IRC log of swd on 2007-01-22
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:49:04 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #swd
- 13:49:04 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:49:10 [RalphS]
- Meeting: SWD Boston F2F
- 13:49:13 [RalphS]
- Chair: Guus
- 13:49:25 [RalphS]
- Agenda:
- 13:51:30 [RalphS]
- rrsagent, please make record public
- 13:51:39 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD(f2f)8:30AM has now started
- 13:51:46 [Zakim]
- + +1.617.253.aaaa
- 13:55:18 [RalphS]
- zakim, aaaa is MeetingRoom
- 13:55:18 [Zakim]
- +MeetingRoom; got it
- 13:55:33 [RalphS]
- zakim, MeetingRoom is really MIT-Kiva
- 13:55:33 [Zakim]
- +MIT-Kiva; got it
- 13:55:49 [RalphS]
- zakim, MIT-Kiva is MeetingRoom
- 13:55:49 [Zakim]
- +MeetingRoom; got it
- 14:02:52 [TomB]
- TomB has joined #swd
- 14:03:01 [TomB]
- RalphS, hi!
- 14:03:29 [RalphS]
- zakim, meetingroom has Alistair, Antoine, Bernard, Guus, Diego, IvanHerman, TimBL, Ralph
- 14:03:29 [Zakim]
- +Alistair, Antoine, Bernard, Guus, Diego, IvanHerman, TimBL, Ralph; got it
- 14:03:31 [ivan]
- ivan has joined #swd
- 14:03:40 [berrueta]
- berrueta has joined #swd
- 14:04:45 [berrueta]
- scribenick: berrueta
- 14:05:27 [Guus]
- Guus has joined #swd
- 14:05:38 [aliman]
- aliman has joined #swd
- 14:05:43 [Zakim]
- +??P5
- 14:05:56 [RalphS]
- zakim, ??p5 is Tom
- 14:05:56 [Zakim]
- +Tom; got it
- 14:06:49 [RalphS]
- zakim, Fabien just arrived in meetingroom
- 14:06:49 [Zakim]
- +Fabien; got it
- 14:07:12 [Antoine]
- Antoine has joined #swd
- 14:08:04 [RalphS]
- zakim, Ben just arrived in meetingroom
- 14:08:04 [Zakim]
- +Ben; got it
- 14:10:18 [berrueta]
- tbl: meeting of a group of people interested in SW in the Cambridge area
- 14:10:28 [benadida]
- benadida has joined #SWD
- 14:10:51 [berrueta]
- tbl: 15 people interested
- 14:11:01 [RalphS]
- zakim, meetingroom also has Jon
- 14:11:01 [Zakim]
- +Jon; got it
- 14:11:11 [berrueta]
- tbl: no particular agenda
- 14:11:34 [berrueta]
- ... mainly a social thing
- 14:11:55 [berrueta]
- ... discussion, brainstorming
- 14:12:43 [berrueta]
- tbl: in this room (Kiva)
- 14:13:55 [berrueta]
- Guus: short round of introductions
- 14:13:57 [Jon_Phipps]
- Jon_Phipps has joined #swd
- 14:13:58 [RalphS]
- Topic: Introductions
- 14:14:19 [RalphS]
- scribenick: berrueta
- 14:16:06 [RalphS]
- Alistair: we have several implementations of SKOS nwo
- 14:16:09 [RalphS]
- s/nwo/now/
- 14:17:30 [Elisa]
- Elisa has joined #swd
- 14:19:13 [FabienG]
- FabienG has joined #swd
- 14:19:27 [RalphS]
- Jon: picked up on SKOS at Dublin Core Madrid workshop
- 14:20:04 [Zakim]
- +Elisa_Kendall
- 14:20:51 [RalphS]
- Bernard: U. Manchester is adding SKOS to COHSE
- 14:20:59 [Guus]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:20:59 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see MeetingRoom, TomB (muted), Elisa_Kendall
- 14:21:01 [Zakim]
- MeetingRoom has Alistair, Antoine, Bernard, Guus, Diego, IvanHerman, TimBL, Ralph, Fabien, Ben, Jon
- 14:21:05 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see FabienG, Elisa, Jon_Phipps, benadida, Antoine, aliman, Guus, berrueta, ivan, TomB, RRSAgent, Zakim, RalphS
- 14:22:25 [RalphS]
- Guus: interoperability of vocabularies is core to our work at Vrieje University
- 14:22:39 [RalphS]
- s/Vrieje/Vrije/
- 14:23:45 [RalphS]
- Diego: my research work is on semantic search
- 14:24:22 [RalphS]
- Fabien: my research group is interested in graph-based reasoning on SemWeb
- 14:25:45 [RalphS]
- Ivan: every day I take a tram that goes by Guus' office
- 14:25:56 [berrueta]
- tbl: i'm not here as W3C director
- 14:26:46 [berrueta]
- tbl: interested in the discussions on RDFa and recipes ("slash")
- 14:27:25 [RalphS]
- Tim: I taught a 1-week course [2 weeks ago] and one of the biggest problems was how to configure apache
- 14:27:44 [RalphS]
- ... if it came out-of-the-box with application/rdf+xml support things would be a *lot* easier
- 14:28:30 [berrueta]
- RalphS: the activity of this group is very important, great impact
- 14:29:27 [berrueta]
- ... very busy, reduced dedication to this group
- 14:30:00 [RalphS]
- Ralph: but hope to increase my time in SWD again
- 14:31:06 [RalphS]
- Tom: project looking at model-based metadata; includes Dublin Core and eventually SKOS
- 14:31:20 [RalphS]
- Tim: calling from Berlin
- 14:31:26 [berrueta]
- s/Tim/Elisa
- 14:31:30 [RalphS]
- Elisa: calling from Los Altos, California
- 14:31:47 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 14:31:51 [RalphS]
- s/Elisa/Tom
- 14:32:11 [RalphS]
- [Tom calling from Berlin, Elisa calling from Los Altos]
- 14:32:54 [RalphS]
- Elisa: working with organizations who are keenly interested in metadata about their ontologies
- 14:33:02 [RalphS]
- ... core business of SandPiper is ontology development
- 14:34:19 [berrueta]
- Guus: three objectives of this meeting
- 14:34:43 [berrueta]
- ... 1) skos use cases: discuss them
- 14:35:12 [berrueta]
- ... 2) as a result, obtain a list of requirements for SKOS
- 14:35:49 [berrueta]
- ... 3) review issue list, priorize them, select critical ones
- 14:36:31 [berrueta]
- topic: SKOS use cases
- 14:37:29 [Antoine]
- 14:37:45 [berrueta]
- Antoine: 12 use cases in the document
- 14:38:17 [berrueta]
- ... there are more than 20 contributions
- 14:38:37 [berrueta]
- ... some are not edited (yet), but available at the wiki
- 14:39:02 [Antoine]
- 14:39:20 [timbl]
- timbl has joined #swd
- 14:40:14 [berrueta]
- ... thinks the response of the community was good
- 14:40:52 [berrueta]
- ... will summarize each one of the UC next
- 14:42:49 [berrueta]
- ... UC1: description incomplete
- 14:42:51 [berrueta]
- Guus: two different hierachies for the same thesaurus, is this a requirement?
- 14:43:29 [berrueta]
- aliman: multi-hierarchy is an important requirement
- 14:45:23 [berrueta]
- Guus: shows an example of the getty vocab
- 14:45:55 [RalphS]
- Guus: google for 'tgn getty', then enter 'boston'
- 14:46:19 [berrueta]
- Guus: two record types: administrative and geographical, non exclusive
- 14:47:04 [RalphS]
- ... (shows Utrecht next)
- 14:47:31 [berrueta]
- Guus: looks up for an example of a record with two types
- 14:48:22 [berrueta]
- Antoine: complex lexical info in the context of this application
- 14:50:57 [berrueta]
- RalphS searchs 'Boston' on the TGN
- 14:51:17 [berrueta]
- Guus: Boston has several alternative names
- 14:51:30 [RalphS]
- Guus: Getty shows English, Vernacular, and Historical names
- 14:52:43 [RalphS]
- ... e.g. Tokyo has 'Edo' historical name
- 14:54:22 [berrueta]
- Aliman: multilingual labels are already solved
- 14:55:29 [berrueta]
- Aliman: but language is not enough in some cases (see the Boston and Tokyo examples)
- 14:57:18 [berrueta]
- ... the issue is there are different scripts for some language, but only a language tag
- 14:57:58 [RalphS]
- Alistair: potential issues with cardinality constraints and preferredLabel properties if there are multiple scripts in which the label might be written
- 14:57:59 [berrueta]
- Guus: this is probably out of scope of this WG
- 14:59:38 [berrueta]
- ivan: this WG should not worry about this issue. Maybe forward the issue to the RDF core WG
- 15:01:18 [berrueta]
- RalphS: asks for clarification of the multi-hierarchy issue
- 15:01:27 [RalphS]
- Alistair: a conceptual node may have more than one parent
- 15:02:34 [berrueta]
- guus: back to the issue of making a statement about a label
- 15:03:04 [berrueta]
- aliman: we should provide a framework to allow that
- 15:03:49 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 15:04:09 [berrueta]
- guus illustrates his point with an example in the whiteboard
- 15:04:46 [RalphS]
- Guus: how would we say the label "Edo" is valid only between 1600 and 1800 AD ?
- 15:04:52 [RalphS]
- Alistair: annotation properties
- 15:04:52 [Zakim]
- +??P5
- 15:05:05 [berrueta]
- aliman: we you use an annotation propierty, you are not limited to a literal value
- 15:05:15 [RalphS]
- zakim, ??p5 is probably Tom
- 15:05:17 [Zakim]
- I already had ??P5 as TomB, RalphS
- 15:06:02 [berrueta]
- aliman: you can use a resource as a value of the annotation property
- 15:06:05 [RalphS]
- Alistair: model annotation as an n-ary relation
- 15:09:13 [berrueta]
- ivan: is this a possible use of reification?
