13:37:57 RRSAgent has joined #er 13:37:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/04-er-irc 13:38:04 Zakim has joined #er 13:38:17 zakim, this will be ERT 13:38:17 ok, shadi; I see WAI_ERTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 22 minutes 13:38:23 meeting: ERT WG 13:38:29 chair: Shadi 13:38:44 regrets: Charles, CarlosI, CarlosV 13:39:09 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2006Oct/0001.html 13:39:21 agenda+ test subjects is a local file 13:39:32 agenda+ using rdf:about and/or uri:uri in WebContent 13:39:41 agenda+ location of "Extensibility" section 13:39:53 agenda+ location of "Schema" appendix 13:40:02 agenda+ prepare for reviewing "HTTP Vocabulary in RDF" 13:52:35 Daniela has joined #er 13:55:10 ChrisR has joined #er 13:59:21 WAI_ERTWG()10:00AM has now started 13:59:29 +Daniela 14:00:13 +Shadi 14:00:42 +[IPcaller] 14:01:03 zakim, ipcaller is really Chris 14:01:11 +Chris; got it 14:01:49 JohannesK has joined #er 14:02:34 +Klaus/Johannes/Thomas 14:02:57 Zakim, Klaus is really JohannesK 14:02:57 +JohannesK; got it 14:04:10 scribe: Chris 14:04:15 scribenick: ChrisR 14:04:32 zakim, take up agendum 1 14:04:32 agendum 1. "test subjects is a local file" taken up [from shadi] 14:05:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2006Oct/0000 14:07:29 JK: may be able to use "test subject" class otherwise can use "file content" class. 14:08:18 SAZ: recalls Charles saying we could use "test subject" class which is well formed URI but is not unique 14:08:32 file://mycompi.mydomain.org/tmp/file.txt 14:08:56 SAZ: could give "test subject" a unique ID 14:10:22 JK: can use IP number instead of "file:..." if IP is static 14:10:48 regrets: Charles, CarlosI, CarlosV, Jim 14:10:48 SAZ: although may not have an IP number at all 14:11:32 SAZ: is it important to store content of file? 14:11:51 JK: yes, especially if file is not public 14:12:28 JK: file content needs to go into report if file is not public 14:12:49 SAZ: proposal is to change "http body" in this content 14:13:32 JK: but "http body" does not have a domain yet and could be used anywhere if we change comment 14:13:53 SA: not good to change vocabulary because it should be stand alone 14:14:50 JK: we could create the propery in a namespace (e.g. "content") and extent "http body" property so "http body" is derived from it. 14:15:36 JK: the benefit is that we have "http body" property in proper vocabulary 14:17:43 SAZ: We have property to store URI and can put filename in there. But what are our needs? 14:18:30 JK: In RDF we need unique identifier for resource but not for property and we need that and to be unique. 14:19:12 JK: Filename is a label for stored content. 14:20:44 +[IPcaller] 14:21:01 JK: We need something for storing non-public content. 14:21:11 zakim, ipcaller is really David 14:21:11 +David; got it 14:21:21 davidr has joined #er 14:22:02 JK: We could use something like "body" property from HTTP. Could use as-is and then change describing stuff or could create another property and extend it. 14:22:53 JK: Could use in "test subject" but what to do when we test source code in various forms? 14:23:40 JK: May not need "file content" class. 14:25:31 SAZ: Wonders what are disadvantages of creating "file content" class?? 14:25:34 http:body rdfs:subPropertyOf foo:base64Content 14:26:09 TestContent has property foo:base64Content 14:26:17 s/TestContent/TestSubject/ 14:26:25 SAZ: If "file content" class we can recommend using properties like "file name" etc. 14:27:40 earl:filesource rdfs:subPropertyOf foo:base64Content 14:27:55 ...in earl:FileContent classes 14:28:23 SAZ: Can still use generic properties and still use specific sub-properties. 