IRC log of sweo on 2006-12-13

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:48:01 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #sweo
15:48:01 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:48:09 [ivan]
zakim, this will be sweo
15:48:09 [Zakim]
ok, ivan; I see SW_SWEO()11:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes
15:48:21 [ivan]
rrsagent, set log public
15:48:40 [ivan]
Meeting: SWEO IG Weekly Telco
15:48:43 [ivan]
Chair: Susie
15:56:30 [kidehen]
kidehen has joined #sweo
15:56:37 [pasquale]
pasquale has joined #sweo
15:56:45 [pasquale]
hi all
15:56:48 [pasquale]
good morning
15:56:50 [ivan]
hello pasquale!
15:56:54 [pasquale]
15:57:00 [ivan]
good evening for me:-(
15:57:12 [pasquale]
also for me ;-)
15:57:39 [kjetilk]
good localtime()!
15:57:46 [pasquale]
15:57:47 [LeeF]
g'day, pasquale, kjetilk
15:57:59 [kjetilk]
hi LeeF
15:58:02 [Ina]
Ina has joined #sweo
15:58:09 [LeeF]
zakim, code?
15:58:09 [Zakim]
the conference code is 7936 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), LeeF
15:58:10 [pasquale]
hi Leef
15:58:14 [LeeF]
thanks, z.
15:58:26 [wing]
wing has joined #sweo
15:58:54 [Zakim]
SW_SWEO()11:00AM has now started
15:58:59 [Susie]
Susie has joined #sweo
15:59:01 [Zakim]
+ +1.925.842.aaaa
15:59:19 [Zakim]
15:59:20 [ivan]
zakim, dial ivan-617
15:59:20 [Zakim]
ok, ivan; the call is being made
15:59:21 [Zakim]
15:59:38 [LeeF]
zakim, IBMCambridge holds LeeF and wing
15:59:38 [Zakim]
+LeeF, wing; got it
15:59:50 [paulmiller]
paulmiller has joined #sweo
15:59:51 [Zakim]
+ +1.781.273.aabb
15:59:54 [ivan]
zakim, aaaa is frank
15:59:54 [Zakim]
+frank; got it
15:59:55 [Zakim]
15:59:58 [kidehen]
16:00:00 [uldis]
uldis has joined #sweo
16:00:01 [Zakim]
16:00:12 [ivan]
zakim, ??P11 susie
16:00:12 [Zakim]
I don't understand '??P11 susie', ivan
16:00:18 [kidehen]
16:00:23 [ivan]
zakim, ??P11 is susie
16:00:23 [Zakim]
+susie; got it
16:00:33 [ivan]
zakim ??P15 is kingsley
16:00:34 [Zakim]
16:00:40 [kidehen]
kingsley is kidehen
16:00:45 [ivan]
zakim, ??P15 is kingsley
16:00:47 [Zakim]
+kingsley; got it
16:00:53 [danbri]
Hi folks. I'll be joining from Skype dial-in. It proved patchy quality yesterday, here's hoping for today.
16:01:06 [kidehen]
781 is kidehen/kingsley
16:01:10 [kjetilk]
could be me
16:01:19 [ivan]
zakim, ??P15 is uldis
16:01:19 [Zakim]
I already had ??P15 as kingsley, ivan
16:01:35 [kjetilk]
zakim, who do you see?
16:01:37 [Zakim]
I don't understand your question, kjetilk.
16:01:40 [Zakim]
16:01:43 [Frank]
Frank has joined #SWEO
16:02:02 [martind]
martind has joined #SWEO
16:02:12 [Zakim]
16:02:18 [uldis]
ina joined
16:02:23 [ivan]
zakim, ??P26 is ina
16:02:23 [Zakim]
+ina; got it
16:02:26 [kjetilk]
how do I get Zakim to say which aren't identified?
16:02:32 [ivan]
zakim, ??P24 is martin
16:02:38 [Zakim]
+martin; got it
16:02:48 [martind]
thanks for giving me id ;-)
16:02:50 [LeeF]
zakim, who's on the phone?
