IRC log of htmltf on 2007-02-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:59:51 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #htmltf
13:59:51 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:00:00 [mhausenblas]
zakim, aaaa is mhausenblas
14:00:01 [Zakim]
+mhausenblas; got it
14:00:07 [Steven]
14:00:20 [Steven]
Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda:
14:00:32 [Steven]
zakim, dial steven-617
14:00:34 [Zakim]
ok, Steven; the call is being made
14:00:36 [Zakim]
14:00:49 [Steven]
zakim, who is here?
14:00:49 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, wing, Ben_Adida, Steven
14:00:50 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, wing, MarkB_, benadida, Steven, Zakim, RalphS, mhausenblas
14:01:18 [Steven]
zakim,who is on the call?
14:01:18 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, wing, Ben_Adida, Steven
14:01:33 [Steven]
missing ? mhausenblas
14:02:06 [Zakim]
14:02:11 [Zakim]
14:02:26 [EliasT]
EliasT has joined #htmltf
14:02:35 [Zakim]
14:02:38 [MarkB_]
zakim i am ?
14:02:45 [RalphS]
Steven: suggest we move to irc channel #rdfa
14:02:48 [RalphS]
Ralph: =1
14:02:56 [EliasT]
Zakim, who's on the phone?
14:02:56 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, wing, Ben_Adida, Steven, Elias_Torres, Ralph, ??P26
14:02:57 [RalphS]
Ralph: +1
14:03:00 [mhausenblas]
14:03:04 [EliasT]
Zakim, Elias_Torres is me
14:03:04 [Zakim]
+EliasT; got it
14:03:08 [wing]
14:03:19 [Steven]
Meeting: RDFa Taskforce weekly teleconference
14:03:26 [Steven]
Chair: Ben
14:03:42 [Steven]
zakim, code?
14:03:42 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7927 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Steven
14:04:10 [MarkB_]
14:04:23 [mhausenblas]
14:04:28 [Steven]
RESOLUTION: Take the call to irc channel #rdfa next week
14:04:45 [RalphS]
RESOLVED: telecon name, code, and irc channel will be RDFA starting next week
14:04:47 [Steven]
RESOLUTION: Change the zakim code to rdfa (7332)
14:04:55 [Steven]
14:04:59 [RalphS]
q+ to note US holiday on 19 Feb
14:05:26 [RalphS]
q+ to note US holiday on Steven's birthday
14:05:31 [Steven]
14:06:17 [RalphS]
Previous: 2007-02-05
14:06:26 [Steven]
14:07:07 [EliasT]
Zakim, pick a victim
14:07:07 [Zakim]
Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ??P26
14:07:27 [RalphS]
zakim, who's on the call?
14:07:27 [Zakim]
On the phone I see mhausenblas, wing, Ben_Adida, Steven, EliasT, Ralph, ??P26
14:07:33 [EliasT]
Zakim, ??P26 is MarkB_
14:07:33 [Zakim]
+MarkB_; got it
14:07:36 [RalphS]
zakim, ??p26 is Mark
14:07:36 [Zakim]
I already had ??P26 as MarkB_, RalphS
14:07:39 [EliasT]
Scribe: MarkB_
14:07:50 [Zakim]
14:07:53 [wing]
14:07:55 [wing]
14:08:20 [Zakim]
14:08:27 [wing]
zakim, IBMCambridge is wing
14:08:27 [Zakim]
+wing; got it
14:09:04 [MarkB_]
All welcomed Wing on board, and he told us a little about his work with RDFa at IBM.
14:11:14 [MarkB_]
Ben: introduced the agenda, and asked if there were any other items.
14:11:33 [mhausenblas]
14:11:59 [MarkB_]
Michael: Discussion on list about using RDFa, or eRDF within XHTML.
14:12:17 [MarkB_]
Ben: Would like to get 'the module' finished and then take it from there.
14:12:38 [benadida]
action item review:
14:13:24 [MarkB_]
Topic: Action item agenda
14:13:43 [EliasT]
.. /MarkB is now known as Topic.
14:14:06 [MarkB_]
s/item agenda/item list/
14:15:18 [MarkB_]
Ben continues to contemplate the Dev Track, and in particular is looking at the RDFa clipboard use-case.
14:15:43 [benadida]
ACTION: Ben to contemplate about the Dev Track [recorded in]
14:15:49 [benadida]
14:16:45 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Ben to get in contact with flickr w.r.t. machine tags
14:16:55 [MarkB_]
14:17:15 [MarkB_]
CC are already in touch with Flickr, and there is discussion of using RDFa in their pages.
14:17:16 [EliasT]
Zakim, please mute me
14:17:16 [Zakim]
EliasT should now be muted
14:17:26 [MarkB_]
Discussion of static muted the loud applause!!!