14:28:41 SAZ: Thinks that "file content" class has it's own uses. 14:30:00 SAZ: If no other comments will leave for now as we're a small group today. 14:30:28 SAZ: No hearing strong feelings for or against proposal so let stew. 14:30:39 zakim, close agendum 1 14:30:39 agendum 1, test subjects is a local file, closed 14:30:40 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:30:41 2. using rdf:about and/or uri:uri in WebContent [from shadi] 14:30:45 zakim, take up agendum 2 14:30:45 agendum 2. "using rdf:about and/or uri:uri in WebContent" taken up [from shadi] 14:30:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2006Sep/0056 14:31:59 JK: Could use "node" property in RDF. 14:32:34 SAZ: We could still propose to use it our way. 14:33:09 JK: uri:uri is part of HTTP request so if not there as property then somethink is missing. 14:33:42 SAZ: It's still there - as part of HTTP request although request is optional. So we have additional uri:uri property. 14:34:09 http://www.w3.org/TR/EARL10/#webcontent 14:34:16 JK: I'm OK with just using RDF: about. 14:34:16 "Term for URI" 14:35:28 JK and SAZ: Do not need uri:uri because we can use rdf: about. 14:36:19 earl:filename rdfs:subPropertyOf uri:uri 14:38:09 yes 14:38:22 SAZ: Everyone agree we don't need uri:uri in property class? 14:38:23 far more intuitive 14:39:12 resolution: Drop uri:uri in webcontent class. 14:39:34 zakim, close agendum 2 14:39:34 agendum 2, using rdf:about and/or uri:uri in WebContent, closed 14:39:35 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:39:36 3. location of "Extensibility" section [from shadi] 14:39:39 zakim, take up agendum 3 14:39:39 agendum 3. "location of "Extensibility" section" taken up [from shadi] 14:40:30 http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-EARL10-Schema-20060927/#extensibility 14:41:40 SAZ: Extensibility section not relavent to schema. Should be in EARL guide, not in schema. 14:41:46 +1 14:42:01 agree 14:42:58 Resolution: Move extensibility section from schema to EARL guide. 14:43:07 zakim, close agendum 3 14:43:07 agendum 3, location of "Extensibility" section, closed 14:43:08 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:43:10 4. location of "Schema" appendix [from shadi] 14:43:13 zakim, take up agendum 4 14:43:13 agendum 4. "location of "Schema" appendix" taken up [from shadi] 14:43:26 http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-EARL10-Schema-20060927/#schema-rdf 14:45:06 SAZ: RDF itself does not have it inside the doc but others (like FOAF) do have it inside. 14:45:30 JK: But they don't include the RDF schema in the spec. 14:47:23 JK: Don't have strong feelings but can be seperate or include in spec itself. 14:48:19 zakim, close agendum 4 14:48:19 agendum 4, location of "Schema" appendix, closed 14:48:20 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 14:48:21 5. prepare for reviewing "HTTP Vocabulary in RDF" [from shadi] 14:48:25 zakim, take up agendum 5 14:48:25 agendum 5. "prepare for reviewing "HTTP Vocabulary in RDF"" taken up [from shadi] 14:48:33 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/HTTP/WD-HTTP-in-RDF-20060705 14:49:25 SAZ: This doc will be a "note" not a "recommendation". 14:49:38 SAZ: Asks that everyone read it. 14:52:05 -JohannesK 14:52:05 davidr has left #er 14:52:06 -Daniela 14:52:07 -Shadi 14:52:09 -Chris 14:52:10 -David 14:52:11 WAI_ERTWG()10:00AM has ended 14:52:13 Attendees were Daniela, Shadi, Chris, Klaus/Johannes/Thomas, JohannesK, David 14:52:14 ChrisR has left #er 14:53:12 zakim, bye 14:53:12 Zakim has left #er 14:53:19 rrsagent, make logs world 14:53:27 rrsagent, make minutes 14:53:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/04-er-minutes.html shadi 14:53:29 rrsagent, make logs world 14:53:35 rrsagent, bye 14:53:35 I see no action items