16:02:51 [ivan]
ScribeNick: uldis
16:03:00 [Zakim]
On the phone I see frank, [IBMCambridge], Ivan, +1.781.273.aabb, susie, kingsley, ??P18, ina, martin
16:03:02 [Zakim]
[IBMCambridge] has LeeF, wing
16:03:08 [Zakim]
16:03:23 [ivan]
zakim, Ian_Davis is paulmiller
16:03:32 [Zakim]
+paulmiller; got it
16:04:25 [ivan]
zakim, ??P18 uldis
16:04:26 [Zakim]
I don't understand '??P18 uldis', ivan
16:04:37 [ivan]
zakim, ??P18 is uldis
16:04:37 [Zakim]
+uldis; got it
16:04:40 [Zakim]
16:05:24 [davidr]
davidr has joined #sweo
16:05:33 [uldis]
start off with ivan providing an overview of IRC
16:05:49 [uldis]
review actions items & discuss progress re. questionairs
16:05:59 [uldis]
talk re. web developers to contact
16:06:10 [uldis]
discuss how we should be targeting them
16:06:22 [uldis]
finish w. progress on resource gathering
16:06:59 [ivan]
16:07:22 [ivan]
16:07:41 [ivan]
16:07:46 [ivan]
ack q
16:07:50 [uldis]
most important IRC command: queue mgmnt
16:07:55 [ivan]
ack ivan
16:08:10 [Zakim]
16:08:20 [Zakim]
16:08:32 [ivan]
zakim, ??P2 is dave
16:08:32 [Zakim]
+dave; got it
16:09:30 [uldis]
wiki page for this conference call:
16:09:31 [uldis]
16:10:10 [uldis]
ivan tells about the scribe script
16:10:53 [uldis]
please avoid using channel for parallel conversation because that clutters up the log
16:12:11 [ivan]
zakim, who is speaking
16:12:11 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is speaking', ivan
16:12:14 [Zakim]
16:12:30 [ivan]
zakim, IPcaller is kjetilk
16:12:30 [Zakim]
+kjetilk; got it
16:12:32 [kjetilk]
Zakim: IPcaller is KjetilK
16:13:16 [uldis]
who is introducing himself now?
16:13:19 [uldis]
16:13:22 [kjetilk]
16:13:45 [uldis]
works at Opera, getting interested in SemWeb
16:13:55 [uldis]
also interested in outread and education
16:13:58 [uldis]
just joined the group
16:14:41 [uldis]
paul walsh also first time on the call
16:14:48 [uldis]
16:14:50 [ivan]
Topic: Action items
16:15:25 [uldis]
Susie: may be a little early for [some of] these action items
16:16:03 [uldis]
working with Karen on questionaire
16:16:53 [Susie]
16:17:40 [uldis]
this is the latest version of the questionaire
16:18:17 [uldis]
decided to use a W3C web tool to do the questionaire
16:18:43 [PaulW]
PaulW has joined #sweo
16:18:48 [uldis]
questions are in 4 main areas:
16:18:53 [uldis]
- general awareness
16:19:08 [uldis]
- implementations [that people may have done]
16:19:55 [martind]
16:19:59 [uldis]
also: How do customers perceive your usage of Semantic Web technologies? (open dialogue)
16:20:45 [ivan]
16:20:50 [uldis]
- influencers [who makes decisions, ...]
16:21:34 [uldis]
- personal
16:21:42 [danbri]
danbri has joined #sweo
16:21:43 [uldis]
should take 10 minutes to fill it out
16:21:57 [Susie]
16:22:05 [uldis]
have prepared a cover letter to go with the questionaire
16:22:32 [wing]
16:22:47 [uldis]
please provide feedback by the end of the week
16:22:47 [ivan]
16:22:54 [Susie]
16:23:02 [ivan]
ack martind
16:23:38 [ivan]
16:23:42 [LeeF]
q+ to express fear that the survey might be too long
16:23:59 [Zakim]
16:24:04 [uldis]
martin: would be useful to compare familiarity with semweb with other technologies like WWW, web 2.0, ...
