14:00:51 RRSAgent has joined #databinding 14:00:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/10-databinding-irc 14:00:53 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:00:53 Zakim has joined #databinding 14:00:55 Zakim, this will be DBWG 14:00:55 ok, trackbot; I see WS_DBWG()10:00AM scheduled to start now 14:00:56 Meeting: Databinding WG Teleconference 14:00:56 Date: 10 October 2006 14:01:10 WS_DBWG()10:00AM has now started 14:01:18 +George_Cowe 14:01:19 +??P14 14:01:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsd-databinding/2006Oct/0004.html 14:01:32 Chair: pauld 14:01:35 -George_Cowe 14:01:35 Scribe: pauld 14:01:38 +Priscilla 14:02:13 +??P9 14:02:27 zakim, ??P9 is BT 14:02:27 +BT; got it 14:02:31 +George_Cowe 14:02:38 BT contains pauld and otu 14:02:54 zakim, BT contains pauld and otu 14:02:54 +pauld, otu; got it 14:03:18 JonC has joined #databinding 14:03:31 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:03:31 On the phone I see ??P14, Priscilla, BT, George_Cowe 14:03:32 BT has pauld, otu 14:03:47 zakim, who is making noise? 14:03:58 pauld, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: BT (73%), George_Cowe (30%) 14:04:01 +Yves 14:04:20 zakim, mute george 14:04:20 George_Cowe should now be muted 14:04:40 zakim, unmute george 14:04:40 George_Cowe should no longer be muted 14:05:06 i'll try calling again 14:05:11 -George_Cowe 14:05:55 scribe: jonc 14:05:56 +George_Cowe 14:06:25 scribe:JonC 14:07:01 vlad has joined #databinding 14:07:26 +??P17 14:07:54 apologize for being late 14:07:59 JonC has joined #databinding 14:09:28 scribe: pauld 14:10:28 minutes from 19th September approved 14:14:41 pauld: welcomes Vladislav 14:15:00 thanks, Paul 14:16:35 pauld: as we run out of Issues, we're going to build agendas around tracking actions 14:17:16 george: we've a lot of patterns and examples around ISSUE-30 14:17:38 ACTION: pdowney to possibly raise issue to hold datatypes 14:17:38 Created ACTION-81 - Possibly raise issue to hold datatypes [on Paul Downey - due 2006-10-17]. 14:18:41 pauld: we've a bunch of patterns in our spec without examples, esp atribute patterns 14:20:51 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/edcopy/toolkits/soap4r_ruby_20051204/output.xml 14:24:20 pauld has joined #databinding 14:24:22 Topic: ISSUE-12 14:25:47 Topic: ISSUE-49 14:26:05 priscilla: anyType is the default type 14:26:34 ACTION: pwalmsle to investigate use of anySimpleType 14:26:35 Created ACTION-82 - Investigate use of anySimpleType [on Priscilla Walmsley - due 2006-10-17]. 14:26:54 JonC has joined #databinding 14:28:54 Topic: ISSUE-68 14:29:29 priscilla: still unclear on it's utility 14:29:39 pauld: unclear which schemas use it 14:30:13 priscilla: maybe you want the schema for schemas to validate extensions 14:32:06 Topic: ISSUE-71 14:32:15 yves: ok to cite non-normatively 14:33:21 pauld: how do we cite it in such as a way so they can use us and we can use them 14:33:42 s/and we/rather than/ 14:34:02 priscilla has joined #databinding 14:36:03 vladislav: xsd:import, and what other features 14:36:10 pauld: document encoding 14:36:27 george: multiple schemas for the same namespace 14:36:35 pwalmsle has joined #databinding 14:37:39 "If you plan to use this specification in the context of BP1.0 the following extra restrictions apply: (and here a list of the restriction imposed by BP). 14:37:51 that in a specific non-normative paragraph 14:41:20 RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-71 with Yves proposed non-normative section 14:45:22 ACTION: gcowe to look ate standa lone schemas for ISSUE-57 etc 14:45:24 Created ACTION-83 - Look ate standa lone schemas for ISSUE-57 etc [on George Cowe - due 2006-10-17]. 14:47:56 Topic: ISSUE-72 14:49:04 yves: we may be able to go to Rec with XPath in CR, depending upon the number of implementations 14:50:05 This conference is scheduled to end in 10 minutes; all ports must be freed 14:50:17 pauld: we could write our profile in notational conventions 14:50:52 yves: we could state we use it as a notational convention, but you don't need XPath 2.0 to conform to our spec 14:51:15 priscilla: XPath 2.0 is a subset of XQuery, so lots of tools potentially 14:51:29 vlad has joined #databinding 14:55:04 This conference is scheduled to end in 5 minutes; all ports must be freed 14:55:32 -Yves 14:55:33 -Vlad 14:55:34 -BT 14:55:35 -Priscilla 14:55:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/10-databinding-minutes.html Yves 14:55:39 -??P14 14:55:40 WS_DBWG()10:00AM has ended 14:55:42 Attendees were George_Cowe, Priscilla, pauld, otu, Yves, Vlad 14:55:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/10-databinding-minutes.html Yves 14:56:26 RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-72 with Yves proposal to clarify our relationship with XPath 2.0 14:56:47 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:56:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/10-databinding-minutes.html pauld 14:57:06 rrsagent, make logs public 16:36:26 Zakim has left #databinding