17:54:31 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds 17:54:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/11-ws-policy-eds-irc 17:54:40 meeting: WS Policy WG (editor's call) 17:55:26 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2006Oct/0042.html 17:55:37 chair: Prasad 17:55:48 rrsagent, make log public 18:01:55 prasad has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:02:29 WS_Policy(editors)2:00PM has now started 18:02:36 +Prasad_Yendluri 18:02:43 +DOrchard 18:02:59 +Felix 18:04:15 dorchard has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:04:21 Chair: Prasad 18:04:43 Meeting: WS_Policy(editors) 18:05:01 today's WG meeting minutes are at http://www.w3.org/2006/10/11-ws-policy-minutes.html 18:05:01 rrsagent, make logs public visible 18:05:01 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make logs public visible', prasad. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:05:11 rrsagent, make log public 18:08:15 bio break for maryann 18:08:22 :) 18:10:32 Toufic was to do the minutes but, he has network problems. I guess I will take them myself 18:11:43 +[IBMCambridge] 18:12:13 Scribe: Prasad 18:13:48 maryann has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:13:58 scribe Nick: maryann 18:14:05 Scribe: maryann 18:14:12 scribeNick: maryann 18:14:25 TOPIC: administrative 18:14:44 Present: DaveO, Felix, Maryann, Prasad 18:14:57 regrets: Asir, Toufic 18:15:00 TOPIC: for next week.... 18:16:08 prasad: next week Dave and Prasad at WS-I 18:16:24 felix: out next week as well 18:16:37 prasad: suggestion to cancel next weeks call 18:16:54 maryann: do we want to resched? if we have to publish working drafts? 18:17:04 felix: i'll take care of the publication 18:17:14 prasad: we'll handle all other issues by email 18:17:21 s/publication/publication of the primer document/ 18:17:47 prasad: so David to chair on the 25th 18:18:37 maryann: I will send regrets for the 25th and Nov 1 ( i'll be on vacation) 18:18:44 TOPIC: open Actions 18:18:46 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open 18:19:54 prasad: maryann, so I checked in the change 18:20:05 prasad: we should close the AI then 18:20:24 that was action item 1 18:20:45 felix: did you put it in the changelog? 18:20:48 maryann: yes 18:21:01 TOPIC: Action 12 18:21:15 prasad: this is Asir's so we'll leave it pending 18:21:25 TOPIC: Action 32 18:21:42 dave: action is straightforward, but i have some trepidations 18:22:18 dave: this might make the spec unreadable if we blindly replace all the definitions.... 18:22:46 dave: if we replace all the uses of the term with the termref 18:23:20 prasad: most people will understand the definitions after the first definition 18:23:41 s/first/first few/ 18:24:40 Applied in the Web services model, policy is used to convey conditions on an interaction between two Web service endpoints. Satisfying assertions in the policy usually results in behavior that reflects these conditions. Typically, the provider of a Web service exposes a policy to convey conditions under which it provides the service. A requester might use this policy to decide whether or not to use the service. A requester may choose any alternative 18:24:45 so dave I agree, i found the same issue when I made the change to policy subject 18:25:19 we could just randomly string together the definitions :-) 18:25:51 prasad: if this is really done, its a perpetual working item 18:26:13 dave: i wonder how many times just the word "policy" exists in the spec 18:26:34 prasad: so this is a totally open item 18:26:48 dave: i can mark up a couple of paragraphs to illustrate the issue 18:27:03 dave: and then we can reconfirm with the working group 18:27:20 felix: alternatively we could do the first mention in each section 18:27:32 dave: that is kind of what was done in 4.2 18:28:12 felix: maybe we should point this out to the WG and see what they say 18:28:18 prasad: yes 18:28:22 yes 18:28:31 dave: ok i will do that then 18:28:58 prasad: what's the impact then on the working drafts update? 18:29:14 prasad: done? 18:29:17 dave:yes 18:29:36 TOPIC : ACtion 50 18:29:49 dave: i can do that in the next day or two 18:29:59 dave: end of day thursday 18:30:06 Dave: We don't want to hold up te ED drafts for AI 32 18:30:29 TOPIC: Action 43 18:30:40 s/te/the/ 18:31:14 so at the last call we said i should ask the editors list for help 18:31:18 and no one responded 18:31:42 mail from maryann http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2006Oct/0021.html 18:32:43 so i propose we close the AI with no change required 18:33:02 ok so i will close this one 18:33:20 TOPIC : Action 44 18:33:31 prasad: i will do this this week 18:33:41 prasad: editor draft not affected 18:33:55 TOPIC: Action 45 18:34:19 so this one was done 18:34:26 and i put the change in changelog 18:34:46 prasad: so we're done with existing action items 18:34:56 prasad: no new actions on the editors 18:35:12 prasad: action on felix to publish primer with status section 18:35:37 prasad: so after dave checks in his fixes, for 3720, we are ready to go 18:36:06 prasad: felix, can you help us generate a new working group 18:36:36 prasad: we want to generate the diffs and make a new working group version 18:36:44 felix: put a new tag 18:37:06 prasad: so we just send the cvs version? and once the WG approves it , then we tag it? 18:37:13 felix: yes 18:37:30 ant diff 18:38:18 so let me see if i understand..... 