16:24:08 [danbri]
??P8 is danbri
16:24:14 [danbri]
zakim, ??P8 is danbri
16:24:14 [Zakim]
+danbri; got it
16:24:23 [Susie]
16:24:59 [uldis]
is it karen?
16:25:03 [wing]
16:25:04 [LeeF]
16:25:05 [ivan]
16:25:14 [uldis]
karen: a good question.
16:25:35 [uldis]
it'd help us to better understand why people are using other technologies and which
16:25:36 [ivan]
ack LeeF
16:25:38 [Zakim]
LeeF, you wanted to express fear that the survey might be too long
16:25:42 [danbri]
danbri has changed the topic to: sweo 13dec agenda:
16:25:54 [uldis]
lee: a bit surprised by length of q.
16:25:54 [martind]
16:26:04 [uldis]
thinks it would take significantly longer than 10 minutes
16:26:13 [uldis]
especially the open dialogues
16:26:38 [uldis]
not convinced it is bad to have it longer
16:27:35 [ivan]
ack martind
16:27:48 [uldis]
Karen will check with Ian about the web questionaire and if we can test how long it takes to fill in
16:28:09 [uldis]
martind suggested a wiki page "semantic web me" (?)
16:28:22 [martind]
16:28:36 [ivan]
16:28:43 [uldis]
kidehen: convinced we should not do this - lead people on questioning path about the myths
16:28:57 [LeeF]
that was Lee
16:28:58 [ivan]
16:29:05 [uldis]
oh, sorry. thanks
16:29:05 [kidehen]
16:29:41 [uldis]
Susie: action items re. questionaire
16:29:46 [ivan]
16:29:55 [uldis]
add question re technologies - incorporate it in
16:30:01 [ivan]
action: susie & karen to finalize the questions
16:30:09 [ivan]
action: ivan to create the wbs form
16:30:24 [ivan]
action: karen to see with ian wether a test can be set up
16:30:48 [uldis]
to finalise the questionaire by end of tomorrow (ivan and karen)
16:30:54 [ivan]
ack ivan
16:32:13 [uldis]
deadline for feedback on q. - end of tomorrow
16:32:32 [uldis]
ivan needs to set up dates of start and end of questionaire
16:32:39 [uldis]
what are these dates?
16:33:24 [uldis]
in f2f was an action item when do we want to have input - end of january?
16:33:49 [uldis]
19th of jan
16:33:56 [uldis]
end date for q.
16:34:57 [ivan]
action karen & susie to test the questionnaire by the 19th
16:35:11 [ivan]
action: karen & susie to test the questionnaire by the 19th
16:35:18 [ivan]
topic: use case identification
16:35:54 [uldis]
danbri is here for the first time
16:36:04 [uldis]
does self-introduction
16:36:07 [paulmiller]
danbri: Hi... :-)
16:36:25 [uldis]
drawn in RDF world in 1997
16:37:17 [uldis]
mentions outreach in swad-et-shirts :)
16:37:37 [uldis]
was chairing semweb ig
16:37:57 [danbri]
best thing we ever did, was make those tshirts!
16:38:06 [uldis]
+100 :)
16:38:07 [paulmiller]
uldis: *is* chairing...
16:38:14 [Susie]
16:38:19 [uldis]
paulmiller: thanx
16:38:24 [uldis]
topic: Use cases
16:38:53 [uldis]
in f2f decided to focus use cases:
16:39:02 [uldis]
- in industries (one dimention)
16:39:13 [uldis]
- government (another dimension)
16:39:26 [ivan]
16:39:36 [uldis]
target messaging to particular roles in organisation
16:39:57 [uldis]
3 dimentions: industries, job function, technology usage
16:40:49 [ivan]
16:40:56 [uldis]
think where inside of that "cube" (see photo) you'd be
16:41:05 [uldis]
kidehen: is there wiki space for it?
