanks for experience report and implementation! 15:34:28 re 2004Sep/0001, I should probably take an action, but I won't be around when the action is tracked. I would appreciate a reminder in a week or two. 15:35:16 action: SAZ send DanC the OWL stuff 15:38:01 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:38:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-minutes.html shadi 16:03:53 CarlosI_ has joined #er 16:19:42 rrsagent, bye 16:19:43 I see 15 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-actions.rdf : 16:19:43 ACTION: Johannes to send proposal to the list [1] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T10-20-02 16:19:43 ACTION: Jim to read f2f minutes, consider proposals, and update the draft document accordingly [2] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T10-21-26 16:19:43 ACTION: Shadi to say that recommended practice is to use foaf:name and one of foaf:mbox or foaf:mbox_sha1sum more clearly, and that foaf:organization should have foaf:homepage and foaf:name [3] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T11-14-33 16:19:43 ACTION: Chaals to write an example organisation [4] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T11-16-05 16:19:43 ACTION: Shadi, make the result have one outcome property [5] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T11-24-33 16:19:43 ACTION: CarlosV and JK to implement this in the guide [6] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T11-52-29 16:19:43 ACTION: SAZ to update example 7 accordingly (show the usage of multiple test subjects) [7] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T12-04-35 16:19:43 ACTION: CI to think about usage of dc:hasPart in TestSubject [8] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T12-05-24 16:19:43 ACTION: SAZ think about the usage of earl:info and bring to the mailing list as needed [9] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T12-35-00 16:19:43 ACTION: SAZ drop date property from the content class (that's all context stuff) [10] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T14-54-01 16:19:43 ACTION: SAZ remove foaf:Person from earl:SingleAssertor (its a subclass of foaf:Agent) [11] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T15-00-51 16:19:43 ACTION: SAZ add "suggested types" column and add earl:Content and earl:Software there (as opposed to having them in "allowable types") [12] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T15-08-54 16:19:43 ACTION: CMN to follow this up and figure it out again. [13] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T15-28-27 16:19:43 ACTION: Shadi to make sure DanC is the first to know about namespace changes. [14] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T15-30-54 16:19:43 ACTION: SAZ send DanC the OWL stuff [15] 16:19:43 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/23-er-irc#T15-35-16