- 15:10:03 [berrueta]
- guus: seems to be 2 options: to reify, or to loss information
- 15:11:00 [berrueta]
- timbl: another option is to put the statement in another document
- 15:13:23 [RalphS]
- -> SKOS annotated label whiteboard discussion
- 15:13:50 [TomB]
- :-)
- 15:14:24 [RalphS]
- -> meeting room right side
- 15:14:38 [RalphS]
- -> meeting room left side
- 15:16:51 [aliman]
- 15:16:54 [Guus]
- Guus has joined #swd
- 15:16:58 [aliman]
- 15:17:23 [RalphS]
- Alistair: the old issue notes a place-holder item for this
- 15:17:43 [RalphS]
- ... "SKOS does not provide support for ... any type of annotation associated with a non-descriptor"
- 15:17:54 [timbl]
- are a few slides about options for modeling things which vary with time
- 15:18:01 [RalphS]
- Guus: not sure this is the same thing
- 15:18:59 [RalphS]
- ACTION: Alan write up the preferredLabel modelling issue
- 15:19:10 [RalphS]
- zakim, AlanR has arrived in meetingroom
- 15:19:10 [Zakim]
- +AlanR; got it
- 15:19:58 [RalphS]
- AlanR: just joined the WG representing Science Commons ... active on HCLS IG
- 15:21:01 [RalphS]
- Antoine: UC #2
- 15:21:22 [RalphS]
- ... has descriptor concepts and non-descriptor concepts
- 15:21:40 [RalphS]
- s/#2/#2: Iconclass
- 15:22:08 [RalphS]
- Guus: this case helps define SKOS scope
- 15:22:31 [RalphS]
- ... Iconclass is a grammar
- 15:23:04 [RalphS]
- ... permits adding things to parts of the vocabulary
- 15:23:18 [RalphS]
- ... I'd like to make this feature out of scope for SKOS
- 15:23:32 [RalphS]
- ... e.g. KEY; it's not pre-defined where in the vocabulary this is used
- 15:24:41 [berrueta]
- berrueta has joined #swd
- 15:25:29 [RalphS]
- Antoine: finding modifiers while browsing a vocabulary -- "post coordination"
- 15:26:50 [berrueta]
- aliman: this mechanism allows to create new concepts by combination of existing concepts
- 15:28:17 [berrueta]
- Guus: shows an example of the vocabulary ("Animal")
- 15:30:06 [berrueta]
- aliman: this is related to the "qualifiers" of the ?? medical vocabulary
- 15:30:51 [RalphS]
- s/??/MESH/
- 15:31:33 [RalphS]
- Alistair: terms in MESH have flags that indicate they can be used with an additional qualifiers vocabulary
- 15:31:41 [TomB]
- 15:31:47 [Jon_Phipps]
- Jon_Phipps has joined #swd
- 15:31:50 [aliman]
- example of coordination
- 15:31:56 [RalphS]
- Alistair: ... e.g. 'aspirin' combined with 'sideEffects' means 'sideEffectsOfAspirin'
- 15:32:44 [RalphS]
- Alistair: BLISS classification scheme has similar aspects
- 15:33:57 [berrueta]
- Antoine: we lost the possibility to attach qualifiers
- 15:34:07 [berrueta]
- ... cannot represent hierarchies of qualifiers
- 15:35:33 [Guus]
- q?
- 15:36:15 [berrueta]
- aliman: ambiguity can arise from the use of qualifiers
- 15:36:47 [RalphS]
- Alistair: in my master's thesis I conclude that it is an application-specific decision whether order of coordination is significant
- 15:36:54 [berrueta]
- ... if you don't have a mechanism to attach the qualifier to particular individuals
- 15:37:44 [RalphS]
- Guus: Iconclass also has a notion of 'opposite', or counter-example, done by doubling the letter; e.g. 25FF
- 15:37:58 [aliman]
- Examples of using bliss classification
- 15:38:35 [RalphS]
- Guus: this feature is also used in Iconclass to do male-female distinction
- 15:39:50 [berrueta]
- Antoine: 13,000 concepts
- 15:40:15 [berrueta]
- ... in this vocabulary
- 15:40:55 [berrueta]
- ... qualifiers allow to reduce the number of concepts
- 15:41:20 [berrueta]
- ... indexing can use multiple concepts
- 15:42:43 [berrueta]
- ACTION: Antoine to provide more use cases of uses of qualifiers
- 15:43:38 [RalphS]
- Alistair: library world talks about "synthetic" and "enumerative" classification schemes; "synthetic" scheme is meant to be used in combinations to synthesize categories
- 15:43:53 [berrueta]
- Guus: we will continue with use cases after coffee break
- 15:44:10 [RalphS]
- [15 minute coffee break]
- 15:59:24 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 15:59:50 [Zakim]
- +??P8
- 16:07:02 [timbl_]
- timbl_ has joined #swd
- 16:07:17 [berrueta]
- berrueta has joined #swd
- 16:14:06 [RalphS]
- [restarting]
- 16:14:06 [ivan]
- scribenick: ivan
- 16:14:53 [aliman]
- Core requirements for automation of analytico-synthetic classifications
- 16:15:09 [aliman]
- (I just found this paper, looks highly relevant to preceding discussion.)
- 16:15:56 [ivan]
- antoine: we have to decide at some point what goes intot he document
- 16:16:10 [ivan]
- guus: we should keep the overiew and the deails of examples
- 16:16:37 [ivan]
- ralph: features in the use cases that are important for skos has to be brought out from the examples (for those who do not know the details)
- 16:17:17 [ivan]
- alistair: we could move the examples from the vocabulary to the example, but what ralph said made me think again...
- 16:17:28 [RalphS]
- zakim, meetingroom no longer has alan
- 16:17:28 [Zakim]
- alan was not listed in MeetingRoom, RalphS
- 16:17:29 [Zakim]
- -alan; got it
- 16:17:35 [ivan]
- guus: it is good to have that on our list...
- 16:17:39 [RalphS]
- zakim, who's in meetingroom?
- 16:17:39 [Zakim]
- MeetingRoom has Alistair, Antoine, Bernard, Guus, Diego, IvanHerman, TimBL, Ralph, Fabien, Ben, Jon, AlanR
- 16:17:45 [RalphS]
- zakim, meetingroom no longer has alanr
- 16:17:45 [Zakim]
- -AlanR; got it
- 16:18:22 [ivan]
- antoine: next use case an integrated view to mediaval manuscripts
- 16:18:35 [ivan]
- ... there are collections and bridges among these
- 16:18:53 [ivan]
- ... we always have info on which vocabularies are used
- 16:19:02 [ivan]
- ... an issue of alignment of vocabularies
- 16:19:13 [ivan]
- ... it uses the iconclass vocabulary
- 16:19:23 [ivan]
- ... and another one that comes from the French national library
- 16:19:42 [ivan]
- ... the latter is 15000 subject, simple labels (simple and alternate)
- 16:20:01 [ivan]
- ... it is probably a flat list, and they introduce a set of classes for browsing purposes
- 16:20:22 [ivan]
- ... you got between 15000 descriptors, and each is linked to a class that is more general
- 16:20:41 [ivan]
- alistair: is it essentially a tree level hierarchy, but you can use the descriptors on the bottom only
- 16:20:44 [ivan]
- antoine: yes
- 16:20:54 [ivan]
- guus: this is a feature I have not distilled yet
- 16:21:07 [benadida]
- benadida has joined #SWD
- 16:21:10 [RalphS]
- s/yes/yes, only the leaves of the tree can be used as descriptors/
- 16:21:19 [ivan]
- ... this problem of representing mandragor
- 16:21:29 [ivan]
- s/mandragor/mandragore/
- 16:21:56 [ivan]
- ... there are 2 issues coming out: (1) requirement for mapping, you need equivalence
- 16:22:05 [ivan]
- ... (2) you have the notion of abstract classes
- 16:22:11 [ivan]
- ... things that are not for indexing
- 16:22:40 [RalphS]
- Guus: abstract classes appear in AAT also
- 16:23:21 [ivan]
- alistair: i think it is a use cases that has some basic requirements for vocabulary mapping amont themselves
- 16:23:36 [ivan]
- ... there is also a requirement to map between combination of concepts
- 16:24:00 [RalphS]
- Alistair: "11U4 Mary and John the Baptist ..."
- 16:24:00 [ivan]
- ... 11U4 in the description
- 16:24:35 [ivan]
- ... i think that will be a common requirement
- 16:25:03 [ivan]
- antoine: the mapping points that there could be a link between the non descriptor items
- 16:25:24 [ivan]
- ... a descriptor on the one side and a qualifier on the other side, the latter is never be found as a descriptor
- 16:25:49 [ivan]
- guus: is it fair to say we have a mapping requirement and two basic requirements
- 16:25:50 [ivan]
- ?
- 16:26:11 [ivan]
- ... with respect to the conjunction type of thing, that is an issue (or a requirement)
- 16:26:23 [ivan]
- alistair: it comes up often in my experience
- 16:26:42 [ivan]
- ... there is a british standard wg rewriting the thesaurus standard
- 16:26:57 [ivan]
- ... working on how to represent mapping between thesauri
- 16:27:07 [ivan]
- ... i would think that they will come up with something how to model it
- 16:27:34 [ivan]
- bernard: is there a requirement to map the iconclass to mandragore to identify the ??
- 16:27:56 [ivan]
- ... it seems that mandragore is a different type of mapping
- 16:28:05 [RalphS]
- Alistair cited ISO 2788 parts 3 and 4 (under development) work on mapping
- 16:28:38 [ivan]
- guus: rephrase the question: do we need more specific than broad and narrow, ie, owl or rdfs vocabulary
- 16:28:53 [ivan]
- bernard: yes, this is what I am asking
- 16:29:02 [ivan]
- ... what is the broader term of XX
- 16:29:22 [ivan]
- alistair: there is a browser for mandragore, can we see how this looks like?
- 16:29:55 [ivan]
- antoine showing the mandragore browser example
- 16:31:30 [ivan]
- antoine shows the iconclass vocabulary, one can see the vocabulary and the specialization of the concept
- 16:32:05 [ivan]
- ... on the right are the images from the collection (from the BNF) which have not been indexed against iconclass
- 16:32:39 [ivan]
- ... you browse your vocabulary, then you have access to the images
- 16:32:56 [ivan]
- alistair: can you browse against the mandragore images only?
- 16:33:57 [RalphS]
- -> Project STITCH : Semantic Interoperability to access Cultural Heritage
- 16:34:14 [ivan]
- (scribe was a bit lost:-(
- 16:34:57 [ivan]
- antoine: when you do a mapping to mandragore, do you use a second level only?
- 16:35:02 [ivan]
- s/antoine/alistair/
- 16:35:21 [RalphS]
- Antoine: there are 15,000 alignment relations in the mapping
- 16:35:28 [ivan]
- guus: I try to summarize, three thiings
- 16:35:35 [ivan]
- ... (1) need for an equivalence mapping
- 16:35:53 [ivan]
- ... (2) a less or more specific mapping, should it be more specific than broad/narrow
- 16:36:10 [ivan]
- ... (3) links between compostionals
- 16:36:36 [ivan]
- ... we recently linked a nist vocabulary for video tracking
- 16:36:43 [ivan]
- ... we got into a similar situation
- 16:36:59 [ivan]
- ... we got both the conjunctive and disjunctive form
- 16:37:18 [ivan]
- ... may be it should be a requirement, or maybe we can handle outside skos
- 16:37:30 [ivan]
- ralph: there a reference to optional rejective forms
- 16:37:39 [ivan]
- ... is that from iconclass?
- 16:37:46 [ivan]
- antoine: this comes from the french vocabulary
- 16:37:59 [ivan]
- ralph: guus showed the double letter example, is it similar
- 16:38:24 [ivan]
- antoine: they are more similar concepts, synonyms
- 16:38:48 [ivan]
- guus: it is quite similar to preferred and non-preferred label
- 16:39:08 [RalphS]
- "optional rejected form" means "synonym but deprecated"
- 16:39:19 [ivan]
- guus: move on?
