15:58:13 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 15:58:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/01/10-sweo-irc 15:58:22 rrsagent, set log public 15:58:36 zakim, dial ivan-home 15:58:36 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:58:38 +Ivan 15:58:57 +[IBMCambridge] 15:59:15 + +1.781.273.aaaa 15:59:21 zakim, IBMCambridge is Wing 15:59:21 +Wing; got it 15:59:38 zakim, aaaa is Kingsley 15:59:38 +Kingsley; got it 15:59:50 Zakim, code 15:59:50 I don't understand 'code', kjetilk 15:59:57 zakim, code? 15:59:57 the conference code is 7936 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), ivan 16:00:18 Chair: Susie 16:00:20 -Kingsley 16:00:33 Meeting: SWEO weekly Telco 16:00:44 +Kingsley_Idehen 16:01:04 zakim, mute me 16:01:04 Ivan should now be muted 16:01:07 +LeeF 16:01:18 I will stay muted...:-( 16:01:22 sorry ivan 16:01:39 ???? 16:01:41 + +44.190.827.aabb 16:01:54 zakim, aabb is martin 16:01:55 +martin; got it 16:02:05 +Orri_Erling 16:02:22 zakim, mute me pleasde 16:02:22 I don't understand 'mute me pleasde', LeeF 16:02:28 zakim, mute me 16:02:28 LeeF should now be muted 16:03:03 +??P14 16:03:04 kjetilk, do you still have problems? 16:03:17 zakim, who is here? 16:03:17 On the phone I see ??P1, Ivan (muted), Wing, Kingsley_Idehen, LeeF (muted), martin, Orri_Erling, ??P14 16:03:19 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, wing, pasquale, Susie, kidehen, LeeF, bengee, ivan, kjetilk 16:03:26 Zakim, ??P14 is me 16:03:30 +kjetilk; got it 16:03:37 zakim, who is here? 16:03:46 On the phone I see ??P1, Ivan (muted), Wing, Kingsley_Idehen, LeeF (muted), martin, Orri_Erling, kjetilk 16:03:58 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, wing, pasquale, Susie, kidehen, LeeF, bengee, ivan, kjetilk 16:04:43 leobard has joined #sweo 16:04:45 hi 16:04:48 +Jeff_Schiffel 16:05:55 +??P25 16:06:30 +??P33 16:06:34 Susie: BT has volunteered to write a use case around SW usage in telecom (Alister Duke) 16:06:42 Susie: questionnaire is open and being filled in 16:07:27 ... Leo has taken charge of InfoGathering task 16:07:44 leobard: May 1 deadline is in order to encourage us to focus on the core of the task 16:07:50 how fast is zakim? p25 appeared 2 secs after I joined 16:07:54 ... goals are to gather information the right way (rather than as much as possible) 16:08:13 zakim, ??P25 is Bengee 16:08:26 +Bengee; got it 16:08:32 thx, ivan 16:09:18 ScribeNick: kidehen 16:09:53 leobard: Please dump your last comments for the record 16:10:17 martind has joined #SWEO 16:10:31 LeeF: great :-) 16:10:44 URI for the questionnaire results: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/39572/sweo_questionnaire/results 16:10:46 I'm online, I can take over the scribing now... 16:10:54 sorry for the chaos 16:11:05 np. we thrive on chaos :-) 16:11:07 Susie: Questionnaire response appears to be high 16:11:32 speaker name? 16:11:39 kjetilk 16:12:39 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/Conferences# 16:12:56 Leo: Provides an overview of conferences of potential interest 16:13:44 no 16:13:49 q+ 16:14:06 Leo: highlights lack of XTech attendance indication from SWEO 16:14:21 XTech is very well recognized here 16:14:41 Susie: I will look into potential attendees from Oracle. 16:15:00 Susie: I submitted a Tutorial re. Real World Applications of the Semantic Web 16:15:07 Susie: URL please 16:15:16 +1 o Susie 16:15:41 +1 to beer 16:15:50 Leo & Susie: Suggest SemWeb mixers 16:16:29 Susie: TimBL wants to improve collaboration and personal networking of MA based SemWeb players. 16:16:47 would be fun to have an event during the MGM week 16:16:54 Susie: Current plan is for January, but TimBL needs to confirm 16:19:15 Susie: suggests that initial mixer is SWEO member only, while subsequent meetings would be on an invitation basis (where invites are issued by SWEO members a 'la Google Mail invites) 16:19:47 I don't think the suggestion was *SWEO member * only as much as "by invitation" only 16:19:59 Susie: Encourages others to organize networking events so that networking spreads geographically 16:19:59 link: http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/Conferences 16:20:23 Susie: Indicate needs for lead time cognizance. 16:20:24 zakim, unmute me 16:20:24 Ivan should no longer be muted 16:20:42 q? 16:20:46 kidehen: Maybe we should add lead time data re. submissions to Wiki page 16:21:58 Ivan: Indicates XTech characterization is inaccurate. He indicates (from attendance observation) that this is the European equivalent of the Web 2.0 conferences in the U.S. 16:22:01 q+ to say that Edd Dumbill is chair 16:22:13 Ivan: Indicates SWEO presence is important 16:22:18 kidehen: Concurs 16:22:45 Ivan: Talks about existence of GRDDL Tutorials as relevant SWEO collateral 16:23:33 Ivan: Notes that most of these events have W3C tracks. 