16:04:40 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 16:04:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc 16:04:53 Helen has joined #hcls 16:04:59 rrsagent, make logs world-visible 16:05:01 hi Helen! 16:05:10 +[MIT-G346] 16:05:13 Hi, Tonya 16:05:29 Zakim, who's on the call? 16:05:30 On the phone I see ??P22, Don_Doherty, Tanya_Hongsermeier, [IPcaller], Joanne_Luciano, Olivier_Bodenreider, +1.301.975.aaaa, [MIT-G346] 16:06:06 No thats me. 16:06:14 I'm IPcaller 16:06:23 jar has joined #hcls 16:06:29 Zakim, [IPcaller] is Matthias 16:06:34 +Matthias; got it 16:06:57 Zakim, [MIT-G346] is Alan_and_Jonathan 16:06:57 +Alan_and_Jonathan; got it 16:07:31 Zakim, +1301.975.aaa is TM 16:07:31 sorry, vipul, I do not recognize a party named '+1301.975.aaa' 16:07:40 BillBug has joined #hcls 16:07:51 Zakim, +1.301.975.aaaa' is TM 16:07:51 sorry, vipul, I do not recognize a party named '+1.301.975.aaaa'' 16:07:52 zakim, ??P22 is susie 16:07:53 +susie; got it 16:08:03 +[IPcaller] 16:08:13 +Bill_Bug 16:08:30 Zakim, [IPcaller] is Helen 16:08:30 +Helen; got it 16:09:06 Zakim, pick a scribe 16:09:06 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Alan_and_Jonathan 16:10:33 Thanks to Bill for scribing!! 16:10:50 TH: review last week's action items 16:11:22 TH: EricN not here to report on DetailedClinicalModel + CDSIC - tabled 16:11:34 ACTION: correct the HCLS (google?) published calender - it's off by a week 16:11:53 AlanR,Gwen, June, Bill: AlanR - reviewed with all 16:12:14 I don'' know who can do the above action 16:12:36 AR: June & Gwen - wanted to have differential display to compare molecular pathology over time 16:13:10 ivan has joined #hcls 16:13:37 AR: tough - looking at DTI & MRI atlases - looking at GENSAT and ABA 16:13:54 zakim, dial ivan-home 16:13:54 ok, ivan; the call is being made 16:13:56 +Ivan 16:14:26 BB: The goal is to design demo that amis to provide differential domain 16:14:32 Ivan, I think you are causing echo. 16:14:38 BB: Images should be registered 16:14:51 zakim, mute me 16:14:51 Ivan should now be muted 16:14:52 BB: No programmable hooks t 16:15:07 BB: For access of aligned images 16:15:16 No, it is gone now. 16:15:33 BB: Do a visualization of what is being done in the demo 16:15:33 BB: Do a visualization of what is being done in the demo 16:15:42 BB: Can't easily search on brain region 16:16:02 BB: Classification is done ad-hoc, but not using a standard shared vocabulary 16:16:18 BB: Need to get to details of histological observations 16:16:38 BB: Descriptions done in an ad-hoc. sometime detailed with agreement somethimes no agreement 16:17:03 BB: BIRN Tools support alignment and differential comparison 16:17:17 BB: However not mature enough to use in the demo 16:17:22 BB: Data in the CCDB 16:18:09 BB: Difficult to get mouse data as do not know where it is 16:19:07 BB: Difficult to do what is being targeted in the time frame for WWW 16:20:40 AR: if APIs and open data repositories exist - we can do the required programming 16:21:05 AR: what is the data we want? Still trying to figure out 16:21:58 AR: looking at relevant antibodies - trying to accumulate appropriate ones 16:22:29 AR: looking for relevant expression images in ABA & GENSAT 16:25:34 http://www.zoomify.com/ 16:27:27 q+ 16:28:48 q+ 16:29:21 ack jluciano 16:30:21 ack ivan 16:30:22 ack 16:30:27 ack ivan 16:31:02 bill you are echoing 16:31:13 No, it's Ivan. 16:31:49 alanr has joined #hcls 16:32:56 zakim, mute me 16:32:56 Ivan should now be muted 16:35:13 q+ 16:35:35 AR: Images showing appropriate display of relevant genes 16:36:00 TH: Are AlanR & Joanne working on time table? 16:36:22 AR: not looking at time-table - investigating options & scope 16:36:42 JL: For time-table, we need to be clear about scope 16:36:44 Is the abstract due in 3 weeks like for everyone else? 16:36:54 q 16:37:06 ack Vipul 16:37:29 AR: can we get a time-line for those fixed time points - deadlines - RDF-mining tasks? 16:37:36 i have received teh action items from Vipul 16:37:49 VK: AlanR, June, Gwen work up demo script 16:38:26 VK: June was going to create plan - was ill this week (just commited to this this Tues) 16:38:48 May 8 this the date of WWW demo 16:39:06 SS: In BioRDF - looking at WWW2007 (May 8) and ISMB (mid-July) are fixed dates 16:39:21 JL: May 8 is first drop-dead date for demo 16:39:24 we do not know the *exact* date yet 16:39:31 for the W3C Track that is 16:39:39 Submission deadline March 1 16:39:41 The track goes along the whole conference 16:39:45 VK: WWW2007 - HCLS workshop deadline March 1 16:40:05 SS: ISMB demo proposal is mid-May? 16:40:11 zakim, unmute me 16:40:11 Ivan should no longer be muted 16:40:11 March is for the HCLS-DI 16:41:19 Ivan: For demo - need mini-abstract by approx. mid-March 16:41:19 Date for Ivan - mini abstract due mid March 16:41:49 VK: would someone take WWW2007 demo abstract as an Action item 16:41:58 zakim, mute me 16:41:58 Ivan should now be muted 16:42:19 Ivan: abstract submitter gets free registration (expensive conference) 16:42:34 AR: Doing script 16:42:42 VK: voluteers to rough abstract 16:42:56 presentors *may* get a free registration (I am trying to get one, that is...) 16:42:57 SS: Wait for demo spec'd out - VK & SS will work this out together 16:43:26 Here are the actions from Vipul: 16:43:30 Sorry - correction re: *free* registration - see Ivan's note 16:43:38 ACTION: Populate Brain Pharm with PD Use Case Data [1] 16:43:49 ACTION: Don will send research statements to SWAN Team [2] 16:44:01 ACTION: To create the information flow diagram - Susie, Vipul owners [3] 16:44:12 TH: JR, AR, MS - exploratory description of URI resolution mechanism (AR - JR did most of it) 16:44:12 ACTION: Alan R to do the demo script and look at BIll Bug's pointers [4] 16:44:24 JR: still a draft - needs a lot more input 16:44:25 ACTION: Get the RDF dumps from BrainPharm and SWAN - Kei and Tim 16:44:34 zakim, who is there? 