- 16:39:51 [ivan]
- alistair: when it comes to mapping requirement, we need to have in mind of the functionality it is used for and focus on that
- 16:40:06 [ivan]
- ... that might help us in passing by other representations
- 16:41:22 [ivan]
- guus: in this particular domain mappings are the only thing that adds something to the existing functionalities to musea
- 16:41:37 [ivan]
- ... if you open up the collections to browse to other vocabularies that you get new things
- 16:41:45 [ivan]
- ... mapping is 100% crucial,
- 16:41:52 [ivan]
- ... the only added value, and a big one
- 16:42:12 [ivan]
- ... in medicine it may be different
- 16:42:27 [ivan]
- antoine: 4th example bio-zen
- 16:43:05 [ivan]
- ... wait for AlanR to come back on that one
- 16:43:38 [ivan]
- antoine: the 5th use case: semantic search accross multilingual thesauri (agricultural domain)
- 16:44:02 [ivan]
- ... these are mostly mulitlingual and to provide open access to these vocabularies
- 16:44:21 [ivan]
- ... it is an interesting use case is for multilingual vocabularies
- 16:44:34 [ivan]
- ... there are 12 languages, with other terms, related terms, etc
- 16:44:45 [ivan]
- ... illustrates some typical usage like skos notes
- 16:44:54 [ivan]
- ... use some more complex links
- 16:45:12 [ivan]
- ... you can also use more specialized versions, subclasses,
- 16:45:25 [ivan]
- ... you find again the links between terms
- 16:45:37 [ivan]
- ... representing the terms of, eg, translations
- 16:45:58 [ivan]
- ... there is also a representation for mapping links, at the end of the use case
- 16:46:22 [ivan]
- ... they are using equivalence links, links between a concept and a combination of concepts
- 16:46:36 [ivan]
- ... conjunctions and disjunctions
- 16:46:46 [ivan]
- alistair: that may be like a union
- 16:47:31 [ivan]
- ... the last example in the use case they use the mapping vocabulary as it is right now in skos
- 16:47:45 [ivan]
- ... it also has 'and or not'
- 16:47:56 [ivan]
- ... the second example is exactly an 'or'
- 16:48:21 [ivan]
- guus: ie, they also have the 'and or not' in their usage?
- 16:48:42 [ivan]
- bernard: the more these vocabularies are mashed, they have similar like narrow and broader
- 16:48:54 [ivan]
- alistair: these can be ambigous...
- 16:49:16 [ivan]
- guus: we already have this on the list of the issues (whether we need to represent a specific semantics to broad and narrow)
- 16:49:58 [ivan]
- ACTION guus: to check that this broad/narrow is on the issues' list
- 16:50:27 [RalphS]
- s/this/this issue of more specialization than/
- 16:51:21 [ivan]
- guus: you can say we build into the skos vocabularies that we define, eg, two subclasses
- 16:51:47 [ivan]
- ... or we can say that we leave that to the vocabulary, the authors has the guideline to present this as a subproperty to broad/narrow
- 16:51:53 [ivan]
- ... the issue is to resolve this
- 16:52:13 [ivan]
- alistair: ie, if people want to do more specific, how would they do it?
- 16:52:26 [ivan]
- guus: yes, and whether this is part of the skos vocabulary or not
- 16:54:21 [RalphS]
- Ivan: were problems with representing multilingual scripts found?
- 16:54:31 [RalphS]
- ... is there enough in RDF to represent this?
- 16:54:49 [RalphS]
- Alistair: there were some interesting language problems in the Chinese mapping
- 16:55:20 [RalphS]
- Antoine: but I think they succeeded in representing everything they wanted to represent in RDF, though they needed more than SKOS
- 16:55:40 [aliman]
- a document about mapping between agrovoc and chinese agricultural thesaurus
- 16:56:07 [ivan]
- guus: term-to-term relationship?
- 16:56:46 [ivan]
- antoine: the problem of having several labels for the same concepts that comes up, they want o be able to line up the literal translations to one another
- 16:57:00 [ivan]
- guus: why not use for each preferred and alternative lables
- 16:57:19 [ivan]
- alistair: the the preferred label in chinese may be the third alternative example in english
- 16:57:55 [ivan]
- timbl: cat translates to 'chat' in French, you have to label in french
- 16:58:15 [ivan]
- alistair: you are making a link between translations and labels
- 16:59:12 [ivan]
- antoine: a concept in one vocabulary has a latin name for the pref label, and an alternative label the common name
- 16:59:17 [ivan]
- ... the same in the french versions
- 16:59:35 [ivan]
- ... and you want to point ot the fact to translate from the two alternative labels
- 16:59:48 [ivan]
- guus: then the latin is a lingua franca
- 17:00:23 [ivan]
- alistair: another thing they wanted that the label in French has been derived from that and than alternative label in English
- 17:00:41 [ivan]
- guus: we may have an issue of relationship of linguistic labels
- 17:00:54 [ivan]
- ... not clear to me what to do with this
- 17:01:12 [ivan]
- alistair: we have to be careful with a use case like this is what they do to exactly with this information
- 17:01:23 [ivan]
- ... why do they use it
- 17:01:53 [JonP]
- JonP has joined #swd
- 17:02:10 [ivan]
- ACTION antoine: capture the issue on capturing relationships between labels
- 17:03:02 [RalphS]
- Antoine: e.g. acronym link
- 17:03:16 [RalphS]
- ... an example of a semantic relationship between labels
- 17:03:37 [ivan]
- antoine: examples 6 and 7 are similar on features
- 17:04:12 [RalphS]
- s/examples/use cases/
- 17:04:15 [ivan]
- ... representing quite simple vocabularies, one is on tactical situation objects
- 17:04:21 [ivan]
- ... a list of unstructured terms
- 17:04:30 [ivan]
- ... each term has some label and a note
- 17:04:40 [ivan]
- ... when it should be used
- 17:04:51 [JonP]
- JonP has joined #swd
- 17:04:57 [ivan]
- ... the support life cycle is similar
- 17:05:15 [ivan]
- ralph: in #6 it was difficult to see what it says about skos
- 17:05:18 [ivan]
- alistair: me too
- 17:05:33 [ivan]
- ... this is not the sort of use case i am familiar with
- 17:05:51 [ivan]
- antoine: i tried to interpret it, but apart form simple labelling i did not find anything
- 17:06:12 [ivan]
- alistair: we could ask them what they want to do
- 17:06:20 [ivan]
- guus: this is what they have...
- 17:06:43 [ivan]
- ralph: maybe we want to ask submittors to point at the wg on areas they want additional things
- 17:07:01 [ivan]
- alistair: use case 7 actually adds a question mark on skos (or owl)
- 17:07:14 [ivan]
- ... it is not clear why they want to skos
- 17:07:35 [ivan]
- guus: i could think of reasons
- 17:07:47 [ivan]
- antoine: they were search of standard ways
- 17:08:10 [ivan]
- guus: the problem with use case #7 that it is out of scope
- 17:08:30 [ivan]
- ... or am i misunderstanding
- 17:08:45 [ivan]
- ralph: it would be interesting question to ask them what they want skos for
- 17:08:57 [ivan]
- bernard: may be a marketing issue
- 17:10:08 [ivan]
- action antoine: to contact the submittors of #7 to see what they want to use skos for (as opposed to, say, owl)
- 17:10:50 [ivan]
- alistair: it seems that they have a requirement to capture lots of things, that may need to extend skos
- 17:11:04 [ivan]
- antoine: no, they really need only flat things...
- 17:11:24 [ivan]
- ... they need a structure to represent a natural language representation without a reasoner
- 17:12:56 [ivan]
- antonie: number #8 gtaa web browser, accessing thesaurus
- 17:13:15 [ivan]
- ... want to provide the user with a sophisticated vocabulary
- 17:13:27 [ivan]
- guus: there is an archive for tv and radio programs
- 17:13:46 [ivan]
- ... they do annotation inside the content but also coming from broadcasting companies
- 17:13:57 [ivan]
- ... on the top level there are 8 different facets
- 17:14:11 [ivan]
- ... and several of the sub hierarchies have separate classifications
- 17:14:28 [ivan]
- ... and that is the whole thing
- 17:14:41 [ivan]
- ... they are specific for a facet
- 17:15:19 [ivan]
- alistair: there is a thematic and a named hierarchy, and they are orthogonal
- 17:15:45 [ivan]
- guus: we can get test cases out of it
- 17:16:18 [ivan]
- ralph: 'only keyword and genres can also have broader/narrower relation', is that a restriction?
- 17:16:31 [ivan]
- guus: this is a very flat structure, this is not really a restriction
- 17:17:00 [ivan]
- antonie: use case #9, another use of the same vocabulary of use case #8,
- 17:17:13 [ivan]
- ... using a special algorithm that provides the user an indexer
- 17:17:28 [ivan]
- ... the idea is to explore the different links in the thesaurus to rank the concepts
- 17:17:58 [ivan]
- ... if you have to index a document with a set of candidate terms, if the thesauri includes these terms, than that hierarchy is also presented
- 17:18:15 [ivan]
- guus: I would have personally merged #8 and #9
- 17:18:31 [ivan]
- antoine: #9 provided in a functional view
- 17:18:40 [ivan]
- ... adding a representation to an applicaiton is nice
- 17:18:57 [ivan]
- guus: people in computer science like automatic things
- 17:19:07 [ivan]
- ... but these people like to manually check
- 17:19:57 [ivan]
- ralph: even though it does not add anything technically, it adds a new aspect, good for 'marketing' reasons
- 17:20:38 [ivan]
- alistair: if you look a traditional model, you manually build a vocabulary and index
- 17:21:08 [ivan]
- ... in this case the vocabulary is done manually, but an automatic indexing is good
- 17:21:57 [ivan]
- ... a use case document should have a business model section to show how different scenarios are used
- 17:22:22 [ivan]
- guus: summary: #9 does not add anything to the requirements, but is an interesting use case scenario to keeo
- 17:22:28 [ivan]
- s/keeo/keep/
- 17:23:04 [ivan]
- alistair: applications might want the integrity of their data, and expressing the constraints is a requirement
- 17:23:22 [ivan]
- guus: there is already and issue on the level of semantics that skos has
- 17:24:23 [ivan]
- action alistair: summarizes the aspects of semantics of the skos data model
- 17:24:31 [RalphS]
- zakim, Jonathan_Rees just arrived in meetingroom
- 17:24:31 [Zakim]
- +Jonathan_Rees; got it
- 17:24:44 [RalphS]
- zakim, AlanR just arrived in meetingroom
- 17:24:44 [Zakim]
- +AlanR; got it
- 17:25:17 [RalphS]
- JonathanRees: I'm part of Science Commons
- 17:26:34 [ivan]
- alistair: a question on #8, relationships on terms between facets were computed
- 17:27:17 [ivan]
- ... question is how were these computed?
