14:28:43 RRSAgent has joined #dawg 14:28:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc 14:28:46 zakim, this will be DAWG 14:28:46 ok, LeeF, I see SW_DAWG()9:30AM already started 14:28:57 zakim, who's on the phone? 14:28:57 On the phone I see Souri_Das 14:28:59 zakim, code? 14:28:59 the conference code is 7333 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), LeeF 14:29:20 +[IBMCambridge] 14:29:27 zakim, IBMCambridge is me 14:29:27 +LeeF; got it 14:29:36 Meeting: RDF DAWG Weekly 14:29:41 Chair: LeeF 14:29:51 Regrets: jeen, eliasT, SteveH, kendallclark 14:30:14 agenda+ Convene 14:30:22 agenda+ Review ACTION Items 14:30:29 agenda +Test suite 14:30:37 agenda +Path SPARQL and accessingCollections 14:30:57 agenda+ rq24/rq25 status 14:31:11 AndyS has joined #dawg 14:31:42 +??P10 14:31:49 zakim, ??P10 is me 14:31:49 +AndyS; got it 14:32:21 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:32:21 On the phone I see Souri_Das, LeeF, AndyS 14:32:34 zkim, kick EricP 14:32:38 zakim, kick EricP 14:32:38 I don't understand 'kick EricP', AndyS 14:34:56 +EricP 14:35:24 +Simon_Raboczi 14:35:28 Woot. 14:36:45 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=35463 14:37:30 iv_an_ru, are you around? 14:38:20 Scribe: AndyS 14:38:52 Hello LeeF 14:39:20 iv_an_ru, I see that you've joined the working group - would you like to / be able to call in to the telecon that's beginning now? 14:39:31 Fri, 29 Dec 2006 06:36:01 +0000: OpenLink Software Inc. has nominated Ivan Mikhailov to RDF Data Access Working Group 14:39:40 Minutes of last time. 14:39:41 mid: E1H0BLV-0002Sb-Te@wiggum.w3.org 14:39:42 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2007JanMar/att-0005/simon-RDF_DAWG_Weekly_--_2_Jan_2007.html#ActionSummary 14:39:47 I'm trying 14:40:16 Seconds by AndyS 14:40:19 Seconded by AndyS 14:40:31 Meet next time: in one week's time 14:40:44 Start w/o me 14:41:25 + +7.383.345.aaaa 14:42:06 I can hear :) 14:42:16 RRSAgent, help 14:42:52 ScribeNext: Souri? 14:43:08 sure, I'll try 14:43:11 Ivan: Intro 14:43:25 ... XSLT and XQuery impl experience 14:43:40 ... implementing SPARQL on SQL for Virtuoso 14:44:01 LeeF: Please send intro email to DAWG list for linking 14:45:02 ScribeNext: Souri 14:45:09 agenda? 14:45:19 zakim, move to next agendum 14:45:19 agendum 1. "Convene" taken up [from LeeF] 14:45:21 LeeF: Any Comments on agenda? 14:45:26 zakim, move to next agendum 14:45:26 agendum 1 was just opened, LeeF 14:45:29 all: (silence) 14:45:30 zakim, move to agendum 2 14:45:30 agendum 2. "Review ACTION Items" taken up [from LeeF] 14:46:01 ACTION: LeeF to update the issues list marking punction syntax [DONE] 14:46:04 DONE 14:46:19 ACTION: Souri to review rq24 14:46:20 DONE 14:46:34 ACTION: ericP to seek clarification from Bob McG 14:46:36 DONE 14:47:03 ACTION: LeeF to close formsOfDistinct issue 14:47:04 DONE 14:47:35 ACTION: EricP to sort out some string literal thing for the operator table 14:47:37 DONE 14:47:52 ACTION: Jeen to get started setting up new test directory 14:47:53 DONE 14:48:02 ACTION: LeeF to remember that the wee, lost filter tests should be put 14:48:04 CONTINUES 14:48:21 ACTION: PatH to change the entailment section around to talk about SPARQL first, then more general conditions in a normative appendix 14:48:25 CONTINUES 14:48:34 ACTION: EricP to run the yacker tool over and annotate the existing tests 14:48:37 CONTINUES 14:48:44 Jeen test suite: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2007JanMar/0007.html 14:48:49 zakim, move to next agendum 14:48:49 agendum 1. "Convene" taken up [from LeeF] 14:48:54 zakim, move to agendum 3 14:48:54 agendum 3. "Test suite" taken up [from LeeF] 14:49:28 Jeen has committed some tests and super manifests 14:49:43 ... synatx tests and triple pattern tests 14:49:55 s/synatx/syntax/g 14:50:26 AndyS (email) There is a more recent set of syntax test. 14:51:18 LeeF: request to review Jeen's first test batch. 14:51:41 (no volunteers on the phone) 14:52:07 ... this agenda item will become a standing "test approval" slot. 14:52:08 I can try to review during the weekend. 14:52:15 iv_an_ru, that would be great 14:52:55 EricP: suggestion to make syntax only cover stuff not covered elsewhere 14:53:08 ... because there is overlap. 