16:41:20 [Susie]
Use case Web site:
16:41:54 [ivan]
16:42:22 [uldis]
Susie posted background info and picture on the wiki
16:42:25 [ivan]
ack ivan
16:42:51 [uldis]
ivan: we should be careful to come up with real-world use cases
16:43:03 [uldis]
and not use cases we as techies like
16:43:13 [Frank]
16:43:25 [uldis]
need to look at them from the industry (e.g. oil) point of view
16:43:32 [uldis]
and come up with _real_ use cases
16:43:46 [uldis]
involving industry experts
16:44:28 [ivan]
ack Frank
16:44:29 [uldis]
Susie: need to targe at the right level
16:44:38 [uldis]
Frank: need to clarify use cases
16:44:40 [kidehen]
kidehen: I have updated the heading in the Wiki
16:44:51 [kidehen]
susie: note
16:44:54 [uldis]
ivan refers to business use cases
16:45:10 [uldis]
Frank is in energy sector and interested to develop these
16:45:32 [paulmiller]
paulmiller has joined #sweo
16:45:44 [uldis]
ivan gave a connection in Norway and Frank will develop some use cases
16:45:51 [ivan]
q+ karen
16:46:05 [paulmiller]
Not sure what happened there... all the other channels I'm on stayed connected...
16:46:18 [uldis]
Susie: could you give a date when we have some use cases?
16:46:20 [danbri]
(there is a former Asemantics guy in Norway doing RDF+oil work btw... David Norheim. Is that the connection?)
16:46:21 [uldis]
17th of jan
16:46:25 [ivan]
ack karen
16:46:43 [uldis]
deadline for [first?] use cases
16:46:55 [uldis]
Karen: make the cube an interactive tool
16:47:10 [uldis]
to allow you to choose slices to, e.g., look at use cases from CTO perspective
16:47:30 [uldis]
that would be a good way to present this info [in future]
16:47:53 [uldis]
LeeF: in Second Life :)
16:48:09 [LeeF]
uldis, ooooooooooooo =)
16:48:11 [ivan]
16:48:13 [martind]
16:48:18 [uldis]
ivan: they do exist, i think
16:48:25 [ivan]
topic: web developer community
16:48:42 [uldis]
review list of influential web developers
16:48:49 [uldis]
ivan put up a secure wiki
16:48:59 [uldis]
we have a list
16:49:06 [uldis]
few people don't have email addresses
16:49:12 [uldis]
please add if you know their addresses
16:49:25 [uldis]
also add if you have personal contact with them
16:49:27 [ivan]
16:49:34 [uldis]
(drankBeerWith? :)
16:50:01 [Zakim]
This conference is scheduled to end in 10 minutes; 10 ports must be freed
16:50:29 [uldis]
Susie: not sure if web dev. community will respond as well to the web questionaire
16:50:43 [Susie]
16:50:58 [uldis]
16:51:05 [uldis]
maybe someone has thoughts on that
16:51:13 [uldis]
Susie: maybe send a questionaire first
16:51:15 [PaulW]
16:51:21 [ivan]
ack uldis
16:52:15 [kjetilk]
16:52:16 [wing]
uldis: security concerns about the members-only wiki pages
16:52:46 [uldis]
PaulW: who is original questionaire targeted towards?
16:52:57 [kjetilk]
16:53:02 [uldis]
Susie: to commercial organisations and vendors (software companies)
16:53:15 [uldis]
then decided to extend it to people who were not using SW already
16:54:21 [kjetilk]
16:54:23 [uldis]
5 min remaining
16:54:35 [uldis]
could someone scribe this question
16:54:39 [uldis]
did not catch it
16:54:55 [uldis]
PaulW: can reach out to people in UK
16:55:02 [Zakim]
This conference is scheduled to end in 5 minutes; 10 ports must be freed
16:55:23 [wing]
PaulW: addressing the developers is important
16:55:32 [ivan]
q+ karen
16:55:36 [ivan]
ack PaulW
16:55:46 [ivan]
ack PaulW
16:56:00 [uldis]
Susie: we could identify w3c members but not clear how it will scale
16:56:30 [uldis]
how to reach out to people not familiar with SW
16:56:42 [uldis]
may be mistake to assume they know what is SW
16:57:01 [uldis]
we should be targetting the "long tail"
16:57:09 [uldis]
should we have a press release?