- 17:27:26 [ivan]
- guus making faces:-)
- 17:27:54 [ivan]
- guus: the general problem was that there were lack of relationships
- 17:28:03 [ivan]
- ... but I do not think there were much semantics
- 17:28:09 [RalphS]
- -> Biozen use case as submitted
- 17:28:34 [ivan]
- alistair: it also says the precomputed terms were not part of the iso standards
- 17:28:43 [ivan]
- guus: good question, I do not know
- 17:28:55 [RalphS]
- -> GTAA use case as submitted
- 17:28:57 [ivan]
- action guus: check with veronique on the terms being outside the iso standard
- 17:29:44 [ivan]
- antoine: use case #4, bio-zen ontology framework
- 17:30:42 [ivan]
- ... the main point to represent these medical vocabularies, keeping all the infos that are useful for applciation
- 17:30:47 [ivan]
- ... the application was not really detailed
- 17:31:04 [ivan]
- ... gene ontology and mash are the two examples for applications
- 17:31:16 [ivan]
- ... it has an example of representation of a term
- 17:31:35 [ivan]
- ... the main point is the fact that the representation they mix all kind of different of metadata vocabularies
- 17:31:55 [ivan]
- ... they created some sort of metamodel using owl, and uses pieces of other vocabularies
- 17:32:13 [ivan]
- ... they use all these meta models to represent the medical vocabularies
- 17:32:24 [ivan]
- ... they use, eg, dublin core plus skos terms together
- 17:32:39 [ivan]
- ... they created an owl specification to mix these metamodel features
- 17:33:15 [ivan]
- guus: why there was within the definition there is a representation of the part of relationship
- 17:34:00 [ivan]
- ...does the mesh have its own hierarchy
- 17:34:38 [ivan]
- alan: 'is a' is not 'part of', careful about that
- 17:35:03 [ivan]
- guus: in skos we use the broader and narrower terms which are less defined
- 17:35:18 [ivan]
- alan: obo originates in the gene ontology
- 17:35:30 [ivan]
- ... the latter has is a and part of relationships in it
- 17:35:40 [ivan]
- ... there has been a number of threads using this
- 17:35:56 [ivan]
- ... one thread is to translate obo to other formats, people used, eg, skos
- 17:36:16 [ivan]
- ... they have to decide where broader, etc, are used
- 17:36:33 [ivan]
- ... these actually threw away information but they are part of skos
- 17:36:46 [ivan]
- ... from my understanding at the time at least
- 17:37:20 [ivan]
- ... there is an effort to translate this into owl
- 17:37:48 [ivan]
- ... second thread of discussion is the 'quality' of the whole thing
- 17:38:07 [Elisa]
- There is a recently released related portal - Daniel Rubin and his group have created this and are working to develop it as a part of their NCOR work:
- 17:38:11 [ivan]
- ... what can be related to what, what are the description of that, more philosophical stuff
- 17:38:39 [ivan]
- guus: some people make subproperties from, say, skos broader
- 17:38:51 [ivan]
- ... then you do not throw away things
- 17:39:19 [ivan]
- alan: i had the issue on putting it with owl-dl
- 17:39:33 [ivan]
- guus: that is a separate issue on the agenda (relationship to owl-dl)
- 17:40:17 [ivan]
- (scribe got distracted, sorry)
- 17:41:13 [RalphS]
- Alan: Matthias is asking that as we fiddle with SKOS, we try to keep it OWL-DL compatible
- 17:41:19 [RalphS]
- Alistair: it's already not OWL-DL
- 17:41:47 [ivan]
- alistair: if you go into library sciences, you will find papers on classification
- 17:42:00 [ivan]
- ... people there define fundamental facets, time, space, etc
- 17:42:10 [ivan]
- ... there are discussions on what these fundamental facets are
- 17:42:33 [ivan]
- ... that might come to the skos spec
- 17:42:54 [ivan]
- ... but if you want to do that, this should be done as an extension of skos (in my view)
- 17:43:27 [ivan]
- guus: b.t.w., the relationship to owl-dl should be part of our issues list, not requirement
- 17:45:11 [ivan]
- ... maybe if we define a set of constraints, that might lead to skos-dl...
- 17:45:28 [ivan]
- ... but this is a topic for discussion
- 17:46:47 [ivan]
- alistair: it is tricky, extension by requirements is one of the major way of extending skos, and all of those are annotation properties, and that leads to problem
- 17:47:15 [ivan]
- action alistair: rephrase the old issue of skos/owl-dl coexistence and semantics
- 17:47:24 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 17:47:43 [ivan]
- bernard: it was good in the owl days to have implementations submitted, too
- 17:47:58 [ivan]
- guus: for the moment it is good to collect the information, it is good to use them as test cases
- 17:48:14 [ivan]
- .... but this group is much smaller than the old owl group, and we have a resource problem
- 17:48:46 [alanr]
- alanr has joined #swd
- 17:48:48 [ivan]
- alistair: there are two wiki pages, and the shiny new skos web site
- 17:48:54 [alanr]
- 17:49:06 [ivan]
- ... the idea that anyone who has implementation should be able to add it
- 17:49:27 [RalphS]
- -> SKOS home page
- 17:50:07 [ivan]
- antoine: use case #10 birnlex, lexion for neurosciences
- 17:50:17 [ivan]
- ... aims at providing several vocabularies
- 17:50:28 [ivan]
- ... they are the same as the bio-zen use case
- 17:50:47 [ivan]
- ... there is a mixture of different metadata models, skos, dc, foaf, etc
- 17:51:27 [ivan]
- alistair: all they want is the some of the properties like pref label, alt label, not in the structure of label
- 17:51:51 [ivan]
- ... if skos has good annotating support, people may just want to use that
- 17:52:10 [ivan]
- guus: i interpreted this as having a lot of need to various type of relations
- 17:52:14 [Zakim]
- +Tom_Baker
- 17:53:17 [ivan]
- ... there are many things in the examples term relations with other semantics
- 17:54:19 [ivan]
- alan: the argument is that there is a desire of the part of type of relationships that we may need in general
- 17:54:26 [Zakim]
- +??P5
- 17:54:28 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 17:54:35 [ivan]
- ... ie, people insert tags into the rdf labels,
- 17:54:57 [ivan]
- ... shows the importance of this issue
- 17:54:58 [RalphS]
- Alan: the BIRNlex use case may bring in issues for our vocabulary management work
- 17:55:29 [ivan]
- alistair: this is a bit of annotating just about everything
- 17:55:51 [alanr]
- 17:55:51 [ivan]
- ... they do not want skos broader and narrower
- 17:56:09 [ivan]
- ... it is more that they want all type of documentation/annotation support
- 17:56:54 [ivan]
- guus: the issue here is that you have your concepts
- 17:57:04 [ivan]
- ... how to document/annotate various concepts
- 17:57:09 [ivan]
- ... and what skos give you on that
- 17:58:38 [ivan]
- action alan: write down the general documentation requirements, in particular to those that are related to literal values, and how to represent that in skos
- 17:59:10 [ivan]
- antoine: use case #11 quite similar
- 17:59:18 [ivan]
- ... I have not read it in much details
- 17:59:47 [ivan]
- ... it is once again to represent all these various vocabularies and linking/importing skos concepts to an 'own' ontology
- 17:59:58 [ivan]
- ... and extending skos relations
- 18:00:21 [ivan]
- guus: my proposal: there are still use cases coming in
- 18:00:38 [ivan]
- ... we have to include facilities to evaluate use cases
- 18:01:04 [ivan]
- ... we should go through the list of the requirements and see if we can refine this
- 18:01:11 [ivan]
- ... and go through the issues' list
- 18:02:55 [ivan]
- ---- lunch break ----
- 18:03:13 [RalphS]
- [one hour lunch break]
- 18:03:16 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 18:03:34 [Elisa]
- See you in a bit -- elisa
- 18:03:52 [Zakim]
- -Elisa_Kendall
- 18:17:26 [timbl]
- timbl has joined #swd
- 18:59:51 [berrueta]
- berrueta has joined #swd
- 19:00:49 [Zakim]
- + +1.617.475.aabb
- 19:02:13 [TomB_]
- TomB_ has joined #swd
- 19:03:06 [Zakim]
- -TomB
- 19:04:47 [RalphS]
- zakim, Stephen_Williams has arrived in meetingroom
- 19:04:47 [Zakim]
- +Stephen_Williams; got it
- 19:04:48 [Zakim]
- +??P5
- 19:04:54 [RalphS]
- zakim, timbl has left meetingroom
- 19:04:54 [Zakim]
- -TimBL; got it
- 19:05:00 [aliman]
- aliman has joined #swd
- 19:05:09 [RalphS]
- scribenick: RalphS
- 19:05:47 [RalphS]
- -> SKOS Requirements sandbox
- 19:08:17 [RalphS]
- -- R0. Information accessible in distributed setting
- 19:08:33 [RalphS]
- Guus: is this a requirement on SKOS?
- 19:09:11 [RalphS]
- Antoine: doesn't seem to change anything about SKOS or what it represents
- 19:09:56 [RalphS]
- Guus: seems to be a general Web requirement
- 19:10:03 [RalphS]
- Ralph: comes with RDF and the Semantic Web
- 19:10:37 [RalphS]
- RESOLVED: drop R0. Information accessible in distributed setting as not SKOS-specific
- 19:10:45 [RalphS]
- -- R1. Representation and access to relationship between concepts
- 19:10:57 [RalphS]
- Guus: s/relationship/relationships/
- 19:12:14 [RalphS]
- Bernard: "displaying or searching concepts" might give the impression of constraining our scope
- 19:12:26 [RalphS]
- ... e.g. excluding annotation
- 19:12:57 [RalphS]
- Guus: how about "representing relationships between concepts"
- 19:13:16 [RalphS]
- ... the ability to represent hierarchical and non-hierarchical relationships between concepts
- 19:13:39 [RalphS]
- -- R2. Representation and access to basic lexical values (labels) associated to concepts
- 19:14:30 [RalphS]
- Antoine: "basic" as in "simple" as compared to more sophisticated scope notes
- 19:15:09 [RalphS]
- Guus: basic lexical _information_ or do you really mean to restrict to _labels_ ?
- 19:15:39 [TomB_]
- q+ to ask whether we are dropping "access to" in R1 and R2?
- 19:15:52 [RalphS]
- Guus: "access" not needed
- 19:16:06 [Zakim]
- TomB_, you wanted to ask whether we are dropping "access to" in R1 and R2?
- 19:16:34 [RalphS]
- Tom: support dropping "access to"
- 19:16:52 [RalphS]
- -- R3. Representation of links between labels associated to concepts
- 19:17:08 [RalphS]
- Guus: we have an issue related to this
- 19:17:28 [RalphS]
- ... this requirement may change after resolving the issue
- 19:18:29 [RalphS]
- Alistair: we could suggest a point of view without making a hard requirement
- 19:18:50 [RalphS]
- ... while reviewing all these requirements today
- 19:19:08 [RalphS]
- Guus: I suggest that any requirement with a related issue be marked as "soft"
- 19:19:37 [Zakim]
- +Elisa_Kendall
- 19:19:45 [RalphS]
- -- R4. Representation of glosses and notes attached to vocabulary concepts
- 19:20:18 [RalphS]
- Guus: "notes" means "scope notes"?