14:53:49 LeeF: can see value in having broad coverage in syntax tests (e.g. parser writers) 14:55:05 q+ to ask about parser writers 14:55:18 ack AndyS 14:55:19 AndyS, you wanted to ask about parser writers 14:55:35 +q comment about syntax testing and abstract syntax 14:55:57 +q to comment about syntax testing and abstract syntax 14:56:18 ACTION: LeeF to check if SteveH can eyeball Jeen's first group of tests pre-WG approval (LeeF and iv_an_ru will also try to eyeball) 14:57:28 can see value in having two outputs per every syntax test: list of parsed lexems plus the rest as usual. 14:57:54 ack SimonR 14:57:54 SimonR, you wanted to comment about syntax testing and abstract syntax 14:58:30 AndyS: advocates having a separate set of tests for syntax and not ask implementers to extract tests themselves. 14:59:14 yacker kinda gives us an "abstract" syntax, but it's ugly 14:59:29 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/01/yacker/uploads/SPARQL?lang=perl&text=PREFIX+my%3A+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2F%3E+ASK+%7B+my%3Afoo+my%3A5.5+%7D&action=validate+text yacker "abstract syntax" 15:00:21 http://sparql.org/validator?query=PREFIX+books%3A+++%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2Fbook%2F%3E%0D%0APREFIX+dc%3A++++++%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fpurl.org%2Fdc%2Felements%2F1.1%2F%3E%0D%0A%0D%0ASELECT+%3Fbook+%3Ftitle%0D%0AWHERE%0D%0A+++%7B+%3Fbook+dc%3Atitle+%3Ftitle+%7D&languageSyntax=SPARQL&outputFormat=prefix&linenumbers=true 15:01:14 SimonR: (discusses a formalized abstract representation of a syntax tree) 15:02:24 q+ to say if the semantics pass, we're happy with whatever abstract syntax the impl used 15:02:25 Okay, maybe I'll type instead. 15:03:00 I'm suggesting that we really do have to standardize a single abstract syntax if the language is going to be unambiguous. 15:03:35 AndyS: The purpose is to get implementation reports 15:03:46 ... if a test fails, we don't know why 15:03:56 EricP: does it matter why they fail? 15:04:32 AndyS: Good to know why a test fails for feedback 15:05:16 How can I use an SPARQL abstract syntax if I compile a mix of SPARQL and SQL? I have more nodes in my tree than it is expected for plain SPARQL, ditto more properties. 15:05:17 EricP: burden having more tests because need tracking 15:05:33 Both RDF/XML and NTriples are concrete syntaxes, but the tests that convert between the two do demonstrate that you're parsing the right abstract syntax. We don't quite have an equivalent to NTriples. 15:07:45 AndyS: I have a large test suite that I use against the syntax tests for developing the grammar -- it would be a burden on me to switch to using the evaluation tests to test the grammar 15:08:18 q? 15:10:28 ack me 15:10:28 ericP, you wanted to say if the semantics pass, we're happy with whatever abstract syntax the impl used 15:11:50 LeeF: Will bring this to Jeen's attention. 15:11:56 zakim, move to agendum 4 15:11:56 agendum 4. "Path SPARQL and accessingCollections" taken up [from LeeF] 15:12:13 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg-comments/2007Jan/0001.html 15:12:21 So it's slightly different from the RDF case, which is standardized at the abstract syntax level with multiple concrete syntaxes. SPARQL is standardized at the concrete syntax level. 15:13:00 DanC has joined #dawg 15:13:10 +DanC 15:13:23 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/issues#accessingCollections 15:14:07 See http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T15-13-23 15:14:09 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2007JanMar/0014.html 15:15:30 LeeF: feedback received from Steve and Kendall: both not in favour 15:15:46 LeeF: asked for opinions from the WG 15:15:48 This is an important requirement, but requires careful thinking and I'd be leaning towards postponing it. 15:16:36 DanC: prompted by OWL1.1 which is only just being setup - SPARQL 1.1 is 5year away. 15:16:45 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:16:45 On the phone I see Souri_Das, LeeF, AndyS, EricP, Simon_Raboczi, +7.383.345.aaaa, DanC 15:17:40 Souri: important requirement but not trivial Oracle concerned about the delay. 15:17:55 zakim, aaaa is iv_an_ru 15:17:55 +iv_an_ru; got it 15:17:56 We (= OpenLink) can't imlement path expressions both easily and effeciently :( 15:18:08 EricP: conservative - nervous of the time taken 15:18:45 I'm in favor of postponing. 