14:18:01 [RalphS]
indeed, YAY! to CC on Flickr
14:18:31 [mhausenblas_]
mhausenblas_ has joined #htmltf
14:18:47 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Michael produce a GUI sketch of a test interface for 12-Feb meeting
14:18:51 [MarkB_]
14:18:54 [mhausenblas_]
14:19:03 [Steven] is up
14:20:25 [MarkB_]
Michael: Not sure if W3C could host this. Is Tomcat available?
14:20:37 [MarkB_]
Ralph: I think Tomcat is available...will check.
14:20:58 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Ralph to check if the test suite can be hosted at the W3C--is Tomcat available?
14:21:25 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Ben to update RDFa schedule on wiki to aim for last call on June 1
14:21:33 [MarkB_]
14:21:54 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Mark to put M12N schema up somewhere, and tell us where
14:22:00 [MarkB_]
14:22:20 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Steven to put together sample XHTML2 doc with all mime type, etc.
14:22:27 [MarkB_]
Ben: Should this be removed?
14:22:41 [MarkB_]
Steven: Don't mind. Do you want it prioritised?
14:23:15 [MarkB_]
Ben: Could leave it there, but shortly we'll need an XHTML 1.1+RDFa document, which will become higher priority.
14:23:22 [MarkB_]
14:23:38 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Ben start a list of RDF/XML features that are not supported by RDFa
14:23:47 [MarkB_]
14:24:19 [MarkB_]
Ben: I'm not an RDF/XML expert.
14:24:25 [MarkB_]
Michael: I'll help.
14:24:34 [benadida]
ACTION: Michael to prepare RDF/XML - RDFa comparison wiki page
14:24:38 [mhausenblas_]
14:26:11 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Ben to look into Science Commons use case
14:26:16 [MarkB_]
14:26:33 [RalphS]
rrsagent, please make record public
14:26:59 [MarkB_]
Ben: Coming together. Looking like there might be a scientific publication scenario; "this paper talks about these genes", etc., ...
14:27:09 [MarkB_]
...rather than just this paper was published on.
14:27:14 [mhausenblas_]
14:27:25 [MarkB_]
s/this paper/"this paper/
14:27:32 [MarkB_]
14:27:37 [EliasT]
Zakim, unmute me
14:27:37 [Zakim]
EliasT should no longer be muted
14:27:38 [RalphS]
-> Relationship between RDFa and GRDDL [Ben 2007-02-06]
14:27:40 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Ben to write down the relation between GRDDL and RDFa
14:27:43 [MarkB_]
14:28:07 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Elias to send email to list with use case from IBM
14:28:09 [MarkB_]
14:28:35 [EliasT]
Zakim, mute me
14:28:35 [Zakim]
EliasT should now be muted
14:28:36 [MarkB_]
Elias: Needs to check whether he'll still be involved in the product in question, but should be resolved soon.
14:28:45 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Mark produce more examples of applicability of n-ary relations from IPTC documents
14:28:48 [MarkB_]
14:29:03 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Mark produce RDFa XHTML 1.1 module and spec
14:29:07 [MarkB_]
14:29:29 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Michael continue work on the FAQ template that Elias started
14:29:33 [MarkB_]
14:30:14 [EliasT]
Zakim, unmute me
14:30:14 [Zakim]
EliasT should no longer be muted
14:30:17 [MarkB_]
Michael: Hopes that Elias didn't mind that he took that action on during Elias's absence.
14:30:28 [MarkB_]
Elias: Has it been moved to the wiki?
14:31:11 [mhausenblas_]
14:31:16 [MarkB_]
Michael: No. I proposed that it should be moved, but seems to make sense to leave it on the esw wiki.
14:33:23 [MarkB_]
ACTION: Michael transfer issue data to SWD tracker
14:33:29 [MarkB_]
14:33:31 [mhausenblas_]
14:34:06 [benadida]
Topic: XHTML 1.1 Module Status
14:34:19 [MarkB_]
14:34:25 [mhausenblas_]
zakim, mute me
14:34:25 [Zakim]
sorry, mhausenblas_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
14:34:39 [EliasT]
Zakim, mute me
14:34:41 [benadida]
MarkB: first needed an update to the modularization spec, pointed to here (but not public)
14:34:42 [Zakim]
EliasT should now be muted
14:34:47 [MarkB_]
14:34:47 [mhausenblas_]
zakim, mhausenblas_ really is mhausenblas
14:34:48 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'mhausenblas_ really is mhausenblas', mhausenblas_
14:35:06 [benadida]
... then we needed XHTML 1.1 using modularization, which just came out.
