16:23:26 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 16:23:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-tagmem-irc 16:23:31 zakim, this will be tag 16:23:31 ok, ht; I see TAG_Weekly()12:30PM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 16:34:12 Norm has changed the topic to: TAG telcon: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2006/10/17-agenda.html 17:58:25 VQ: Two concrete questions: 17:58:37 1) Should we open an issue on tag soup vs. XML? 17:58:52 2) Should we use our slot at the AC on this topic? 17:59:29 TBL: We could try to get it scheduled at a time which would allow more worldwide participation by 'phone 17:59:40 TBL: 6am or 10pm, if you had to choose? 17:59:44 DC, NM: 10pm 17:59:49 NW: 6am 17:59:51 6am 17:59:55 'restarting to finish fixing filesystem' 18:00:25 NM: Not much preference, especially insofar as I'll be in "listen-only" mode either way. 18:18:47 RRSAgent has joined #tagmem 18:18:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-tagmem-irc 18:19:37 (hmm... at some point I asked somebody to write up introducing lanuguage N+1 given languages 1...N are out there. Norm, does that rign a bell? I wonder which action, if any, that was related to.) 18:19:49 NM: The motivation for microformats comes from the relative weight of the thing you're trying to do (add a phone number) and the cost of doing it (a namespace declaration and use which is twice the size of the phone number) 18:20:38 ... but to me that's a one end of a scale wrt which whole languages are at the other end 18:21:12 DC: The key contrast is between doing things guerilla-style, or using a URI you get via a community-approved process 18:22:02 TBL: And that leads on to the contrast between grounded-in-public-definitions and meaning-as-use 18:23:01 NM: There is a difference between avoiding collision and using a public process 18:23:18 Norm has joined #tagmem 18:23:24 restarting to recover bridge connection 18:23:51 [scribe missed discussion of microformat name scoping[ 18:24:48 VQ: Issue 51 has not been much discussed between January and the Vancouver f2f 18:25:05 VQ: We can wait another week to decide about the AC meeting topic 18:26:15 VQ: Wrt tag soup vs. XML -- let's return to that next week as well, in terms of how we take it forward (new issue vs. ...) 18:26:47 TBL: I believe there's a strong desire that we give a report on what we've done 18:26:58 DC: I object, that's a waste of time 18:27:05 +0 18:28:08 Topic: Backplane meeting 18:29:02 VQ: The HCG asked if someone from the TAG will come to Ams -- what about you, HST? 18:29:12 HST: I will go if asked by the TAG 18:29:32 VQ: Is it appropriate for us to name someone 18:29:44 DC: Yes 18:29:47 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/2006/backplane/ 18:29:53 [others]: yes 18:30:37 VQ: Anyone other than HST? 18:30:56 DC: Position statement required to get a slice of the programme 18:30:59 "An XML data model can be seen as a mobile agent that carries with it selected business rules (e.g. bind statements in XForms) for interacting both with humans on the front-end and with a service-oriented architecture (SOA) on the back-end" 18:31:25 HST: If I plan to do that, I will send a draft to this group before doing so 18:31:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:31:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-tagmem-minutes.html ht 18:32:07 RRSAgent, make logs world-visible 18:34:53 timbl_ has joined #tagmem 18:40:41 RRSAgent, bye. 18:40:41 I see no action items