12:46:22 RRSAgent has joined #htmltf 12:46:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc 12:46:32 rrsagent, make log world 12:52:32 RalphS has joined #htmltf 12:54:13 Meeting: RDF-in-XHTML TF 12:54:34 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Oct/0016.html 12:54:56 Previous: 2006-10-03 http://www.w3.org/2006/10/03-htmltf-minutes.html 12:55:17 agenda+ Action Item Review 12:55:26 agenda+ Better Bnode Support 12:55:35 agenda+ CLASS and ROLE 12:55:46 Chair: Ben 12:58:45 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)9:00AM has now started 12:58:46 +Ralph 12:59:50 zakim, I am Ralph 12:59:50 ok, RalphS, I now associate you with Ralph 13:00:32 zakim, dial steven-617 13:00:32 ok, Steven; the call is being made 13:00:34 +Steven 13:03:00 +EliasT 13:03:07 benadida has joined #htmltf 13:03:27 uggh, trouble with network connectivity.. let's see how well this works 13:03:38 EliasT has joined #htmltf 13:04:17 +[IPcaller] 13:04:23 zakim, IPcaller is me 13:04:23 +benadida; got it 13:05:14 -benadida 13:05:16 zakim, who's on the phone 13:05:16 I don't understand 'who's on the phone', EliasT 13:05:17 zakim, who's on the phone? 13:05:17 On the phone I see Ralph, Steven, EliasT 13:05:30 Zakim, mute me 13:05:30 EliasT should now be muted 13:05:44 +Ben_Adida 13:06:05 Zakim, please unmute 13:06:05 I don't understand 'please unmute', EliasT 13:06:09 Zakim, please unmute me 13:06:09 EliasT should no longer be muted 13:06:37 zakim, take up agendum 1 13:06:37 agendum 1. "Action Item Review" taken up [from RalphS] 13:07:01 zakim, list agenda 13:07:01 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 13:07:02 1. Action Item Review [from RalphS] 13:07:03 2. Better Bnode Support [from RalphS] 13:07:04 3. CLASS and ROLE [from RalphS] 13:07:34 agenda+ Workflow on spec editing [Elias] 13:08:09 +??P5 13:08:22 Ben: everyone please send me email giving times you are available for TF telecons 13:08:58 MarkB_ has joined #htmltf 13:09:03 ACTION: All to send Ben email giving times you are available for TF telecons 13:09:07 zakim, ??p5 is Mark 13:09:07 +Mark; got it 13:09:39 q+ to ask about constraints 13:10:29 Ben: nothing earlier than 8am EST (== 1200 UTC until 29 Oct) 13:12:00 Steven: nothing later than 5PM my local time == 11am EST (== 1500 UTC until 29 Oct) 13:12:11 ... can start at 5PM 13:12:14 ACTION: Elias start an FAQ [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/03-htmltf-minutes.html#action10] 13:12:17 -- continues 13:12:24 [DONE] ACTION: Ben make sure RDFA bookmarklet runs locally [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action06] 13:12:43 Ben: I've made a tar file that will work with pretty much any Web server 13:12:59 ... there's some javascript magic; have to re-install the bookmarklet when you move servers 13:13:12 ACTION: Ben start separate mail threads on remaining discussion topics [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action07] 13:13:14 -- continues 13:13:17 ACTION: Ben update the issues list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action08] 13:13:19 -- continues 13:13:26 [DONE] ACTION: Ben write a prototype hGRDDL profile for XHTML 1 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action09] 13:14:11 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Oct/0018.html new bookmarklets (not stable yet) with hGRDDL for XHTML1 support [Ben 2006-10-09] 13:14:34 Ben: the May version of the bookmarklets assumed that the default namespace was XHTML 13:14:48 ... the October versions of the bookmarklets assume the default namespace is the local document 13:15:01 ... tested in FireFox and some in Safari 13:15:40 ... LINK and META in the body get repositioned to the HEAD by FireFox for contentType text/html 13:15:55 ... though if added to body via DOM they stay in body 13:16:16 ACTION: Steven to put together sample XHTML2 doc with all mime type, etc.. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action01] 13:16:18 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2006/xhtml2.xml 13:16:21 -- continues 13:16:30 Steven: first part is partly done 13:17:05 ... intentionally not yet serving with a proper content type (just plain XML) so I can test the stylesheet 13:17:23 ... I've added dotted borders to indicate the sections 13:17:46 ... the styling is just pure CSS 13:18:23 ... links should render with a hand pointer and appear clickable, though they're not yet clickable 13:19:00 TF home page: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/ 13:19:33 Ben: I've put schedule on the TF home page 13:20:13 zakim, next agendum 13:20:13 agendum 2. "Better Bnode Support" taken up [from RalphS] 13:20:55 Ben: my bookmarks and Elias' rdflib are the cited 'parsing code' 13:21:08 Elias: rdflib parses XML so I don't expect XHTML2 to be a problem 13:21:43 Ben: Ivan sent a bibtex example and asked how RDFa would represent this 13:21:52 ... Mark proposed a solution 13:22:41 Mark: ages ago we debated whether rel should become a default predicate for contained elements 13:23:06 ... fortunately we decided against this, which is good as now we can use rel alone as a way to connect 2 things 13:23:18 sample code: 13:23:19

