12:52:18 RRSAgent has joined #emotion 12:52:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/12/11-emotion-irc 12:52:36 zakim, this will be INC_EMOXG 12:52:36 ok, Marc; I see INC_EMOXG()8:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes 12:53:03 zakim, read agenda from http://whatfettle.com/2006/07/RDFAgenda/http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2006Dec/0004.html 12:53:03 working on it, Marc 12:53:05 agenda+ Minutes of previous meeting 12:53:06 agendum 1 added 12:53:07 agenda+ Discussion of requirements 12:53:08 agendum 2 added 12:53:10 agenda+ Date of next meeting 12:53:11 agendum 3 added 12:53:12 agenda+ Any other business 12:53:14 agendum 4 added 12:53:16 done reading agenda, Marc 12:55:04 Alejandra has joined #emotion 12:55:58 Hannes has joined #emotion 12:56:01 INC_EMOXG()8:00AM has now started 12:56:07 + +049381402aaaa 12:56:35 Ian has joined #emotion 12:56:53 hi everyone 12:56:58 + +04121697aabb 12:57:07 hello 12:57:19 cgi-irc has joined #emotion 12:58:39 hi marc 12:58:49 what about the phone conference 12:58:56 there is only Christian and me on the phone? 12:58:57 it told me i was the first? 12:59:10 + +681302aacc 12:59:28 +[IPcaller] 12:59:41 zakim, I am aacc 12:59:41 +Marc; got it 13:00:10 cpeter has joined #emotion 13:00:13 Felix has joined #emotion 13:00:31 this is christna 13:01:10 + +49.303.497.aadd 13:01:24 zakim i am aaaa 13:01:33 + +04121697aabb 13:01:42 + +43.153.24aaee 13:01:46 zakim, i am aadd 13:01:46 +Felix; got it 13:01:46 zakim, i am aaaa 13:01:48 +cpeter; got it 13:02:17 alejandra, aabb 13:02:32 zakim, I am aaee 13:02:32 +Hannes; got it 13:03:17 alejandra, I am aabb 13:03:42 zakim, I am aabb 13:03:42 +Alejandra; got it 13:05:57 Hi Ian, could you join on the phone please? 13:06:03 trying 13:06:13 as usual i cant get in 13:06:50 that`s bad... :-( 13:07:57 :( 13:08:31 have you tried all three: Phone: +1-617-761-6200, + or +44.117.370.6152 13:08:40 zakim, mute me 13:08:40 Felix should now be muted 13:09:09 zakim. mute me 13:09:30 zakim, mute me 13:09:30 Hannes should now be muted 13:09:31 + +81.45.911.aaff 13:10:01 apologies 13:10:13 zakim, next item 13:10:13 agendum 1. "Minutes of previous meeting" taken up 13:10:37 zakim, mute me 13:10:37 sorry, Ian, I do not see a party named 'Ian' 13:11:25 type 61# to mute, 60# to unmute 13:11:32 zakim, i am aaff 13:11:32 +Ian; got it 13:11:39 zakim, mute me 13:11:39 Ian should now be muted 13:11:44 zakim, next item 13:11:44 agendum 2. "Discussion of requirements" taken up 13:11:49 Chair: Marc 13:12:47 zakim, unmute me 13:12:47 Ian should no longer be muted 13:12:49 Discussion: where the language should start and end. 13:13:54 Crhistian explains his main point in the disucssion in UC1 13:14:52 Ian explanins discussion in UC3 13:15:26 Scribe: Alejnadra 13:16:05 cgi-irc has joined #emotion 13:16:44 yes 13:16:47 yes 13:16:54 yes 13:17:18 Marc says that the core issue today should be the interface we want with the emotion annotation language 13:17:22 zakim, unmute me 13:17:22 Hannes should no longer be muted 13:17:24 yes 13:17:34 yes 13:17:59 yes 13:18:19 Everybody agrees that we need a mecanism to interact with the emotion language 13:19:15 Marc: one sugestion is to have input/output 13:21:28 + +4870aagg 13:21:56 Myriam has joined #emotion 13:24:17 in UC1 there is some trigger object that can be the input of the emotion 13:25:28 mute me 13:25:35 zakim, mute me 13:25:35 Ian should now be muted 13:26:04 can we all mute please? 