- 19:20:20 [RalphS]
- Antoine: yes
- 19:20:48 [RalphS]
- Guus: so use the well-known term "scope notes"
- 19:20:58 [RalphS]
- Antoine: should we include administrative notes?
- 19:22:03 [TomB_]
- q+ to suggest "Representation of lexical information in multiple languages"
- 19:22:16 [RalphS]
- Jon: suggest "glossaries" instead of "glosses"
- 19:22:33 [Zakim]
- TomB_, you wanted to suggest "Representation of lexical information in multiple languages"
- 19:23:29 [RalphS]
- Guus: I thought there is a distinction between a glossary and a scope note
- 19:23:48 [RalphS]
- Alistair: what's the difference between 'gloss' and 'definition', then?
- 19:23:56 [RalphS]
- ... SKOS hasn't used the term 'gloss' previously
- 19:24:38 [RalphS]
- Guss: "representation of textual descriptions ", with text mentioning definitions, scope notes, ...
- 19:24:48 [RalphS]
- R{6,5}. Multilinguality
- 19:25:11 [RalphS]
- Tom: suggest "Representation of lexical information in multiple languages"
- 19:25:21 [TomB_]
- yes
- 19:25:26 [RalphS]
- Bernard: multiple _natural_ languages?
- 19:25:37 [RalphS]
- Guus: yes, good addition
- 19:25:44 [RalphS]
- -- R6. Descriptor concepts and non-descriptor ones
- 19:26:19 [RalphS]
- Guus: distinction between concepts intended to be used for indexing and other concepts?
- 19:26:21 [RalphS]
- Antoine: yes
- 19:27:01 [RalphS]
- ... what I had in mind was the existing skos:subject
- 19:27:17 [RalphS]
- ... some concepts cannot be used as subject relationships
- 19:27:40 [RalphS]
- Guus: qualifiers are still relevant to indexing
- 19:28:55 [RalphS]
- ... e.g. AAT vocabulary
- 19:29:29 [RalphS]
- ... Furnishings ... furniture ... <furniture by form or function> ... screens
- 19:29:40 [RalphS]
- ... the terms in <...> are not meant for indexing
- 19:29:56 [RalphS]
- Alistair: many folk would not consider the <...> to be concepts; they call them "node labels"
- 19:30:13 [RalphS]
- ... they are labels for a grouping of concepts, the groupings are called 'arrays'
- 19:30:23 [RalphS]
- ... they say the node label does not represent a 'concept'
- 19:31:07 [RalphS]
- ... in the British standard it is quite clear that the node labels are only used in a certain way
- 19:31:29 [RalphS]
- ... but AAT adds things to the thesaurus beyond the British standard
- 19:31:53 [RalphS]
- ... it's just a matter of us wording this requirement correctly
- 19:33:06 [RalphS]
- ... consider Mandragore; you're not supposed to use things from levels 1 and 2
- 19:33:31 [RalphS]
- ... but the British standard demonstrates a requirement to be able to label groupings
- 19:34:11 [RalphS]
- Guus: propose to rephrase as "the ability to distingish between concepts to be used for indexing and for non-indexing"
- 19:34:20 [RalphS]
- Bernard: is this really a requirement or just an issue?
- 19:34:34 [RalphS]
- Guus: is this in the ISO standard?
- 19:34:48 [RalphS]
- Alistair: no, in ISO thesaurus any concept can be used for indexing
- 19:35:32 [RalphS]
- ... there's no a-priori reason why something not intended for indexing in one context would be inappropriate for use in another context
- 19:35:45 [RalphS]
- Guus: suggest R6 is a soft requirement
- 19:36:26 [RalphS]
- ... and add a new requirement having to do with grouping
- 19:36:28 [RalphS]
- ...
- 19:37:41 [RalphS]
- ... "the ability to include grouping constructs in concept hierarchies" -- as a soft requirement
- 19:38:11 [RalphS]
- Alistair: hierarchies are not the only place where node labels can be used
- 19:38:20 [RalphS]
- ... node labels are also used in related terms
- 19:38:28 [aliman]
- see z39.19
- 19:38:35 [RalphS]
- -- R7. Composition of concepts
- 19:39:07 [RalphS]
- Guus: is this like conjunction and disjunction?
- 19:39:25 [RalphS]
- Alistair: the terms 'conjunction' and 'disjunction' don't really make sense as we're not talking about sets of things
- 19:39:46 [RalphS]
- ... the classical way of talking about this is to talk about 'coordination', and 'coordination of things'
- 19:40:04 [RalphS]
- ... I'm afraid to use set-theoretic language, as this would be jumping the gun
- 19:40:28 [RalphS]
- ... we're not talking about True and False or sets, rather we're talking about concepts
- 19:40:44 [RalphS]
- ... 'compound concepts' is a term used in the thesaurus world
- 19:41:37 [RalphS]
- ... 'post-coordination' usually means that things are coordinated at search time but it typically really just means queries with more than one thing
- 19:41:56 [RalphS]
- ... I don't recommend referring to pre- or post-coordination
- 19:42:18 [RalphS]
- Guus: I recommend linking 'coordination' to an explanation
- 19:42:31 [RalphS]
- Alistair: I'd be happy using 'composition' rather than 'coordination'
- 19:43:17 [RalphS]
- Guus: let's categorize into 'candidate requirements' and 'accepted requirements' (rather than 'hard' and 'soft')
- 19:43:25 [RalphS]
- -- R8. Vocabulary interoperability
- 19:44:05 [RalphS]
- Guus: mapping at the level of equivalence, more specific, less specific
- 19:44:12 [RalphS]
- ... further things under discussion
- 19:45:28 [RalphS]
- ... suggest dropping this, as we need to be able to test
- 19:46:01 [RalphS]
- Ralph: is R8 the general case and R12 a specific case?
- 19:47:03 [RalphS]
- Jon: I have another use case; our system supports the expression of relationships between terms in vocabularies we own and terms in vocabularies we don't own
- 19:47:26 [RalphS]
- ... the reciprocal relationship would need to be endorsed by the owner of the other vocabulary
- 19:48:14 [RalphS]
- Guus: I can make equivalence statements in my own ontology and others can choose to use mine or not use mine
- 19:48:40 [RalphS]
- ... valid to have different statements about mapping and determine to which you commit
- 19:49:00 [RalphS]
- Jon: imagine two indexing systems but a single retrieval system
- 19:49:59 [RalphS]
- Alan: a search for A should include B but not vice-versa?
- 19:50:03 [RalphS]
- Jon: yes
- 19:50:21 [RalphS]
- Fabien: is this specific to equivalence or is it a filter on the source?
- 19:51:12 [RalphS]
- Guus: back when we did OWL, I had to spend a long time defending owl:imports
- 19:51:41 [RalphS]
- ... this may be outside the SKOS language, at a different level of the SemWeb stack
- 19:51:59 [RalphS]
- Jon: this is not about trust but about representing the intent of the thesaurus writer
- 19:52:21 [RalphS]
- Guus: but it's at a reasoning level
- 19:55:08 [RalphS]
- Alistair: we refer to 'SKOS concepts' and 'SKOS concept schemes'; perhaps we can also talk about 'mapping schemes'
- 19:55:17 [RalphS]
- Guus: like provenance?
- 19:55:36 [RalphS]
- Bernard: why isn't a concept scheme the same as a mapping scheme
- 19:56:01 [RalphS]
- Alistair: they're handled differently by applications
- 19:56:11 [RalphS]
- ... an application wouldn't display a mapping scheme as a hierarchy
- 19:56:30 [RalphS]
- Bernard: but if you dereference all the concepts in a mapping scheme wouldn't you end up with a concept scheme?
- 19:56:58 [RalphS]
- Alistair: there's current a loose recommendation that two concepts in a single concept scheme do not share a label
- 19:57:12 [RalphS]
- ... this might be expressed as a logical constraint on a concept scheme
- 19:57:23 [RalphS]
- ... but this constraint would be inappropriate for a mapping scheme
- 19:58:23 [RalphS]
- ... if someone wants to capture in their RDF graph that there exists a set of mappings that he authored ....
- 19:59:49 [RalphS]
- ... a concept scheme has a notion of 'containment'
- 20:00:10 [RalphS]
- ... different integrity constraints if you're just collecting some mappings
- 20:01:07 [RalphS]
- Alan: if you use owl:sameAs, you're making a bi-directional assertion
- 20:01:23 [RalphS]
- ... but the author of a vocabulary might want only a one-way assertion
- 20:02:01 [RalphS]
- Antoine: is related to the issue Sean raised about containment
- 20:02:21 [RalphS]
- zakim, Jonathan has left meetingroom
- 20:02:21 [Zakim]
- RalphS, I was not aware that Jonathan was in meetingroom
- 20:02:38 [RalphS]
- zakim, who's here?
- 20:02:38 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see MeetingRoom, TomB_ (muted), Elisa_Kendall
- 20:02:39 [Zakim]
- MeetingRoom has Alistair, Antoine, Bernard, Guus, Diego, IvanHerman, Ralph, Fabien, Ben, Jon, Jonathan_Rees, AlanR, Stephen_Williams
- 20:02:41 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see aliman, TomB_, berrueta, timbl, alanr, JonP, benadida, Guus, FabienG, Elisa, Antoine, ivan, TomB, RRSAgent, Zakim, RalphS
- 20:02:48 [RalphS]
- zakim, Jonathan_Rees has left meetingroom
- 20:02:48 [Zakim]
- -Jonathan_Rees; got it
- 20:03:16 [RalphS]
- Bernard: is there something about R8 that is not included in R12?