16:44:34 I don't understand your question, ivan. 16:44:37 ACTION: Use the RDF dumps to analyze references for Knowledge Artifacts - BIONT 16:44:46 ACTION: Familiar with using one RDF Time --- ALL 16:44:47 zakim, who is here? 16:44:47 On the phone I see susie, Don_Doherty, Tanya_Hongsermeier, Matthias, Joanne_Luciano, Olivier_Bodenreider, +1.301.975.aaaa, Alan_and_Jonathan, Helen, Bill_Bug, Ivan (muted) 16:44:51 On IRC I see alanr, ivan, BillBug, jar, Helen, RRSAgent, Zakim, jluciano2, vipul, Susie, Don, Tonya, samwaldmatthias 16:45:44 JR: Good feedback on list - hoping for more 16:45:46 JR: concern - when you build an app - not all URIs will resolve 16:45:47 JR: need more feedback - feel a bit in vacuum - need more app-specific feedback 16:46:20 JR: To here proposed mechanisms won't work for them - that's helpful too 16:46:22 JR: Open ended problem now - could work for years on it - guidance is welcome 16:46:47 TH: anyone on call able to help - give feedback - or should we table it for now? 16:47:33 JL: Maybe many of us are as far as JR on this issue in terms of what we are currently implementing 16:47:35 TH: revisit this next week 16:48:34 TH: See many health care KM systems at similar point to what JL described - not ready yet for URI-dependent decision support 16:48:47 TH: other teams? Helen? ACCP update? 16:49:04 HC: refining notes - ported to Wiki using templates 16:49:53 HC: investigating some of the comparisons of DL vs. Rule logic - especially dealing with exclusing/inclusion criteria when representing clinical guidelines 16:50:35 +1 16:51:10 +1 to calls focusing on Demo 16:51:41 SS: Holding joint BioRDF-BioONT calls - to focus the contributions of each group to the Use Case - watching the narrowwing of the use case 16:51:43 SS: Accelerate calls (not every other week) if we need to really get substantive work on demo done in time - weekly BioRDF calls? 16:51:44 SS: no disagree = accent - will be weekly now 16:52:52 action should be on EricP 16:53:01 JL: Update published calendar listing all the HCLS subgroups 16:53:02 ACTION: Ivan or EricP update public calendar to reflect new schedule 16:54:01 VK: BioONT - hunting down relevant distilled knowledge sources (CVs, taxonomies, classifications, ontologies) - glue for BioRDF data sets 16:54:24 bye 16:54:26 -Bill_Bug 16:54:27 -susie 16:54:29 - +1.301.975.aaaa 16:54:29 -Tanya_Hongsermeier 16:54:30 -Alan_and_Jonathan 16:54:31 -Joanne_Luciano 16:54:31 -Helen 16:54:33 -Olivier_Bodenreider 16:54:36 TH: look forward to update on URI-resolution doc - try to provide more helpful feedback to Jonathan 16:54:42 -Don_Doherty 16:54:44 rrsagent, set log public 16:54:50 -Matthias 16:54:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:54:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-minutes.html ivan 16:54:59 rrsagent, bye 16:54:59 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-actions.rdf : 16:54:59 ACTION: correct the HCLS (google?) published calender - it's off by a week [1] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-11-34 16:54:59 ACTION: Populate Brain Pharm with PD Use Case Data [1] [2] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-43-38 16:54:59 ACTION: Don will send research statements to SWAN Team [2] [3] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-43-49 16:54:59 ACTION: To create the information flow diagram - Susie, Vipul owners [3] [4] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-44-01 16:54:59 ACTION: Alan R to do the demo script and look at BIll Bug's pointers [4] [5] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-44-12-1 16:54:59 ACTION: Get the RDF dumps from BrainPharm and SWAN - Kei and Tim [6] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-44-25 16:54:59 ACTION: Use the RDF dumps to analyze references for Knowledge Artifacts - BIONT [7] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-44-37 16:54:59 ACTION: Familiar with using one RDF Time --- ALL [8] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-44-46 16:54:59 ACTION: Ivan or EricP update public calendar to reflect new schedule [9] 16:54:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/02/08-hcls-irc#T16-53-02 16:55:02 -Ivan 16:55:03 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:55:05 Attendees were Don_Doherty, Tanya_Hongsermeier, Joanne_Luciano, Olivier_Bodenreider, +1.301.975.aaaa, Matthias, Alan_and_Jonathan, susie, Bill_Bug, Helen, Ivan