14:35:07 [benadida]
14:35:29 [Steven]
zakim,mute mh
14:35:29 [Zakim]
mhausenblas should now be muted
14:35:36 [benadida]
... now we need to create the RDFa module based on these updated specs
14:36:04 [benadida]
... still missing from Shane the draft specs of the module itself
14:36:09 [benadida]
... schemas to be posted on Wednesday
14:36:37 [benadida]
... email to SWD mailing list talks about DTDs
14:36:45 [benadida]
... we may get help from Shane on that front
14:37:12 [benadida]
Ralph: expected schedule for these drafts?
14:37:49 [benadida]
Steven: within a week to request pub as WD
14:38:59 [mhausenblas_]
from WD to REC directly ?
14:39:19 [benadida]
... nothing has changed except typos and addition of schemas. Go to PR, no normative changes.
14:39:43 [benadida]
MarkB: RDFa module that Shane is doing at the moment should only need to reference the modularization spec, the one that will move very quickly.
14:40:03 [benadida]
... the second spec is only useful as a template for linking, not as a reference.
14:40:49 [benadida]
... the most important thing is not XHTML1.1 + RDFa, it's just the RDFa bit.
14:41:43 [benadida]
... delay because this is first example of a module that uses the modularization spec
14:41:51 [benadida]
... and external module
14:42:48 [mhausenblas_]
zakim, unmute mh
14:42:48 [Zakim]
mhausenblas should no longer be muted
14:43:29 [MarkB_]
Mark: Did anyone have any comments on the point about DTDs?
14:43:47 [MarkB_]
Steven: it is a freak of nature that DTDs can even get close to what we want.
14:44:23 [MarkB_]
Steven: (Based mainly on wizardry from [Steven to insert name].)
14:44:36 [MarkB_]
Ben: Is this some problem with IE?
14:45:03 [MarkB_]
Steven: No, it's to do with validation by those that only use DTDs.
14:45:05 [mhausenblas_]
might be a dumb question, but isn XHTML (note: X) defined in terms of XML-Schema?
14:45:22 [MarkB_]
Ben: So is there a hurry?
14:45:42 [MarkB_]
Steven:'s only if someone says that they *must* validate using DTDs.
14:46:19 [MarkB_]
Steven: Should flag up that the DOCTYPE switch is often used in documents to set standards compliant mode.
14:46:20 [RalphS]
s/[Steven to insert name]/Murray Altheim and his amazing DTD skills/
14:48:03 [RalphS]
Mark: was the request in mail an expression of a requirement for DTD validation?
14:48:18 [mhausenblas_]
q+ on status of Simone's question
14:48:36 [RalphS]
Ben: not sure if it was meant as a requirement
14:48:40 [mhausenblas_]
q+ to comment on Simone's status
14:48:47 [MarkB_]
Mark: But need to establish whether the request on the list is a *must* for DTDs, or were they simply asking for validation.
14:48:55 [RalphS]
Ben: ... or merely a request, so that W3C validators can work
14:49:45 [MarkB_]
Michael: Should answer Simone.
14:49:50 [MarkB_]
Ben: We will.
14:50:03 [RalphS]
-> an XHTML Module for RDFa Simone Onofri [2007-02-12]
14:50:36 [wing]
14:50:40 [benadida]
(Mark, I'll take over for any wrapup)
14:50:41 [wing]
14:50:53 [RalphS]
Topic: Test Case Update
14:50:57 [MarkB_]
14:51:14 [MarkB_]
Wing: Explained what they had done with the test-suite.
14:51:42 [RalphS]
kudos to Win for test case work!
14:51:47 [RalphS]
14:52:01 [mhausenblas_]
14:52:12 [RalphS]
kudos to Wing and Michael for test case work!
14:52:32 [MarkB_]
Michael: Will continue to extend what's in the wiki page.
14:52:36 [mhausenblas_]
14:53:15 [MarkB_]
Michael: Would like some feedback on my posts in the list. True that we want to keep it simple, but we do want to get it correct.
14:54:02 [MarkB_]
Steven: Regarding section 2.2.2, about what needs to conform; is that not the same question about what is that we're testing?
14:54:12 [MarkB_]
...My feeling is that we're testing the spec.
14:54:14 [mhausenblas_]
14:54:40 [MarkB_]
This looks at whether a REST-based extra service is conformant to the specification.
14:55:05 [MarkB_]
s/This looks/Michael: This looks/
14:55:37 [MarkB_]
Steven: Should say that this tests the specification, and not some implementation.
14:55:59 [MarkB_]
Ben: Not sure exactly what this means.
14:56:40 [MarkB_]
Steven: If there is some constraint in the spec then it must be reflected in the test-suite.
14:57:26 [MarkB_]
...Need two implementations, to prove that it was implementable.