16:57:15 [uldis]
that there is SWEO initiative
16:57:42 [uldis]
Susie: could PaulW collect ideas how to reach out to different people and present during next call(s)
16:58:01 [paulmiller]
PaulW: happy to help you on that.
16:58:02 [Zakim]
This conference is scheduled to end in 2 minutes; 10 ports must be freed
16:58:44 [Susie]
16:58:49 [PaulW]
cheers Paul
16:58:55 [ivan]
ack kjetilk
16:59:02 [Zakim]
This conference is scheduled to end in 1 minute; 10 ports must be freed
16:59:22 [uldis]
kjetilk: don't think we should target the long tail
16:59:41 [uldis]
target people who [sound quality too low, did not catch]
16:59:45 [PaulW]
16:59:49 [paulmiller]
PaulW: no prob.
16:59:56 [wing]
kjetilk: target the people writing the code
17:00:01 [Zakim]
This conference is scheduled to end now; 10 ports must be freed immediately
17:00:04 [uldis]
have running code which will impress a lot more people
17:00:07 [Zakim]
The time reserved for this conference has been exceeded. 10 ports must be freed
17:00:27 [uldis]
kjetilk: write in IRC if scribe missed something
17:00:34 [ivan]
ack karen
17:00:48 [LeeF]
17:00:51 [kjetilk]
uldis: it's fine :-)
17:00:51 [uldis]
karen: q. was not targeted for dev. community
17:01:01 [Frank]
I second Karen's comment
17:01:04 [uldis]
does not suggest to send it to dev. community
17:01:11 [uldis]
need different set of questions
17:01:16 [uldis]
use different approach
17:01:18 [uldis]
17:01:22 [uldis]
wrapping up the call
17:01:29 [uldis]
did not have time for resource gathering progress
17:01:35 [uldis]
action for next call
17:02:01 [Zakim]
17:02:01 [Frank]
Frank has left #SWEO
17:02:03 [Zakim]
17:02:09 [Zakim]
17:02:11 [Zakim]
17:02:12 [wing]
wing has left #sweo
17:02:13 [Zakim]
17:02:17 [Zakim]
- +1.781.273.aabb
17:02:19 [Zakim]
17:02:20 [danbri]
bye all
17:02:21 [Zakim]
17:02:21 [ivan]
zakim, bye
17:02:23 [Zakim]
17:02:23 [PaulW]
PaulW has left #sweo
17:02:27 [Zakim]
17:02:29 [Zakim]
17:02:31 [Zakim]
17:02:33 [Zakim]
17:02:37 [Zakim]
17:02:41 [ivan]
rrsagent, draft minutes
17:02:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ivan
17:02:47 [paulmiller]
paulmiller has left #sweo
17:02:49 [martind]
martind has left #SWEO
17:02:59 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.925.842.aaaa, Ivan, LeeF, wing, +1.781.273.aabb, frank, susie, kingsley, ina, martin, paulmiller, uldis, Orri, Karen, dave,
17:03:02 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #sweo
17:03:04 [Zakim]
... kjetilk, danbri
17:03:11 [pasquale]
17:04:10 [uldis]
was nice to hear everyone again
17:04:20 [uldis]
uldis has left #sweo
17:04:33 [pasquale]
hi all, bye
17:05:23 [kjetilk]
17:05:28 [kjetilk]
kjetilk has left #SWEO
17:11:20 [davidr]
davidr has left #sweo
17:23:34 [kidehen]
kidehen has left #sweo