- 20:05:43 [RalphS]
- Bernard: "it shall be possible to record provenance information on mappings between concepts in vocabularies"
- 20:05:55 [RalphS]
- s/vocabularies/different vocabularies/
- 20:06:07 [TomB_]
- q+ to raise a point
- 20:06:12 [RalphS]
- RESOLUTION: R8 reworded to "it shall be possible to record provenance information on mappings between concepts in different vocabularies"
- 20:06:19 [Zakim]
- TomB_, you wanted to raise a point
- 20:07:18 [RalphS]
- Tom: we use "vocabulary", 'concept scheme', and 'SKOS model'; let's stick to one term
- 20:07:40 [RalphS]
- Guus: I propose we drop 'concept scheme' and use only 'vocabulary'
- 20:08:46 [RalphS]
- Alistair: the ISO standard does not distinguish between term-oriented and concept-oriented; I made up this distinction
- 20:09:18 [RalphS]
- ... you _can_ talk about whether the data model is term-oriented or concept-oriented, but not the vocabulary itself
- 20:09:44 [RalphS]
- Guus: consider a 'bank' vs. 'financial institution' example
- 20:10:08 [RalphS]
- ... 'bank' implicitly defines a concept, implicitly it's a lexical label
- 20:10:21 [RalphS]
- ... consequence for a thesaurus is that the term 'bank' cannot be used anywhere else
- 20:11:00 [RalphS]
- ... in practice this distinction is useful, which is why I'd prefer to not use the term 'concept scheme'
- 20:11:14 [RalphS]
- ... 'vocabulary' is more general and makes less commitments
- 20:12:12 [RalphS]
- Tom: R10 is really talking about the extension of the SKOS vocabulary, not the SKOS model
- 20:12:28 [RalphS]
- ... could be confusing if we use the term 'vocabulary' generically
- 20:13:24 [RalphS]
- Alistair: the 'concept scheme' idea came from DCMI
- 20:14:25 [RalphS]
- Ralph: it's probably easier to refer to "the SKOS vocabulary" and "a SKOS concept scheme" to differentiate between the SKOS terms and a thesaurus written using the SKOS terms
- 20:14:44 [RalphS]
- Bernard: let's define terms near the start of the document
- 20:15:31 [RalphS]
- Antoine: I tried to consistently use 'vocabulary' for applications of SKOS and 'model' for SKOS itself
- 20:16:05 [RalphS]
- Alistair: there are implicit integrity constraints currently expressed only in prose
- 20:16:37 [RalphS]
- Tom: this is a big question that deserves more thought, let's not decide now
- 20:17:13 [RalphS]
- ... SKOS model is like a DCMI application model
- 20:17:26 [RalphS]
- ... R10 talks about extending both the SKOS model and the vocabulary of properties
- 20:18:24 [RalphS]
- Guus: for the time being, let's distinguish between the terms in the SKOS vocabulary and the application terms that use SKOS
- 20:18:29 [TomB_]
- +1
- 20:18:44 [RalphS]
- ... for now, let's use "SKOS vocabulary" and "concept scheme", respectively, for these two
- 20:18:50 [TomB_]
- +1 on "SKOS vocabulary" versus "SKOS concept scheme"
- 20:19:17 [RalphS]
- -- R9. Extension of vocabularies
- 20:19:25 [RalphS]
- now "R9. Extension of concept schemes"
- 20:20:12 [RalphS]
- Alistair: how do I express that I want to import another concept scheme into my own, or import only a part of another concept scheme?
- 20:20:21 [RalphS]
- Bernard: why import, just reference?
- 20:20:36 [RalphS]
- Alistair: how does a browser know the boundary of a new concept scheme?
- 20:20:58 [RalphS]
- Bernard: related to Protege issue of how to represent externally-defined items
- 20:21:23 [RalphS]
- Guus: do we include maintenance properties, revision information, etc.?
- 20:21:49 [RalphS]
- ... I suggest we add a requirement related to versioning information
- 20:22:03 [RalphS]
- Bernard: R9 is about tools
- 20:23:39 [RalphS]
- Ralph: I suggest we keep the vocabulary management work, including versioning, as a separate task and not mix it into SKOS right now
- 20:24:42 [RalphS]
- Jon: example; replacing a single term with two terms
- 20:25:52 [RalphS]
- ... not necessarily establishing a broader/narrower relationship but dropping the old term
- 20:26:03 [RalphS]
- Guus: we handle this in OWL by deprecating old terms
- 20:26:23 [RalphS]
- Alistair: my approach is to worry first about how to represent a static model
- 20:27:26 [RalphS]
- Guus: suggest deferring versioning questions to separate vocabulary management work and later evaluate whether any SKOS-specific properties are needed
- 20:28:03 [RalphS]
- Alistair: we have requests to be able to define concept schemes as 'we use everything in that scheme with the following additions'
- 20:29:49 [RalphS]
- ... Alistair: I need to find a better use case to motivate this
- 20:29:54 [RalphS]
- -- R10. Extendability of SKOS model
- 20:30:03 [RalphS]
- now "R10. Extendability of SKOS vocabulary"
- 20:30:32 [RalphS]
- Guus: means "local specialization of SKOS vocabulary"
- 20:30:51 [RalphS]
- ... propose to rename this to "local specialization of SKOS vocabulary"
- 20:31:01 [RalphS]
- ... get this for free
- 20:31:22 [RalphS]
- -- R11. Attaching resources to concepts
- 20:31:53 [RalphS]
- Antoine: this is skos:subject; annotating resource
- 20:32:05 [RalphS]
- Fabien: inverse of dc:subject?
- 20:32:30 [RalphS]
- Alistair: skos:subject is dc:subject with a range constraint
- 20:33:12 [RalphS]
- Guus: propose to rename this to "Ability to represent the indexing relationship between a resource and a concept that indexes it"
- 20:33:26 [RalphS]
- ... I suggest this is a candidate requirement
- 20:33:55 [RalphS]
- -- R12. Correspondence/Mapping links between concepts from different vocabularies
- 20:34:22 [RalphS]
- now "... different concept schemes"
- 20:34:58 [RalphS]
- Bernard: related to mapping between labels in different concept schemes; that can be a separate requirement
- 20:35:25 [RalphS]
- Guus: at a minimum, equivalent, less/more specific, and related
- 20:35:36 [RalphS]
- Alistair: also composition
- 20:36:00 [RalphS]
- Alan: is 'related' a superproperty of 'broader' or 'narrower'?
- 20:36:03 [RalphS]
- Alistair: no
- 20:36:15 [RalphS]
- Alan: please document this explicitly in the spec
- 20:38:18 [RalphS]
- Guus: propose a new candidate requirement: Correspondence mapping links between concepts in different concept schemes
- 20:38:30 [RalphS]
- s/between/between lexical labels of/
- 20:38:44 [RalphS]
- -- R13. Compatibility between SKOS and other metadata models and ontologies
- 20:39:14 [RalphS]
- Antoine: may not bring any additional requirements on representational features
- 20:40:08 [RalphS]
- Guus: what other models do we want to be compatible with?
- 20:40:19 [RalphS]
- Alistair: Dublin Core
- 20:40:32 [RalphS]
- ... note that changes have been made to Dublin Core specifically to align it with SKOS
- 20:40:33 [Elisa]
- Another metadata standard we should consider here is ISO11179
- 20:41:11 [RalphS]
- Elisa: ISO 11179 is another related standard, on which Daniel Rubin and I have spent time recently
- 20:41:27 [RalphS]
- ... Daniel is interested in 11179 because many biomedical ontologies use it
- 20:41:43 [RalphS]
- .. by mapping 11179 to SKOS we bring a lot of those into the RDF world
- 20:42:14 [RalphS]
- Alistair: 2788 is a thesaurus standard and is very different from 11179, which is a metadata model
- 20:43:01 [RalphS]
- ... there is a particular part of 11179 that is intended to talk about classification schemes
- 20:43:09 [RalphS]
- ... it's obvious how SKOS and that part of 11179 relate
- 20:43:52 [RalphS]
- Alan: what does "compatible with" mean?
- 20:44:45 [RalphS]
- Bernard: does "compatible with" mean "does not violate the [Dublin Core] abstract model"?
- 20:45:12 [RalphS]
- Ralph: what sort of test cases could we construct to decide "is compatible" or "is not compatible"?
- 20:45:53 [RalphS]
- Alistair: could we translate a data instance using 11179 to a data instance in SKOS? how much data loss? how much data loss in transforming back?
- 20:46:15 [RalphS]
- Alan: the scope of 11179 is much larger than that of SKOS
- 20:47:01 [RalphS]
- Guus: it would be good to identify specific other models
- 20:47:56 [RalphS]
- ... e.g. 2788, 11179 [part 3]
- 20:48:10 [RalphS]
- Alistair: 5964 (multilingual)
- 20:48:43 [RalphS]
- ... I'd put 2788 as a stronger requirement than 5964
- 20:48:48 [RalphS]
- ... interpretation of 5964 is harder
- 20:49:49 [RalphS]
- Alan: is SKOS a "metadata model"?
- 20:50:58 [RalphS]
- Guus: propose omitting the general requirementsR13 and R15 and adding specific requirements for 2788, 11179.3
- 20:51:13 [RalphS]
- Alan: is all of 11179.3 relevant to SKOS? there's a lot of stuff in there
- 20:51:47 [RalphS]
- Elisa: I am happy to help narrow the scope
- 20:53:00 [RalphS]
- ... and the US contingent in the 11179 group are physically close to me
- 20:53:13 [RalphS]
- s/sR13/s R13/
- 20:53:35 [RalphS]
- -- R.14 OWL-DL compatibility
- 20:54:04 [RalphS]
- Guus: we can talk about a SKOS representation that is OWL-DL compliant
- 20:54:35 [RalphS]
- Alan: make it formal that annotation [sub]properties are allowed?
- 20:54:58 [RalphS]
- Guus: we have to be sure that we can complete our deliverables without requiring another WG to be rechartered
- 20:55:09 [RalphS]
- ... we can make comments to the OWL comment list about annotation properties
- 20:55:28 [RalphS]
- Alan: there's a partial workaround available to SKOS
- 20:56:08 [RalphS]
- Ivan: what does DL compatibility mean when you have a processing model that includes some rules into SKOS?
- 20:56:24 [RalphS]
- ... regardless of annotation properties, SKOS is already out of DL
- 20:56:36 [RalphS]
- Alistair: the annotation properties don't have to be used
- 20:56:52 [RalphS]
- -- R.16 Checking the consistency of a vocabulary
- 20:57:03 [aliman]
- s/annotation properties/rules/
- 20:57:04 [RalphS]
- Guus: issue raised earlier about semantics
- 20:57:10 [TomB_]
- q+ to suggest "consistency of a concept scheme"
- 20:57:35 [RalphS]
- [I think Tom's suggestion is agreed implicitly]
- 20:57:37 [TomB_]
- q-
- 20:58:43 [RalphS]
- Jon: I've been updating the sandbox wiki in realtime
- 20:58:44 [JonP]
- 21:03:40 [RalphS]
- [break]
- 21:05:07 [RalphS]
- zakim, Kjetil_Kjernsmo just arrived in meetingroom
- 21:05:07 [Zakim]
- +Kjetil_Kjernsmo; got it
- 21:11:26 [Zakim]
- -TomB_
- 21:11:50 [Zakim]
- +??P5
- 21:12:16 [kjetilk]
- kjetilk has joined #swd
- 21:13:51 [TomB_]
- my
- 21:19:47 [aliman]
- TOPIC: Best Practise Recipes
- 21:19:54 [aliman]
- scribenick: aliman
- 21:20:42 [aliman]
- guus: finish by 5:45
- 21:21:24 [aliman]
- steve: Steve Williams, hyperforms technologies, participating in W3C 2-3 in binary XML WGs
- 21:21:25 [JonP]
- Current issues list:
- 21:21:26 [timbl]
- timbl has joined #swd
- 21:21:57 [aliman]
- ... interest in semweb, relatied technologies, interested in AI.
- 21:22:14 [RalphS]
- zakim, TimBL has arrived in meetingroom
- 21:22:14 [Zakim]
- +TimBL; got it
- 21:22:19 [aliman]
- guus: three main topics here, one is on SKOS, now going on to recipes for publishing RDF vocabs, tomorrow move on to RDFa
- 21:23:09 [timbl]
- timbl has changed the topic to: SWD f2f sic
- 21:23:34 [aliman]
- kjetil: opera software, interested in semweb since 98, bumped into danbri, then graduate student of astrophysics, then hired by opera, mostly programmin, chaals getting me into more on semantic web.