18:38:43 what do we need to do? 18:39:03 prasad: so we need to generate diffs 18:39:22 what is the changelog? 18:39:44 prasad: so in the doc we have an appendix that has the changes 18:39:58 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-framework.html 18:40:15 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-framework.html#change-description 18:41:01 prasad: so we need to summarize the changes since the last working draft was accepted 18:41:28 last approved draft is at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-framework.html?only_with_tag=Approved-as-Second-Public-Working-Draft 18:41:32 prasad: need to replace Appendix c with new text 18:41:52 prasad : Appendix C in framework 18:42:00 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-attachment.html#change-description 18:42:05 prasad : Appendix D in attachments 18:44:09 prasad: and we don't have this section in the primer 18:45:51 prasad: so we need to include the new conformance section as part of the "substantive" changes 18:46:03 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2006/ws/policy/ws-policy-attachment.html?only_with_tag=Approved-as-Second-Public-Working-Draft 18:47:22 prasad: two changes by asir and toufic 18:47:37 prasad: WSDL 2.0 is substantive 18:47:51 prasad: toufic change not substantive 18:49:10 dave: change to explain use of reference is probably substantive too 18:49:32 dave: i will update mine in the section 18:49:34 Created 5. WS-Policy Attachment for WSDL 2.0 per action item 2 from the Bellevue F2F. This section is based on a contribution from BEA, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle. 18:49:42 prasad: can you add asirs too? 18:49:44 -DOrchard 18:49:54 dave: yes 18:51:03 prasad: namespace URI versioning is probably substantive 18:51:10 Completed action item: 23 for issue 3617, Namespace URI versioning Policy is not clear 18:51:16 is updating the security policy substantive? 18:51:19 we could include it? 18:51:41 Completed action item: 33 for issue 3672, Clarify the policy model for Web Services. 18:52:34 so prasad can you update the section with mine? 18:52:38 prasad: yes 18:53:27 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/31 18:54:39 so i would just call out the major ones 18:55:35 prasad: clarify the namespace versioning, the web services policy section, yes 18:56:08 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/24 18:56:57 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3662 18:57:18 prasad: call out extensibility as a significant change 18:58:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2006Sep/0038.html 18:58:39 so i would call this one out since many people commented on it 19:00:08 prasad: we probably need to review with the editors team 19:00:40 prasad: i'll take an action to send a note to editors to ask for comments on section which will call out substantive changes 19:01:06 ACTION: prasad to send out mail once changes have been committed by Dave 19:01:06 Created ACTION-52 - to send out mail once changes have been committed by Dave [on Prasad Yendluri - due 2006-10-18]. 19:01:21 rrsagent, where am I? 19:01:21 See http://www.w3.org/2006/10/11-ws-policy-eds-irc#T19-01-21 19:01:59 Dave doing the Atachment doc changes section (appendix D) 19:02:38 prasad will complete changes to framework doc 19:02:39 Prasad id doing the Changes since section in Policy Fwk Doc 19:02:46 s/id/is/ 19:03:08 prasad: will then update Section C and send mail to editors to review before posting to WG 19:04:22 TOPIC: STATUS of editors drafts 19:04:42 prasad: dave and prasad to complete editorial items 19:04:59 prasad: to update section C with substative changes propsal 19:05:17 dave to update sction D with substantive changes to proposal 19:05:35 prasad to send note to editors to review section 19:05:40 prasad to generate diffs 19:06:13 if no editor concerns then prasad to send note to working group to ask for review of this editor version 19:06:34 maryann: no call next week 19:07:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/11-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html fsasaki 19:07:21 -Prasad_Yendluri 19:07:23 -maryann 19:07:23 -Felix 19:07:24 WS_Policy(editors)2:00PM has ended 19:07:25 Attendees were Prasad_Yendluri, DOrchard, Felix, [IBMCambridge], maryann 19:07:37 maryann has left #ws-policy-eds 21:14:29 Zakim has left #ws-policy-eds