15:18:45 SimonR: don't want to precude future solutions 15:19:08 zakim, aaaa is iv_an_ru 15:19:08 sorry, AndyS, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:19:37 Ivan: can't implement easily and efficiently 15:19:57 the only really important thing is that we don't *preclude* any future solutions, and I think the new information actually supports the idea that we're not ruling out future extension to solve the problem. 15:20:03 ... datalog input on recursion may be informative. 15:20:56 ... no really good news here though 15:21:23 ... recursion will be coming along sometime but not just yet. 15:21:28 zakim, mute me 15:21:28 Simon_Raboczi should now be muted 15:21:44 ... will have to ignore feature for 6 months 15:22:11 q+ to comment on this 15:22:18 ack andys 15:22:18 AndyS, you wanted to comment on this 15:22:37 EliasT has joined #dawg 15:22:43 AndyS: (1) Are we really talking about just collections, or the whole general issue of regexps? 15:22:44 AndyS: 1) are we really talking about just collections or the whole mechanism of regular expression paths? 15:22:55 AndyS: 2) What are the alternatives? 15:23:14 (indeed, Andy's ordering point is a user requirement that no design I know of meets.) 15:23:30 AndyS: 3) It's not just accessing collections, it's also ordering. Sometimes collections are used as closed sets, sometimes as lists -- in which case, order is important. 15:23:49 ARQ gives ordering guarantees - unless you then sort it! 15:24:33 HP is not opposed to this issue. Also concerned with the size of the WG and energy leaking out. 15:25:31 zakim, move to agendum 5 15:25:31 agendum 5. "rq24/rq25 status" taken up [from LeeF] 15:25:50 DanC, one could infer more than a magic predicate, but actually build a structure () ==> [ :hasOrderedMember [ :member ; :ordinal 0 ] ] 15:26:21 AndyS: There are a number of features on the postponed list. It would seem a good idea to prioritize this list so we can reopen them in the best order. 15:26:40 DanC, also, our result set is order-able so i guess we can write special semantics that access order directly 15:26:55 "write special semantics" <- there be dragons. 15:27:08 +1 15:27:15 yeah, that's what i did in algae so i could walk through manifests 15:27:26 hasn't been used elsewhere, though 15:27:26 Proposed to adjourn 15:27:34 ADJOURN 15:27:35 Seconded: DanC 15:27:41 Adjourned at 15:27 Z. 15:27:53 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:27:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-minutes.html AndyS 15:28:15 rrsagent, please make logs world-accessible 15:28:21 rrsagent, please make logs world 15:28:28 rrsagent, please make minutes world 15:28:28 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make minutes world', AndyS. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:29:28 rrsagent, please leave us 15:29:28 I see 10 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-actions.rdf : 15:29:28 ACTION: LeeF to update the issues list marking punction syntax [DONE] [1] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-46-01 15:29:28 ACTION: Souri to review rq24 [2] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-46-19 15:29:28 ACTION: ericP to seek clarification from Bob McG [3] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-46-34 15:29:28 ACTION: LeeF to close formsOfDistinct issue [4] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-47-03 15:29:28 ACTION: EricP to sort out some string literal thing for the operator table [5] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-47-35 15:29:28 ACTION: Jeen to get started setting up new test directory [6] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-47-52 15:29:28 ACTION: LeeF to remember that the wee, lost filter tests should be put [7] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-48-02 15:29:28 ACTION: PatH to change the entailment section around to talk about SPARQL first, then more general conditions in a normative appendix [8] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-48-21 15:29:28 ACTION: EricP to run the yacker tool over and annotate the existing tests [9] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-48-34 15:29:28 ACTION: LeeF to check if SteveH can eyeball Jeen's first group of tests pre-WG approval (LeeF and iv_an_ru will also try to eyeball) [10] 15:29:28 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/01/09-dawg-irc#T14-56-18