- 21:23:49 [aliman]
- ... responsible for my opera foaf stuff
- 21:24:22 [aliman]
- guus: moving on to discussion of recipes for publishing RDF, have as input recipes document from SWBPD, incomplete document, Jon action to generate issues list, now on wiki
- 21:24:36 [JonP]
- 21:25:16 [aliman]
- ... suggest briefly review this list, pick out critical issues, spend time discussing critical issues, diego can play a role because has proposed resolution for one of these issues (we can discuss and decide on)
- 21:25:58 [aliman]
- jon: first four issues left over from previous working group, diego's been working on first issue.
- 21:26:49 [ivan]
- 21:27:08 [RalphS]
- ^Diego's proposed resolution to COOKBOOK-I1.1
- 21:27:22 [aliman]
- diego: [issue 1.1] already on mailing list, there was a TODO tag, issue regards configuration of apache to serve vocabularies, apache uses configuration files with directives, one of these directives is the overrides ...
- 21:27:46 [JonP]
- Diego's verification email:
- 21:28:00 [aliman]
- ... in original doc there was a TODO tag next to overrides, to verify this is correct, I checked this and discovered that the line was correct, no additional overrides required, both overrides are required.
- 21:28:08 [aliman]
- ... proposed to remove this TODO tag.
- 21:28:34 [RalphS]
- -> @@TODO from Recipes WD
- 21:28:58 [aliman]
- jon: is that resolution acceptable? how do we handle? seems to be fine.
- 21:29:15 [aliman]
- ... vote as a group?
- 21:29:21 [aliman]
- guus: can we write a test case?
- 21:29:27 [aliman]
- diego: I have test case.
- 21:29:50 [aliman]
- jon: diego sent around email, describing test cases and results.
- 21:29:55 [berrueta]
- -> test cases
- 21:30:02 [aliman]
- guus: further discussion?
- 21:30:09 [aliman]
- ralph: looks good to me.
- 21:30:15 [aliman]
- aliman: me too.
- 21:30:52 [aliman]
- PROPOSED to resolve issue 1.1 as per email of
- 21:31:12 [aliman]
- ralph seconds
- 21:31:19 [aliman]
- no objections
- 21:31:21 [aliman]
- 21:32:01 [aliman]
- ACTION: jon to update issue list as per resolution of issue 1.1
- 21:32:18 [aliman]
- guus: next issue?
- 21:32:45 [aliman]
- jon: skip over second issue, because the TODO is that it references 6 which doesn't exist
- 21:32:58 [aliman]
- ... issue 1.2 and 1.4 are essentially the same.
- 21:33:09 [aliman]
- guus: PROPOSED to drop issue 1.2
- 21:33:17 [aliman]
- diego seconds
- 21:33:22 [aliman]
- no objections
- 21:33:28 [aliman]
- RESOLVED to drop issue 1.2
- 21:33:41 [aliman]
- ACTION: jon to update issue list as per dropping of 1.2
- 21:34:08 [aliman]
- jon: issue 1.3 - why performing content negotiation on the basis of the "user agent" heading.
- 21:34:21 [aliman]
- ... is not considered good practice.
- 21:34:48 [aliman]
- bernard: whole section should be in an appendix, why in main body of text?
- 21:35:48 [aliman]
- aliman: karl suggested move whole content negotiation to appendix
- 21:36:25 [aliman]
- timbl: if you add features to a user agent, because it stumps the deployment of new browsers, e.g. folks at opera, resulted in user agents lying about who they are
- 21:36:50 [aliman]
- ... e.g. some browsers ship with lying user agent fields, unsatisfactory, better to look at the mime types
- 21:37:18 [aliman]
- ... sometimes in practice necessary to look at user agent field to pick up bugs, where you know there are specific bugs, particular trap for particular browser.
- 21:37:47 [aliman]
- jon: potential resolution is to explain the problem with using user agent, as per stunting development?
- 21:37:51 [aliman]
- timbl: yes
- 21:38:06 [aliman]
- diego: esiting doc to explain this?
- 21:40:56 [aliman]
- ralph: we didn't want to break semantic web applications which don't include accept header, so set RDF as default response
- 21:43:33 [aliman]
- timbl: two cases, one is your serving data, but if you are trying do the trick of doing either rdf html version, but only put if you are content negotiating ...TAG says something about identity of resourse
- 21:43:44 [aliman]
- aliman: but use 303 so don't have to have same info content
- 21:43:48 [aliman]
- timbl: yes
- 21:44:02 [aliman]
- bernard: uncomfortable with hack
- 21:44:15 [aliman]
- jon: real worl, applies to IE7?
- 21:44:16 [timbl]
- The TAG I think says the same URI may conneg go to differenet representations ... but they should convey the same i nformation
- 21:44:53 [aliman]
- guus: someone take action to look at IE7
- 21:45:03 [aliman]
- jon: regardless of IE7, should still leave hack in.
- 21:45:15 [aliman]
- aliman: I agree
- 21:45:47 [aliman]
- jon: issue 1.3 is actually to explain why the hack is slightly bad
- 21:45:56 [aliman]
- ralph: new issue would be to look again at the hack
- 21:46:01 [aliman]
- jon: two separate issues
- 21:47:23 [aliman]
- ralph: if IE7 does the wrong thing, leave it, if IE7 does the right thing then drop the hack (except if you have to support a specific ocmmunity)
- 21:48:06 [aliman]
- bernard: I will raise this issue
- 21:48:35 [aliman]
- ACTION: bernard to raise new issue re IE6 hack
- 21:48:53 [aliman]
- ACTION: diego to look at IE7 accept headers
- 21:49:20 [aliman]
- ralph: test cases?
- 21:49:28 [aliman]
- aliman: just whar's in the document already.
- 21:49:50 [aliman]
- jon: 1.3 issue has been raised.
- 21:50:33 [aliman]
- ralph: I move we conside 1.3 open - there is a TODO that needs to be done, timbl how likely is that TAG write something about use of user agent header?
- 21:50:48 [aliman]
- timbl: may be something already, otherwise need to send email to TAG
- 21:50:56 [aliman]
- ralph: I will own this issue
- 21:51:11 [aliman]
- ACTION: ralph propose resolutition to issue 1.3
- 21:51:53 [aliman]
- jon: move on to issue issue 1.4 ... recipe 6 is not there
- 21:52:01 [aliman]
- bernard: do we need a recipe 6
- 21:52:25 [RalphS]
- scribenick: ralph
- 21:52:55 [RalphS]
- Alistair: one of the reasons people like slash namespaces is because the response to a GET is specific to the requested resource and you can incrementally learn more with additional GETs
- 21:53:54 [RalphS]
- ... in recipe 5, if you request RDF you get redirected to a namespace document that describes everything
- 21:54:19 [RalphS]
- ... recipe 6 was intended to permit serving just a relevant chunk of RDF data
- 21:54:30 [RalphS]
- TimBL: d2rdf does this
- 21:55:05 [RalphS]
- ... a SPARQL query can navigate a graph by recursively pulling in documents
- 21:55:24 [aliman]
- timbl: e.g. d2r server does that virtually, enthusiastic about this group pushing linked data, critical thing about linked data is that when you derefrence linked data you get all arcs in and out then human being can navigate the graph, then also SPARQL query can find all the graphs by pulling in all the relevant docs, not as efficient but good, important to make all the backlinks.
- 21:55:39 [RalphS]
- ... it's good to remind people to include backlinks; dereferencing a student should give you a pointer back to the class
- 21:56:04 [aliman]
- timbl: minimum spanning graph, RDF molecule
- 21:56:45 [aliman]
- ... patrick stickled CBD onlly arcs out
- 21:56:47 [timbl]
- see:
- 21:56:55 [aliman]
- ... this is important recipse to include
- 21:56:56 [RalphS]
- s/stickled/stickler/
- 21:57:12 [aliman]
- ... proposed workshop for web conference about linked data, didn't have space.
- 21:57:25 [timbl]
- The D2R Server generates linked data automatically.
- 21:57:25 [RalphS]
- -> Concise Bounded Description [Stickler, 2005]
- 21:57:26 [aliman]
- jon: this should be opened, this recipe should be written.
- 21:57:40 [aliman]
- guus: open means we work on it now.
- 22:00:15 [aliman]
- timbl: two separate points to be made, first is the recipe redirects you to a file, but the file is vritual, most web servers are virtual, if you redirect to a SPARQL query, doesn't mean that the SPARQL query is evident in the URI, inside that you use a rewrite rule, give a nice URI to your _part_ then use a rewrite rule to create the SPARQL query, hide the SPARQL query.
- 22:00:37 [aliman]
- jon: useful to say that as part of the recipe, best handled by a service that will handle on the fly.
- 22:01:09 [aliman]
- timbl: important to separate, e.g. FOAF files do it by hand, in some cases there is a lot of hand written stuff, fact that something is genearated automatically may apply to other recipes also.
- 22:01:34 [aliman]
- ralph: we are a deployment group, rewriting nice URIs to query URIs, good to show this to get more deployment.
- 22:01:50 [aliman]
- guus: we are in a position to write a resolution to this section, who can do?
- 22:01:59 [aliman]
- ralph: examples of sparql services we can use?
- 22:02:29 [aliman]
- timbl: geonames? d2r server. one does 303 redirect to URI encoded SPARQL query.
- 22:02:46 [aliman]
- ralph: sounds like some code existed.
- 22:03:26 [aliman]
- jon: two parts to this, first part is data, second part is server configuration. We're looking for a document fragment example and server config.
- 22:03:46 [aliman]
- ralph: wordnet is an obviious choice, but the W3C need to commit to D2R service.
- 22:04:20 [aliman]
- diego: I will own the issue
- 22:04:49 [aliman]
- guus: maybe diego can talk with Ralph about wordnet, nice use case, widely used.
- 22:05:02 [aliman]
- ralph: need to get web servers to support the service, but plausible.
- 22:05:16 [RalphS]
- s/get web/get W3C web/
- 22:06:00 [aliman]
- jon: issue 2.1 (QA comments)
- 22:06:50 [aliman]
- ... karl raised wordsmithing and structural comments, lots, something for each section, I couldlnt' break out individual issues, I'd like to propose we simply open this, I'll take ownership, I'll implement most of his suggestions and propose as modification to the document.
- 22:07:12 [aliman]
- guus: comments from QA people, we owe them a response. Need to go through each response, say what we did.
- 22:07:45 [Zakim]
- -TomB_
- 22:09:37 [aliman]
- jon: Issue 2.1 ... raised by me (wiki lies) recipes are specific to apache server, may be applicable in non-apache environments, do we want to provide general template that describes recipes in general, or say that recipes can be implemented by a script.
- 22:09:43 [aliman]
- bernard: general template is possible?