16:24:04 kidehen: didn't get it either 16:24:17 leo, kidehen: WWW2007 16:24:21 ah1 16:24:25 sorry 16:24:30 zakim, mute me 16:24:30 Ivan should now be muted 16:24:31 no, the third was not www, or? 16:24:45 who was speaking before Susie 16:24:50 Jeff 16:24:53 the last is the one referred to as 'susie event' or 'boston event' 16:24:59 hey, how about if you just edit the wiki page? 16:25:02 q+ 16:25:06 ack ivan 16:25:08 Jeff: unveils two conferences of relevance 16:25:10 q- 16:25:11 zakim mute me 16:25:33 q? 16:25:34 q? 16:25:38 zakim, mute ivan 16:25:38 Ivan should now be muted 16:25:42 azk kjetillk 16:25:47 ack kjetilk 16:25:49 kjetilk, you wanted to say that Edd Dumbill is chair 16:26:17 Kejit: Makes point about chairman of an event and RDF mailing list 16:26:22 didn't get all of it 16:26:59 Kejit: Talks about Semantic Web competition as enticer for developers etc.. 16:27:37 Kejit: 16:29:00 s/Kejit/kjetilk 16:29:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sweo-ig/2006Dec/0169.html 16:29:32 +Karen 16:29:56 :-) 16:30:13 Karen has joined #sweo 16:30:32 kjetilk: Emphasizes importance of communicating magnitude and impact of SemWeb 16:30:56 kjetilk: Suggest no wheel reinvention :-) 16:31:15 kjetilk: suggest continuation and enhancement of things that exist 16:32:08 kidehen: I would like to suggest we produce SemWeb Mashups (aka Meshups) for instance 16:32:51 +1 kjetilk 16:32:55 thanks :-) 16:33:42 kjetilk and Susie: Emphasize cohesiveness of demos 16:33:59 Susie: Suggest use of demos to convince Microformats community for instance 16:34:25 There's no convincing the uf community. 16:35:32 kidehen: Should we not treat the demos as resources (part of Resource Gathering collective in Wiki)? 16:36:07 kidehen: Everyone should simply dump their demos links into the Wiki 16:36:24 q+ 16:37:12 Susie: Asks if questionnaires would work for Web Dev. community? 16:38:16 kjetilk: Emphasizes this group is already SemWeb curious if not totally interested 16:38:47 kjetilk: Emphasizes we need to do more "Showing" and less "Telling" 16:38:53 ack ivan 16:39:36 Ivan: Acknowledges and agrees with kjetilk re. use of electronic channels 16:39:53 Ivan: Where these channels are inherently informal 16:40:19 Ivan: Ask kjetilk to re-send his mail 16:40:29 zakim, mute me 16:40:29 Ivan should now be muted 16:40:32 kidehen: Assuming this isn't already in the Mailing List archives 16:40:35 kjetilk: 16:40:37 URL 16:40:43 kjetilk: URL 16:41:32 kidehen: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sweo-ig/2006Dec/0169.html 16:43:18 Karen: Talks about MIT hack-a-thon by Media Labs. She will get info re. organization of this event. Also talked about "Mobile Web" events centered around MIT etc.. 16:43:58 Susie: Talks about Leo's suggestions re. organizing SemWeb networking events. 16:43:58 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/Conferences/Meeting_Framework 16:45:22 the conference dates are 23-25 April, Norway 16:45:24 q+ 16:45:34 Susie: Location and Data of next F2F in Europe. Timeframe will be close to W3C event in Europe. Emphasizes geographical re. F2F 16:45:43 +1 for a meeting in Norway 16:46:08 Geographical rotation re. F2F 16:46:11 ESWC 2007 16:46:12 june is the ESW conference in Innsbruck 16:46:28 3-7th, June 2007 16:46:43 what was the other? 16:46:58 meeting of Oil Companies in May in Norway 16:47:14 Leo: it is a semantic web days in Norway, but the web site is not yet up 16:47:30 with a strong connection to oil and energy companies 16:47:31 btw: I-Semantic in Graz... that misses 16:48:03 I-Semantics: 5-7 September 2007, Graz, Austria 16:48:10 semtech is may 20-24 16:48:13 cfp: http://www.aposdle.tugraz.at/content/download/328/1657/file/I-KNOW%2007_CallForPapers.pdf 16:48:15 www2007 is early May (7-12) 16:48:48 the meeting in April could be 20-21 or 19-20 16:48:56 q+ 16:49:02 ack Karen 16:49:18 ack leobard 16:49:40 yes 16:49:46 I will look 16:49:48 thx!! 16:50:00 even better doing them :-) 16:50:05 :-) 16:50:33 I will do it, Kingsley 16:50:37 do not worry about it 16:50:47 happy new year everybody! 16:50:47 ivan: So I don't need to do anything else? 16:50:50 -??P1 16:50:52 -Orri_Erling 16:50:53 -Karen 16:50:53 no, you are all set 16:50:54 -Bengee 16:50:55 -Jeff_Schiffel 16:50:57 -kjetilk 16:50:58 -martin 16:50:59 great 16:51:00 -Kingsley_Idehen 16:51:01 -??P33 16:51:02 -Wing 16:51:03 -Ivan 16:51:14 Happy New Year!! 16:51:36 thanks everyone 16:51:37 LeeF has left #sweo 16:51:40 kidehen has left #sweo 16:51:43 wing has left #sweo 16:52:43 martind has left #SWEO 16:52:45 bengee has left #sweo 17:00:41 exit 17:04:16 by ivan, by all 17:05:02 disconnecting the lone participant, LeeF, in SW_SWEO()11:00AM 17:05:08 SW_SWEO()11:00AM has ended 17:05:10 Attendees were Ivan, +1.781.273.aaaa, Wing, Kingsley, Kingsley_Idehen, LeeF, +44.190.827.aabb, martin, Orri_Erling, kjetilk, Jeff_Schiffel, Bengee, Karen 17:06:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:59:52 Zakim has left #sweo 19:42:53 Karen has left #sweo