IRC log of ws-policy-eds on 2006-12-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

22:06:47 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds
22:06:47 [RRSAgent]
logging to
22:07:17 [fsasaki]
meeting: WS Policy Working Group (editors)
22:07:49 [fsasaki]
22:07:57 [Zakim]
22:07:57 [fsasaki]
zakim, dial felix-home
22:07:59 [Zakim]
ok, fsasaki; the call is being made
22:08:00 [Zakim]
22:08:21 [FrederickHirsch]
neither can I
22:08:28 [FrederickHirsch]
except the wierd sound
22:09:44 [FrederickHirsch]
scribe: FrederickHirsch
22:09:45 [fsasaki]
scribe: Frederick
22:09:52 [fsasaki]
scribeNick: FrederickHirsch
22:10:08 [asir]
chair: Asir S Vedamuthu
22:10:10 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Agenda
22:10:40 [fsasaki]
22:11:13 [FrederickHirsch]
Asir proposed agenda changes:
22:11:14 [FrederickHirsch]
I suggest adding the following two agenda items:
22:11:23 [FrederickHirsch]
a) Jan F2F drop (framework, attachment, primer and guidelines) for the WG
22:11:31 [FrederickHirsch]
b) Editors’ Jan F2F (in SFO)
22:12:38 [FrederickHirsch]
Additional agenda item: Editors call time slot
22:12:54 [FrederickHirsch]
22:13:02 [fsasaki]
regrets: David, Maryann, Toufic, Prasad, Umit
22:13:08 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Administrative
22:13:19 [FrederickHirsch]
Asir chair, Frederick scribe this week
22:13:50 [FrederickHirsch]
Editorial team report will be Asir next week on policy call
22:14:03 [FrederickHirsch]
Next week chair is Umit, scribe Toufic
22:14:10 [FrederickHirsch]
Leaving chair rotation as is.
22:14:13 [fsasaki]
rrsagent, make log public
22:14:20 [FrederickHirsch]
Not approving any editors minutes
22:14:36 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Editors Action Item Review
22:15:05 [FrederickHirsch]
Action 85 is still open - to add Frederick to tracker. Asir will change title to "add frederick to tracker"
22:15:16 [FrederickHirsch]
Felix indicates can be done by tomorrow
22:15:35 [maryann]
maryann has joined #ws-policy-eds
22:15:41 [maryann]
sorry to be late
22:16:10 [FrederickHirsch]
Action 87, Asir will do in January before F2F
22:16:43 [Zakim]
22:17:08 [fsasaki]
present: Asir, Felix, Frederick, Maryann
22:17:42 [FrederickHirsch]
Action 92, done by Frederick. Both XML and HTML checked in.
22:18:19 [FrederickHirsch]
action 92 is
22:18:47 [FrederickHirsch]
action 94:
22:20:04 [FrederickHirsch]
Toufic finished first part, not forward reference. Need to discuss on next editors call.
22:20:47 [FrederickHirsch]
Action: Umit to add discussion of action 94 forward reference for issue 3965
22:20:47 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-102 - Add discussion of action 94 forward reference for issue 3965 [on Umit Yalcinalp - due 2006-12-20].
22:21:07 [FrederickHirsch]
action 95,
22:21:52 [FrederickHirsch]
remains open
22:22:04 [FrederickHirsch]
Maryann offers to take this action
22:22:43 [FrederickHirsch]
action 96,
22:23:10 [FrederickHirsch]
it was assigned to Asir, transferred to Toufic, change due date to next week
22:23:26 [FrederickHirsch]
action 97,
22:24:07 [FrederickHirsch]
Media type update. Asir is already working on this topic, offers to take this action
22:27:19 [FrederickHirsch]
Frederick takes action 97
22:28:17 [FrederickHirsch]
action 98 taken by prasad
22:28:37 [FrederickHirsch]
Frederick takes action 98
22:28:54 [FrederickHirsch]
22:31:12 [FrederickHirsch]
action 100 remains open
22:31:24 [FrederickHirsch]
action 101
22:31:29 [FrederickHirsch]
related to ignorable
22:31:39 [FrederickHirsch]
Maryann offers to take it, Asir decides to take it
22:33:40 [FrederickHirsch]
Plan is to create proposal, review by Editorial team, then ws-policy working group, then editorial action item
22:33:50 [FrederickHirsch]
Owners are assigned for all actions
22:34:21 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Status of Primer and Guidelines documents
22:35:02 [FrederickHirsch]
They will be published, chairs working on status section, Felix will drive publication by 21 December
22:35:17 [FrederickHirsch]
CVS was tagged during meeting by Felix.
22:35:46 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Jan F2F drop (framework, attachment, primer and guidelines) for the WG
22:36:18 [fsasaki]
primer tag for publication is
22:37:05 [FrederickHirsch]
Asir - Plan to distribute a week before F2F revised document set incorporating editors actions
22:37:21 [fsasaki]
guidelines tag for publication is
22:37:32 [FrederickHirsch]
Maryann - need to clarify whether last call or other?
22:37:43 [FrederickHirsch]
Asir - incorporating all editorial items
22:38:52 [FrederickHirsch]
Send draft to working group on 9th January
22:39:25 [FrederickHirsch]
Asir - include all editorial actions through 3 Jan
22:40:08 [FrederickHirsch]
All edits must be completed by 5 January
22:41:28 [FrederickHirsch]
Maryann - suggests committment might depend on what is assigned 3 Jan. Will do what is possible.
22:41:45 [FrederickHirsch]
Asir - agrees, will do what we can
22:42:53 [FrederickHirsch]
Felix - back from holiday 8 January
22:43:12 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Editors’ Jan F2F (in SFO)
22:44:32 [FrederickHirsch]
Action: David to arrange Editors meeting 3-5pm 18 January
22:44:32 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-103 - Arrange Editors meeting 3-5pm 18 January [on David Orchard - due 2006-12-20].
22:45:24 [FrederickHirsch]
All on call plan to attend. Question as to whether editors not on call will attend.
22:45:48 [FrederickHirsch]
Question - can Umit, Prasad, David attend?
22:45:56 [FrederickHirsch]
Topic: Call time
22:46:09 [FrederickHirsch]
Toufic has issue with this time slot due to standing corporate meeting.
22:46:23 [FrederickHirsch]
Consider earlier slot?
22:48:48 [FrederickHirsch]
ACTION: Umit add agenda item to discuss Editors call slot, possibly previous time slot
22:48:48 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-104 - Add agenda item to discuss Editors call slot, possibly previous time slot [on Umit Yalcinalp - due 2006-12-20].
22:49:54 [Zakim]
22:49:59 [Zakim]
22:50:10 [Zakim]
22:50:14 [Zakim]
22:50:16 [Zakim]
WS_Policy(editors)5:00PM has ended
22:50:17 [Zakim]
Attendees were Frederick_Hirsch, Felix, asir, Maryann_Hondo
22:50:19 [fsasaki]
rrsagent, draft minutes
22:50:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate fsasaki
22:50:21 [maryann]
maryann has left #ws-policy-eds
23:35:16 [fsasaki]
rrsagent, bye
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
I see 5 open action items saved in :
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: 94 to [1]
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: name to do s.t. [2]
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Umit to add discussion of action 94 forward reference for issue 3965 [3]
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: David to arrange Editors meeting 3-5pm 18 January [4]
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Umit add agenda item to discuss Editors call slot, possibly previous time slot [5]
23:35:16 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
23:35:19 [fsasaki]
zakim, bye
23:35:19 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #ws-policy-eds