- 22:10:35 [aliman]
- ralph: is there is one web master would recognise then can look at it. cookbook is very practical, make it simple for server admin to do it, if someone wants to submit recipes for other environments then good.
- 22:10:47 [Zakim]
- +??P1
- 22:11:08 [aliman]
- jon: common principles e.g. redirect based on content negotiation, I don't konw enough about other environments to say how.
- 22:11:12 [Guus]
- [hi Tom]
- 22:11:18 [aliman]
- ralph: like to encourage others to contribute recipes
- 22:11:34 [aliman]
- jon: suggest we provide a place for people to submit new recipes for other environments
- 22:11:47 [aliman]
- ralph: happy with mailing list for proposed translations.
- 22:12:00 [aliman]
- ivan: wiki?
- 22:12:07 [aliman]
- ... esw wiki?
- 22:12:42 [RalphS]
- alistair: the diagrams were intended to provide a schematic overview of the behavior we were trying to implement
- 22:12:56 [RalphS]
- ... hopefully this would give people enough information to implement in other environments
- 22:13:00 [RalphS]
- scribenick: aliman
- 22:13:03 [aliman]
- jon: leave this in a raised state? open it?
- 22:13:12 [aliman]
- ivan: resolution to open wiki page.
- 22:13:29 [aliman]
- ralph: willing to own issue, proposed resolution to create wiki page.
- 22:14:12 [aliman]
- guus: publication schedule, can say we don't think it's a high priority if we think resources are limited.
- 22:14:32 [aliman]
- ralph: should be ok, but may get not good configs
- 22:15:15 [aliman]
- jon: issue 3.1 (raised by me) discussion about differentiating between versions, one reason we use redirects to supply most recent snapshot of a vocabulary
- 22:15:22 [aliman]
- ... actualy document.
- 22:16:24 [timbl]
- q+
- 22:16:28 [RalphS]
- Alistair: consider Dublin Core; it has a fixed URI that is redirected to the current version of the vocabulary
- 22:17:06 [RalphS]
- ... an application may be able to deal with versioned URIs, and access older snapshots of the vocabulary
- 22:17:30 [RalphS]
- q+
- 22:17:48 [aliman]
- jon: why not use mod_rewrite instead of redirects, can use redirects to make version ???
- 22:18:08 [aliman]
- ... proposing a complete suggestion for a naming convention for handling this sort of thing in a recipe ...
- 22:18:35 [timbl]
- q+ to say 1) the redirect does not convey that semantics and so the semantics need sto be onveyedelsewhere and (b) the redirect is an overhead
- 22:18:41 [aliman]
- ... link is in extended requirements section of original doc
- 22:18:59 [RalphS]
- -> extended requirements
- 22:19:06 [timbl]
- ... and (c) metatdat in URI is converd by the TAG in a new finding and is in gneral bad
- 22:20:30 [Zakim]
- timbl, you wanted to say 1) the redirect does not convey that semantics and so the semantics need sto be onveyedelsewhere and (b) the redirect is an overhead
- 22:23:17 [aliman]
- timbl: problem with redirects is twofold, part is when you redirect, redirect doesn't say anything about what the relationship between source and target is, doesn't deliver the smeantics you want, also takes time - overhead - adding it thourgh overhead is to be avoided if possible. However to be able to track differences between versions of an ontology is very useful, on web different translations, different content types, design issues note about this /gen/ont
- 22:23:34 [aliman]
- ... TAG is aware of this but hasn't tackled from RDF point of view, I wrote an ontology ...
- 22:23:37 [aliman]
- q+ to foo
- 22:23:43 [timbl]
- 22:24:46 [aliman]
- timbl: gen ont if best practices could just dump the map, some metadata can get from apache, if running CVS can generate metadata from previous versions if you've got web CVS. If you've got content negotiation can find out what all the options are from apache config
- 22:25:10 [aliman]
- ... that would be ideal, ideal pattern which nobody does at the moment - don't know if I should ask this group or another to look into this.
- 22:25:17 [aliman]
- ... suggest this group push this out.
- 22:26:51 [aliman]
- ralph: I'd like us to consider this as a candidate requirement for discussion, but not for this document, because this doc was one of what was expected to be a collection of docs coming out of SWBPD, several aspects of VM e.g. how to serve them, versioning, properties about a vocab e.g. provenance, best practices for all that. SWBPD imagined there would be other docs to go along with this, I image this would be part of our work, Jon's soltuoin is plausible but
- 22:27:06 [aliman]
- ... consider this as candidate requirement for other VM work, not to try and solve for this doc (recipes).
- 22:28:09 [aliman]
- jon: ralph is suggestins part of resolution of this issue is to start another document, and that this part of recipes should point to that documeent. Currently recipes punt, lots of different ways to do it, nonbody says what is best way. Part of utility is to say here is a recipe, a way to do it, this is a generic enough recipe to work in enough cases.
- 22:28:19 [aliman]
- ... so we should reword this doc?
- 22:28:41 [aliman]
- ralph: shows up on our deliverables page ... "principles for management..." we can point to this document.
- 22:29:10 [aliman]
- guus: propose to leave this issue as raised, go on with recipes without resolving it, indicate that this issue is intended to be resolved by another doc.
- 22:29:22 [RalphS]
- Ralph: specifically, our deliverable 3. Principles for Managing an RDF Vocabulary
- 22:29:26 [Zakim]
- aliman, you wanted to foo
- 22:29:54 [aliman]
- 22:30:06 [RalphS]
- Alistair: in anticipation of needing to use RDF to describe the relationship between a dynamic thing and static snapshots of that thing, I've published net/d4
- 22:30:21 [RalphS]
- ... d4 may provide a basis for discussion
- 22:31:03 [RalphS]
- ... also GRDDL seems to be in a similar space; making assertions about the relationship between various documents you might be able to access from a namespace
- 22:31:17 [aliman]
- guus: 10 mins left, suggest we cover last two issues, 5 mins for each.
- 22:32:15 [aliman]
- jon: issue 3.2 (testing) diego has written some unit tests, useful if we could provide a service for developers who wanted to utilise cookbook recipes, provide as a server validation service officially
- 22:32:37 [aliman]
- ... this would allow you to specify you wanted to test a particular server against a particular recipe
- 22:32:50 [aliman]
- guus: not an issue with the current doc,
- 22:33:06 [aliman]
- ralph: intermediate step to publish the test cases?
- 22:33:39 [aliman]
- jon: thinking more like RDF validation service, you point service at URL and say which recipe.
- 22:34:01 [aliman]
- ... diego has already written the code, we just don't have the service.
- 22:34:07 [aliman]
- ralph: you have test service?
- 22:35:13 [aliman]
- timbl: great idea, presentation suggest that you may get more people who validation than go to the doc, so service could point people out to the doc, start from existing situation and lead people buy the hand to appropriate recipes.
- 22:36:06 [timbl]
- (Service could be implemented in Javascript within the document ;-) not.
- 22:36:07 [aliman]
- guus: question of timing, has to be synchronised.. From pragmatic view, suggest take an action to look at possibilities and report back, time frames and synchronisation.
- 22:36:15 [aliman]
- ralph: can you commit to hosting?
- 22:36:21 [aliman]
- diego: I can write the code.. .
- 22:36:42 [aliman]
- timbl: can it run in a browser?
- 22:36:47 [aliman]
- diego: runs on server side.
- 22:37:02 [aliman]
- guus: before resolving, do some suggestion on the list about how to realise this.
- 22:37:19 [aliman]
- ralph: I could put this in category of vocabulary mangement validator, then falls into big validator project we have.
- 22:37:56 [aliman]
- timbl: rethink about how to support validators, logically if you're going to validate, you can go so many ways ... top of an iceberg.
- 22:38:10 [aliman]
- guus: open issue, diego is owner, first to propose a timescale.
- 22:38:35 [aliman]
- jon: issue 3.3 raised by diego, mod_rewrite is required for all recipes, but we don't say so.
- 22:38:43 [aliman]
- ralph: and apparently not there by default.
- 22:38:55 [aliman]
- guus: jon is to be issue owner.
- 22:39:26 [aliman]
- ralph: probably worth saying here's what apache config file to go to to cause it to be loaded.
- 22:39:41 [aliman]
- guus: close this dicussion on the recipes, thanks to all, moved to state where can see progress.
- 22:43:11 [aliman]
- ... have to think carefully about status of RDFa, Note? relationship with HTML? also think carefully about time horizon for SKOS recommendation, test cases and implementations worry, can see six months document to go to last call, also need a test suite in place, similar to OWL so tool developers can test stuff. Document itself in good shape, but getting to candidate rec may take more time.
- 22:43:44 [aliman]
- l... to keep to schedule, we need to have test suite stage by the summer.
- 22:44:01 [aliman]
- ... propose we adjourn for the day!
- 22:45:10 [benadida]
- benadida has left #SWD
- 22:46:03 [Zakim]
- -Elisa_Kendall
- 22:47:00 [TomB_]
- RalphS, my phone number tomorrow...
- 22:47:35 [TomB_]
- ...will probably be xxxx
- 22:49:59 [Antoine]
- rrsagent, pointer?
- 22:49:59 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 22:50:29 [Zakim]
- -MeetingRoom
- 22:58:35 [RalphS]
- zakim, drop tom
- 22:58:35 [Zakim]
- TomB_ is being disconnected
- 22:58:37 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD(f2f)8:30AM has ended
- 22:58:39 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +1.617.253.aaaa, Alistair, Antoine, Bernard, Guus, Diego, IvanHerman, TimBL, Ralph, Fabien, Ben, Jon, TomB, Elisa_Kendall, AlanR, Jonathan_Rees, +1.617.475.aabb,
- 22:58:41 [Zakim]
- ... Stephen_Williams, TomB_, Kjetil_Kjernsmo
- 22:59:05 [RalphS]
- Tom are you comfortable with your number staying in the public record or do you want me to edit it out of the irc log?
- 22:59:34 [RalphS]
- rrsagent, please draft minutes
- 22:59:34 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate RalphS
- 23:00:24 [RalphS]
- rrsagent, bye
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- I see 14 open action items saved in :
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Alan write up the preferredLabel modelling issue [1]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Antoine to provide more use cases of uses of qualifiers [2]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: guus to to check that this broad/narrow is on the issues' list [3]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: antoine to capture the issue on capturing relationships between labels [4]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: antoine to to contact the submittors of #7 to see what they want to use skos for (as opposed to, say, owl) [5]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: alistair to summarizes the aspects of semantics of the skos data model [6]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: guus to check with veronique on the terms being outside the iso standard [7]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: alistair to rephrase the old issue of skos/owl-dl coexistence and semantics [8]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: alan to write down the general documentation requirements, in particular to those that are related to literal values, and how to represent that in skos [9]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: jon to update issue list as per resolution of issue 1.1 [10]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: jon to update issue list as per dropping of 1.2 [11]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: bernard to raise new issue re IE6 hack [12]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: diego to look at IE7 accept headers [13]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ralph propose resolutition to issue 1.3 [14]
- 23:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in