14:57:43 [RalphS]
[I agree with Steven's characterization of testing]
14:58:17 [mhausenblas_]
14:58:31 [Steven]
Scribe: Steven
14:58:41 [Steven]
Ben: Isn't this a human thing?
14:58:51 [Steven]
Steven: No, it relates to W3C process
14:59:02 [mhausenblas_]
see link above
14:59:19 [Steven]
... where you have to show the spec is implementable, and consistent
14:59:29 [Steven]
Topic: Next call
14:59:39 [Zakim]
14:59:43 [Steven]
Ben: Next Monday is a public holiday
14:59:46 [Zakim]
14:59:48 [Zakim]
14:59:50 [Zakim]
14:59:52 [Zakim]
14:59:54 [mhausenblas_]
steven: got a minute?
14:59:55 [Steven]
... so I propose we postpone next week's call
14:59:59 [mhausenblas_]
15:00:03 [RalphS]
zakim, list participants
15:00:03 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been +043316876aaaa, Ben_Adida, wing, mhausenblas, Steven, Ralph, EliasT, MarkB_
15:00:07 [wing]
wing has left #htmltf
15:00:19 [Steven]
Yes, Michael, I have a minute
15:00:24 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
15:00:24 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
15:00:33 [mhausenblas_]
zakim, aaaa is Michael Hausenblas
15:00:33 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'aaaa is Michael Hausenblas', mhausenblas_
15:00:56 [mhausenblas_]
steven: should we continue the testing discussion on the mailing list?
15:01:11 [mhausenblas_]
... I am really after that and trying to understand everything
15:01:23 [mhausenblas_]
hoped Karl Dubost would jump in
15:01:31 [Zakim]
15:01:33 [Zakim]
15:01:34 [Zakim]
SW_SWD(rdfxhtml)9:00AM has ended
15:01:35 [Zakim]
Attendees were +043316876aaaa, Ben_Adida, wing, mhausenblas, Steven, Ralph, EliasT, MarkB_
15:01:48 [mhausenblas_]
cf also
15:01:48 [benadida]
hey Michael, did you drop off the call?
15:01:51 [Steven]
Suits me if we do it on the mailing list
15:01:54 [mhausenblas_]
15:02:03 [mhausenblas_]
drop off the call?
15:02:12 [Steven]
Sorry that I dsidn't reply; I suppose I didn;t feel the questions were addressed to me
15:02:18 [Steven]
I'll do better next time
15:02:27 [benadida]
we just got confused because Steven and I were still on the call but you weren't.
15:02:32 [benadida]
then we noticed you were writing in IRC :)
15:02:51 [Steven]
did you want to dial in again michael?
15:02:52 [mhausenblas_]
oh sorry, I thought we already finished, as all left ...
15:03:24 [mhausenblas_]
should i dial in again? i can if you want me to ...
15:03:35 [Steven]
not unless you have a question to me
15:03:55 [benadida]
no, it's okay, let's continue the testing discussion online and next time
15:04:02 [Steven]
15:04:04 [benadida]
(and also answer your questions)
15:04:06 [mhausenblas_]
15:04:09 [mhausenblas_]
15:04:11 [benadida]
(Michael's questions)
15:04:14 [mhausenblas_]
15:04:34 [mhausenblas_]
happy brithday again and hear you in two weeks!
15:04:54 [benadida]
talk to you soon
15:04:55 [benadida]
benadida has left #htmltf
15:06:30 [mhausenblas_]
bye everyone ...
15:08:09 [MarkB_]
MarkB_ has joined #htmltf
15:15:42 [EliasT]
EliasT has left #htmltf
17:20:24 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #htmltf
18:50:47 [RalphS]
rrsagent, bye
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
I see 16 open action items saved in :
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to contemplate about the Dev Track [recorded in] [1]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to get in contact with flickr w.r.t. machine tags [2]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael produce a GUI sketch of a test interface for 12-Feb meeting [3]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph to check if the test suite can be hosted at the W3C--is Tomcat available? [4]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to update RDFa schedule on wiki to aim for last call on June 1 [5]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mark to put M12N schema up somewhere, and tell us where [6]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Steven to put together sample XHTML2 doc with all mime type, etc. [7]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben start a list of RDF/XML features that are not supported by RDFa [8]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael to prepare RDF/XML - RDFa comparison wiki page [9]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to look into Science Commons use case [10]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben to write down the relation between GRDDL and RDFa [11]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Elias to send email to list with use case from IBM [12]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mark produce more examples of applicability of n-ary relations from IPTC documents [13]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Mark produce RDFa XHTML 1.1 module and spec [14]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael continue work on the FAQ template that Elias started [15]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Michael transfer issue data to SWD tracker [16]
18:50:47 [RRSAgent]
recorded in