Context Presentation

Modified table, attempting to merge [NoteSecurityContextAvailable] and previous table (below):

context information

current presentation examples

known weaknesses and attacks

HTTP response headers of current page

wget -S option will show in standard output

Cookie information

separate dialog boxes to browse, examine, delete.

cookie information not widely understood (and often appears random) and thus tends to be overlooked/disregarded by users

referring page

history on back button

Possible interactions between re-directs and history

Page information dialog


displayed in address bar

use limted size of text field and overflow it

IDN-based attacks against display of URIs

users read URIs in error-correcting mode (and don't recognize subtle differences)


s in https

padlock(several levels)

color changes

warning dialogs is something is found to appear amiss

repeated interruptions begin to lose effectiveness and result in being ignored (turns into a "click here to continue" button)

Certificate chain

In an advanced area of security configuration settings

hard to find, presents the wrong information to the wrong recipient

Certificate revocation status

dialog warning boxes

dialog box help is often hard to understand even for the security professional (presenting the wrong information to the wrong recipient)

any data about the site that did not come from the site

dialog warning boxes

repeated interruptions begin to lose effectiveness and result in being ignored (turns into a "click here to continue" button)

configured trust roots

There's a place you can go to look at them. Ununderstandable.

not available: reputation of CA

Trust root's identity is displayed for EV certs

Different certification policies at same CA aren't translated into user interface, but available as part of overall cert info display.

"This is a certificate authority that you trust for this purpose" (Firefox)

browser history, bookmarks, accumulated user agent state

history list


cookie lists

allowed pop-up sites

dialog for black-listed sites

password manager stored sites

reputation service

IE7 phishing filter checks

numerous toolbars

Opera has a phishing filter

past introductions from friends



text message/e-mail

these sources can be spoofed (see phishing attacks)

redirection path

URIs flahs up

the speed at which the URIs roll-over/change is governed by the re-direct speed and thus can be quick enough to not be readable

HTML page

black-listed sites in browser settings

target URI for a pending request

mouse-over a hyper-link

not displayed for form submissions

Javascript can over-ride behaviors

view page source

IP Address

IP address resolved flashes by

separately invoked nslookup results

Country of origin for IP address

relayed by some anti-phishing tools

Black list for evil IP addresses

relayed by some anti-phishing tools

dialog for black-listed IP addresses/sites

Current ISP

misleading in many public access points

Information from external devices (e.g. phone call)

page-specific applications (e.g.'s "call me" for customer service)

May cause user to divulge more personal information in order to get a phone call

Certificate continuity (browser has encountered the certificate in the past)

in "trusted" servers dialog list

Shared secret knowledge (e.g. a picture or password)

application-specific mechanisms, embedded into application and page

casual observation, photographs of user's page

personalization (e.g. account history, user's full name)

application-specific mechanisms, embedded into application and page

too generic and could be built from knowledge mined elsewhere

Shared public knowledge (e.g. mother's maiden name, zip code)

application-specific mechanisms, embedded into application and page

ANTI-PATTERN - deemed "easy" to attack. Too generic and could be built from knowledge mined elsewhere

Does the page contain active content? (e.g. Javascript)

sometimes a fly-over shows Javascript snippet

Javascript can over-ride behaviors

view page source

Does the page contain content sourced from distinct servers

dialog pop-ups

portlet/portal styles of presentation can mask this (by design/intent!)

repeated interruptions begin to lose effectiveness and result in being ignored (turns into a "click here to continue" button)

Does the page come from the intranet or the Internet?

some personal firewalls attempt to discern different networks

Has the page completed loading?

progress bars

not always accurate; subject to timeouts

spinners, animated thumbnails

HTTP content in HTTPS page

dialog boxes

repeated interruptions begin to lose effectiveness and result in being ignored (turns into a "click here to continue" button). Dialog can be disabled. Some clients do not warn if HTTP content is loaded as a result of a redirect from HTTPS or the content is loaded from an applet

Opera lowers security level to "0", removes padlock

May be too quiet

POSTing form from HTTPS to HTTP

dialog boxes

repeated interruptions begin to lose effectiveness and result in being ignored (turns into a "click here to continue" button). Some clients do not warn if the POST request to HTTP is initiated from an applet

previous table:

context information

current presentation; how robust is it? (widely deployed)

possible best practice approach

how reliable is the information?

HTTP response headers of current page

nothing need to check IANA registry some day

Cookie information

cookies lead to dialogue boxes dependent on configuration used to key display of shared secret in page content -> enable user to recognize site they dealt with before how far are cookies spread? Where are they replayed?

refering page

history on back button; otherwise, not visible; interaction between redirects and history?


displayed: address bar; attacks use limited size of text field and overflow that with user:pass@site style URIs

IDN-based attacks against display of URIs / domain names; TLD whitelists are being deployed

users read URIs in a typo-correcting mode

SSL on/off; session properties / SSL certificate properties: revocation status, issuer, ...

((completely useless? Why does it say it's not valid? black and white right now<br/>experience diluted -- dialogue boxes that get ignored ))

Future UI meme: "secure"? "Approved cryptographic state" vs. "unapproved cryptographic state"? --- Likely out of scope: Separate debugging mode that displays richer but less usable information? Separate user modes?

s in https


color changes -- Firefox, IE7, informal agreement

warning when attempting to submit form controls to non-SSL site when form was transmitted through TLS


Information about cyphers used isn't presented, but can be displayed. Users rely on cypher suite configuration.

Warnings about validity period; can be overridden by user

All cert properties are available. But user interface is ununderstandable -- logotype rednered in base64?

EV certificate work at CA/Browser forum -- IE7 implements this; displays organization's name and issuer name

Opera lock item has a number -- MSmith to dig down on what that means

Firefox has different states of lock items. People in the room don't get them -> corollary about usability?

mismatch between domain name in URI and certificate leads to overridable warning

unknown CA leads to overridable warning

current UI allegedly intended for site debugging purposes

IE7: persistent display of certificate errors, even when overridden by users

browser history, bookmarks, accumulated user agent state?

password manager state reflected by pre-filling forms

history sidebar

general form-filler support; list of sites that form information has been cached for

reputation service

IE7 phishing filter checks reputation of some URIs; Opera has "sth similar"

numerous toolbars

past introductions from friends (eg: in email)

redirection path

URIs flash up

HTML page? (eg: spam filter like techniques)

The target URI for a pending request.

mouse over hyperlink -> status bar update

not displayed for form submission buttons

Javascript can override behaviors

IP address

IP address resolved flashes by

Country of origin for IP address

used / relayed by some anti-phishing tools

A blacklist of evil IP addresses.

used / relayed by some anti-phishing tools

Your current ISP?

Information from external devices (eg: phone call)

Certificate continuity (Browser has encountered the certificate in the past)

Shared secret knowledge (eg: a picture, or a password)

personalization (eg: account history, user's full name)

Shared public knowledge (eg: mother's maiden name, zip code) (ANTI-PATTERN)

Does the page contain active content? (eg: Javascript)

Does the page contain content sourced from distinct servers?

Does the page come from the intranet or the Internet?

Has the page completed loading?

HTTP content in an HTTPS page