13:23:24 ... my proposal is a bit like RDF/XML striping 13:23:36 ... the object becomes a nested subject 13:24:00 ... as Ivan pointed out, we had pretty good bnode support already but required explicit naming 13:24:19 ... in this proposal the element itself becomes the bnode 13:24:41 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Oct/0015.html 13:25:06 ^Re: better support for bnodes [Ben 2006-10-08] 13:25:14 Ben: currently, rel w/o href is not valid 13:25:50 q+ 13:25:55 ... the proposal is to say that absence of href means the child element is the bnode 13:26:56 Steven: re: your comment at the start of that message, I don't see why even META is needed 13:27:32 ... I'd need to understand why you thought SPAN was wrong 13:27:42 Ben: by current rules, using SPAN would make the subject the DIV 13:28:22 ... in this case, with rel and no href maybe we want an implicit about; so we could use SPAN, but we wouldn't be able to elide a second href 13:28:31 ... we want the subject to be the bnode so META is better 13:29:01 ... there may be a way to make SPAN work but according to the current rules SPAN would give a different subject 13:29:31 Mark: is really about the current document given current HTML rules 13:30:20 Ben: in the example in 0015, if the DIV had an about then all the contained triples would have the explicitly named node as their subject 13:30:31 s/DIV/P/ 13:30:33 ... in this case we just want to drop the explicit name 13:31:51 Mark: nice to use the techniques we've designed to avoid having to duplicate markup 13:31:58 rdf eh? 13:32:16 Mark: another interesting question is whether we could ever have a bnode without a rel? 13:32:27 ... perhaps would need this for reification, which IPTC needs 13:32:47 ... IPTC wants to say what time the statements were made, and by whom, etc. 13:33:04 Ben: not sure we have a way right now to reify a statement 13:33:16 Mark: yes, if META is a child of META then we reify 13:33:27 Ben: we had said this at one time but I though we'd dropped it 13:34:21 ... let's put reification on the agenda for next week 13:35:28 Ralph: striping is often a complaint of XML syntax 13:35:51 ... does it looks like what it represents? Does HTML intuition work? 13:36:03 ... it's explicable, but it should be intuitive, too. 13:37:42 Ben: it seems a natural idea to provide more detail in child elements 13:38:30 Elias: I like that it reduces our dependency on META and LINK 13:38:41 ... I'd like to try a variety of examples 13:39:05 ... would be good to have a test suite so we can examine the interactions 13:40:00 Ben: agree that we need test scenarios. In an early proposal we had striping but we took it out when Jeremy Carroll's XSLT uncovered that that proposal produced many more triples than we'd expected 13:40:43 ... let's produce more test examples to help evaluate how intuitive this is 13:40:57 Steven: the important part of Ivan's example is the triples, not necessarily the representation 13:41:10 ... e.g. we don't necessarily need to use LI to accomplish this 13:42:28 Ben: I can try to update my bookmarklet to support this example 13:43:17 Mark: we can revisit our current examples to see which ones would no longer need to give a local name to the bnodes 13:43:47 ACTION: Ben add striping support to bookmarklet to test new bnode support proposal 13:44:26 move to next agendum 13:44:26 agendum 3. "CLASS and ROLE" taken up [from RalphS] 13:44:42 Ben: [summarizing current state] 13:44:51 ... class maps to rdf:type 13:45:15 ... role becomes xhtml:role and we decide later whether to extend this 13:45:36 Mark: we do have the idea that role is a predicate of some sort 13:45:50 Ben: and we don't need to implement role in XHTML1, right? 13:46:18 Mark: but role is one of the XHTML2 success stories; people are already implementing it in current browsers, e.g. FireFox 13:46:48 Steven: I am worried that people will be up in arms about us adding new meaning to class where it has such a long history 13:47:15 ... I don't think from classic HTML that one can derive an rdf:type of 'red' if someone has written class='red' 13:47:30 ... I think Dan Connolly would complain as he's said that we should not change the meaning of existing documents 13:47:43 ... and the CSS and microformats communities consider class to be theirs 13:48:01 ... but this proposal does do something that microformats are already doing 13:48:11 ... though they use it both for type and for predicate 13:48:54 Ben: if we say that non-namespaced things are only local concepts; they'll generate RDF triples but things will only be local 13:49:15 would they need to be in [] ? 13:49:40 Steven: is it true that all the triples we care about in RDFa will have explicit namespaces indicated? 13:49:45 Ben: yes, I think so 13:49:56 Steven: I still fear backlash 13:50:23 Elias: would we need '[...]' ? 13:50:27 Ben, Mark: no 13:50:37 Elias: I'd like to get more feedback from the community 13:50:50 ... we're not changing people's meaning 13:51:04 Ben: it should not happen that we're making an RDF triple that people did not mean 13:51:14 Elias: nor are we matching lots of microformats 13:51:28 Ben: should not conflict with properly implemented microformats when they add a profile attribute 13:51:43 Elias: class looks better, and I don't think the microformats folk own class 13:52:20 [I'm inclined to think that using class is a good idea precisely because the microformats folk have shown that people like it] 13:53:09 Mark: we really are talking about rdf:type 13:53:25 ... and this affects onlhy people who do know what they're doing 13:53:57 ... class='red' works as it did before; if a processor wants to generate rdf:type=red it could do so but why worry? 