13:26:57 zakim, unmute me 13:26:57 Ian should no longer be muted 13:29:29 zakim, mute me 13:29:29 Ian should now be muted 13:30:06 zakim, unmute me 13:30:06 Ian should no longer be muted 13:31:24 Hannes: suggests that it is not relevant how to name input and output, but its usability 13:31:49 zakim, mute me 13:31:49 Ian should now be muted 13:32:08 possibly 13:32:52 yes i think so 13:33:23 sounds reasonable 13:33:30 Marc: we may to include the observable coorelates in the UCs 13:36:48 Hannes: recalled to define what are the "main conection points" 13:37:08 zakim, unmute me 13:37:08 Ian should no longer be muted 13:37:16 "Relations to the rest of the world" is a nice term! 13:38:09 yes, I think this is a good idea 13:38:09 I agree 13:38:09 agreed 13:38:19 Christian agrees 13:38:23 agree 13:38:37 yes 13:38:53 Everybody: agree 13:40:32 Marc: we need to define how relation of the emotional annotation in the world can be represented 13:40:40 great, nice idea 13:43:00 Hannes: propose to compare information of all UC 13:43:39 zakim, mute me 13:43:39 Ian should now be muted 13:44:27 Hannes: volunteer to bring together the UC documents 13:44:38 great 13:44:46 thanks! 13:44:49 thanks hannes 13:45:05 yes 13:45:05 yes 13:45:19 ACTION: Hannes will make a compilation of the three UC documents in wiki, so people can modify it. 13:46:40 Marc: this is also a conceptual unification, metadata 13:46:55 Marc: 13:47:24 zakim, unmute me 13:47:24 Ian should no longer be muted 13:48:53 yes 13:48:57 Marc: new discussion on other sugestions of generic and dominne specific definitions 13:49:00 agree 13:51:23 Marc: explain that something that we may want to have form UC in the language. What will be hard coded? what concepts will be open (for domain specific)? 13:52:56 Marc: Big chalenge of Hannes is to find what concepts are related, generic, domain specific... 13:53:28 zakim, mute me 13:53:28 Ian should now be muted 13:55:28 Marc: future discussion on what is generic, dimain specific. 13:56:11 zakim, next item 13:56:11 agendum 3. "Date of next meeting" taken up 13:56:14 move on 13:56:18 3. Date of next meeting 13:56:23 ok 13:56:24 15 january? 13:56:27 i am ok 13:56:34 no problem 13:56:36 OK 13:56:37 ok 13:57:09 zakim, mute me 13:57:09 Hannes should now be muted 13:57:16 next meeting 15 january 13:57:20 ok 13:58:14 Marc: we let open the time for US partners 13:58:28 zakim, next item 13:58:28 agendum 4. "Any other business" taken up 13:58:40 thank you marc! 13:58:45 thank you marc 13:58:46 thank you marc 13:58:50 bye 13:58:52 happy new year! 13:58:54 have a nice holiday to all 13:58:57 see you 13:59:01 Present: Ian Christian, Marc, Hannes, Jianhua, Peter, Alejandra, Felix, Miriam 13:59:03 -[IPcaller] 13:59:09 zakim , unmute me 13:59:10 -Felix 13:59:13 thank and merry christmas 13:59:13 -Ian 13:59:18 bye 13:59:24 and have a nice christmas 13:59:43 bye 13:59:56 exit 14:00:03 -Hannes 14:00:11 leave #emotion 14:00:41 -cpeter 14:02:47 - +4870aagg 14:03:03 Meeting: EMOXG meeting 11 Dec 14:03:56 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2006Oct/0026.html 14:04:03 ScribeNick: Alejandra 14:04:34 Regrets: Jean-Claude Martin, Stacy Marsella 14:04:53 rrsagent, make logs public 14:05:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:05:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/11-emotion-minutes.html Alejandra 14:07:48 -Marc 14:07:51 -Alejandra 14:07:52 INC_EMOXG()8:00AM has ended 14:07:54 Attendees were +049381402aaaa, +04121697aabb, +681302aacc, [IPcaller], Marc, +49.303.497.aadd, +43.153.24aaee, Felix, cpeter, Hannes, Alejandra, +81.45.911.aaff, Ian, +4870aagg 14:10:47 rrsagent, bye 14:10:47 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/11-emotion-actions.rdf : 14:10:47 ACTION: Hannes will make a compilation of the three UC documents in wiki, so people can modify it. [1] 14:10:47 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/11-emotion-irc#T13-45-19