13:54:04 s/onlhy/only/ 13:54:28 Mark: people need rdf:type in some form or another and the class solution works from lots of different angles 13:54:46 Ben: I do think it's safe to use class but I want to be sure we have consensus 13:55:37 Ben: any objections to sending mail to the community describing the proposal and explaining why we think it doesn't break existing uses? 13:55:40 [no objections] 13:56:05 ACTION Ben: draft message to the community describing the class proposal and explaining why we think it doesn't break existing uses 13:57:12 move to next agendum 13:57:12 agendum 4. "Workflow on spec editing" taken up [from Elias] 13:58:07 Elias: Dan notes that Ian Davis' ERDF proposal already put RDF classes into the class attribute, with some punctuation 13:59:03 Elias: why new URL for syntax document? 13:59:13 Ben: the previous draft had no official standing 14:04:25 Elias: note that the label text for Latest Version is not the same as the actual link 14:04:42 ... will http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-rdfa-syntax always be the latest editor's draft? 14:07:35 -Mark 14:21:12 [long discussion of 'Latest Version' and 'This Version' URIs for editor's drafts] 14:23:53 .. /rdfa-primer 14:23:58 .. /rdfa-syntax 14:24:53 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/ 14:29:08 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/OEP/SimplePartWhole/ 14:40:45 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/ 14:41:59 I propose http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/rdfa-syntax 14:42:45 for the Latest Version URI 14:43:56 rdfa-sytax/ 14:44:27 rq23/ 14:44:35 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/rdfa-syntax would proxy for http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/XHTML/rdfa-syntax-2006-10-xx 14:46:04 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/rdfa-syntax would proxy for http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/XHTML/rdfa-syntax-2006-10-xx/ 14:47:30 http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time 14:48:28 http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time -> http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-owl-time-20060927/ 14:49:24 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/rdfa-syntax would proxy for http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax-2006-10-xx/ 14:49:57 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/rdfa-syntax would proxy for http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax-200610xx/ 14:50:05 [agreed] 14:51:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Oct/0013.html 14:52:41 I propose: 14:52:55 1. edit http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2006-10-01-rdfa-syntax and fix the Latest Version URI 14:53:20 2. edit http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2005-rdfa-syntax and fix the Latest Version URI 14:53:40 in both cases the Latest Version URI is http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/rdfa-syntax 14:54:34 changed ... 14:54:41 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax 14:57:40 edit in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/ 14:58:07 edit in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/Overview.html 14:58:28 edit in http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/Overview.xml 15:01:18 ACTION: Ben move his live editor's draft to http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/Overview.html 15:01:24 s/.html/.xml/ 15:03:55 -EliasT 15:03:59 -Steven 15:09:34 go to the parent directory for WWW 15:09:42 cvs co WWW/2006/07/SWD 15:20:14 -Ben_Adida 15:20:25 -Ralph 15:20:26 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)9:00AM has ended 15:20:28 Attendees were Ralph, Steven, EliasT, benadida, Ben_Adida, Mark 15:20:52 I will redirect http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2006-10-01-rdfa-syntax now and wait to redirect http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/HTML/2006-10-01-rdfa-primer for you to create RDFa/primer/ 15:29:07 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:29:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-minutes.html RalphS 15:29:23 benadida has left #htmltf 16:15:43 zakim, bye 16:15:43 Zakim has left #htmltf 16:15:45 rrsagent, bye 16:15:45 I see 8 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-actions.rdf : 16:15:45 ACTION: All to send Ben email giving times you are available for TF telecons [1] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-09-03 16:15:45 ACTION: Elias start an FAQ [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/03-htmltf-minutes.html#action10] [2] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-12-14 16:15:45 ACTION: Ben start separate mail threads on remaining discussion topics [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action07] [3] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-13-12 16:15:45 ACTION: Ben update the issues list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action08] [4] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-13-17 16:15:45 ACTION: Steven to put together sample XHTML2 doc with all mime type, etc.. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action01] [5] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-16-16 16:15:45 ACTION: Ben add striping support to bookmarklet to test new bnode support proposal [6] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-43-47 16:15:45 ACTION: Ben to draft message to the community describing the class proposal and explaining why we think it doesn't break existing uses [7] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T13-56-05 16:15:45 ACTION: Ben move his live editor's draft to http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/Overview.html [8] 16:15:45 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/09-htmltf-irc#T15-01-18